Read By Private Invitation Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance, #Salon Games#1, #Usernet, #C429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

By Private Invitation (16 page)

BOOK: By Private Invitation
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Kate’s eyes rolled again. “How is that worse?”

Because what if he figures it out and only wants me because of who I am?

Annabelle didn’t say that aloud. She barely wanted to think it. Because like it or
not, she had feelings for the man.

“Annabelle? When is Jared coming back?”

“Seven. But there’s no way I’m going out with him. How can you even suggest that?
After everything that’s happened?”

Kate’s expression softened. “Are you really saying you don’t want to see him again?
And tell the truth.”

Of course I want to see him again.

She bit back her immediate response, shaking her head. God damn it, it just wasn’t

The truth was her heart beat a little faster and her panties got wet each time she
thought about him. And she’d been thinking about him a lot.

So not fair.

Sighing, she threw her hands in the air. “Of course I want to see him again. The man
makes me hot. But everything’s already so messed up. When I’m with him, I don’t think
straight. And that’s not good. He’s a playboy. I don’t want a man like that.”

“So what do you want?”

She opened her mouth to answer and closed it just as fast because she didn’t have
a quick answer. “I don’t want a guy at all.”

“Right.” Kate smirked. “If you weren’t looking for a man, why did we go to a party
so you could meet one?”

“That was just sex.”

Kate was getting pretty good at that eye roll, Annabelle noticed.

“So what’s stopping you from having ‘just sex’ with Jared while he’s here? It’s not
like the man offered to marry you. And it’s not
like you want him to. But why not take what pleasure you can while you can?”

Logically, she knew that. Emotionally…Hell, emotionally, she was a mess. She wanted
him. She didn’t
to want him. She was angry with him. She was so damn happy to see him. She never
wanted to see him again.

When she didn’t say anything, Kate huffed. “You never did tell me why he was here
in the first place. Did he come to apologize? What?”

“His grandmother insisted he return the pin. But I can’t take it. It…” She shook her

“Reminds you of Jared?” Kate prompted.

“Yes, and I don’t ne—want any reminders of him.”

“But you want him?”

Of course I do.
“No, it’s a recipe for disaster.”

“It doesn’t have to be. Just be sure you set the rules. The man wants you bad. He
could have just given you the pin and left again but he couldn’t resist you.”

Kate made it sound so simple. And so easy. Still, the more she thought about it, the
more she wanted him. Even with the risks…

“Don’t think so hard, Annabelle. The man wants you. You want him. Just make him suffer
before you let him rip off your clothes.”

“You’re right. You’re absolutely right. I want him to crawl on the floor and beg me
for it.”

Kate’s smile would have made a grown man run for his mother. “Then let’s see what
you’re going to wear tonight.”

“What do you mean, you’re not coming back right away? What the hell are you up to,

“I’m not up to anything. I’ve just decided to stay a few more days. Miss me already,
big brother?”

Tyler’s derisive snort came through the cell clearly. “Yeah, right. I know you. There’s
no way you just decided to take a few days away from Philadelphia to spend it in some
one-stoplight town.”

“I’m not sure there’s even one stoplight in town, as a matter of fact.”

“All the more reason for you to come running home. What are you really doing? I assume
you talked to Annabelle.”

“Yes, I talked to Annabelle.”


And we had mind-blowing sex and I have this crazy idea that she might be the long-lost
daughter of a famous dead painter.
“I gave her the pin.”

“So you’ve done your duty.”

“We’re going to dinner tonight.”

Tyler paused so long, Jared wondered if they’d lost the connection. “Why?”

“Why what?”

Tyler’s sigh sounded loud and clear through the phone line. “Don’t be an ass. Why
are you taking her to dinner?”

Because I want to see her again.
“I’ve decided to offer her a business proposition.”

“What kind of a proposition? Christ, Jed, what the hell are you talking about?”

“I think this area could be perfect for the spa we’ve been talking about.”

The one Jared had been thinking about for the past few months. The hotel had been
only the first step in their plans. Now that it was running smoothly, Jared needed
something else to keep him occupied. The woman and the spa would do for now.

“And you decided that…when? In the space of a few hours?”

“Yes. Look, we can talk about it when I get home. I’m going to check out some land,
maybe meet with a few Realtors while I’m here. It may not pan out but my nose is twitching,

“I bet that’s not all that’s twitching.” His brother released another sigh and Jared
knew Ty was pinching the bridge of his nose like he always did when he was frustrated
with him. “Just keep in touch. And…if you run into Kate, tell her I said hello.”

Jared grinned at his brother’s attempted nonchalance. “You sure you don’t want to
come up here and help me look at property?”

“Yeah, fuck you, little brother. Just don’t get too cozy up there or you’ll find yourself
out of a job.”

“You can’t fire me, bro. Fifty-fifty partnership, remember? I’ll tell Kate you said

“The man won’t know what hit him.”

Annabelle glanced at the clock—six forty-five—then back into the mirror. “You don’t
think it’s too much for dinner? I made reservations at The Boxcar.”

Kate shook her head, her mouth curved in a satisfied smile. “No way. It’s perfect.”

Actually, Annabelle had to agree. She looked great in the straight wool skirt covered
with bold geometric shapes of blue, rust, and green, and a deceptively simple V-neck
sweater in the same green. The sweater showed just enough cleavage and she’d attached
Jared’s grandmother’s pin to the V, drawing attention to the swells of her breasts.
Not too dressy, not too revealing, yet clingy in all the right places. Luckily, she’d
found the skirt stuffed in the very back of her armoire and, even luckier still, it
fit and matched the turtleneck.

Paired with brown suede stiletto boots and a wide brown belt, her hair curling around
her shoulders, she looked so very…feminine.

“And you don’t think this is a huge disaster just waiting to happen?”

Kate’s hands planted on her waist. “I think you’d be foolish if you don’t go. And
if we’re going to have this conversation again, I’m going to go downstairs and smash
your netsuke collection in a frustrated rage.”

Yes, they’d been over this same material a hundred times already.

Kate had called her boss earlier and told him she wouldn’t be back for the rest of
the day. Surprisingly, he hadn’t given her a hard time. They’d spent the time digging
through Annabelle’s closet for a suitable outfit for tonight. The activity had kept
her mind off what had happened this morning while giving her something else to obsess
over. She wanted Jared to take one look at her and have his tongue fall out.

And when she opened the door precisely at seven, she knew she’d achieved her goal.

While his mouth didn’t hang open, she saw heat flare in his eyes, making her burn
from her toes to the top of her head. And everywhere in between.

Jared recovered first but not before a telltale nerve in his cheek began to tick.
“Hello again, Belle.”

His gaze held hers for several seconds before he deliberately let it rake over the
rest of her.

And she couldn’t resist checking him out as well. Dressed in black pants, a tight
cream sweater, and a black leather jacket, he looked devastatingly handsome. She didn’t
think she’d be able to eat a bite of dinner without wanting to have him for dessert.

And when he smiled, her mouth watered.

“You look beautiful.” Jared glanced over her shoulder and his smile dialed down just
the slightest bit to friendly warmth. “Kate, how are you?”

“Fine thanks. It’s nice to see you again, Jared.”

“And you. By the way, Tyler says hello.”

Annabelle caught the blush that suffused Kate’s face when she turned to take the coat
Kate held. “Ah, that’s, um, nice. Thanks.” Kate turned an almost frantic look her
way. “I’ll lock up when I leave, Annabelle. Have a good time.”

Poor Kate. Just the mention of Tyler’s name—

“Are you ready to go, Belle?”

Of course, the sound of Jared’s voice made her shiver.

She forced herself to meet his gaze and smile, just enough heat in her eyes to make
him wonder.

Pulling on her coat, she stepped through the door. No need to tempt fate by inviting
him in, even for a minute.

Then he took her arm and heat sizzled at the contact, even through the layers of clothes.
As he led her to the BWM sedan sitting at the curb, she forced herself to speak.

“I made reservations at The Boxcar. It’s only a couple of minutes away. I’m sure it’s
not up to the standards you’re used to, but they have good food and it’s a nice place.”

He handed her into the car and shut the door, then walked around and settled into
the driver’s seat. “I’m sure anywhere you choose is fine, since I’m not familiar with
the area.”

After giving him directions, she leaned back in the plush leather seat and tried to
keep from ogling him. The inside of the car felt toasty compared to the twenty-degree
weather outside, but she couldn’t be sure if that was due to his proximity or the
car’s climate control.

“Kate looks good,” Jared said after she’d told him how to get to the restaurant. “Tyler
asked about her when I called earlier. They seemed to hit it off at the party.”

seems like a nice guy.”

Jared laughed at her slight emphasis. “You’re going to make me work for everything,
aren’t you, Belle?”

She gave him wide eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Of course you don’t. I don’t mind. But there is something I’d like to talk to you
about tonight.”

Annabelle stiffened at the serious tone of his voice. What did he know? What had he
found out?

“I’ve got a proposition I’d like to run by you.”

Oh, God
. Her heart pounded like she’d just run a five-minute mile but she forced a cool smile.
“A proposition, huh?”

“Yeah.” He grinned again, making her insides twist into knots. “I’ve been searching
for a new location, somewhere for a spa. One out in the country, where there are no
sirens, no cars. Somewhere isolated.”

It was so not what she’d been expecting him to say that she sat in silence for at
least half a minute before she said, “A spa? Out here?”

Those perfect eyebrows arched. “You sound doubtful.”

“It’s just not—When did you come up with the idea to build out here?”

“This morning, actually. It’s close to the regional airport and minutes from the turnpike.
The antiques trade in the area will be a draw and I’ll hire you to furnish it. I’m
thinking high-end English charm, Victorian without the clutter. Maybe a little Middle
Eastern luxury mixed in. A sensualist’s dream.”

She opened her mouth to tell him no, but her imagination
turned traitor. Images of huge canopied beds, ornate furniture, and rich jewel-toned
fabrics flashed in her mind.

Now her stomach tightened with anticipation. Damn the man. It wasn’t fair how he could
tie her in knots like this.

Still, she couldn’t accept it. That would require spending way too much time with
him. And the more time she spent with him, the more chance there was for him to discover
her secret.

But, oh, the offer was tempting. The man, even more so.

“Budget wouldn’t be an issue,” Jared continued.

Of course it wouldn’t. The man didn’t play fair.

“And Tyler would agree with this?”

“We’ve been kicking the idea around for at least a year. We need something new to
focus our energies on. A new challenge.”

BOOK: By Private Invitation
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