Cameron, Paige - The Alluring Billionaire Country Doctor [Wives For The Western Billionaires 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (18 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Alluring Billionaire Country Doctor [Wives For The Western Billionaires 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Once more Rand pulled back and pushed in deep. His hard cock throbbed for release, but he held back until he heard her cry of fulfillment. Then he went in and out rapidly a few more times until his orgasm hit him hard and vibrated through his whole body.

He rolled to the side but kept her close. They lay together rasping for breath. When their bodies cooled, he pulled the cover back over them. Leaning over her, he kissed her sweet mouth.

“I want to wake up to you every morning for the rest of my life. Can we plan our wedding for very soon? I want to take you home to our cabin.”

“You got it finished?”

“I drove the workers crazy going by every day and urging them on. We’ll start building the bigger house in the spring.”

“What about children?”

“I’m ready when you are. That’s a project I’ll definitely enjoy working on.” He brushed her hair off her forehead and rubbed the silky strands between his fingers. “I want it all just like you do, a wife, a home, children, the whole works. I’ve had plenty of time to think about what you wrote and how I almost lost the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Then let’s get married.”

“Where and when?”

“I’d like a place outdoors with both our big families all there and our friends,” Marian said. She lay half across him with her chin balanced on her hand. “Do you have any suggestions?”

“Here or in Montana?”

“I’d like my family to see where we’ll live. Do you think your mother would mind if we had the wedding at the gazebo? It’s a beautiful setting. Chairs could be set up for the guests.”

“Mom would love to be in the middle of it all, and my sister is great at decorating. I’m sure she’d help with that.”

“Our families can mingle and get to know each other.”

“Let’s shower and check the plans out with your parents.”

“We haven’t told them about our engagement yet. But they’ll be pleased. I’d better call. They might be worried.”

“They won’t be. They know.”

Marian had started to get off the bed. She turned back. “Know what?”

“I asked your father for your hand in marriage. He said he’d be glad to have another doctor in the family.”

“I’m sure you’ve won Mom and Dad’s heart with that gesture. Dad’s sort of old fashioned.”

She headed for the shower. “Let’s get dressed. We have a lot to do.” Marian wiggled her hips and laughed.

Rand ran to her, scooped her up in his arms, and joined her in the shower. “Our plans and seeing your parents can wait a few more minutes.” He adjusted the water to warm. “I’m still hungry for you. It was a long seven weeks.”

She put her arms around his neck, and he pulled her legs up and around his hips. His mouth plundered hers as the warm water cascaded across their bodies. He stepped to the side and held her against the tile wall as his cock slid deep inside. Her pussy clamped around him. Her soft breasts rubbed against his hard chest.

“Happy?” he asked.

“Deliriously,” she purred in his ear. A sharp bolt of desire shot straight up his spine. He began to move in and out while watching the glow in her sherry eyes. She kissed his neck and bit the edge of his shoulder.

“I’m never going to get enough of you.”

“Good,” she said. “Because I love you so very much.”

“Same here, darlin’.”

Marian moved her hips and took him in deeper. Her pussy walls clenched and unclenched around his cock. His hands clamped her sweet ass tight. He quickened his movements. When her body trembled, he pushed in harder. He gulped for air and heard her yell his name as unbridled joy ripped through him.

He slowly let her legs down. She leaned into him. “Don’t let go. I might fall.”

“Never, not with me holding you.” But he wasn’t so sure right now. His legs felt shaky.

She put her arms around him and kissed his chest.

“We’d better finish this shower and dress, or we won’t make it to your parents’ today,” Rand said.

Her soft giggle warmed him through and through. She stepped back. “We need to get our wedding planned and soon. I want to go home to your cabin.”

His hands cupped her face. “Our cabin, darlin’.” He kissed her mouth and then the ring shining on her finger.

Chapter Thirteen

Marian woke early to a gentle rain blowing against her window. It was her wedding day. She snuggled back under the covers for a few more minutes.

The past month had been hectic. Rand had had to return to work the Monday after he proposed. Her mother, father, and she flew to Montana a week later.

Her parents stayed with Mrs. Brodie. Marian took up residence in Chelsea and Dirk’s cabin. She had returned to her job at the doctor’s office. Everyone had seemed pleased to see her back. She thought she might even forgive Andy and come to like him.

Sheriff Grady had notified her that the robbers were being sent to South Dakota to be tried for the murder they’d committed. “You might be called to testify about how they mentioned murdering someone. But these things take time. It won’t be soon,” he’d told her.

She’d been relieved to know she didn’t have to worry about dealing with that unpleasantness with all the rest she was juggling.

In between the families getting acquainted, their jobs, and furnishing the new cabin, they’d managed to arrange a wedding. Her mother and Mrs. Brodie became instant friends. Rand’s sister, Grace, had made several trips home to help with the planning, especially the decorations.

Marian went to the window. The rain had stopped. Raindrops glistened like diamonds on the leaves of the trees as the sun came out bright and clear. It would be dry and beautiful by eleven.

Her cell rang. She smiled, seeing Rand’s name. “Good morning.”

“I know the groom can’t see his bride before the wedding. I still wanted to hear your voice. Are you all right? You haven’t gotten cold feet and changed your mind?”

“No. I’m due at eleven to marry a handsome cowboy doctor. Nothing will keep me from that date.”

“Good to hear. I love you. You’re sure you don’t mind only having a three-day honeymoon? I’ll make it up to you later when I can get a week off.”

“We’ve discussed this. Just you and me in our cabin with a fire and a glass of champagne. Heaven.”

“But not too much sparkling wine. This time I want to see that wild woman you tempted me with and not have her sick and going to sleep on me.”

“Don’t worry. She’ll be waiting at the cabin. I love you, too, but I’m going to hang up. It takes a lady a long time to prepare herself for her wedding.”

“See you soon.”

Marian still pinched herself occasionally. It was hard to believe her life had changed so much in a little over three months. She was getting all her wishes, a good, loving man, a home, and hopefully before much longer a child. She and Rand had talked, and she had stopped her birth control pills yesterday.

“Hello, are you awake?” her mother’s voice called from the living room.

“I’ll be right there.” Marian pulled on her fluffy robe and tightened the belt. Her mom was beaming. “The last of the family arrived late last night. They’re all staying at the little inn near the edge of town. Mrs. Brodie will have them picked up and driven to her home for the wedding and reception.”

“I’m glad Dan and Mary could get here.”

“He had an emergency just before he left. He wasn’t on call, but you know him. It was one of his first patients. He stayed until the man was stabilized. Dirk went to the airport to meet them around eleven thirty last night.”

“Everyone has been wonderful about helping us get our wedding planned in a short period of time.”

“You’re marrying into a fine family. Rand is a good man, besides being very handsome,” her mother said and winked. “We’re very happy for you. Jane and I have found we have lots of common interests. She’s coming to North Carolina for a visit in the spring.”

Marian kissed her mom’s cheek. “It’s great having everyone’s approval.”

“I’ll fix your breakfast while you shower,” her mother said.

“I can’t eat.”

“Just a little, some toast and coffee. We can’t have the bride fainting. Shoo, go get ready.”

* * * *

Her wedding gown was a creamy-white light wool, with long sleeves and a high neckline. The fabric fit snug and flared at the bottom. Tiny, pinkish-colored sequins and cream lace edged the neck, the ends of the sleeves, and a wide area at the hem.

For jewelry she wore a long pearl necklace with a diamond clasp and matching earrings. Rand had given them to her mother to present them to Marian just before the wedding.

“They’re beautiful.” Marian ran her fingers across the smooth pearls.

“I have a surprise for you, too. This can be your something old.” Her mother fastened a gold bracelet that had been Marian’s grandmother’s around her wrist. “Your sister got the earrings. I saved the bracelet for you.”

“For my something blue I borrowed Chelsea’s blue garter.” She slid it up her leg. “I’m ready.”

Dirk drove Marian’s mother, Marian, and Chelsea to his mother’s house. He dropped them off at the back door so they could slip in without being seen by Rand.

Chelsea hugged her the best she could around her large belly. She wore a lovely flowing blue gown. “I’m so happy. We’ll be living in the same area. Our children will grow up together and be cousins. How neat is that?”

“If you hadn’t kept encouraging me, this wouldn’t be happening.”

“I don’t believe that. Rand had his eye on you from the start. It just might have taken longer.” She grinned.

“Ladies, it’s time.” Mama Brodie beamed. “Two beautiful, sweet daughters-in-law and soon grandbabies to spoil.” She ushered them to the front door. “Chelsea, when the music starts, you’ll follow the white satin runway to the gazebo. Marian will walk a short distance behind you.” Mrs. Brodie and Marian’s mother hugged her. Her mother whispered, “Be happy.” They hurried toward the crowd sitting around the flower-covered gazebo.

“There’s the music,” Chelsea said. She kissed Marian’s cheek. “Good luck.”

Marian watched Chelsea. Then, when the distance seemed right, she started down the runway. She saw Rand in a tuxedo with Andy beside him as best man. Rand’s eyes were on her the whole way. When she got to him, he smiled and took her hand. The flare of electricity that sparked at their touch brought back their first meeting. Rand’s expression told her he was thinking of the same time.

The minister started the ceremony. Rand spoke in a firm, warm voice. Marian was certain everyone could hear him. His eyes never left her face.

When it was her turn, her voice trembled slightly. Rand tightened his grip on her hands and smiled at her. She took a deep breath and the words came out clearer. She had difficulty believing her dream had come true and this handsome man was really in love with her.

Rand slid the wedding ring on her finger then kissed her hand. She said her words and slid his on. It was a bit wider than usual. She’d told him she wanted to be sure all those single women knew he was taken. He’d responded by reminding her that the gossip line would see that the information got around.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Rand swept her into his arms, bent her backward, and gave her a big kiss. The guests cheered and clapped.

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