Captivate Me (10 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

BOOK: Captivate Me
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The history between Angel and GT is complicated. She explained the loss of their baby and her thinking GT cheated on her because he made it look that way. I got what she said. I didn’t want to screw it up, either, whatever

“The difference between you and GT and us is … You have history and were destined to be together. Buzz and I met because he came up to school and got you. It was a whim, and I’m not going to make this out to be something it’s not.” Even as I say those last words, my heart aches. It’s true, and I don’t like the truth. I would rather have a slap to the face than feel this.

“Bella, you have no way of knowing anything. Princess and Cruz met when he held a gun to her face. Crazy shit happens. It’s a part of life. Don’t give up so quickly or be so quick to judge.”

I shrug. “Only time will tell.” I fear time will tell me something I don’t want to know.




The door opens to my computer cave, and I look over to see Pops walking in, his face a mask of disapproval.

“Hey, Pops,” I call out.

He nods toward my bank of computers. “Have anything on Ransom yet?” His voice is firm. Fuck, I wish I had more to give him.

“He cut the feed and looped it at nine p.m. Then he restarted it at ten-thirty. That gave him an hour and a half to get whatever he needed out of that place and get gone.”

“I want in there,” Pops demands, and I pull up Ransom’s property on my screen.

Pointing to the photo, I tell him, “There are two entrances. I have infrared cameras telling me there are three guys.” I show him their locations. “But I’m not sure if the place is rigged to blow if we show up.”

“Find out,” he orders.

I decrypt the code for two computers at the same time, hoping to gain access to their system while Pops hovers over me. While I don’t fucking like it, I take it because I fucked up by calling Bella first. I’ll take that heat. If part of that is him over my shoulder, then so be it.

“Anything?” he asks after fifteen minutes of me meeting road blocks.

“I have one other way. Give me a sec.” I tap into the computer. “There.” I look up at Pops who hasn’t moved an inch. “These are the underground wires that are secondary to the wireless network they have going on. I already tapped that and can control it at any time. The wires, though, will be set to blow, and that can be accessed remotely. If Ransom’s watching and we step in, he detonates it.”

“Fuck,” Pops growls, crossing one arm over his chest, the other hand coming to his lips. “Do you think there’s anything there?”

I turn to him. “No, I don’t. Whatever he had, he took it with him: computers, phones. At least, that would be what I would do if I were as fucked as he is.”

“I wanna blow it,” Pops says. “Round up the guys and meet in church.” He turns and moves away.



Three hours later, we watch as Ransom’s compound and the men inside burn to the ground.

We pull up to our clubhouse in the van, parking it in the lot.

“Lock this place up tight,” Pops orders, and we do what he says. It won’t take long because everyone’s already on alert.

“So, brother, you sharing Bella with everyone or just your brother?” Dagger asks mischievously. He has a woman, Mearna, and she would cut off his balls if he touched another woman. Still, the question pisses me off.

“No one fucking touches her.”

Dagger laughs as we move toward the clubhouse. Then he nods his head to the courtyard, and I follow his gaze.

Two brothers from the Clayton Charter sit on either side of Bella at a picnic table. It’s like a punch to the gut that takes my breath away as the cards of my life fall into place. Yes, we’re in a bunch of shit, but having her here with everyone else … They need to know she’s mine.

Bella’s soft laugh can be heard as the two men try to get my fucking woman.

“Son of a motherfucking bitch,” I growl, marching toward her.

Her eyes light up when she sees me, but then the spark dies when she obviously figures out I’m pissed as shit.

She rises, coming toward me. “Buzz?”

I move past her and get in my brothers’ faces.

“See this woman?” I motion to Bella, and they nod. “Off fucking limits.”

I feel Bella jump beside me.

Both men put their hands up. “Didn’t know she was yours.”

“I told you I was staying with Buzz,” Bella says, pissing me off more.

“You told them you were with me?”

She hesitates. “I said that, while I’m here, I’m staying with you.”

I look at the guys. “She tells you she’s my woman and you hit on her?”

“Just thought she was fucking you, brother. Didn’t know it was something more,” Singer says.

Bella’s breath hitches, but I ignore her.

“Spread this shit. Bella is off limits to everyone,” I growl before turning to Bella.

I grab her arm and haul her toward the door to the clubhouse. My temper flairs, and I take some calming breaths to get it under control. By the time we march through the main room, down the stairs, and into her bedroom, the calmness begins to set in.

Bella tugs on her arm, wrenching it hard, and I let go. “That hurt!” she screams at me.

I close my eyes. That is the last thing I want to do. I never want to hurt her, dammit.

“I’m sorry about that.” I point at her arm. “Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Can you tell me what the hell that was back there? I was just talking to those guys.” She crosses her arms over chest, pushing her tits up into the V of her shirt. My cock jumps to attention.

“They were ready to fuck you,” I say, shutting the door to the bedroom.

“Well, nice for them. That doesn’t mean I would have let them. Since I met you, I’ve only been with you and once with Breaker.”

The tension in the air thickens like a cloud. For the briefest of moments, her face flashes hurt, but she quickly masks it. I don’t like it one fucking bit.

“That’s good. Then I don’t have to kill them.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “Why would you say that?”

I’m not playing this back and forth game anymore. We’ve been doing it for months, and I’m over it.

I step closer to her and wrap her in my arms. “Because if any motherfucker touches you, Bella, I’ll fucking gut him.”

“But Breaker …”

I shake my head, silencing her. “That was once. Never again. All mine. No other cock will be anywhere near you ever again.”

I give her no time to process the words before I capture her lips and press her soft body against mine. I grip her neck firmly, not allowing her to move as she kisses me back, trying to keep up. Then I push her away, not hard, but she stumbles a bit before gaining her balance.

“Strip,” I order, and her pupils dilate as she licks her plump-from-my-kisses bottom lip.

Something sparks in her eyes, and my first thought is,
is she going to comply, or is she going to fight back

The more I watch, the more I see it: the moment when she allows her body to surrender.

She tosses her clothes to the floor, giving me a fantastic view of all her curves. Bella is all woman; no skin and bones here. I have something to hold on to and keep me warm, and I love every damn inch. Her damn ass is to die for: round, pert, and fucking perfect.

She stands in front of me, unmoving, waiting. I love that, too.

“On the bed, face down, arms up, legs apart.”

The hitch of her breath tells me she heard me, but she doesn’t move.

I raise my brow in challenge.

It takes her a moment when it normally wouldn’t, and I see a bit of fear there, but she finally complies, getting into position. Then I move to the top drawer of the dresser where I stashed some toys for us to play with. I grab the cotton rope and move to her hands.

A slight tremor goes through her, but it’s not a turned on one. No, it’s fear, and that tears at my gut.

“Tell me why you’re afraid.”

She blows out a breath. “You’re pissed at me. That bothers me.”

“Good. I want it to bother you.”

“You want me to be scared of you?”

I sit on the side of the bed, holding the rope. “That’s not what I said, Bella. I said I’m happy that me being pissed bothers you. It means that you give a shit—you care. You want to do good for me, just like I want to do good for you.”

She closes her eyes, and when she opens them again, pain comes through, but she replies with nothing. I’ll have to get it out of her another way.

“Ready to play?” I ask.

“Yes,” she shakily says back.

“I’m tying your hands and feet. You don’t move unless I say.” I grip the rope and her wrists.

“Yes,” she answers.

I begin to circle the rope around her wrists, knotting them in a way I learned from an old buddy of mine, who was deep into the lifestyle, which I am not. I just like to play. I don’t have titles or anything like my buddy has. I go with what suits me.

I practiced the technique over the years, but wrapping Bella, I take extra care to make sure nothing will chafe or hurt in any way.

She shivers as I tie her last leg.

“How does that feel?” I ask as I finish the last knot.

“Good,” she replies, sounding a bit foggy.

I walk over to the drawer and pull out my flogger. The long rod with a leather strap at the end feels erotic in my hand. This little tool can bring pleasure, and it can bring pain. Tonight, Bella will get both. She needs to learn once and for all that she is mine. No more games.

With a light touch, I run the leather tip across her skin, watching goose bumps form with each movement. Each time her flesh rises, a jolt of excitement hits me, making my already hard cock painful. I ignore it, knowing when I get done with Bella, the end will be worth it.



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