Camp Confidential 03 - Grace's Twist (18 page)

BOOK: Camp Confidential 03 - Grace's Twist
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Afterward, panting and sweating like happy puppies, the girls congratulated the other sullen-faced team, and then they hugged one another. They clapped and laughed and basked for just a few extra minutes. Even if they were getting the end-of-the-summer blues at times, everyone really had bonded over the last few weeks. They’d proven it on the soccer field—whenever someone needed support, another girl ran to her rescue. Together, when 3C needed to rally, they could do it.
Alex couldn’t have been more pleased—she forgot all of her problems for that second. Nothing else mattered except that she had done her job, and she had done it well. Of course, that was typical for Alex. Anytime there were tasks to be completed, Alex was always asked to do them. Teachers knew if they needed help grading papers, Alex was their girl. Moms would let their kids stay out later as long as Alex was with them. Friends could count on Alex to help them with their homework or any other problems that they had. Alex just had this way about her of doing the right thing. But she was really hard on herself—she was a total perfectionist. Alex wasn’t judgmental of others, though. She figured that people had their flaws, and those flaws made them unique, even cute. Meanwhile, she beat up on herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d received a B in school. Anything but an A-plus was unacceptable to her. Report card day always made Alex’s parents so happy—they were big on good grades.
It wasn’t just school either. At camp, Alex always got up five minutes earlier than everyone else so she could tidy up her stuff after she got ready in the morning. She’d make her navy and white bed and neatly stack toiletries into her cubbyhole. Even her shoes were lined up alongside the foot of her bed. She never went frantic looking for a lost flip-flop or barrette like Brynn did. Alex never left her room—or her bunk—unless everything was in order. She was always on time (even though she was always sneaking off to take care of a secret personal errand) and during the school year, she always carried around her to-do list. Alex’s mom thought Alex put too much pressure on herself. She was always giving Alex those relaxing CDs where frogs chirp and water gurgles. Alex knew she should try to take it easy, but it just didn’t seem like she was built that way. She hadn’t even ripped open the plastic on those calming CDs that were tucked away deep into her summer suitcase.
“It’s too bad you’re too young to be Color War captain,” Jenna said as they headed back to the bunk to get cleaned up for dinner.
“Really? You think I’d be a good captain?” Alex asked, surprised.
“Duh!” Jenna yelled, rolling her eyes.
“But Jenna, you’re really good at soccer, too,” Alex said.
“I just have to admit that you’re better,” Jenna added. “I wish I could be captain—it would be so cool—but I was watching you out there. You’ve just got

Alex could feel her heart beating fast, her body getting excited. She tried not to smile too much—she didn’t want to be braggy—but she almost couldn’t help it. “Got what?” Alex asked.
Jenna and Brynn yelled at the same time.
That was a big thing for Jenna to say. She had been upset when Alex had turned out to be a better diver a few weeks ago. Alex had done everything she could to help Jenna with diving—even spent time with her at the lake—but Jenna just kept getting more and more upset when she couldn’t do it right. They worked it out though, and Jenna even improved her diving. Alex understood that Jenna could be really competitive. That’s why it was especially nice for her to say these things to Alex now. After all, the two of them had been coming to Camp Lakeview together forever. Even though they were close, it always felt like they were rivals albeit friendly rivals.
“Oh stop it, you all,” Alex said, hoping that she really would get to be the captain in a few years. She couldn’t help but think about how she’d missed being captain of her school soccer team last year.
“You’re going to give Alex a big head!” Brynn interrupted, teasing her.
“Nah, we won’t,” Valerie added, smiling.
“Doesn’t that distinction go to Chelsea anyway?” Grace whispered to Alex.
“Can we stop talking about it, please?” Alex asked, embarrassed by all the attention. She hoped they all meant it—she was thrilled!
Do they think I’m the best at sports?
she wondered, smiling.
“Um, okay then,” Karen said, and everyone hushed to look at her. Karen rarely spoke out loud. She could only be seen whispering to Chelsea, although lately she’d been standing up for herself more and not letting Chelsea boss her around
so much. “I have a question for Alex. Could you tell me, what’s Color War?” Karen said. Alex liked Karen a lot, even though the girl was a different kind of person. She had about twenty stuffed animals around her bed. Alex understood that girls still liked their stuffies—but everyone else had only brought one, if that.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Chelsea answered, irritation in her voice. She hated when someone else got all the attention.
Alex sidled up to Karen and started telling her all about it—Color War was absolutely Alex’s favorite time at camp. “That’s when everyone here gets divided up into two groups, red and blue. And for three whole days, we compete with each other—even with the girls in our own bunk—to see which team will win the Lakeview Champion Title,” Alex explained as her heart started beating faster.
“Um, cool,” Karen said. Karen wasn’t very competitive, so Alex wondered if she really meant it. But at least Karen seemed genuinely interested.
“Most of the competitions are sports,” Alex said, “but not all of them. I mean, we do soccer, blob tag, Scrabble, basketball, canoeing, croquet, swimming, and singdown.”
Karen’s eyes lit up. Alex remembered how well Karen had sung in drama class during the first two weeks at camp. Everyone had been so shocked. This girl, who was quiet and actually kind of babyish, had an amazing, deep, grown-up voice. It was the weirdest thing Alex had seen. She hoped Karen would sing again before camp was over.
“Cool,” Karen said again in a deadpan voice. Alex thought she’d be excited—she never quite understood her.
“For the first time all summer, bunkmates could be on separate teams, and best friends could be enemies,” Alex added. Lucky for Alex, though, she had always managed to be on the same team as Brynn. She couldn’t imagine trying to beat out her best friend in anything.
To Alex, Color War was special because while it tore the camp apart for three days, it also brought everyone closer together at the end. Unlike other camps, at Lakeview, the winners had to do something really nice for the losers—this year, like last, they would have to make chocolate chip cookies. That was always fun because those who make the cookies also get some of the dough, of course. Alex had enjoyed the process and the camaraderie and delivering the treats to the other kids at the end of dinner the year before. She hoped it would be just as much fun this year, even though she definitely wouldn’t be having any treats.
The losers also had to do something for the winners. This year, each losing team in each division would have to write a poem of concession to the winners. Their poems would be read before the cookies were given out. The catch was, the poem had to be really, really funny, and it had to address why the team believed they had lost. CITs got to approve the poems or make teams go back and redo them. That night would be a really fun night, and Alex couldn’t wait for it. Of course, it would be an even better night if her team won the war, but either way, it would be awesome.
Getting ready for Color War was just as much fun as actually doing it, too. The teams always got together in secret huddles to pick outfits, mascots, and cheers and to make signs and to plan pranks on their opponents. Even though Alex knew the drill by now—she still totally loved Color War at Camp Lakeview.
Last year, Alex, Sarah, and Brynn had been on the winning team together. Because they understood one another so well, they were able to score the last point for their team during a layup competition on the basketball court. After a perfect pass from Sarah, Alex threw the ball into the basket while Brynn cheered them on. They were so happy to win for their division that Alex cried a little while everyone yelled and screamed her name. She was sweaty and hugging her best friends, so she didn’t think anyone had noticed how emotional she’d been.
It was a special day and a very lucky shot. She went home savoring her victory. She thought last year was the best time she’d ever had away at camp. She didn’t think it could get any better.
“You’re going to love it,” Alex told Karen, who was a first-year. “I hope we get to be on the same team. I’ll show you the secrets to winning all the different events.”
Karen was so quiet that Alex hadn’t gotten to know her very well. She really did hope that the two of them could hang out some more before it was time to pack up and head home in less than two weeks. But Karen was always with Chelsea, though she had been branching out after the incident at the water park. Alex was so glad that Karen wasn’t letting Chelsea be so pushy anymore.
“Alex, you don’t have to know everything about
,” Chelsea said, taking Karen aside to explain Color War to her all over again. Alex got tingly because she could sense Karen’s suffering, and she
wanted Karen to tell Chelsea off. Alex kind of understood, though. Sometimes, like just now, Alex didn’t speak up either. Alex had the guts, that wasn’t the problem, she just didn’t like all the drama that came along with speaking up.
“I, um, was just answering Karen’s questions,” Alex said, moving away from Chelsea and over to Brynn. Brynn would tell the queen bee where to go if it became necessary. That was one thing about Brynn: No one intimidated her, and she was known to mouth off if someone pushed her buttons.
“You were showing off, Alex,” Chelsea added, “and you know it. Karen, don’t listen to her. I’ll explain it all to you.”
“I heard her, Chelsea—” Karen started to say.
Chelsea started in, “Well, it was pretty stupid to not know what Color War is. I mean, come on. Second, I would’ve told you, honey, if you’d just asked.”
Karen hung her head down toward her feet. She was such an abused puppy most of the time, though she was slowly starting to show some teeth. Alex wondered how Karen got to be so mousy.
“I can’t believe you,” Brynn said to Chelsea.
Karen’s eyes got white, and her face turned red. She put her head back up, and she said, “It’s okay, really. I get it now, and there’s no reason to—”
“Sweetie, don’t you have lines to read or something? I’m sure Alex can help you learn them since she’s so good at everything all the time,” Chelsea added, pulling Karen ahead of the group so they would be able to jump into the showers first.
“She needs to take a chill pill,” Grace said.
“She should really try meditation,” Alyssa added, which came out of nowhere. Alyssa often came out of nowhere, but at least she always had something new—and unique—to say.
“Forget about her, you guys,” Valerie said, walking arm-in-arm with her best friend Sarah.
“Yeah, we just won an awesome soccer game,” Alex said, not wanting anyone to argue. “So let’s just think about that right now.”
Natalie and Alyssa ran past Chelsea and Karen, their way of beating Chelsea to the showers. Everyone was really pulling together, even Karen. It made Alex feel good.
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