BumpnGrind (11 page)

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Authors: Sam Cheever

BOOK: BumpnGrind
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Garrett didn’t hesitate to comply. He slipped two fingers
slowly inside her wet pussy, enjoying the way the honeyed walls grasped eagerly
at his fingers. Sweet cream bathed his fingers and he shoved the drenched,
insubstantial fabric of the thong to the side and leaned close again, covering
her clit with his mouth.

He sucked on the little bud and fucked her with his fingers
and felt her body vibrate with pleasure. Increasing the tempo of his
ministrations, he felt her riding the razor edge of release. But before she
fell over that edge, she stepped away from him and pushed him backward, to rest
against the curved end of the tub.

Her face was flushed and she panted softly into his ear as
she reached behind the tub. “Not so fast.” She grinned at him as her hand came
back with a long tie of some sort in it. It looked like the belt from a silk
robe. “I told you I was in charge.”

Garrett laughed, shaking his head. “You’re gonna tie me up?”
His voice was incredulous, but his body was definitely on board with the idea.
His cock felt like it would explode if he didn’t find release soon.

Felicia frowned. “Do you mind?” She slipped the tiny thong
down her legs and threw it across the room.

He reached up and tweaked a delicate, brown nipple
playfully. “Mistress Spanky, you’re not supposed to ask your sub if you can tie
him up, you just do it. And, just so you know, my safe word is Herfnerbler.”

She grinned. “I’m kind of new to this. Can you tell?”

He grew serious, “I can tell you’ve been giving this some
thought. Which makes me really hard.”

“Good.” Felicia bent over him and grabbed his wrists,
putting her luscious breasts right at mouth level. Garrett didn’t resist the
temptation they presented. “Let’s see what
does to you.”

She wrapped both wrists loosely together and tied him to the
legs of the heavy, marble table at the end of the tub. Garrett let his butt
slip down into the tub and settled in to suck her delicious nipples.

Felicia draped herself over him, enjoying his attentions for
a moment, before sliding her body slowly down his and pressing her pussy over
his hard cock. She swung her hips to graze the heat of her folds across him.

Her lips covered his nipples and her teeth nibbled there.
When she closed down on a hard little bud, Garrett gasped. Her bite was just a
hair over comfortable, touching on pain. He went very still until she tugged on
the nipple while pressing against his cock. His groan was nearly desperate.



“I need to be inside you. Now!”

She shook her head, transferring her stimulating attentions
to the other nipple. “You have to beg.”

He groaned. “Please?”

She bit down, a little harder this time, bringing his hips
arching up underneath her. “Please what?” Felicia ground down on him, so hard
he could feel the slickness of her pussy against the vein on the underside of
his cock.

“Please, Mistress Spanky…”

Felicia giggled.

“Please let me fuck you. Hard. Long. And fast.”

Felicia’s mouth moved from his nipples to his lips. She
sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and bit down on it, giving it the same
treatment she’d given his nipples. Garrett held his breath, praying she’d take
pity on him soon.

“Okay.” She rose up and grasped him, plunging him deeply
into her body.

Garrett’s eyes rolled back in his head as pleasure swamped
him. His toes curled under and his legs went rigid from the intensity of being
buried deep within her. Finally. But then he realized something. “Wait, no

Felicia lowered her lips to his and lifted her hips until
only the fat head of his cock remained inside. “We’ll adjust.” She slammed back
down on his cock and all the breath left Garrett’s lungs. The world fell away.
All thoughts of earlier events were buried behind the sensations she was
creating. His whole awareness narrowed down to the woman riding his cock.

Her kiss savaged his mouth. She angled her head to take the
kiss ever deeper and speared her tongue between his lips. Their tongues danced
hungrily as their bodies climbed toward orgasm.

Not used to being passive when making love with a woman,
Garrett pulled constantly at his bonds. He ached to hold her heavy breasts in
his hands and control the intensity of their joining. But he found other ways
to contribute. Digging his heels into the bottom of the tub, he arched his
hips, making it easier for her to ride his cock and fuck him senseless. He
gritted his teeth, praying he’d be able to hold out longer than Felicia.

Her body tightened around his, enticing, encouraging him
toward release. He thought about the looming pro football strike to keep from
being pulled over the edge. Felicia’s eyes were closed, her mouth was open, and
sexy little sounds were emerging from her throat as she worked him, riding his
cock like her own personal rodeo bull, while she palmed her own breasts and
tweaked her creamy brown nipples.

A few minutes later she stopped moving, shuddered once, and
jerked into release. Her pussy grasped his cock, milked it, and sent it into
the first spasms of release.

Garrett dropped his hips to dislodge her from his shaft just
as he started to come. Felicia settled herself over his balls and rubbed
herself along his full length, sending him into new spasms of pleasure with the
feel of her soft pussy against his skin.

As his muscles softened into the aftermath of his orgasm,
Felicia collapsed over him, panting. “I really kicked your ass, didn’t I?”

Garrett captured her soft lips, inhaling her laughter. “I’m
totally subjugated, bruised and battered.”

Biting her bottom lip, she reached over him and tugged on
the tie, releasing his hands. “Hopefully not
battered and bruised. I
was thinking, maybe, you might like to return the favor…” she grinned at him,
“Master Dom.”

Garrett laughed. “Master Dom at your service. Just give me
five minutes to catch my breath.”

She stood and climbed from the tub, grabbing a thick, heated
towel and heading toward the bed. “Take your time. I’ll just be right out

Garrett dumped half the water from the tub to the floor as
he leapt out and ran after her.

A moment later the play began with a wet body slam down onto
the bed and a lot of happy squealing.

* * * * *

Felicia sat at the bar and watched Garrett perform. He was
dressed as an Egyptian pharaoh and had a fake cobra around his waist, flicking
it suggestively at the ladies who were packed around the stage. She’d wavered
between laughing at the antics going on and wanting to scratch the eyes out of
a couple of the more insistent women.

Especially the cute little blonde who was just about
Garrett’s age and looked like she wanted to eat him for dessert.

Felicia forced herself to stay at her table, away from the
stage, and take comfort from the occasional wink from Garrett as he managed to
evade the clutching fingers and occasional stage hopper with practiced ease.

Bliss strolled over from the bar, where she’d been chatting
with Bruno, and slid into the seat next to her. “Cute costume, huh?”

Felicia saw the suspicious sparkle in her friend’s eye and
nudged her with an elbow. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to seeing women
throw themselves at him.”

Bliss cocked her head. “Ever? As in long-term relationship?
Dare I hope you’ve joined the sisterhood and the twenty-first century?”

Felicia pinched her friend’s arm. “Maybe.”

Bliss let out a whoop that had people at several nearby
tables glancing their way. Felicia ducked her head with embarrassment. “You go,
girl! I’m proud of you.”

“It’s not like it’s a huge hardship dating Garrett, you

Bliss guffawed. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Felicia could feel herself turning red.


She turned and looked at the woman who’d spoken. For a
moment she couldn’t put a name with the vaguely familiar face. Then it clicked.
It was Susie Walters. She’d been a friend once, before Felicia’s divorce.

“Hi, Susie. How are you?”

The woman looked embarrassed. “I-I’m good. I’m surprised to
see you here.”

All the old feelings of rejection resurfaced. Susie Walters
was part of the group of women who’d rejected her after the divorce. Felicia
had thought Susie, and a few others, were her friends. She’d learned
differently once she was no longer part of a couple. Felicia opened her mouth
to give the woman back a smart retort…but then she realized she didn’t really
care about all that anymore. She had real friends now, people who liked her for
herself, not because she was married to one of the wealthiest men in the

“I’m here to watch my lover dance.”

Susie Walters staggered comically, her hand going to her
heart. “Are you serious?”

Felicia laughed at the woman’s shocked face. “I am. That’s
Garrett.” She pointed toward the stage and Susie’s gaze swung to where Garrett
and his…snake…held the roomful of women entranced by their athletic swaying,
bumping, and grinding.

Susie’s face, when she turned back, was filled with awe. Her
mouth opened and she just stood there, as if unsure what to say. Finally she
lifted a hand toward Felicia. “Give me five, honey, you are one lucky bitch!”

Felicia patted the chair on her other side and Susie sat

“So,” Felicia asked the other woman, “What are you doing

Susie had to wait to speak because the music stopped and the
room erupted in applause and ribald cheers. When it quieted down, Susie said,
“Some of my friends and I have been coming here for weeks. It’s fun, and we
feel a bit like we’re getting away with something.”

Bliss nodded knowingly. “That’s how it started with me too.
Then it became an addiction. Now I come here several times a week.” She grinned
wickedly. “Sometimes I bring my boyfriend.”

Susie’s eyes sparkled with pleasure. “I’m thinking about
coming on Wednesday nights. I understand they have customer sandwich night on

Bliss laughed, leaning closer. “Honey, let me tell you, they
do not skimp on the meat in that sandwich.”

Felicia narrowed her eyes at Bliss. “What the hell is a
customer sandwich?”

The two women at the table with her shared a knowing look.
“Oh, you’ll see. I’m bringing you here on Wednesday. You haven’t lived until
you’ve become the middle in a male stripper sandwich.”

Felicia’s eyes widened as she realized what they were
talking about. “Oh my!”

Susie said, “Ah. Hey, did you hear what happened to Dave

“Something happened to Dave? I called his office yesterday
to get an appointment and was told he’d be out for an extended period of time.
They wouldn’t tell me why though. What happened?”

Susie sat back in her chair, her face filled with horror.
“Somebody came into his office and beat him pretty badly with a lamp.”

Felicia’s mouth went dry and her pulse shot into panic
range. Stars sparkled in front of her eyes as the blood flooded from her face.

“Are you okay?” Susie’s face swam for a moment behind the
stars but Felicia took a deep breath and managed to keep from passing out.

“When did this happen?”

Susie’s face screwed up as she thought about it. “Friday
night, I think.”

Felicia’s world crashed around her. She looked up to see
Garrett, looking handsome and sexy in his street clothes, striding toward her
with a smile on his face. Suddenly she felt as if she would throw up.

The Yoga Studio had been trashed Thursday night. The next
day, Friday, as they stood in the parking lot with Giorgio and Penelope,
Garrett had accused Dave of being responsible and had vowed Dave wouldn’t get
away with it. Maybe that hadn’t been all talk.

Without warning her mind showed her images of Garrett
grabbing Dave and flinging him up against the car…of punching the guy who’d
accosted her in the bar and then…his battered body in the parking lot.

Felicia moaned and stumbled up, running toward the ladies’
room to throw up. She only hoped she made it in time so she didn’t add abject
embarrassment to the horror that her life had just become.

Chapter Ten


Garrett waited anxiously outside the ladies’ room, listening
to the sounds of retching and then sobbing through the door. He’d sent Bliss in
there several moments earlier and was just about ready to invade the sanctity
of the ladies’ room to check on Felicia.

He’d already decided he was going in if she didn’t come out
in five minutes.

When the door finally opened he looked up expectantly. It
was Bliss. Her dark gaze was wary. Garrett stepped forward. “Is she okay?”

Bliss stepped back, glancing toward the bar with something
that looked like fear in her eyes.

“Bliss? What the hell’s going on here?”

“She doesn’t want to see you, Garrett. You need to go away
and leave her alone.”

He took a step toward the door and Bliss stepped directly in
front of him, her beautiful brown face paling noticeably. “I’m not going to let
you in there, Garrett. You can hit me if you want, but I won’t go down without
a fight.”

Garrett just stared at her, shock making his mind go blank.
“Hit you? What the hell are you talking about? I wouldn’t hit you. Why would I
hit you?”

“I don’t know, Garrett. Why would you hit anybody?”

He shook his head. “You aren’t making any sense, Bliss. This
doesn’t make any sense. Get out of my way so I can go see if Felicia is all

She stood her ground, looking terrified. “I can’t. Go away,
Garrett. Leave her alone. She’s scared of you.”

That stopped him. He brushed a hand over his eyes, trying to
make sense of what Bliss was saying. “Scared of me? Why? What’s happened?”

“Somebody beat the living hell out of Dave Foust.” Garrett
turned at the sound of Bruno’s voice behind him. He didn’t like the look on his
friend’s face. Bruno should have known better than to think Garrett would beat
a defenseless older man.

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