BumpnGrind (7 page)

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Authors: Sam Cheever

BOOK: BumpnGrind
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* * * * *

Garrett was just finishing up his “I love America” set when
he saw the two women walk into the room with a tall man wearing wire-rimmed
glasses. He frowned, hoping the man wasn’t there with Felicia.

Garrett pulled a well-padded brunette off his leg and headed
toward the bar to greet Felicia. “Sorry, darlin’, this cowboy’s got a wild
mustang to tame.”

The woman whimpered as if he’d physically harmed her and sat
back in her seat, pouting like an adolescent. He tipped his white cowboy hat
toward her and turned away, giving her a parting jerk of his butt to make her
feel better.

Women all along the stage squealed with delight.

* * * * *

Felicia turned toward the stage when the women started
screaming. She spotted Garrett ambling toward her, wearing only cowboy boots, a
flag-colored thong and a white cowboy hat. He had a gun belt around his waist
with one pistol in it.

He jumped down off the stage and swaggered toward them,
tipping his hat. “Ma’am. You look like you might need to ride a cowboy.”

“Save a horse?” Felicia offered.

Garrett tipped his hat to her. “Exactly what I was
thinking.” He offered his hand to the tall man with them. “Hey! Garrett

The man shook his hand, showing no inclination to be
competitive. Bliss leaned toward him and he put his arm around her waist
possessively. “This is my honey, Brad Hoffman.”

Relief flooded Garrett. “Nice to meetcha.” He turned to
Felicia. “I’m glad you came.” He touched her chin with a finger. “I’ve missed

“Let’s get drinks.” Bliss took off toward the bar.

They followed her swaying backside to the bar and Brad
ordered the women white zinfandel and himself a beer. “Can I buy you a drink?”
he asked Garrett.

“No. Thanks. I’m on again in a few minutes.”

Brad’s eyebrows lifted behind his glasses but he simply

Garrett gave the man points just for walking into the club.


Felicia leaned on the bar, giving Garrett a smoldering look.
“I love cowboys. You look downright edible.”

Garrett fondled the gun, which Felicia hoped was just a toy,
and frowned. “Ma’am, I expect you to misbehave while you’re in these here

Feeling playful, Felicia leered. “If you let me get into
them thar parts I’d be happy to misbehave.”

Garrett threw back his head and laughed. Felicia licked her
lips, her body warming with expectation.

“Garrett, buddy. Are you gonna introduce us?”

Garrett slapped the man on the back. “Bruno Hench, my name
is Garrett Holcomb. Nice to meetcha.”

The women giggled and Bruno shook his head. “Very funny,

“This very ugly dude is Bruno. My oldest friend and a true
reprobate. I’d advise against letting him corner you near the ladies’ room.”

“Or the men’s room,” Bruno added.

Hoffman shook hands with the bartender and Bliss touched his
hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Bruno. You have a great place here.”

Bruno winked at her. “Coming from one of my best customers
that’s a high compliment.”

Brad cocked an eyebrow at her. “Best customer?”

Bliss laughed, not at all worried. “You keep going out of
town. I get bored.”

Brad snaked an arm around her waist and tugged her close,
“Then I guess I’ll have to take you with me next time.” He captured her lips in
a smoldering kiss.


Garrett reached across the bar and enfolded one of Felicia’s
hands, pulling it to his lips. “Why don’t you come to my dressing room with me?
I might need some help changing out of this outfit.”

Felicia fixed him with an assessing look. “Yeah, I can see
that. The thong looks especially complex.”

“You have no idea. I have a mail-order engineering degree
and I still can’t get the thing off without help.”

Felicia licked her lips, feeling decadent and happy about
it. “Well, I’ve never been one to refuse help to those in need.”

“Oh, I need,” he told her as he gave her hand a tug and
pulled her across to the bar. “I need lots of help from you, beautiful lady.”

She shivered with sensual delight and her knees suddenly
felt like butter. It was all she could do to put one Jimmy Choo in front of the
other and follow him to the back of the bar.

Chapter Six


Garrett pulled her through the door to his dressing room, a
ten-by-ten cubicle with no ceiling, and spun her into his arms as he slammed
the flimsy door behind him. His lips covered hers hungrily.

Felicia’s pulse shot into the danger zone as she melted
against him. His sensual aura enveloped her, pulling her into its addictive
core and cocooning them in a world where no one else existed.

On some level she was aware of sounds nearby—doors slamming
and the sound of hangers being strung on metal bars—but her body was on fire
and it was all she could do to retain an ounce of sensibility.

Garrett reached down to the hem of her little black dress
and slid it upward, running his warm palms along her thighs as he lifted it to
her waist.

Felicia pulled her lips from his and glanced down. “No Road
Runner today?”

“Cowboys don’t wear cartoon characters on their crotches.”

She lowered her head and nuzzled his neck. It was warm and
slightly bristly from the shadow of his beard and smelled like man. Inhaling
deeply, she swept her tongue from the base of his throat, over his Adam’s apple
and up to his chin.

Garrett groaned and captured her lips again.

Felicia slid her hands over his exposed buttocks, enjoying
the warm smoothness of his skin. She hooked her fingers in the top of the thong
and peeled it down, stepping back so she could watch him spring free.

Licking her lips, she dropped to her knees and pressed her
face against the hard length of him.

“You’re killin’ me, darlin’.”

Felicia smiled at the cowboy twang. She decided to play
along, adopting her own drawl. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, cowboy.” She parted
her lips and slid them over the thick head of his penis, drawing him into the
heated cave of her mouth.

Garrett’s head dropped back on a moan, his hands fisting in
her hair. Felicia moaned too, thoroughly immersed in the explosive heat of the
moment and enjoying the sweet, salty taste of his skin in her mouth.

She buried the thick length of his cock deep in her mouth,
working her teeth and tongue gently over the hard flesh as she slid it slowly
back out. Her tongue found the tiny hole in the fat head of his shaft and
tasted him there. He moaned as her fingers caressed the taut sac of his balls,
running along the sensitive skin just behind and to the puckered skin of his
sweet ass.

He widened his stance as her finger teased the sensitive,
puckered flesh and his cock jumped in her mouth.

Garrett pulled her to her feet. “I can’t take any more of
that, Lissy.” Reaching over to where he’d deposited his jeans on the back of a
nearby chair, he dug in the pocket for his emergency condom and slipped it on.

He grabbed her under the buttocks and lifted her off her
feet, sliding her down over his throbbing flesh.

Felicia gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck. She
laid her head on his shoulder and lost herself in the incredible sensation of
his flesh scraping wonderfully over the sensitized skin of her core and the
feel of his hard body against hers.

Her release built steadily and quickly. Pleasure swept over
her in waves. Beneath her arms his shoulders were rigid as he lifted and then
lowered her hips, plundering her body with deep, toe-curling thrusts. Her body
tightened and throbbed as she approached that elusive peak. She savored the
mind-numbing rhythm, her breath exploding from her chest in frantic bursts,
until finally, she threw back her head and cried out, shuddering into release
with his name on her lips.

Garrett buried himself deeply within her and stiffened in
his own violent release. As his orgasm gentled to waves of residual pleasure,
he found her lips again in a still hungry kiss. When he pulled his lips from
hers a moment later, he lowered his head to rest his forehead against hers. His
hot breath bathed her with its sweet musk.

“Darlin’, that was incredible. I haven’t had a ride like
that since I broke that wild filly with the silver tail and the bad attitude at
the ranch last year.”

Felicia, still breathing hard, smacked him on the arm. “Put
me down, you ass. I’ll give you wild filly.”

Garrett allowed her to slide to the ground but kept his arms
around her waist. “Promise?”

Felicia giggled like a schoolgirl and bit her lip with
embarrassment. “You’re a very naughty boy, Garrett Holcomb.”

“Ooh, sugar, I like the sound of that. You gonna spank me?”

“I just might. You never know.”

A fist hit the door hard and they both jumped. “Five
minutes, Romeo.”

Felicia felt color swamping her face as she realized the
whole damn place had probably heard them making love. Garrett kissed the tip of
her nose. “Don’t worry about it, darlin’. They won’t tease you. It’s me they’re
after.” He waggled his eyebrows and turned away. “Stay with me while I get
dressed, then I’ll walk you back out front before I start my set.”

* * * * *

Thursday nights were relatively quiet in the club. Having
been there several nights in a row to spend time with Garrett, Felicia was
starting to get the pulse of the place. She sat back in the corner at a table
by herself to watch Garrett’s show. Bliss and Brad were swaying at the edge of
the small dance floor, oblivious to everything and everyone else in the bar.

Garrett had replaced the cowboy outfit with a Roman soldier
getup. He wore a short, pleated leather skirt, leather sandals with straps
crisscrossing up his legs, and not much else. He brandished a plastic sword in
various suggestive ways that made her giggle.

She observed the women, mostly drunk, screaming and throwing
themselves at him with decidedly mixed emotions. She was pleased that other
women found him irresistible and proud that he seemed to have chosen her above
all of them. On the other hand, she wasn’t confident enough in their
relationship to sit there smugly without suffering some pangs of worry and

It definitely helped that he occasionally looked her way and

“Are you saving that seat for me?”

Felicia glanced up at the young man bending over her. He was
dressed conservatively, in a black turtleneck and nicely pleated gray slacks.
He wore his dark-brown hair very short and he was attractive. Very attractive.

But the smile he offered her didn’t quite reach his
dark-green eyes.

“Sorry. I’m waiting for a friend.”

Unbelievably, he pulled out the chair next to her and sat
down. “I could be that friend.”

“No. I mean a particular friend.”

“Turns out I’m very particular.”

She glanced toward the stage but Garrett was busy trying to
extract the leather tie of one sandal from between the teeth of a tall,
attractive, and very determined redhead.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

She kept her gaze fixed on the stage, hoping the guy would
get the hint and go away.

No such luck. He leaned close and grabbed her hand off the
table. “How about you and I go someplace quiet and talk?”

Felicia jerked her head around, her mouth falling open in
shock. “I don’t even know you. I told you I’m waiting for my boyfriend to join
me. Please go away.”

The man lifted one eyebrow and smiled again. Felicia
shivered slightly from that smile. It was predatory and didn’t quite reach his
eyes. “No. You said a friend. A friend could be anyone.” He turned toward the
shadows, where Bliss stood alone, leaning against the wall. Brad must have gone
to the men’s room. “Like that beautiful black woman for example.”

Felicia gasped and stood up, reaching for her purse.

The man rose too and grabbed her arm. “Now if you’ll just
come with me quietly I promise I won’t hurt you. I just want to have some fun.
I’ve been told you like to have fun. You do like to have fun, don’t you,

She tried to jerk her hand away from his but he wasn’t
letting go. “Stop it! What the hell’s wrong with you! I’m not going anywhere
with you.”

“I think you are.” Unbelievably the man pulled his fist back
like he was going to punch her.

He never got the chance.


Garrett finally managed to extricate himself from Polly, the
aggressive and horny legal secretary who was a regular visitor to the club, and
looked toward Felicia’s table. At first he didn’t see her. She’d left her seat.

His first thought was that she’d gone to the ladies’ room.
Then he found her and nearly choked with rage. A man was trying to pull Felicia
toward the door.

She was struggling to get her arm free and looked terrified.

Garrett lost awareness of everything else in the place as he
leapt off the stage and stormed toward them. He heard Bruno call his name but
ignored him, his full attention focused on the tussle still going across the

Suddenly the man cocked his arm as if he would hit Felicia.
Garrett lost any semblance of control he might have had left and launched
himself at the creep.

The first thing Felicia was aware of was a growling sound.
The next thing she felt was a painful tug on her arm as something large slammed
into her attacker, sending him flying into the wall.

Garrett grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt with one
hand and punched him in the face with the other. She could tell he wanted to
keep punching but managed to restrain himself.


Bruno arrived with Bliss closely in his wake and wedged
himself between Garrett and the dazed-looking jerk who’d accosted her.

“Okay, Garrett, ole’ buddy. That’s enough.”

“He attacked Felicia.”

Bruno nodded. “I got that, man. I don’t blame you for
hitting him. But that’s where it stops. This scum isn’t worth jail time, man.”

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