Cadillac Desert (96 page)

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Authors: Marc Reisner

Tags: #Technology & Engineering, #Environmental, #Water Supply, #History, #United States, #General

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U.S. Department of the Interior. Pacific Southwest Water Plan Report, January 1964.


“Water Allocations: Central Arizona Project.” William Gookin and Associates, March 3, 1975.


“Water and Politics.”
Arizona Republic,
August 29, 1980.


“Water Code to Slow Growth.”
Scottsdale Daily Progress,
June 6, 1980.


“Water from the Colorado Drawn into Arizona as Big Project Opens.” New
York Times,
November 16, 1985.


Welsh, Frank. “Arizona Loses Water with CAP.”
Arizona Reviews and News,
December 23, 1976.


—. “Sell Water to California.”
Arizona Reviews and News,
March 3, 1977.


“Who, if Anybody, Is to Blame for Floods Along the Colorado?”
Wall Street Journal,
July 12, 1983.


Witzeman, Robert. “Consumers Ripped Off.”
Arizona Republic,
October 19, 1978.




Aspinall, Wayne. Letter to David Brower, November 22, 1966.


Beaty, Orren. Memorandum for S. Douglass Cater, Jr., The White House, February 10, 1967.


Bellport, Barney. Blue envelope letter to Commissioner Dominy, “Augmentation of critical water needs of major river basins,” January 30, 1968.


—. Blue envelope memorandum to Commissioner of Reclamation, “Colored Dams,” June 2, 1966.


—. Blue envelope memorandum to Commissioner Dominy, “Sierra Club,” April 1, 1966.


Brower, David. Letter to Congressman Wayne Aspinall, November 19, 1966.


—. Letter to Congressman Wayne Aspinall, November 28, 1966.


—. Testimony, Colorado River Storage Project Hearings (undated, in files).


—. Letter to Interior Secretary James Watt, July 25, 1983.


Bureau of Reclamation, “Responses to Questions on Colorado River Water and Potential Raids on Pacific Northwest Water,” internal memorandum, December 1975.


Clinton, Frank. Blue envelope memorandum to Floyd Dominy, Commissioner of Reclamation, “Eden Project, Wyoming,” August 12, 1963.


Crandall, David. Blue envelope letter to Commissioner of Reclamation, “Incidental Scuttlebutt,” April 4, 1968.


—. Blue envelope memorandum to Commissioner of Reclamation, “Summary of Upper Basin discussions concerning H.R. 4671 held in Denver January 18 and 19, 1966,” January 20, 1966.


—. Blue envelope memorandum to Commissioner, “Wyoming items for possible inclusion in Colorado River project legislation,” January 27, 1967.


Dick, James. “Water Pricing Policy of the Bureau of Reclamation.” Memorandum to John Leshy of Natural Resources Defense Council (undated, in files).


Dickenson, Philip. Letter to Stanford P. McCasland, July 21, 1972.


—. Memorandum to Congressman Clair Engle, April 9, 1964.


Director, Resources Program Staff. Memorandum to Secretary of the Interior, “Pacific Southwest Water Plan—briefing material for meeting with President,” January 21, 1964.


Dominy, Floyd. Letter to Ellis Armstrong, January 6, 1967.


. Speech before the Southern California Water Conference, Los Angeles, December 14, 1964.


Gordon, Kermit. Memorandum to President Lyndon Johnson, April 22, 1968.


Graff, Tom. Letter to Gray Davis, Governor’s Executive Secretary (California), January 8, 1980.


Harvey, Dorothy. Letter to Nelson Plummer, Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, July 19, 1978.


Hearings on Colorado River Storage Project Act, House of Representatives,
Congressional Record,
July 14, 1955.


Hilliard, E. H. Open Letter to Wayne Aspinall, May 1966.


Hogan, Harry. Handwritten memo from associate solicitor, Department of the Interior, to “Floyd,” “Columbia River Compact Will Block Diversion of Col. R. Water to the Southwest,” February 20, 1964.


Jensen, Joseph. Letter to Stewart Udall, December 31, 1964.


Jukes, Thomas H. Letter to George Marshall, President, Sierra Club, September 2, 1966 (and several others by same author).


Kuchel, Thomas. Remarks on Senate floor, “Protecting the Present Users of Lower Colorado River Water,”
Congressional Record,
April 25, 1964.


McCasland, Stanford P. Letter to Philip Dickenson, August 10, 1972.


Manatos, Mike. Memorandum to Lawrence O’Brien, The White House, May 11, 1964.


Mitchell, A. L. Memorandum to Chief Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, “Attendance at meeting on the Colorado River sponsored by the Colorado Mountain Club and the Sierra Club—Phipps Auditorium, March 22, 1966,” March 28, 1966.


Palmer, William. Memorandum to Commissioner of Reclamation, “Water resource development in the Lower Colorado River Basin,” August 3, 1962.


Peterson, Ottis. Blue envelope letter to Commissioner Floyd Dominy, March 29, 1964.


Pugh, C. A. Blue envelope letter to Commissioner Dominy, “Reply to Aspinall letter to Colorado River Basin Governors regarding Central Arizona Project water supply,” June 3, 1965.


—. Blue envelope memorandum to Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, “Report on debate with Mr. David Brower of the Sierra Club relative to Bridge Canyon and Marble Canyon Dams, February 10, 1965,” March 20, 1965.


Riggins, Ted. Memorandum to F. Dominy, G. Stamm, N. B. Bennett, “Status Report: Central Arizona Project legislation,” October 5, 1967.


Riter, J. R. Memorandum to Chief Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, “Special Meeting of Colorado Water Conservation Board,” August 18, 1965.


Robins, J. W. Memorandum to Project Manager, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Grand Junction, Colorado, “Colorado Water Conservation Board meetings of September 7 and 8, 1967,” September 13, 1967.


Rorke, H. B. Note to Ottis Peterson, Director of Public Information, Bureau of Reclamation, “IntRevService clamp on the Sierra Club,” June 21, 1966.


Schultz, Charles. Memorandum to President Lyndon Johnson, “1968 new construction starts for the Corps of Engineers,” December 31, 1966.


Straus, Michael. Letter to William Warne, December 30, 1952.


Udall, Stewart. Memorandum to President Lyndon Johnson, “Senator Hayden and the Lower Colorado Project,” August 9, 1967.


Warne, William E. Letter to Harry Bashore, November 12, 1963.


—. Letter to Senator Carl Hayden, March 4, 1964.


West, Arleigh. Blue envelope letter to Commissioner of Reclamation, “Randy Riter’s latest ‘ciphering’ on the Lower Colorado River Basin water supply,” June 17, 1965.


Witzeman, Dr. Robert. Letter to Cecil Andrus, Secretary of Interior, May 23, 1980.


—. Letter to Governor Jack Williams of Arizona, August 29, 1977.


—. Memorandum to Lee Thompson, January 24, 1980.




William Manchester’s
The Glory and the Dream
is anecdotal history at its best, and contains much fascinating stuff on the Roosevelt years and the New Deal’s glorification of public works.


Donald Worster’s and Paul Bonnifield’s books give strikingly different impressions of the Dust Bowl. To Bonnifield, it was a natural event that would have happened even if the plains hadn’t been overgrazed and plowed up; to Worster, it was almost entirely a man-made disaster. Paul Sears’s
Deserts on the March
is still the classic book on the subject, and Sears’s conclusions land much closer to Worster than to Bonnifield (who, interestingly, is an Oklahoman).


George Sundborg’s
Hail Columbia
is the story of the damming of the river from the viewpoint of an ardent New Deal water developer (he was administrative assistant to the late Senator Ernest Gruening, who wanted to dam the Yukon, too, and became exasperated that the Soviet Union was building bigger dams than ours). Albert Williams’s book is more balanced, but not as detailed.


Daniel Jack Chasan’s
The Water Link
and Anthony Netboy’s
The Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Trout: Their Fight for Survival
both contain mournful accounts of the fabulous fisheries destroyed by dams and logging in the Northwest.


Considerable information on the WPPSS fiasco, an indirect result of the huge dam-construction program in the Northwest (and something which I passed over rather lightly in the chapter), is in the files of the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco.


Important interviews for this chapter:
Phil Nalder, Frank Weil, Larry Meinert, Floyd Dominy, Ralph Cavanagh, Jim Casey, Horace Albright, Samuel Hays, Gilbert Stamm, C. J. Kuiper, Gus Norwood, A. J. Voy, Daniel Dreyfus.




Bonnifield, Paul.
The Dust Bowl.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1979.


Chasan, Daniel Jack.
The, Water Link.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981.


Columbia Basin Irrigation Project Report.
Washington, D.C.: House Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation, 1928.


The Columbia River: A Camprehensive Report.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1947.


Holbrook, Stewart.
The Columbia River.
New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1965.


Ickes, Harold.
The Secret Diary of Harold Ickes.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953.


Johanson, Dorothy O., and Charles M. Gates.
Empire of the Columbia.
New York: Harper and Row, 1957.


Jones, Fred O.
Grand Coulee from “Hell To Breakfast.”
Portland, Ore.: Bin-fords and Mort, 1947.


Lavender, David.
Land of Giants.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1958.


Lowi, Theodore.
The End of Liberalism.
New York: Norton, 1969.


Legislative Politics U.S.A.
(esp. “How the Farmers Get What They Want”). Boston: Little, Brown, 1962.


Manchester, William.
The Glory and the Dream.
New York: Bantam, 1975.


Netboy, Anthony.
The Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Trout: Their Fight for Survival.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980.


Neuberger, Richard.
Our Promised Land.
New York: Macmillan, 1938.


Schad, Theodore, and John Kerr Rose.
Reclamation: Accomplishments and Contributions.
Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service, 1958.


Sears, Paul.
Deserts on the March.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1935.


Sheridan, David.
Desertification of the United States.
Washington, D.C.: Council on Environmental Quality, 1981.


Sundborg, George.
Hail Columbia: The Thirty-Year Struggle for Grand Coulee
Dam. New York: Macmillan, 1954.


Ten Rivers in America’s Future.
Report of the President’s Water Resources Policy Commission. Washington, D.C., 1950.


Warne, William E.
The Bureau of Reclamation.
New York: Praeger, 1973.


Williams, Albert N.
The Water and the Power.
New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1951.


Worster, Donald.
Dust Bowl.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.




Case, Robert Ormond. “Eighth World Wonder.”
Saturday Evening Post,
July 13, 1935.


Davenport, Walter. “Power in the Wilderness: Grand Coulee and Bonneville.” Collier’s, September 21, 1935.


George W. Goethals and Company.
Columbia Basin Irrigation Project, State of Washington: A Report.
Washington State Department of Conservation and Development, 1922.


“Grand Coulee Dam Is Again the Biggest.”
Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
August 17, 1980.


Marshall, Jim. “Dam of Doubt.”
June 19, 1937.


“Salmon Shortage Cited as Eagles Shun Stream.”
New York Times,
December 5, 1982.


Taylor, Frank. “The White Elephant Comes into Its Own.”
Saturday Evening Post,
June 5, 1943.


Tucker, Ray. “Interior’s Adventures in the Missouri Basin.”
Public Utilities Fortnightly,
July 17, 1952.


“Washington’s Power Problem.”
New York Times,
February 15, 1983.


“What’s Happening on the Ainsworth Project?”
Nebraska Farmer,
January 1964.


“Where’s the Limit on Reclamation Projects?”
Farmer, March 1964.


“WPPSS Preparing to Sell What Remains of Two Huge Nuclear Units, Piece by Piece.”
Wall Street Journal,
August 4, 1983.




Bellport, Barney. Blue envelope memorandum to Commissioner Dominy, “Delegation of design and specifications work and contracting authority for drains—Columbia Basin Project,” May 27, 1966.


Dominy, Floyd. Letter to Claire and Donald Hanna, April, 15, 1955.

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