Called by the Bear 7-9 (2 page)

BOOK: Called by the Bear 7-9
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Chapter 3


he full skirt
of my dress rustles as I make my way to the kitchen. I look down at the shimmery gold chiffon layered over the sapphire blue silk. This gown is beautiful, and I felt like a princess when I first put it on. Right now I feel like Cinderella who’s about to have her dress torn to shreds by the ugly stepsisters, because in a half hour all the important people of the Veilleux clan are due to arrive to meet me.

My insides roll with nerves, and I hope Carol has something to help with that. Her warm smile wraps around me like a hug as she says, “Goodness, you’re stunning, Ms. Lily.”

“Thank you. But I’m also a nervous wreck. Any ideas on how to settle my stomach?”

She nods and turns to the cabinet. “They’re going to love you. You’re kind, warm, and extraordinarily beautiful.” A glass clinks on the granite countertop as she sets it down.

“You’re sweet.” I step back to look in the dining room, where the server is polishing crystal. Then I move close to Carol and whisper, “But I’m afraid they’ll all hate me like Patricia does.”

A spoon clinks as Carol mixes baking soda in a few ounces of water. “Hush.” She winks at me and whispers back, “Nobody likes Patricia. They’ll be thrilled you’ve taken her place.” In a normal voice she says, “Here, drink this quickly, and you’ll be good as new.”

I swallow the salty mixture in a few gulps. “Thank you. Now I’m off to find my husband and cling to his arm.”

Carol takes my cup and shakes her head. “You’ll do no such thing. You’re worthy of your new position. Don’t forget that.”

I smile at her. “And you might need a raise. Thank you, Carol.”

“You’re welcome. Now go dazzle Victor before the guests arrive.”

I leave the kitchen with a calm belly and renewed courage. So much so that I stop in the doorway of Victor’s study to pose in my dress.

Victor’s gaze moves up and down my body as a slow smile covers his face. He licks his lips, and he comes toward me. “That dress is going to look even better on the floor. You’re delicious.”

He grabs me by the waist and dips me in a dramatic kiss that leaves me giggling. When I’m upright I say, “You sure know how to help with my nerves. Thank you.”

Victor raises a finger and points to his ear, and then holds his arm out for me. “Come. The masses are here to meet their queen.”

I inhale deeply and take his arm as air rushes back out. “I’m ready.”

Carol was right. Many of the people I meet seem to be happy to have me as the new prima. And while nobody has said anything outright against Patricia, the implications are there with veiled praise for her previous reign.

Conversations hum as I look around the room. An old man has my husband’s ear as he drones on about the late alpha, Victor’s father. When the man’s eyes start to glisten I step back to let him share the private moment with my mate. Scanning the crowd I catch Luke’s eye, and he winks at me before he nods toward the hallway. I glance over to see an older couple enter the room. I paste on my prima face and wait as they approach.

I touch my husband’s arm lightly and speak in his head.
“Victor, I think the Robichaux are here.”

He excuses himself from the gentleman and steps beside me to greet them. “Marion, Richard, I’d like you to meet my wife, Lily.”

Richard takes my hand and leans in to kiss my cheek. “It’s an honor to meet you, my dear.”

Marion’s startling blue eyes study me for a moment, and I can’t help but think of Carly. She takes both of my hands, and we exchange air kisses. “How wonderful to meet you, Lily. I trust you’re settling in as prima okay?”

“I am, thank you.” Remembering a few of Patricia’s lunches on her calendar involved Marion I add, “And I hear you’re a fan of the Cat’s Meow. We’ll have to meet for coffee soon.”

“Oh, yes. They make the most wonderful quiche, and we do need to chat.”

Richard clears his throat, and Marion gives her attention to Victor. “It’s high time we had another prima meeting. I’m eager to get Lily up to speed on what we do.”

Victor’s voice is cold when he replies, “Yes, but do try to keep an open mind, won’t you?” He smiles, but there’s no warmth behind it. “Now that you’ve teamed up with the Le Roux I fear you’ve tipped the scales in your favor, and we may not have much say.”

Marion replies icily. “And here I’m hoping that you’ll want to join us in creating a peaceful council of the three clans to rule the Northeast Kingdom.” She glances at Richard before returning her gaze to Victor. “Perhaps you’re the one that should come to lunch?”

Wow, she just totally dissed me as not being capable of making decisions for the Veilleux clan. While it’s true I won’t do anything without Victor’s say, my bear has become restless and I take a slow, deep breath to calm myself.

Victor’s low growl sounds as he replies, “We have great respect for the Robichaux; it’s the Le Roux that make things difficult.” His voice lowers to a level that even bear ears have trouble hearing. “My father’s death came more quickly than it should have, and I can’t help but wonder why.”

What? Did Victor just imply the Le Roux killed his father?

Marion says, “I trust you’re looking into that.” She glances at me. “Rest assured we’ll support any actions that become necessary.”

Tiny hairs on my body stand on end as I think about her words. The Le Roux are cold-blooded killers, and I almost fell into their clutches. I slip my arm around Victor’s waist and lean into him. My savior.

Luke has joined us, and I welcome his friendly face. He leans in for a quick kiss. “Things look serious over here. Need a break?”

Richard says, “Luke. You’ve met the prima?”

“We go way back.” He reaches for my empty glass. “You need another drink. Come.” Luke takes my arm and says to Victor, “I’ll bring her back after I’ve gotten her into a bit of trouble.”

Victor grins at him as he hits his shoulder. “No shots.”

“What? I would never dream of such a thing.”

Luke leads me to the other side of the room. “My mother can be intense. Are you okay?”

While I’m dying to ask questions about what just happened, I don’t think it’s appropriate. “I’m fine. Clan politics are bound to be stressful at times.”

Luke grabs two glasses of champagne from a server that has stopped beside us. “They can be.” He hands me my drink and says, “The trick is to learn when you need a break. Victor’s been doing this for years, and he’s a master at the game.” Luke’s face shines with admiration for my husband. “You’ll get used to it.” He takes a sip.

Will I? I had no idea how diabolical the clan relationships were, and I definitely didn’t know to what lengths the Le Roux would go to remain in power. “I’ll remember that.” I look past Luke toward Victor. He’s holding Marion’s arm and speaking softly to her as Richard listens.

Luke leans in close to get my attention. “I think we might need shots after all. C’mon.” He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room with a grin. I can’t help but go along with his playful move.

“Where are we going?” Our feet thump lightly down the hall.

“To Victor’s study. I know where he keeps the good stuff.”

I laugh softly as he yanks me through the doorway, and the door clicks shut behind us. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

“Of course it is. Victor asked me to keep an eye on you in case he got involved in weighty conversation.”

“Weighty?” I grin as Luke holds up a bottle.


“Sure.” Two shot glasses thump on the wet bar, and amber liquid trickles in.

He hands me one and says, “I knew I liked you.”

I smile at him because this is a welcome distraction. “Thanks for watching out for me.” We both throw back the drink, and the alcohol burns its way down my throat. An involuntary shudder runs through my body at the taste. And I realize that being a prima involves way more than lunch.

Chapter 4


’m not
sure how Marion did it, but this morning she contacted me to say we have a prima lunch today with Lily. I can only imagine the lies Victor has told Lily about the Le Roux, and I’m mentally bracing myself to remain calm and logical throughout the meeting. The subject of Sierra’s kidnapping has to be raised, and it’s not going to go well with Victor’s new bride. My heart aches for Lily, because she’s about to learn that evil lurks in her husband.

I’ve arrived early and am still in the car. The visor snaps down when I lower it to check my makeup in the mirror. I pull another wavy tendril of hair from my loose ponytail. The few around my face should help me appear friendly instead of powerful. I need my compassion to be apparent, because the truth is, I don’t want to hurt Lily.

The smooth hum of the Veilleux town car draws my attention, and I glance at it pulling into the parking lot. I’m not surprised when a driver lets Lily out and follows her inside the Jefferson House, the historic mansion turned restaurant where clan business is often held. She has to feel threatened knowing the Robichaux and Le Roux now have an alliance.

As tempted as I am to wait for Marion, I know I should join Lily by myself. She needs to see I don’t have a reason for a buffer and that she shouldn’t either. Snow flurries swirl around me, and one tickles the end of my nose as I make my way across the gravel drive. It strikes me that it’s an odd surface treatment considering the tiny rocks must be shoved into a pile when snow plows clear it after a storm.

When I enter I’m led to the second floor and greeted by a hostess. From her cool look I have no doubt she’s a Veilleux, and I wonder why I haven’t noticed this place seems to be run by the rival clan. Soft classical music is playing, and the buzz from the main restaurant is faint. Lily’s driver is sitting on a chair just outside the door. I smile at him before I enter, and he nods in my direction with a straight face as if to say he’ll be watching my every move.

Lily is standing by the window, gazing out at the expanse of lawn that will soon be covered in a blanket of white snow. She turns slowly toward me. “Carly.”

She’s beautiful as a werebear. Her cheekbones are more prominent, and she holds herself with a poise I don’t remember. It’s more than the regal-looking dress she’s wearing, and I realize she was born to be a leader, because she’s come into her own. “Lily, you look happy. Being prima suits you. Annie will be so pleased to know you’re well.”

Lily blinks but quickly pastes on her show face. “Please give her my best.” She steps away from the bright window and into the warmth of the room. “How are your children?”

She’s good at this. “They’re a joy. One I’m sure you’ll get to experience next year. I’m told Victor is your true mate.”

Lily nods and can’t hide the faint blush that comes from the rush of love one undergoes when speaking about their mate. “He is, and it’s an amazing thing, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it really is. We’re pretty lucky to have been called.”

Lily studies me for a moment. “I should thank you for my tattoo. While things didn’t end up as the Le Roux planned, I’m quite happy with my destiny.”

Is she actually willing to consider a peaceful relationship with me? Patricia must not be very influential. “That’s all I ever wished for you. Annie too.”

Lily’s eyes squint a bit. “Right.” She wanders over to the table and touches the silverware before glancing at me again. “So how do these lunches work? I didn’t get an agenda. Is this a free-for-all?”

“We do usually have an agenda, but Marion and I thought today would be better spent as an informational meeting. We’ll go over the things we have done in the past and answer any questions you may have.”

Footsteps alert us before Marion appears in the doorway. We both glance at her as Lily says, “I see.”

“Lily, Carly.” My mother comes to us and holds out her hands. I grab one and notice Lily has no hesitation doing the same, so I reach for her other hand. She’s reluctant but takes mine as Marion says, “My, we’re a lovely group of prima. Great things are going to come from us, I can tell.”

“Yes, I think so,” I say. There’s an awkward moment of silence when Lily doesn’t add anything. The aroma of garlic is strong, and I change the subject. “I think appetizers are on their way. Let’s sit.”

As we get settled a waiter arrives, and ice clinks in his pitcher as he pours water for us. Marion says, “Your prima reception was lovely, Lily. Richard and I had a wonderful time.”

“So did your son.” She grins, and I catch a glimpse of the young girl I met in Colorado. “He’s trouble.”

Lily knows Luke? Marion snaps her napkin out to place it in her lap. “He does have a bit of the devil in him, doesn’t he?”

“Yes. I’m afraid he and Victor are dangerous together.”

My brother is friends with Victor. Interesting. While I’m not surprised that the Le Roux were not invited to Lily’s prima reception considering Sierra’s kidnapping and our rescue that left a couple Veilleux dead, I am curious as to why this is the first I’ve heard about the family relationship between the Veilleux and Robichaux.

Marion gazes at me. “Your friend Sierra must be having her babies soon. When is she due?”

Damn. I’d forgotten how she likes to lay things out on the table right away. “Poor thing. She’s been pregnant since June and she’s about to burst. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s this week.”

The waiter sets plates of shrimp and tomato in a garlic butter sauce before us. Marion cuts a piece with a loud clash. “Lily, do you know about Sierra’s kidnapping?”

“Kidnapping? No.”

Marion lifts a piece of shrimp toward her mouth. “It all started at Carly’s wedding. It seems Victor was quite attracted to Sierra and decided to bite her on the dance floor.”

Lily frowns and sets her fork down. Marion continues. “Now, this was before Victor met you, because he never would have gone for Sierra if he’d met his true mate. But...” She slides the bit of shrimp off her fork and chews.

Poor Lily is struggling with her emotions and is doing a bad job of hiding it. Marion swallows and says, “I’m not certain he knew that a bite to a half would change her. But he did know that it would create a mate bond that Sierra wouldn’t be able to resist.”

Lily shakes her head. “I don’t understand. Why would he want to do that?”

Marion nods. “It confuses me too. Victor is an attractive man that could have his pick of women, yet he went after Sierra. Who was already mated to another man. That’s frowned upon in our world.” She shrugs and glances at me. “Carly? Can you provide some insight?”

“I only know Sierra’s side. For weeks after he changed her, Victor spoke in her head about his feelings. He wanted to be with her, but Sierra was in love with Keith.”

Lily leans forward and hisses at me. “No. You’re lying.”

Marion reaches over and touches her arm. “I’m afraid she’s not. Victor kidnapped her and Carly to get what he wanted.”

Dishes rattle on the table when Lily bolts to her feet. “Stop this! You two are not going to turn me against Victor.”

The Veilleux driver has come into the room. “Ms. Lily?”

“I’m fine.” She turns to us. “This meeting is over.”

Marion speaks in a harsh voice. “Not so fast. You might also want to know that Sierra was rescued on the Fourth of July, since you married him just a few days later.”

All color has drained from Lily’s face, and she shakes her head before stomping out of the room with her driver by her side.

“Well, you certainly get the job done, Marion.” I say.

“I wasn’t willing to sit and pretend through an entire meal.” She stabs a piece of tomato with her fork and juice oozes out. “It ruins my appetite.”

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