Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 (35 page)

BOOK: Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2
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Up next: an exciting excerpt from Becca Taylor.

Her new novel will be here very shortly!

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Chapter One



Just pretend to be asleep. He won’t know the difference. This is my nightly routine for when Travis finally comes home. I curl on my side of the bed, pull the covers up tight around my face, pretending to be asleep. We stay on our sides of the bed, never even touching each other anymore. Not a kiss hello or goodbye, forget about holding hands.

Since Travis moved into my apartment, things just changed. His first night living with me, I thought it would be nice to cook him a big meal, you know, surprise him after work. I sat in the living room for hours after dinner was cooked, waiting and waiting. When he finally decided to come home, smelling of beer and sweat, I knew this was a mistake. All I could manage to say was, “Welcome home. Dinner is in the fridge if you want something.”

He looked at me. “I already ate. I went out with the boys tonight.”

Every night, I eat dinner alone while he goes “out with the boys”. I know what out with the boys means to Travis. As far as I knew, he never cheated on me. What I did know, however, is that he enjoyed checking out the merchandise at the local girly bar. I have no problems with someone going to a strip club. I do have an issue when it happens every night, when you have a woman at home waiting. This is why I never let him know that I’m actually awake. As soon as he falls asleep, I make my way to the couch. I refuse to sleep next to him after he has been out with his boys.

Tonight, it is different. As I lay in bed, Travis says my name. “Katerina, wake up.” I say nothing. “Katerina, I need to talk to you. Wake up.”

He shakes me gently to get me to wake up. “What is it Travis? I was asleep.” I lied. He is standing by the side of the bed, with a duffle bag in hand.

“I can’t do this anymore. I’m leaving, for good. I can’t handle living here with you.” Turning, he walks out the front door, leaving his key on the dresser I bought for him as a welcome home gift. When I finally take a moment to look around, I notice most of his other stuff was already gone. Not that he had much here. Travis hasn’t been living here that long.

After the rumble of his truck quiets as he drove away, I felt fine. Not sad, not devastated, or even angry. A slight smile forms on my face.  And for the first night in a month, I got to sleep in my own bed.


Chapter Two



Here I am, one month later, out on a Friday night. Getting my freak on with my girls. That’s the kind of mood I’m in tonight, so yes, I said Getting My Freak On. We are at the hottest club in downtown Naples, Florida. Club Elements is living up to be everything and more. The music is pumping through the speakers. The place is a sea of moving, writhing bodies. The club is different from any other place I’ve been before. Which is not saying that much, since the only clubs I went to were to hear Travis’s band play.

When we first got here, I spun around like a kid in a candy store just taking in the view. The walls illuminate red and orange, glowing like flames in a fire. Blue strobe lights above remind me of the Gulf water at night rippling in the moon light. Every hour fans blow to create a windstorm. Behind the DJ booth is a set of four giant televisions showing different scenes of each element: earth, air, fire and water. The perimeter of the club is lined with leather half circle booths, almost sofa like with large oval tables. From the booths, you still get a great view of the dance floor, so you can people watch or kick back with your friends.

We’ve been at the club for an hour now. I wore my shortest, curve hugging dress in cranberry red. This is my signature color. It goes good with my bronze American Indian skin tone. My hair looks fabulous--long, chocolate brown, loose spirals hang down to my mid back. My shoes are a strappy wedge. I don’t need to be falling on my ass while dancing. Yes, it may provide some amusement for the locals, but my intension is not to be the entertainment tonight. I am looking for my own personal entertainment, someone who can satisfy a certain need. Before you get the wrong idea about me, I’m not the type who sleeps around with random men. I never had a one-night stand, never even came close. In fact, I have slept with a grand total of two men.

Tonight is the first night I am putting myself out there again. After Travis left, I realized I based my life around his. I needed my own goals, a bucket list. Calling it that sounded too boring, like Travis. My grandmother, to this day, tells me her stories, she calls them adventures. It makes life seem more exciting calling it an adventure, and exactly what I need…. excitement. Slowly, I’ve been forming my own list of adventures. Tonight I am ready to cross some items off that list, and “pick up guy at club” just happens to be on it. That is if someone catches my eye. Looking for a new man was not on my agenda, but I may be persuaded to go to an after-hours party, for two. There is only one requirement…. Must be smokin’ hot.

For six long years, Travis the Douche, his accurate name, and I went to the same two bars where everyone was his friend. A typical evening’s conversation would consist of…

“Why can’t you dress more like her?” “Because I’m not a stripper, Travis.”

“Why can’t your body look more like that?” “Because I’m not made to be a size zero, Travis.”

“I don’t like your hair like that.” “Well, how do you want it to look? This is the hair I was born with, Travis.”

And so on and so on. Ok, so I lied… there is more than one requirement. He cannot be a douche, like my ex, this means he must know how to have a good time!

At this moment, I wonder why it took me so long to open my eyes and see that Travis, in fact, is a Douche. When he told me he couldn’t handle living with me, I was dumbfounded. There was nothing for him to handle. I handle all the cooking, cleaning, pay the electric, and the rent. The only job he had, pay the cable bill. Aly looks at me, knowing my thoughts are drifting. “If you don’t stop that, I’ll slap you upside the head.” Because that’s what best friends say to you when you are being an idiot. I let Travis affect my life for too long. So, that’s it! I am stripping all thoughts of The Douche out of my head and moving on.

My girls and I are finally letting off some much needed steam. I brought Alyssa, my best friend for life. Lexi is the resident party girl of our group. She only does one-night stands or keeps friends with benefits, saying relationships are too much work. Then there is Dani, my coworker, and Jade, who I met the night of my twenty-first birthday. It has been a month since the Douche incident and I feel fantastic. We are dancing, bumping and grinding against anything and everything that is male because it makes us feel sexy.

Elements’ serves these amazing signature drinks that match their theme, and I plan on trying each one. I make my way to the bar with Aly and Lexi. As we walk, Lexi is giving me pointers, indicating out options for the night. Before I can even consider approaching anyone, I need more courage. When we arrived earlier, I started out light; it was a fruity drink with edible flowers. This time, I decided to go with the ocean blue martini. As we step up to the bar, the three of us partake in the literal smoking shots. They serve them in a tray of six, each one different. Once we each have our own set, we toast each other, then down the hatch...because that's how we roll tonight.

The effects of the alcohol are definitely kicking in and I'm ready to hit the dance floor again. The DJ is playing a Ke$ha mix. Blow comes through the speakers. Instantly, I start scanning the crowd for Jade. She points to me from across the dance floor. You know that one song, the one that makes you happy, no matter what kind of mood you are feeling? You turn the song up full blast in the car, all the men honk, while the women look at you as if you are completely crazy? That’s what this song does to me. Jade and I first heard this song on a road trip together. When I reach her, I start my best hip shake. I’m not a dancer by any means, but I know how to shake what God gave me. God blessed me with hips and a set of boobs to match. For the first time in my life, my five foot seven, size ten frame felt sexy.

The DJ goes straight into the hot song of the summer, one with a sensual beat behind it. While getting into the groove of the music, I suddenly feel two hands on my hips. I don't look back, yet, because I can’t bear to be disappointed. I look at Lexi and she does a double wink, our signal that he fits requirement one. A single wink with a hand sweeping the shoulder means do the spin and leave move.

I continue shaking my ass against his length. The longer we grind, the more I feel him growing harder and harder. His arm snakes around my waist pulling me tight to his chest, which feels like a brick wall of solid muscle. I move my hands up around his neck into his hair, loving the length, short, but just enough for me to grab. Please let him be hot. I don’t think my girl would lie to me, but I’m not in the mood for a tease from them.

Maybe it's the alcohol, but who cares? I never get to act like this. I'm twenty-six and SINGLE.

He moves my hair over my one shoulder. I can feel his warm breath on my ear. "You having a good time tonight?" His voice has a deep rasp to it that goes straight to my panties. I glance over my shoulder to see the face behind the sexy voice. What I notice first is the full set of kissable lips, then I see his eyes. His eyes don’t disappoint, they are a green with rim of hazel around the edge, surrounded by thick lashes. Yes, eyes are my weakness. 

He gets close to my ear so I can hear him over the music. "What’s your name, baby?" Once again, the sound of his voice affects me, for a moment I forget my name. It feels like an eternity has passed before I finally lean close to ear to tell him my name. Get it together, Katerina, you got this girl!

“Why don’t you turn around so I can properly introduce myself?” I turn, staring at the wall of hotness in front of me. He is wearing a dark t-shirt that is tight against his chest and arm muscles. His jeans are a dark wash that hug his firm ass. I may be a sucker for eyes, but a sexy ass will get me going every time! I think I had a mini orgasm just looking at him. He pulls me hard to his body, thrusting his leg between mine, grinding against me. Damn, this is hot. “I’m Caleb. Nice to meet you Katerina.”

The way he says my name. Instantly, my body is on fire. “My friends call me Kat.”

Caleb pulls my arms back around his neck. Instinctively, they go into his hair again. Now that I know what he looks like, his hair is even nicer! It’s so freakin’ soft, I wonder what shampoo he uses. Either he forgot to shave today, or he always has scruff, giving him that sexy masculine look. His scent, Old Spice Fiji, is driving me crazy. I know it well, from smelling the bottles at work. Definitely all male. “I guess we will have to become friends then, Kat.” Caleb says back to me.

The song ends, but we continue dancing through the next few songs. God, it feels so good to be held like this. He turns me around again, so my ass is snug against his front. My body feels as though it’s molded into his.

"Put your hand in my hair again, baby. I liked the way you were touching me." I’ll do whatever you want. Keep it together, Kat. Caleb puts his hand on my chin, tilts my head to the side so he exposes my neck, dropping his lips first on my shoulders. He begins trailing light kisses all the way up to my ear. I can feel his tongue making contact with each kiss, leaving my skin slightly dampened. When he hits each sensitive spot, goose bumps form on my skin. The way he touches me has me wanting more. I grip his hair tighter, pulling his lips to mine. He teases my lips with his tongue before gently biting, which causes my mouth to open. As if he’s tasting me, he grazes my tongue lightly, before entangling it with mine. This is the sexiest kiss I ever had. Panty melting, toe curling, chills down my spine good. My ex never kissed like this. Check on my list, kiss someone who makes your knees go weak. My grip on his hair tightens as Caleb deepens the kiss, rolling his tongue against mine with each stroke in. My stomach and other female parts quiver in response. 

Just when I thought my panties might melt off, I feel someone bump against my side…Aly. Her eyes are bugged out, giving me her best what the fuck gesture…. because hello, I don’t know this guy! Her bumping into me forces me to stop kissing Caleb, which causes him to groan and squeeze my hip. I look at Aly. I mouth "cock blocker". She just smiles, and keeps dancing next to me. Aly’s man, Mike, is with us tonight. He rarely comes out with us, so to Aly this is a special occasion. Tonight they seem to be having a good time. Mike is actually dancing with her. Usually, he is sitting at the bar drinking and staring at other women. Can you tell I’m not a fan of the jerk? That’s a whole different story, but that’s Aly’s story to tell.

I need a break from the dancing. My body is sweaty and sticky, and I need to cool off. Not sure if the dancing or the man beside me has me feeling like this. "I’m going to get a drink.” I motion to Aly to see if she wants to join me, but she waves me off, she's busy bumping on her man. Mike looks like a fish out of water dancing with her. Aly is all fluid motion, while he is stiff as a board. All my other girls are dancing together, giving me the thumbs up for the hottie next to me.

I make my way up to the bar. Caleb follows beside me. I’m shocked that he is coming with me. I figure a guy that looks like him would just dance with the next chick on the floor. He walks close to the bar getting our drinks almost immediately from the female bartender. Emphasis on female, because she is eyeing him like he’s a hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and two cherries on top. He didn’t ask what I want, but he ordered me the last drink on their menu that I didn’t try. It was some red liquid, lit with a flame. Before handing it to me, he blows out the flame, winking.

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