Business Makes Strange Bedfellows (7 page)

Read Business Makes Strange Bedfellows Online

Authors: E. E. Ottoman

Tags: #Lesbian romance, gothic romance, fantasy

BOOK: Business Makes Strange Bedfellows
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She ducked, avoiding two, but wasn't quite fast enough. The third hit her square in the chest, throwing her back and down onto the cobbles. She skidded a little, all the wind knocked out of her. Pain lanced through her shoulder and down her back. Through the haze of pain, she heard the chain groan and then snap. The creature was going to get away, and all this would be for nothing. She pushed herself up and staggered to her feet. She couldn't find her pistol. Another tentacle swung at her, and she ran back towards the warehouses and into an alleyway. Doubling over, she coughed, feeling pain stab through her chest and trying to catch her breath.

The screech of straining metal came again, the drag and scrap of the chain as it was dragged across the pier. Two huge tentacles thrust themselves into the alleyway, groping for her, and she scrambled backwards. The creature wasn't trying to get way; she realized it was trying to find her.

She cast about for a weapon. There was nothing but some garbage and other, more unspeakable refuse. The tentacles writhed, searching for her. One oozed dark slime-like pus, leaving long slick trails as it went. They slapped wetly against the sides of the alleyway but with enough force that if she had been caught between them and the wall, she would surely be crushed.

Backing up as fast as she could, she tried to find something, anything she could use as a makeshift weapon against the thing.

There was a small pile of rotted wood that had once been a crate was over to one side of the alley. She snatched up a piece and swung it at the tentacles. The rotted and oversaturated wood exploded into a hail of splinters, not even causing the creature to pause in its search.

She felt a slickness creep up her leg and then wrap around it gripping her tight enough to crush. She cried out in pain as her leg was jerked out from under her. Her head hit the stone street, light exploding in front of her eyes. Through her stunned haze, she was vaguely aware of being dragged out of the alley. Then she was hoisted up into the air. Everything spun in a sickening fashion, and she found herself hanging upside down by one leg. The grip the tentacle had on her leg was still painfully tight, the slime that the creature seemed to be coated in was seeping through her trousers.

Below her a multitude of large milky eyes blinked up at her, huge maw stretching impossibly wide to show off rows of needle-sharp teeth. She really wished she had stashed a knife in one of her boots. Beyond the monster, she could see the street and caught a glimpse of her revolver on the cobbles far below.

Flailing, she began to try and raise the lower half of her body high enough to reach the tentacle wrapped around her leg. Every muscle in her body protested, screaming out as she managed to contort herself enough to reach the fearsome appendage. She clawed at the creature's hide with both hands. Her fingers sank into slippery tender flesh, and the creature let out a moaning squeak.

She was catapulted through the air, landing hard on the cobblestones. The fall knocked the breath out of her and sent bright pain lancing from her left shoulder down to her fingertips. Gritting her teeth, Gert shook off her daze and crawled towards the revolver lying on the ground.

A tentacle slammed into the stones beside her, and she rolled even as agony shot down her shoulder with every jolt. Her fingers closed around the cool metal of her gun just as another tentacle wrapped around both her legs, pinning them together.

She managed to flail onto her back as she was dragged painfully along the ground towards the ruined pier. Holding the revolver with both hands, she took aim at the creature's many-eyed globular head and fired.

This time there was no cry or scream; the tentacle around her legs was suddenly gone. She watched as the creature fell back in the water, tentacles still twisted in what was left of the pier. The creature was still, as was she, watching carefully for any movement and listened to herself breathe. Its body slowly sank into the water of the harbor, and she lay on the hard paved walkway and tried to take stock of her injuries. Nothing broken, she was glad to find, although the muscles in her shoulder was painfully sore and would most likely be tender for a few days to come. She would no doubt also have impressive collection of bruises across her entire body. Not that she could tell past the grime from the street, slime and stinking blood that covered her from head to toe. After a moment, she staggered to her feet.

"Vi?" Gert called again, starting towards the edge of where the pier had been "Vi?"

Everything was still, and then a dark shape was pulling itself out of the water onto the cobblestones.

"Oh, thank God." She ran forward, and Vi coughed several times, spitting a large amount of water onto the stones.

"I shouldn't have worn this overcoat." Vi unhooked the heavy, black wool thing from around her neck and threw it away from her. "Looks good, but weighs more than I do when wet." She coughed again and then grimaced. "I hate it when my lungs fill with water. Did we get it?"

Gert found herself smiling. "I got it, yes."

"Good." Vi pulled herself up.

There was a shout from the street over and the sound of multiple feet running towards them.

"Come." Vi's grip on Gert's hand tightened, and she tugged her down the nearest alleyway and around a corner.

There was shouting by the water where they'd just left, and then the sound of a police whistle. Gert found herself pressed against Vi's chest as Vi pressed herself against the nearest alley wall, well in the shadows, and held her tight. Vi's fingers carted through the curls at the back of Gert's head. She must have lost her hat at some point and then stifled a small noise of pleasure as Vi's other hand unwound from her waist to skim down her back. Vi tugged gently at Gert's hair, tipping her face back and nuzzling along her cheek, to the junction of jaw and throat.

"We should leave." Vi's voice was so low that, even as close as they were, she barely heard it. "Before the authorities find us, and I believe I'm due payment for tonight's work."

"Are you?" She kept her voice almost as low. "As I recall it, I was the one who killed the beast, and you were the one who got knocked into the bay and pulled under by your own coat."

She could feel the vibration of Vi's chuckle against her skull. "True enough, but I still want to taste you, my dear, if you're willing?"

She sought for the fear of Vi and her intentions that should have been there, but failed to find any. "Yes, I am."

Vi's arm tightened momentarily, and then Vi was pulling away and moving down the alleyway at some speed. When they were a good few blocks away from the dock, Vi hailed them a cab.

"We can go back to my apartments, if you don't mind it," Vi said when they were both settled in the cab. She gave her a critical once-over before wrinkling her nose. "You smell like the creature's blood, which is not surprising since it's all over you. I'll have a bath drawn for you when we get there."

Gert looked down at herself, and wrinkled her own nose at the stench. "I think a bath would be advisable."

When the cab stopped outside of the falling-down tenement Vi called home, they both climbed out and traipsed through the alleyway to the stairs. At least they didn't draw that much attention to themselves here. If they'd been in her neighborhood, everyone would have been talking about the state of their clothing, not to mention getting in at such a late hour. Here, no one looked twice as they made their way up the stairs to Vi's apartment.

"The bedroom is through there." Vi pointed to a door on the far side of the sitting room. "You can take off your soiled clothes and use my dressing gown. I'll call down for some bathwater."

"There's someone in this place that will draw you a bath at this time of night?" Gert's hands were already going to unfasten her cuffs even as she spoke, though, and Vi gave her a smile with a flash of fangs.

"Generally speaking, the owner likes to keep me happy."

The bedroom was small, dominated by a very large bed with a large wardrobe facing it, a washbasin on one side, a nightstand with an oil lamp burning on it, and a stack of leather-bound books. The room looked a little strange without windows, but it was also cozy.

She pulled off her soiled clothes and pulled on the heavy men's dressing gown hanging on the back of the door. Vi most likely also wished to get out of her wet clothes, so Gert pulled open the door and stepped back out into the sitting room without lingering. Vi had shed her jacket and waistcoat and rolled up her shirtsleeves. She smiled and looped one long arm around Gert's waist, pulling her close.

"Your bath is ready." Vi bent to kiss along Gert's jaw and then lower, trailing small kisses down her neck. The fingers of her other hand slid into the dressing gown, and Gert gasped when Vi's fingertips skimmed across the side of one breast.

"Your shirt is damp." She tried to push herself out of Vi's grasp, but Vi hung on. "And I need to take a bath before we start anything."

"Yes." Vi kissed her right under her ear. "And I need to change into dry clothes as well."

She bit lightly at Gert's ear, not with her sharp fangs, but her blunter human teeth. Gert gasped at the slight sting, pushing herself forward into Vi. She let her hands roam across Vi's shoulder and chest, feeling the shape of Vi's small breast under the damp cloth of her shirt.

"Go bathe." Vi let her go and took a step back. "Before we get carried away."

Nodding a little jerkily, she watched as Vi headed towards her bedroom and shut the door. She turned towards the bathtub that had been set up at the far end of the sitting room, just close enough to the fire to stay warm and filled with steaming water. She let the dressing gown drop from her shoulders and stepped into the hot water. A tiny sigh escaped her, as she let herself just lie in the water and soak for a minute or so before reaching for the soap and washcloth. She washed herself carefully, unsure of what they would be doing for the rest of the evening, but prepared nonetheless.

The idea that Vi might bite her and seriously hurt her entered her mind, and she considered it as she let herself relax back into the water. Vi, by her nature, was a dangerous being, and so the danger would always be there. Yet Vi had done nothing to make her think she was in any real danger.

She pulled herself out of the bathtub and dried herself off before slipping her robe back on and curling by the fire. Vi pushed back open the door after a minute or two and walked over to sit beside her on the hearthrug.

"Will it hurt again?" Gert asked.

"Yes." Vi pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "But I won't draw it out, or toy with you unnecessarily, I promise."

"Thank you." She turned towards her and leaned in, pressing her lips briefly against Vi's before pulling away to look at her. Vi's blonde hair was tousled, and her complexion was pale with that hint of grey just starting to show under her eyes and along her cheeks. Running her fingers along the side of Vi's face, she leaned in again. Their lips met, this time with more intent, and Vi's hand came up to cup the back of her head as she surged forward into the kiss. Vi's lips opened under hers, and she leaned back, lowering them both down onto the rug, with Gert on top. The kiss was a fierce press and clash of lips, and Vi pushed the dressing gown away.

"I want to bite you here." Vi's voice was breathless when they drew apart, and she pressed her fingers against fragile skin and clavicle. "But I also want to watch your eyes while I do it. So maybe here." Vi's fingers formed a loose bracelet around Gert's wrist.

"My eyes?" She bent to kiss along Vi's jaw, and Vi bent her leg slightly. "Why?"

"I enjoy the feeling of connection." Vi shifted under her touch, rocking up against her, and Gert felt the heat blossom in her stomach and begin to spread downwards. "I enjoy watching the moment when you accept the pain of it."

"I..." She didn't really know what to say to that, only that it made heat pool in her belly. "All right."

Vi pulled her close and kissed her again. One hand ran up her front to cup one of her breasts. Vi rolled Gert's nipple between her fingers, pressing and then squeezing lightly.

She broke away from the kiss with a gasp. "Harder."

Vi's eyes narrowed and she squeezed hard enough to make Gert cry out.


Nodding, she rocked down on Vi's leg, pressing her chest into Vi's touch at the same time. The heat had spread from her belly to form a deep throb between her legs. Vi's other hand slid down her back to cup her ass, and her fingers moved to the other nipple. She braced both hands against Vi's shoulders as she rocked between the dual sensations of pressure against the need between her thighs and the sting of the pleasure-pain as Vi pinched and pulled at sensitive flesh.

"Here." Vi put both hands on her waist, rolling them so that Gert was lying on her back. "Wait here for a moment." Vi kissed her quickly on the lips and then stood.

"Where are you going?" Gert pushed herself up onto her elbows.

"To get something." Vi smiled at her and then turned towards the bedroom.

Vi was back a few moments later carrying a cloth-wrapped bundle that she dropped on the rug before settling over Gert and kissing her again. Their tongues fought, and Vi bit at her lips, not enough to draw blood, but just enough to sting. One of her hands drifted down her body to press into the inside of her thighs. She gasped into Vi's mouth and twisted, spreading her legs and trying to make Vi's hand get closer to where she wanted it.

"Yes, please, yes."

Vi's hand circled up the lushness of her thigh, and then her fingers were stroking across the wet folds of Gert's cunt. Vi's fingers rubbed across the erect little nub of her clit, causing Gert to shove her hips forward onto Vi's hands.

"Yes! God, yes... Harder, more!"

Vi's eyes were half-lidded, her lips slightly parted, and the palest of flushes crossed the tops of her cheeks. She leaned over Gert, supporting her own weight with one hand while the other moved between Gert's spread thighs. She clutched at Vi's shoulders hard enough that her nails dug into them. Vi would probably have marks against that too-pale skin, and the thought sent heat shooting down directly between her thighs where Vi's hand still worked. She dug her nails in deeper and then reached her arms back, letting her nails drag and scratch across the linen-covered line of Vi's back.

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