Capital Risk (19 page)

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Authors: Lana Grayson

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In some ways, Reed was the most dangerous Bennett of all.

I savored every lick and suckle, every press of his thick tongue against the swollen bud, every delicious and rolling shiver that flicked from his attention against the most sensitive, hottest part of me. The hormones and desperation, fear and relief, delights and shames blended away into the single tremor of absolute pleasure.

I missed this.

I wanted this.

I needed this.

Even if it was nothing I ever should have wanted, nothing that anyone, any woman, any person should have ever enjoyed. I loved each of my step-brothers in my own way, and nothing could break those bonds. Not now.

Reed’s tongue dashed over my slit, rolling and rubbing and deliberately seeking every pleased mew I uttered. Nicholas held me, touched me, kissed me.

But I was still missing one.

Max watched us, the dark intensity of his stare more intimidating when cast from the corner of the room. He meant for the alcohol in his hand to shield him from whatever he felt from our movements.

But nothing numbed a person more than isolation and separation.

And nothing healed more than a touch.

“Max.” My voice hitched as Reed’s tongue slipped within me. “Please.”

Max shook his head. “Just enjoy yourself, baby.”

“I’ll enjoy it more with you.”

I didn’t remember becoming so greedy, but
step-brothers weren’t enough. Reed groaned against my folds, and the hum buried inside me. I curled my fingers against Nicholas’s grasp, bending to capture his lips and take a deep, passionate kiss. The pressure built. I shuddered in their arms as everything pulsed hard, fast, and undeniable.

“Gonna come?” Reed parted from me to lick his finger. He grinned as he captured my clit once more and pressed against my entrance. He pushed his finger inside, groaning just as I did. “Let’s see it, Sarah. I gotta see it.”

I arched, accepting as much of him as he could give. A finger wasn’t enough, not when I knew they could give something better. I clenched over him, riding the shivers cast from the nibbled intensity of his lips against my bud.

Nicholas’s tongue tickled over mine, capturing my cries. He greedily hoarded them for his own.

It was overwhelming. I grasped at Nicholas, moaned for Reed, and desperately wished for Max’s touch.

Reed pumped his finger inside me, no longer faint or teasing. Again and again, his tongue swirled over me, and with each swipe of his expert and devoted lick, I crashed
, bursting with need and dizzying myself with every swept crest.

The orgasm rippled through me in a quiet plea. Nicholas took my hand, Reed the other. I squeezed as my breath lost in amazement. The shock of energy consumed me in a raw, honest burst of pleasure. I wept in a final shudder.

Reed grinned, licking his lips with exaggerated excitement. “Moved to tears? New record.”

Damn hormones. My voice was weak, trembling like my legs and arms and every bit of me twisted in oblivion. “Who’s keeping score?”

“I am.”

“Of course you are.”

I swallowed, glancing at Max, still sullen, ignoring the drink in his hand and the bulge in his jeans. I called for him again.

He shook his head.


His refusal hurt more than anything he did to me in the past, any beat of the belt or crash of his hand or his forced weight crushing me in muffled fear. It wasn’t his fault for what happened that night. It wasn’t his fault for the attack at our beach house or that I had been taken again.

Why did he act as though he were the cause of my every sorrow?

“Max…” I whispered again.

His voice hardened, rusted with an inflicted loneliness. “No, baby.”

. How could I have such beautiful, perfect pleasure from Reed and Nicholas and still
for another’s touch?

I groaned, accepting another of Nicholas’s kisses as I threaded my fingers through Reed’s hair. I thanked both of them with breathless murmurs.

Reed panted as he stared at me, at my body, at my wetness. His muscles tensed and flexed, and the hardness testing his jeans seemed painful.

I looked to Nicholas, shivering under the eager gold of his hunted gaze. Everything had changed. Our roles, our needs. I was no longer offered to his brothers to be bred and dominated. Now, it was my choice, our will to let the pleasure guide our desires.

I wanted comfort. Normalcy. That healing moment.

And I’d earn it for all of us.

I shifted from Nicholas’s lap to tug Reed’s shirt from the lean, strapping muscles of his chest. His build wasn’t as dramatic as Max’s or defined as Nicholas’s, but the swimmer’s strength rippled beneath his skin. He promised the same protection, the same power.

Just as much fun.

“Sarah, I don’t fucking deserve this.” Reed whispered as I climbed to him, unbuttoning his pants and releasing his demanding thickness from his jeans. “Seriously. I can’t…”

“It’s okay.” I lingered close, kissing his cheek, his neck, his shoulder. “I want this.”

“I hurt you before.”

No more than anyone else had, and nothing I hadn’t survived, forgiven, and needed to forget.

My breath caught as the sea-green of his eyes cracked to jade. He tensed before me, racked with guilt and suffering from the same suffocating confusion and darkness that had trapped me for so many months.

I found my peace, explored my needs under Nicholas’s hand, and took back that part of me offended, violated, and stolen.

Reed hadn’t found that peace. Neither had Max.

The thought of my step-brothers enduring that agony destroyed me, especially when I could help.

I pumped Reed’s cock in my hand, pressing my forehead against his as he sucked in a harsh breath and exhaled a profanity.


“I want this,” I whispered. “Do you?”

Reed gritted his teeth. He looked beyond me. “Nick?”

Again, Nicholas offered the smallest of smiles. “Ask her.”

“Fuck yes, Sarah.”

He moved, but I placed my hands on his shoulders, aching for the same relief but still crippled with insecurity. I pushed him back against the sofa. He understood.

They all understood.

I was either lucky or transparent, and I didn’t mind in the least. Every fear tumbled from me when my clothes came off and our bodies pressed close. Nicholas’s gentle hand brushed my hair from my shoulder. I arched. Reed cupped my breast.

Two men touching me, soothing me, wanting me. It was more than I could handle. My wetness teased us, and I edged over Reed’s lap.

He never rushed me. He caressed my curves and whispered soft words of encouragement peppered with coarse expletives as I settled over him.

I held my breath and pushed myself down over his thick, pulsing length.

If Nicholas completed me, Reed treated me to every fun and flirty and desperate shade of desire. I filled with him, curled my hands over his shoulders, and slid against his shaft with a murmur of utter relief.

“Goddamn.” Reed’s head fell back. “You have no idea…”

I did. I knew. That moment of
. When the burdens fell away and all that remained was forgiveness and pleasure and the delight of knowing another offered that peace.

I crashed against him, willing his hardness to stretch me, letting his touch tease me. I shared his smile, his groans, the fullness that warmed through me with such dire intensity every little movement carried me higher, slickened me more, tickled me with goose bumps.

My words begged for him, for all of them. I twisted and reached for Nicholas. He met my cry with a kiss, a touch to my hips, and helpful push harder against his brother’s pulsing thickness.

I groaned again. “Max?”

Max paced now, edging from my sight, but not escaping. He watched, eagerly. His profanity rasped harsh, the edge of desperation in his voice.

But he didn’t come to me. He didn’t touch. He didn’t ask for any of the same pleasure I vowed to give each of them.

He blamed himself for everything. How was I supposed to help him?

“More…” I whispered to any of them, all of them. “Please.”

“Fuck, if I knew she’d be like this…” Reed groaned as I tightened, clenched, and shattered upon him, crashing to his chest and nearly weeping with ravished joy. “We should have knocked her up long ago. Fuck. She won’t stop coming.”

Only a problem if I stopped breathing through the pleasure. My mouth dried, and I bit against Reed’s shoulder as his thickness pumped through my core and delivered more shivers.

“I tried to do it before,” Nicholas teased. “She was too stubborn.”

“We’ll just keep her this way.” Reed seized my nipple. He murmured with his mouth full. “She’s insatiable.”

My words gasped incoherently as I bounced against him again, grinding hard against Reed’s hips to tease the little slick nub that needed as much attention as my core.

Nicholas leaned close, watching as my skin flushed and body rocked with shivers. His fingers traced over my shoulders, my neck, down my spine.

He pressed against my lower back, and I eagerly fell upon Reed, wrapping my arms over his shoulders and burrowing my face in his chest. Just more places to kiss, to muffle my groans.

But Nicholas’s hand didn’t slow. He cupped the curve of my ass, traced a teasing line, and then dipped.

He brushed a sensitive, vulnerable, unexplored part of me.

And I nearly leapt off of Reed.

.” Nicholas’s mocha comfort thickened over me, easing the tensed muscles reacting purely from memory. “I’d never hurt you.”

He wouldn’t, but I remembered what happened so long ago, another cruelty of Darius that meant to steal something that wasn’t his. To hurt me in ways no one deserved to be hurt. To claim a simple dignity. I hadn’t let them near since the day Nicholas rescued me from his father’s office.

I gripped Reed. His hands brushed my cheek, offering a gentle reassurance.

I bit my lip.

Just another hurdle to cross, wound to heal, and confidence to gain.

Except it wasn’t a place we had ever explored. Taking me there wouldn’t have

Nicholas’s gentle fingers rubbed a soft circle, shuddering every intake of air from me. I hadn’t felt anything quite that sensitive. Reed grinned, nuzzling my cheek and encouraging my movements. I bounced slower, letting Nicholas’s touch press harder.

“Weird…” I whispered. “It’s very, very weird.”

Nicholas shushed me again. “Good weird?”

“No idea.”

Reed laughed. I gripped his shoulders, watching as Max disappeared from the living room. He returned after only a moment. I didn’t see what he handed his brother, but I didn’t let him get away, not when he finally crossed close enough for me to touch.

I took his hand, flinching as Nicholas teased me with a very cold, very slick gel. Max retreated. I met his gaze.

“Baby,” he whispered. “You don’t want me now.”

“I do.”

“I can’t risk hurting you anymore. Not now. Not with…” He watched my expression with a hungry, dark lust. Nicholas’s fingertip gently massaged a part of me I knew Max wanted more than anything. “I don’t trust my instincts, Sarah. And you’re…you’re pregnant, and I’m…”

I gripped his hand, cooing as Reed pressed his hips up and Nicholas’s finger dipped inside a place I hadn’t thought would be touched

Max watched my reaction with a clenched jaw and tightening grip. I gasped. Nicholas edged close, pressing his body closer to mine as he teased me with an invasion that felt completely and utterly

I rolled with shivers, head to toes and back again, but the sensation, the stuffed fullness tricked me into a solid stillness. I couldn’t move, didn’t want to move. Yet, even as I endured something so raw and intrusive, I shifted my hips back and drew Reed and Nicholas deeper.

And it was

I groaned without realizing how my voice trembled. All three of my step-brothers chuckled masculine, excited growls.

“How’s that, baby?” Max whispered. “Looks fucking good.”

“Different. Very different.”

“Like it?”

Why lie? “Maybe?”

Nicholas nibbled my ear, encouraging me to rock against both Reed’s cock and his finger. The shivers came again. The moan centered deep in my chest.

“Hard…to think.” I swallowed. The heat pitted in me, faster and more uncontrolled. “I’m gonna…”

And they had me again.

The pleasure sliced through me. Clenching Nicholas’s finger and Reed’s cock drew me higher, and my words fizzled into a gasp of excitement as everything weird and wonderful and thick and strange blended into a delight I hadn’t felt before.

One man fucked me. One man touched me. And one man whispered sensual compliment after compliment.

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