Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2
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He’s a player. I spotted him a mile away.

But I also remember him. He’s with my sister’s husband’s crew. What was it she said his name was? Torch? I like Hunter better. I should be running away from him, and I started to. Then, he touched my arm. In that moment, I felt connected to him. I don’t know how to describe it, but I did. My life hasn’t been my own from the day my father took me away from my mom and my sister, Bethie. I’ve learned to take my pleasure where I can find it. Something about Hunter, or Torch—whoever he is—calls to me, and I’m going to throw caution to the wind. Still, I need to make sure I’ve protected Bethie and her daughter Gabriella.

“I’ll bring you more pleasure than anything with batteries, sweetness.”

I wonder if he really thinks these lines work? He’s a man, so he probably does, when really it’s that fucking body of his that’s working for me. He’s got that ‘V’, I just know it. You know the one—the finely chiseled indention that starts along the hip bone and runs lower into the promise land? The one that makes all women lose their minds? It’s there and, by God, I want to see it. 

I just need to do one thing first. “Well, I need to use the little girl’s room. So, I’ll think about it. In the meantime, you just sit there and look pretty.”

“I’ll sit here and admire the view instead,” he tells me.

That’s just annoying. He doesn’t realize that’s the one thing he could say that would turn me off. Still, I know he’s watching, and it kills me, but I wore the right shoes tonight to hide my limp, so I take all the energy and focus I have into making sure my steps don’t falter. When I make it to the little foyer that leads to the bathrooms, I lean against the wall and breathe. After I make sure he didn’t follow me, I head into the bathroom. Luckily it’s a single-stall bathroom, so I lock the door, pull myself up on the counter, and call Bethie.

“We have problems,” I tell her right away.

“What? Where are you? Are you in trouble? I told you, you need to stop running around. They can find us.”

“Will you relax? I don’t look anything like you anymore… or myself, for that matter. Between the hair dye, the colored contacts, and thirty pounds I’ve packed on my ass, I don’t even recognize my own damn self in the mirror.”

“It’s too dangerous. You know they will be hunting for us. Especially now that grandfather—”

“Don’t call him that. Anyway, that’s kind of why I’m calling. I’m at the Broke Spoke and… there’s this guy hitting on me. He says his name is Hunter, but…”

“But?” she asks, her voice laced with fear.

“It’s that same good-looking biker that was at the movie theater that night with Skull.”

“Oh God! You have to run, Katie! If one of Skull’s crew is there, that means he has to know. Colin’s carried out on his threat.”

“Bethie, have you ever thought… maybe, just maybe, it’d be best to come clean and try to let Skull know you’re alive? He might be more reasonable now.”

“We tried that, remember? Three times. I can’t risk it anymore, especially with the family out there looking for us. Do you really think they will let me, you, or Gabby live? After what we did?”

She’s right. They wouldn’t. They won’t stop until we’re six feet under. “Okay. Then you need to start our escape plan, tonight. Take Gabby and go. I’ll meet you in the morning.”

“What? No! You need to come home now. We can’t chance that whoever is there might place our resemblance and start asking questions.”

“That’s not going to happen, Bethie. You worry too much.”

don’t worry enough. Please, Katie, do this for me. Come home and let’s head out together.”

“I’ll try my best, but—”

“‘But’ nothing! Just—”

Before she finishes talking, there’s a hard knock on the door. “Sweetness? You in there? I’m getting lonely out here without you.”

“My God!” Bethie hisses over the phone. “Is that Torch??” 

Hmmm. I guess I did forget to mention which one was here, probably because she knows that fine man starred in several of my hot dreams after I saw him that one night.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” I call to him through the door. “Anyone ever tell you that you shouldn’t crowd a woman, Romeo?”

“I’m too busy fucking them senseless to listen to advice,” he counters.

“Bethie, I’ve got to go,” I whisper. “Just follow the escape plan we set up when we moved here. If something happens and I don’t show, move on to our next destination. I’ll meet you there. I promise.”

“No, I don’t like this. I can call the cops or something, make a fake report and distract them, then we—”

“I got this, just get my niece safe.”

“You and I are going to have words when you make it to our spot,” she warns me.

“I’ll look forward to it. Stay safe, Bethie. Love you bigger than outer space.”

“Love you, too,” she whispers.

I hang up, trying to swallow down my nerves. I open the door. Sure enough, there’s the object of my lust, leaning against the wall with a wicked smile. He holds out a hand to me.

“Dance with me, sweetness. I want to feel you in my arms.”

I let him take my hand, and I know I’m going to ignore my sister’s plea tonight. I just hope I don’t live to regret it.



I pull the hot little number to me. She stumbles slightly. I guess that means I have her off balance. I like that. I plan to do my best to keep her that way. I lead her on the dance floor, finding a dark corner away from the others. She comes into my arms, filling my hands completely.

We sway back and forth. At first she feels stiff, but it only takes a few minutes before she relaxes and wraps her arms over my shoulders, linking her hands behind my neck. She stares up at me with those eyes. They’re gorgeous, but something isn’t sitting right with them. I push the thought away, though, because my dick is loving how it feels to rub against her stomach. Fucker is standing at attention and literally crying in need.

“I thought you were going to back out on me.”

“What is there to back out on? It’s just a dance,” she answers, and when her voice is dropped down this low, there’s a rawness to it that appeals to me even more.

“Sweetness, we both know this game, and it’s going to end in a bed, not on a dance floor.”

“You’re awful sure of yourself. Maybe I just want to dance,” she responds.

“I’m giving you that. When the time is right, I’ll show you the kind of dancing I
excel at.”

She watches me without talking, our bodies moving together in a rhythm as if we’ve danced together our whole lives. Then, she finally speaks up.

“I’ll think about it, Romeo.”

In response, I let my hand trail down to the edge of her skirt. I gather the tight, stretchy material in my hand. She stumbles, looking wildly around us. It’s unexpected, but I like it. She may know all about the game, but she obviously hasn’t played it with a man like me. I almost regret that I can’t keep her for a couple of nights. She’d be some damn good fun, and maybe she’d wake my dick up to what he’s been missing.

It is what it is, though, and it’s for the best. Something in her eyes tells me she might be the type to get attached.

“Hunter,” she gasps.

I like my name on her lips. I like it almost as much as I’m going to like using my cock to rub my pre-cum on them. Will she taste me quickly, or use that sweet little tongue I keep getting a glimpse of every now and then to lick it up? I’m going to fucking find out tonight. That much, I can promise myself.

She’s made no move to stop my hand. In fact, her hips thrust so her body rubs harder against my cock. I call that a green light, so I let my entire hand disappear under her skirt. Her hands slide down to my shoulders. I hum in approval as her fingernails bite into my flesh. I can feel the sharp sting even through my clothes. This girl is going to be a fucking wildcat in bed. I push my hand between her legs. I work my three fingers between the thin fabric and her heated center.

“Spread your legs slightly, sweetness.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to finger your hot little pussy.”

“Right here?” she asks, but she doesn’t sound scandalized at all. There might be a hint of fear in her words, but it’s the excitement in her voice calling to me.

“Right here. Right now.” When her legs spread just a mere inch, I smile in victory and reward her by taking her mouth and kissing the hell out of her.




I thought I’ve been kissed before.
I haven’t
. That much is clear the minute his lips take mine. His tongue dives into my mouth without asking for permission. He seeks, plunders, and owns me with just the warring of his tongue against mine. I concede. I give him victory. There’s no way I could fight it. He dominates me and I can’t stop the whimper of unhappiness when he pulls away, taking his wicked tongue with him. I follow it, needing more, already addicted to the taste of him.

“Fuck,” he whispers.

Slowly, I open my eyes to look up at him. He’s so beautiful, he makes my pussy clench in need just from the look on his face right now. His hair is a cross between light brown and a hint of gold. It’s clipped short, but the top is long with the ends curly and lying lazily on his head. It invites a woman to run her fingers through it—a woman like
. His eyes are green, but not like mine. No, these are
and they sparkle. I can see the color glisten even in this dark corner. They sparkle with a joy that says he doesn’t have a care in the world. I want to experience that for just one minute.
I want that look
. What would it feel like to not have worries? To not have people depending on you to keep them safe? To never worry about monsters lurking in the darkness?
What would that feel like?

My sister is going to kill me, but I’m going to sample this long, tall drink of sin standing before me. Bethie wouldn’t understand, but then again… I’m not my sister. My life has never known a moment of certainty in it. She at least had
for a while. That’s just not in the cards for me. So, if I can find joy in the arms of a man, I will, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do tonight.

Bethie hasn’t said, but I’m pretty sure Skull is the only man that she has ever opened her legs for. The bad part of that is, I don’t think she will ever allow herself to be available to anyone else ever again. Guys flirt with her all the time and she doesn’t even notice. I got after her about it once, but she told me all she had time for was Gabby. The sadness in her eyes called her a liar, but I let it pass. I keep hoping that maybe someday she will heal.

I pull my attention back to the man in front of me. His fingers are gently brushing back and forth against the wet lips of my pussy. They don’t try to slip inside. No, instead, he just uses them to lightly pet my pussy in time with the music. It’s a small tease, forecasting what’s to come, and it sends delicious chills running through my body.

“What are you thinking about, sweetness?”


“Now, I don’t want to call you a liar,” he says, “but your face went a million miles away. That’s okay. I know just what to do to bring you back to me.”

“Is that so?” I ask, trying to ignore how perceptive he is.


Then, I feel his fingers brush against my slick clit. My breath lodges in my chest and I can’t help but look around. People are dancing just a few feet away from us. I’m in a room with hundreds of people, and when I feel his fingers glide down my wet pussy into my opening, I don’t make one protest.

“You’re so fucking wet. I could slam balls-deep into your pussy in one easy glide. Is that what you want, dirty girl? Do you want me to fuck you right here with everyone around?” his dark voice asks against my ear. His breath, just another sensation to the hundreds that are already bombarding me when his fingers thrust deep inside.

It takes my breath away, the feel of him sliding inside of me, despite being in this room. I know only a moment of panic. I might try to enjoy sex when I can, but I’ve never been an exhibitionist. I suddenly feel like I am in over my head here.

“Give me your name, sweetness.”

“Why?” I gasp as he angles his fingers differently, hitting me in a way I’m not sure I’ve been touched before.

“I want to know it before you come all over my hand.”

Fuck. I want him to say my name too, but I can’t chance it. I may look nothing like Bethie anymore, but the resemblance is there. Giving him my name is just too much to gamble. I wet my lips and bite them to keep the moan of disappointment contained when he stops moving his fingers.

“Your name, sweetness,” he urges, bending into me and whispering into my ear.

I swallow, prepared to lie, but it’s hard. The truth is there and I want to scream it. I want to hear this beautiful man call my name all night. Being denied that is a physical pain.

“Holly,” I blurt out, grasping at the first name that comes to mind.

“Good girl. Here’s what we’re going to do, Holly.” His fingers begin petting me again, sliding in and out of my pussy so slowly he might be driving me insane. “Are you listening?”

“Yes?” It comes out as a question because I’m not listening, not really. I’m concentrating on the way his hand is manipulating my pussy and how his thumb is stroking my clit.

“Good girl. I’m going to take my hand away. I’m going to go tell my men I’m gone for the night. You’re going to wait right here for me. Then, to reward you for being such a good girl, I’m going to take you out back to the supply closet by the bathrooms I found earlier and fuck you hard. When I’m done there, you and I are going to blow this joint and really party.”

His words do strange things to me. Before I can even catch my breath, he takes his hand away and I instantly miss it. Suddenly the music sounds louder, and the noise of the crowd rushes into my ears. Apparently I had everything blocked out except the sound of Torch’s voice. I feel heat rise in my face as I look around. No one seems to be noticing.

He kisses the top of my head, then pulls away completely. I can’t help but watch him walk away and admire the way his ass looks in those jeans. He looks over his shoulder at me, catching me red-handed, but I just smile, which in turns makes his lips turn up. “This is going to be so good, Holly,” he says back to me. “So fucking good.”

And just like that, the excited haze he has me in is gone. 
… I don’t like him calling me

Bethie’s right. I can’t have him. I watch as he walks over to his buddies and they’re laughing. I can’t hear what they say, though I’m sure Torch is telling them he’s hooking up with some chick he just met.
It’s not like I’ve done this a lot, but it has never bothered me before when it did happen.

So, why does it bother me now?

I can’t do this. I’m playing with fire. I look around the club, searching for the back exit. When I spot it, I head immediately in its direction.


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