Can You See Me? (15 page)

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Authors: Nikki Vale

BOOK: Can You See Me?
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“I’m sorry, I should have known better.  I couldn’t resist.  It’s nice to know, though,” he tells me as he straightens back up.

“Know what?” I asked confused.

“That your lips are as soft as they look.  Oh, and that you have a healthy sex drive,” he says with a knowing smile and a wink.  Could he really tell that from one small kiss?  Cooper starts pushing me toward his bedroom.

“Where are we going?” I ask with trepidation.

“Don’t worry Skye, you’re safe with me.  I traded rooms with you.  When you went to lunch with Jon I moved your things into my room because I saw how much trouble it was for you to hobble back and forth from the bathroom.  I’m glad I did because it would be almost impossible to maneuver in the smaller room with this wheelchair,” he explains flippantly.

That is so sweet.  I can’t believe he was giving up the comfort of his master suite to me even before we agreed to become a couple and, I was out on a date with another man.  Where did this man come from? 

“I also took the liberty of buying you a couple extra pairs of yoga pants.  I bought them one size bigger so that they’d fit over your cast,” he informs me.  I see the fruits of his labor displayed on the bed.  He got me a pair of pants in every solid color imaginable.

“Where did you come from Cooper Talbott? And where have you been all my life?” I ask in awe of the man.

“I’ve been right here, waiting for you Skye,” he replies simply, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of my head.  “So, what would you like to do?” he queries.

“If my chair will fit in the bathroom I’d love to have a bath.  I haven’t been able to wash my body completely since the accident.  I still won’t be able to get my injured arm and leg but the rest would make me happy,” I tell him.

He promptly pushes me to the archway leading to the master bath and the wheelchair fits through perfectly.  I see a garden tub and separate shower.  I almost start clapping in glee.

“Here’s the thing Skye,” Cooper says from behind me.  “Are you going to be able to undress or get into the bathtub and wash?  Not to mention getting out again, without help,” he comments, raining on my parade.  I hang my head dejectedly.  “I’m more than willing to help you darlin.’  You just have to be willing to accept my help.”

What else can I do?  At this point, I can’t even give myself a bird bath without fear of tearing my stitches.  I look at him in resignation and nod my head in the affirmative.  He reaches his hand underneath my chin tilting my head back to look at him.

“You don’t have to be strong for me.  Let me be the one to hold you and tell you that everything’s going to be okay,” he softly suggests, gently pulling at my heartstrings.  I nod my head in consent.

Cooper walks over the bathtub and starts running the water, adding a little bubble bath.  Did he get that for me or does he take bubble baths?  That’s definitely a question for another time.

Cooper walks back over to me standing in front of the wheelchair.  I know what he’s waiting for and I lift my arms in silent acquiescence.  He gathers the sweatshirt and smoothly pulls it over my mindful of the wound on my left arm.  He reaches behind me and unclasps my black satin bra.  He attempts to avert his eyes but they keep straying back to the piercings adorning my exposed breasts.

“Skye, I can promise you that I’ll behave as a gentleman but I have no control over certain parts of my anatomy,” he informs me unabashedly.

“In all honesty, I think I’d be offended if you didn’t rise to the occasion in this particular situation,” I reply candidly.  We smile at each other with acceptance and understanding, removing some of the awkwardness out of the moment.

Cooper gets down on his knees in front of me and places one foot on each of his shoulders.  My eyes widen in surprise and he chuckles.

“Put your weight on my shoulders and lift your hips for me,” he commands.  I do as instructed and he swiftly pulls my pants and underwear off at the same time so that I can lower my butt back into the chair.  I look at his flushed face as he takes in my bald mound.  I attempt to close my legs but I can’t with the way they’re propped on his shoulders.

“You’re so beautiful.  Every inch of you is perfect,” he whispers.  His words send arrows of heat straight to my core and I squirm in my seat.  Cooper gets up off his knees and I observe the strain of his erection through his pants.  He walks over to the bathtub shutting off the water.

“Are you ready?” he asks.  I nod my head and he scoops my naked body into his arms and slowly lowers me into the warm soapy water, guiding my injured leg to the edge of the tub where it can remain propped up out of the water.  I close my eyes and sigh in content as I’m fully immersed in the water.

I open my eyes in surprise when I feel a washcloth moving tenderly across my shoulders.  Cooper looks into my eyes and continues his ministrations. He gently leans me forward and washes my back.  Done with my back, he returns me to my upright position and glides the washcloth down my neck and over my sensitive breasts.  I lean my head back against the tub and bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning.  He’s gently circling the ring in my pierced nipple, as my body writhes in the sudsy water.

“Slow down baby, let me take care of you,” his voice calms me, hinting at the promise of fulfillment.   I try to control my bodies urge to move against his caressing hands but it’s impossible.  All pretenses of washing my body are gone when I feel Cooper’s hand minus the washcloth, against my belly.  My insides tremble in response to his touch.  His fingers skim over my belly and veer off to my left thigh.  He gently squeezes my upper thigh and smooths his hand up and down my inner thigh brushing against the apex of my legs. I gasp in anticipation

“Please,” I hear myself beg.

“Please what?” he asks gruffly.  Gently brushing his long fingers against my nether-lips.

“Please Cooper,” I’m whining and arching towards his teasing fingers.

“Please what, Skye?  You have to tell me what you want,” he huskily demands, turning me on even more.

“Touch me, Cooper, please,” I plead, desperate for his touch where it matters the most right now.  He smiles at me devilishly.

“Where do you want me to touch you Skye?” he asks provocatively.  “Here?” he asks, moving his hand back up to my breast cupping it, and then tweaking the nipple with his fingertips.

“Yessss,” I moan in response, even though that’s not what I had in mind.  He runs his hand back down my belly causing it to quiver in anticipation.  His fingers stop just as they barely brush my clit.  I’m delirious with need now.  I can’t stop squirming and the bath water is sloshing everywhere.

Cooper puts his other hand on my chest to calm my movements.  “Stay still darlin, you’re gonna get your cast wet.  I’ll give you what you need, just tell me what it is that you want from me Skye,” he demands again.

“Touch me Cooper.  Touch my pussy, please,” I beg.  Cooper immediately slides his fingers across my throbbing clit and thrusts two digits into my needy pussy.  “Oh God, yes!” I moan, rocking my hips against his hand. I grip his arm fucking his hand.  He leans over the tub and latches onto one of my pierced nipples catching hold of it with his teeth.  An unfamiliar feeling of pleasurable tension begins to build in my pelvis.  I whimper low in my throat, knowing that I need something but not sure how to achieve it.  Cooper brushes his thumb against my clit and starts to make small circles, all the while thrusting in and out with his other fingers.  I grit my teeth as the feeling in my pelvis wraps so tight it’s almost unbearable until it suddenly releases in a burst of pleasure so exquisite I cry out.  My inner muscles clench around Cooper’s fingers as wave after wave of pleasure courses through me.

“That was amazing.  I never knew it could be like that,” I confess, looking into Cooper’s lust-filled eyes.  He looks as dazed as I feel.

“Are you telling me you’ve never had an orgasm?” he asks in astonishment.  If my cheeks weren’t already flushed I’d blush.

“I’ve only been with two other men and I can honestly tell you that what just took place has never happened before.  It was the best thing I ever felt in my life!  I want to do it again,” I tell him excitedly.

He laughs at me.  “I’ve created a little monster,” he chuckles again.  “I’m glad you’ve only experienced that with me,” he says seriously.  “I’ll promise we’ll do it again sometime, but how about we finish getting you washed up and into bed,” he says with concern.  I follow his gaze to see that all that excitement got some of my cast and the bandage on my arm wet.

Cooper reaches to the bottom of the bathtub finding the discarded washcloth and completes my bath as efficiently and impersonally as possible.  He unplugs the bath and allows the water to drain as he walks into the bedroom to retrieve a change of clothes for me.

He lifts my wet body from the tub.  “I’m going to set you down if front of me.  Rest your good leg on the ground and the hand of your good arm on my shoulder for balance.  Ready?” he asks and slowly lowers me after I nod.  Once I’ve got my balance he starts to towel me dry.  I notice that he’s soaked his clothes and he’s still pitching a tent in his jeans.

“Don’t even think about it,” he warns me.

“What?” I ask innocently.

“You’re worried that I was left unsatisfied.  You’re concocting a plan in your pretty little head of how you can repay me, but I won’t let you.  You always think of others and now it’s someone’s turn to think of you.  I didn’t pleasure you with thoughts of how you could later repay me.  Accept my love for what it is Skye, unconditional.  No strings attached.  I’ll survive.  I promise,” he assures me.

“Have you ever considered that my desire to please you is as much for you person as it is for me?  Now, I will readily admit that you’re the first man to see to my pleasure, which of course makes the desire to please you that much more intense.  But I enjoy bringing other people pleasure.  Your pleasure brings me pleasure,” I explain to him.

“Well we have that in common then,” he remarks amused.  I start to shiver.  This whole time we’ve been talking I’ve been standing her covered in only a fluffy yellow towel.

“Can I get dressed now Cooper?  I’m freezing,” I tell him through chattering teeth.

“I’m sorry.  Of course we can get you dressed darlin’,” he says leaning over to pick up a bra off of my wheelchair.

“Stop saying that word,” I pettily demand.

“Darlin?” he replies with a snicker.  He leans his head down to me ear.  “You don’t like it when I call you that, darlin?” he whispers in my ear and I shiver again but this time not from the cold.

“By the way Skye, I love these,” he comments, dropping the towel and flicking a finger across the barbell in my left nipple causing it to harden in response.  “It was so surprising, so damn sexy to see you had something like that.  When did you get them?” he asks me as he moves his hand over to my other breast to flick that nipple too.

“When I was eighteen right after I finished basic training I got a bus pass and a friend and I went to the Riverwalk in San Antonio and got tattoo’s and I got my nipples pierced too.  I guess I was my rebelling against my parents, against the military, against conformity.  But then I grew up and I learned that we all conform in one way or another, but it doesn’t mean we lose ourselves.  I could have taken the piercings out but I grew to like them,” I explain to him.  He runs his hands down my sides and I feel his fingers bump along my ribs as his hand descends.

I snake my right arm up and around his neck burying my hand in loose silky semi-curls and forcefully yank his head down to me. 

“Stop teasing me Cooper.  I don’t like it,” I warn him.

“I think you do,” he says good-naturedly.  I yank his head again and he grins mockingly until I cover his mouth with my own.  I nip at his soft masculine lips and then run my tongue over the crease of them seeking entrance.  He opens his mouth with a moan and I dart my tongue inside to caress his.  I feel his hands sliding down my back until he’s cupping my ass.  My left arm is hanging by my side and I maneuver myself so that I can slide my hand against the erection in his pants. He tries to break the kiss but I keep a hold on his hair and continue the exploration of his cock with my left hand.  I stroke the length of it over his jeans.  I can feel the mushroom tip straining against the fabric and I smile against his lips.

Cooper suddenly turns and lifts me into his arms carrying me to the bedroom and setting me on the edge of the bed.

“What are you doing?” I ask surprised.

“I can’t take it anymore.  I’m giving you what you want,” he says taking a step back from me and unbuttoning his wet flannel revealing a white t-shirt underneath which he quickly discards.  I sit in stunned silence as Cooper exposes his gorgeous body to me.  Who knew he was harboring a chiseled chest and six-pack abs under all those different flannels?  He has a small thatch of dark hair on his chest and a happy trail leading down from his navel.  My mouth starts to water in anticipation.

He begins to unbutton then unzip his pants and I’m absolutely mesmerized by the sight.  He drops his jeans and puts his fingers under the lip of his boxer briefs and then snaps them.  I look up in surprise and he chuckles.

“You really do want this don’t you darlin?” he queries in quiet disbelief.  The combination of knowing he’s about to reveal his cock to me accompanied by him calling me darling has me moist all over again.  I lick my lips and nod my head eagerly in response.  He smiles and lowers his underwear revealing his long turgid shaft.  I look up at him pleading with my eyes for him to step closer.

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