Fantasy Quest

Read Fantasy Quest Online

Authors: Tina Gerow

BOOK: Fantasy Quest
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Fantasy Quest





Tina Gerow



ISBN: 978-1-927111-68-0


Published By


Love Ltd.

(Electronic Book Publishers)

Greens Drive

T1X 1C2



Copyright 2011 Tina Gerow


Cover art by
Lee 2011



All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.





To all my friends in the Online World of EverQuest II.
I know I no longer play, but as you will be able to tell from this story, that world made quite an impression on me.
So even though the character of Astiria has retired, I still remember all the hours of great online play I spent as her.


To my Sister, Amy, and my Brother in Law, Doug,
you both for being wonderful family as well as fun online gamers.
It just seemed right you were included in this story.

To my two guys:
Jon, aka Lerik and Darian, aka Oopec, thank you for putting up with living with a writer who loses herself in her made up worlds, who loses track of time and isn’t the best housekeeper or even cook.
I love you both, and you guys rock!


Special thanks to my critique group, the Butterscotch Martini Girls (, who not only keep me sane, but are the best set of friends and fellow writers anyone could have.
I definitely can’t forget my word count buddy and our honorary new Butterscotch Martini Girl, Cheyenne McCray, who helped
ease into this new life as a full time author with her constant encouragement, and great sense of humor.


A huge thanks to my readers who keep me excited about writing with your great excitement and feedback on every book I write.
I hope you love this one as much as you have the previous ones.
And I promise, there
many more coming!






Chapter One


“Can I buy you a drink, and we can discuss the rest of our lives?”

Astiria Petrey huffed out a heavy sigh and snapped her book shut before glaring up at the newest intruder.

He leered down at her.
Ken-doll bronzed skin and plastic-looking muscles bulged out from under his ridiculous shirt decorated with small chili peppers.
A tiny blue Speedo peeked out from under the shirt before giving way to unnaturally bulky thigh muscles.

She enunciated each word carefully and searched his flat, vacant eyes for any sign of understanding.
Or even humanity.

“That’s only because you haven’t met me yet.”
He flashed a too white smile, which threatened to blind her even through her sunglasses before he sat on the edge of her beach chair and snatched the book from her grasp.
“Stone Maiden?”
He glanced at the back cover before looking up again.
“Gargoyles, angels and cowboys?”

Her temper sparked.
She loved to read paranormal romances, and this one allowed her to combine two of her favorite things—reading and gargoyles.
All her coworkers and friends teased her incessantly about the collection of both gargoyles and romance novels littered across her desk at work and her entire house.
She definitely didn’t need more grief while on vacation, and not from this bad caricature of an action hero.

“What kind of thing is this for a beautiful woman to read, when she should be more interested in what’s right in front of her face?
He smiled and flexed a bicep that looked like it might explode off his arm at any moment.

She grabbed her book back, brushing down the edges where he’d bent them, and then pushed to her feet to glare at him.
Anyone who didn’t take care of books lost even more respect in her eyes—not that he had any to begin with after his poor behavior.
“As I already said—not interested.
And even if I were illiterate and couldn’t read, I would still have much better things to do with my time than waste it talking to someone who obviously eats steroid Pop Tarts for breakfast.”

He stood and reached for her, confusion swimming in his gaze.
He must not be used to hearing the word ‘no’ very often.
“Don’t be like that, sweetheart.”

She sidestepped his hands and anger flowed hot and heady.
“If you don’t turn and walk away right this second, I swear I’ll tell every woman on the beach that fully hard, you aren’t much bigger than a Vienna sausage.”
She held up her hand, pinkie finger extended, hopefully illustrating for him in case he didn’t get the reference.

His eyes widened as understanding dawned.
He opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the manager of the resort neatly intervened.

“Mario, why don’t you leave Miss Petrey to her reading?
I’m sure there are others on the beach who would love to see you.”
The manager’s blue eyes twinkled behind the lenses of the Harry Potter glasses perched on the end of his nose.
“I do apologize, Miss Petrey.”

“Well, at least you keep saving me from them.
I’m beginning to think there
are a never ending stream
of vacuous pretty boys frequenting your private beach.”

He chuckled.
“This is the
, Miss Petrey, and the Fantasy Quest resort.
They all come here to meet beautiful women sitting on beach chairs, sipping drinks and hoping to meet a man to make their vacation—more memorable.
You are one of the few who come alone, who wish to remain so.”

She bristled at his comment, slightly mollified he’d referred to her as beautiful, even though she knew being nice was part of his job description.
Someone with plain brown hair, plain brown eyes and a body that wouldn’t be caught dead in a bikini, didn’t exactly fire men’s passions.
Hadn’t that been exactly what her ex-husband had told her when he left her for a younger, more attractive woman?
And all after Astiria had worked and slaved to put the bastard through medical school.

She stifled a sigh and squared her shoulders.
No, men weren’t interested in a woman with brains and personality unless they looked like a super model, so she wasn’t interested in them.
Besides, her sister and brother in law had bought this trip for her birthday and practically forced her onto the plane.
Amy and Doug had come here on their honeymoon and had raved about it ever since.
A free vacation was hard to pass up, no matter where it was.

She just hadn’t counted on such persistence from the local herd of men.
“All I want to do is relax, walk barefoot on the beach, have a few drinks and read my book.”
She didn’t realize she’d said it aloud until the manager answered.

“Miss Petrey, again, I truly apologize.
Why don’t you go inside, relax and order some room service?
There will be a beautiful view of the coming storm from your room since it faces the ocean.”

“Coming storm?
But it’s sunny and…”
She trailed off as the sky darkened as if triggered by his words.
“Wow, storms come up fast here.”
Grabbing her towel, she shook it off to remove any excess sand.

“Your profile mentioned a certain fondness for computer games, Miss Petrey.”
He gestured toward the resort.
“We have several, which are free to our guests.
It might help you pass the time while we ride out the moods of Mother Nature.”

A hotel manager suggesting computer games while at a beautiful resort in the
Something about the entire situation, including the manager, struck her as very odd, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
You’re on vacation at somewhere called Fantasy Quest!
Of course they are going to take your preferences into account.

You need more drinks and much more relaxation.

She laughed at herself.
“Thank you.
I’ll have to check that out.
But after the storm.
I don’t want to fry the computer in my room if the building takes a lightning hit.”

He smiled, his blue eyes still twinkling.
"We are fully insulated from any such happening.
Feel free to play.
After all, if it weren’t storming, most likely, you would be staying here on the beach.”

She started at his strange wording, and the shiver of unease that slid down her spine, but shrugged it off.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”




The door to her room closed behind her with a click she ordinarily wouldn’t have noticed.
She paused, but then forced a laugh as she shook off her unease and dropped her towel.
She deposited Stone Maiden onto the overstuffed leather loveseat recliner by the bed, giving the book a silent promise to return.
Before she could kick off her sandals, a brisk knock sounded against the door behind her.

“Room Service!”

She shook her head again.
In the two days she’d been here, room service had been unnaturally quick even though she’d never ordered.
She might find it irritating if they didn’t have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly what she wanted.

Hand on the doorknob, she paused.

If I could order anything I wanted, it would be chicken
with veggies on the side, parrot bay and diet coke for the drink, and tiramisu for dessert.

“Get that one right,” she muttered under her breath in challenge before pulling open the door.

“Good evening, Miss Petrey.”
The waiter pushed his cart inside and unloaded several silver domed plates onto the table next to the balcony door.

“Good evening.
What’s on the menu tonight?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and allowed a smug smile to crease her lips.

He lifted the first domed lid and the scent of garlic and
wine wafted out to tease her senses.
No freaking way!

with a side of steamed vegetables.”
He pulled a bottle of
out from under the linen-covered cart.
“Here’s a nice bottle of rum and the mini-fridge is fully stocked with soda.”
He nodded toward the mini fridge before setting the rum and a full bucket of ice onto her table.
“And of course, dessert.”

“Let me guess.

“Yes, ma’am.”
He smiled.
“Can I get you anything else?”

“How do you do that?”
She stared at him in open awe.

He shrugged.
“This is the Fantasy Quest resort, Miss Petrey.
We pride ourselves on giving you your fantasy.”

Her stomach rumbled as if to remind her that delicious food was waiting just for her, and here she stood contemplating how it had come to be.
She pressed a tip into the waiter’s hand and thanked him as he left.

It had to be her sister’s doing.
Amy had probably provided them a detailed list of her preferences.
Astiria shrugged and headed back toward her food.
As much as she loved to cook her own food and experiment with new recipes, she could get used to all her meals being provided for her.

The open drapes showed her the darkening sky and the oncoming storm the manager had predicted.
Rain fell in the distance, dappling the clouds and the far horizon with streaks.

She clicked on the small lamp next to the bed to chase back the deepening gloom and pulled a purple stuffed gargoyle from her suitcase.
She hugged it tightly before setting it on the other side of the table, just behind the tiramisu.

Over the years, men hadn’t always been reliable, but her trusty stuffed gargoyle always had been.
That’s why he always got to accompany her on vacations and they didn’t.
Besides, he never needed his own plane ticket and definitely didn’t hog the covers.

“So what do you make of this place, Max?”
She made herself a rum and diet with extra ice and sat down to enjoy her meal.
Garlic and spices broke over her tongue, carrying with it a truly irresistible aroma.
She laughed at herself when the sound came out almost orgasmic.
“Don’t look at me like that, Max.
A girl’s gotta have vices, right?”
Max’s perpetual evil grin made her smile.

When she savored the last bite of chicken, she pushed her plate away and decided to save the tiramisu for later in the evening.
“Well, Max.
It’s dark and gloomy outside and I’m not in the mood to watch television, and I’m too keyed up to read.
Why don’t we check out the computer games the manager and even Amy raved about?
Although why my sister would even think about computer games on her honeymoon is totally beyond me.”

Astiria tucked Max under one arm and grabbed her drink before heading to the far side of the room where the wireless keyboard and mouse sat on a honey-toned desk.
The 42” flat wall-mounted TV doubled as a computer monitor, which allowed her to sit on the loveseat recliner where she’d dumped her towel and book earlier.

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