Captive (21 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Captive
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He settled over her and slid his cock balls deep in one long, slow thrust. She moaned and lifted her legs around his waist, forcing him even deeper. God, he was huge, and he stretched her almost to the point of pain, but he felt so good as he thrust in and out, grinding against her sensitive clit on the down thrust. Each time applying just a little more pressure, each one lingering just a second longer.

“You feel so good, Mikayla,” he moaned against her lips. “So tight and hot. So perfect.”

“Sid,” she screamed as his thrusts increased in rhythm, forcing her to take more of him. “Oh God.”

“That's it, kisary. Come for me. Let me feel your pussy squeeze my cock.”

“Oh yes,” she growled. How could she be doing this again so soon? How could he make her body feel this much pleasure?

Her climax rocked through her, her pussy gripping his shaft, pulsing against him in waves of ever-increasing pleasure. Sid growled and stiffened above her, his hot seed emptying into her spasming channel.

Settling on his elbows, he dropped his forehead to hers, his eyes closed, his breathing as harsh and ragged as hers. Lifting her hand, she feathered her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feel of the silky strands. She loved his hair and hoped he never cut it.




Slowly, their hearts began to beat in time together, and she touched the side of his face. His eyes opened and gazed into hers, still black with passion and something else.

Something she felt deep within her own heart.

“I love you, Mikayla,” he whispered.

Her chest tightened, her lower lip quivered. “I love you too. And I'm not even sure when it started.”

He grinned. “I think I've loved you since the day you told me I wasn't man enough.”

She laughed as she remembered that day, which now seemed so long ago.

“So,” he said, his voice a deep rumble in his chest she felt vibrate in her own. He dipped his head, biting softly at the sensitive flesh below her ear. “Am I man enough for you after all?”

With excruciatingly slow movements, he began to move in shallow thrusts, teasing her, his cock thickening with every movement of his hips. All she could do was moan and move with him. The feel of him inside her was unlike anything she'd ever known.

“Definitely,” she whispered.

He kept his thrusts slow and shallow, his kisses light and teasing. His hands framed her face as his lips softly brushed across hers, swallowing her sighs. It felt so good just being one with him, just letting their bodies move together in a gentle rocking rhythm. It was perfect.



* * * * *


Sidious led Mikayla through the massive hallways and down a gorgeous flight of stairs that circled around and emptied into a beautiful mahogany entranceway with tile floors and huge windows that overlooked the front lawn. It was such a beautiful house, but so empty. Only a few of the rooms were furnished. “Where's all the furniture?” she asked. “Storage?”

“No. Remember when I told you Stefan almost drowned here as a child?”


“Well, when that happened, my father packed them up and moved back to Tilarus. My mother never finished decorating the house.”

“That incident must have really frightened your father.” She could understand why it would. It would be so hard to lose a child. “How old was Stefan at the time?”

“Two, I think.”

Walking through the alcove, they emptied into a brightly lit room with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the veranda and the lake just beyond.

“It's so beautiful here,” she sighed.

Sidious placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. She leaned back, resting against his chest as his arms snaked around her waist, holding her close.

“Good morning, you two.”

Mikayla turned to see an older woman with gray hair and shining blue eyes standing in the kitchen doorway holding a tray of cups. Her smile was so friendly, so open, Mikayla couldn't help but smile back.

“Good morning, Gaviny,” Sidious said as he moved to take the tray from her and place a kiss on her cheek.

“Oh, Sidious. She's lovely,” Gaviny said as she stepped forward and took Mikayla's hands in hers.

Mikayla smiled slightly, then glanced to Sidious with a questioning expression.

Who was this woman?

“Gaviny, you're going to embarrass her,” Sidious chastised, but Gaviny waved her hand in dismissal. “Mikayla, Gaviny was my
. She is now retired and lives here at the lake house, taking care of it.”

“Fortac?” she asked in confusion.

Sidious pursed his lips in thought. “You would probably call it a nanny.”

“Oh,” Mikayla said with a nod. All this seemed so strange. She still couldn't imagine Sidious as a young boy.

“Honey, the stories I could tell you about this boy.” Gaviny giggled, making Mikayla smile in interest.

“Really? I would love to hear some.”

“No you wouldn't,” Sidious said with a grin. “They're all lies anyway.”

“Sidious Marcone. You should be ashamed.” Gaviny narrowed her eyes at him in censure. “Accusing your Fortac of telling fibs.”

He placed his hand over his heart as he sat down at the huge wooden table in the center of the room. “Please forgive me. I momentarily lost my head.” Mikayla snorted at the image he tried pathetically to portray. “But please, Gaviny, I beg you. You can't tell her how rotten I was as a child; she'll leave me, in fear that our children will grow up to be just as rotten as their father.”

She and Gaviny both laughed. It was hard not to, he was so adorable.

“What would the two of you like for breakfast? Name it; it's yours.” Sidious smiled wickedly at Mikayla, and the heat of a blush moved up her cheeks.

Who would have imaged she would be here with the very man she assumed all this time was her enemy, sipping coffee at a table overlooking a magnificent lake, talking to his nanny? Would she wake up shortly to find herself back at the ship and none of this happened?

“I'm starving this morning, Gaviny,” Sidious said with a wide smile. “Give us the works.”

Gaviny walked over and cupped his face. “It's so good to see you your old self again. She's good for you, I think.”

“I think so too,” he replied with a wink, and Gaviny headed to the kitchen, humming softly.

Mikayla took the chair next to Sidious and lifted the cup of coffee he slid across to her. “Your old self? How have you been lately?”

Sidious shrugged and grinned sheepishly. “Absent.” She sipped her coffee, watching in silence as she waited for him to elaborate.

“I have a hard time sometimes looking my father in the eye. He acts all proud of my military career, but if he knew what I was really doing…”

“But you suspect he's your benefactor,” Mikayla reasoned. “Could his pride be a front, just like your surly demeanor?”

“Surly, huh?” he grumbled.

“Yeah. Just like that.”

He chuckled and lifted his cup to take a sip of the hot brew. “There is that possibility, I suppose.”

“This is good,” she said and lifted her cup slightly. “I can't believe you have coffee here.”

“We've had it here for years. I think someone brought it here from Earth. I thought the fact Earth had it was too much a coincidence.” Her eyes widened in surprise. “So people from space have been visiting our world for quite a while?”

“Did you not really look at the town? There are areas of Earth that look just like it.”

“Maybe,” she said with a frown. “I guess I just didn't put two and two together.

Your world is so much more advanced than mine.”

“When you were still fighting with swords, we were just starting space travel.”

“How many other worlds are out there, do you think?”

“Thousands. We still haven't found or explored them all. For all we know, there's a world out there even more advanced than ours.”

“What will happen to your family's title once the prime minister is taken down?” she asked.

Sidious shrugged. “Nothing. The title was around long before the prime minister came along. Tilarus has had counts as rulers for centuries.”

“So the prime minister just left it?”

“He modeled the other worlds after it. Those titles will fold, and the worlds will revert to their original governments or possibly create new ones. At one time, there was a galactic senate that reigned over the regional governments.”

“Do you plan to bring the senate back?”

“That's the plan,” he said with a grin. “Each planet will be represented by a senator or senators, depending on the size and population.”

“Similar to our own government,” she said with a nod. “Who's over the senate?”

“A regent, which would be similar to your presidential position. But this time, things will be put into place to stop a repeat of what happened with the prime minister.”

“How did he do it?” she asked in curiosity. “How did they allow that to happen?”

“He used a war as a way to manipulate the senators and convinced them to give him more power than they should have. Once he had firmly established himself as leader, he abolished the senate. That was about fifty years ago.” Her brow raised in surprise. “Fifty? He must have been young.” Sidious shook his head. “No. He's from a race that lives much longer than we do.

Our life span is pretty close to the same as yours. His is several decades longer.”

“Oh,” she said as she studied him. “How old are you?” He grinned as he lifted the coffee cup to his lips. “How old do I look?”

“Right now, much younger than you do on the ship.”

“I'm thirty-two, but at times feel sixty-two.”

“I can certainly see why,” she replied dryly. “How have you managed to not get caught?”

He shrugged, a sad look clouding his eyes. “I'm good at what I do and gave them no reason to suspect me.”

“What you do bothers you, doesn't it?”

He glanced at her through his lashes, then took a deep breath. He leaned his elbows on the table, closely examining the cup he held between his hands. “We've invaded so many worlds over the years, killing so many people, just so he could expand his empire.”

She reached out and laid her hand over his. He smiled slightly, turning his hand to grasp hers and bring her fingers to his mouth. He kissed the back of her knuckles softly, sending a warm tingle up her arm.

“In the beginning, I had nightmares, but I learned to turn a blind eye to everything, I guess. I did what I needed to do and thought only of Stefan and Taron, keeping them safe and informed. Keeping the rebels one step ahead of the prime minister. I'll have to live with some of the things I've done for the rest of my life, but if we succeed, I will consider it worth it.”

This man was amazing. He was too good to be true, and in some ways, that scared the hell out of her. “I treated you so badly. Thought the worst of you.”

“You had every right to think the worst, Mikayla. You'd been kidnapped. And if you had any idea what was going through my mind that first time I saw you in the bar, you'd really have reason to hate me.”

She snickered. “Can't be any worse than what we've already done.” He grinned, sending little shots of trepidation down her spine. “Baby, we haven't come anywhere close to doing all the things I want to do to you.” She smiled back but quickly changed the subject. The last thing she wanted to do was go at it on the table when Gaviny could walk back in at any second. “So what made you fall in love with me? Do you like being abused?” A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest, making her heart flip. “I didn't intimidate you.”

“Oh yes you did. I just didn't show it.”

His eyes smiled at her warmly, so full of love and mischief. How had he done it?

How had he kept his cold, hard persona up for so long? No wonder he was tired and wanted this battle at an end. He wanted his life back. He wanted to be able to be himself again.

“How about you and I spend the day in town? We'll go eat an early dinner, then come back here and make love in the lake.”

Her lips twitched slightly as he lifted her hand to his lips. His teeth sank gently into the flesh of her knuckle, making her body shiver in anticipation of him sinking his teeth other places as well.

“Won't it be cold?” she asked.

He shook his head, his thumb rubbing the back of her fingers. “The water's heated by thermal caves within the core of the planet. Water's the perfect temperature.” She grinned and leaned forward to brush her lips across his. He tasted of coffee and slow, lazy mornings. She had no doubt life with him would be amazing. “I say that sounds like a wonderful idea.”


* * * * *


Kaylar stood at the entrance to the store, her lips pursed in thought. Something was up; she knew it deep in her gut. Sidious avoided his father like the plague. Stefan was gone more often than not, and Lord only knew where. Taron as well. Damon was up all hours of the night pacing, insisting there was nothing wrong, but she knew better. Her husband tried to put on a calm facade, but he failed miserably. Then there was the money. Huge sums of it, and this last installment Damon had forked over hadn't been the first. It had only been the first one she'd confronted him about. The money wasn't really the issue. Lord knew, they had plenty. It was the

secrecy. The worry she could see etched in Damon's forehead, the nervousness in his eyes. Eyes so like Sidious's and Stefan's.

They were the spitting images of their father -- so handsome and strong. Also lousy liars. The three of them may be able to fool everyone else, but they hadn't fooled her. She just couldn't figure out what was going on.

“There you are.”

At the sound of her husband's deep voice, she turned and smiled as he came down the sidewalk. His shoulders were still just as broad as they were over thirty-five years ago, his waist just as trim. He'd kept his hair long, and to this day, she still loved running her fingers through it. With a smile, he leaned down and placed his warm lips at the corner of her mouth, and like always, her body shivered in response. His presence never failed to make her heart flutter wildly.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her lips spreading into a smile.

“Just making sure you don't break me,” he replied in amusement. “What were you staring at so intently?”

“Your son. And what do you mean break you?”

He just grinned and pulled a windblown piece of flower from her hair. He loved to tease her about her spending. It would take much more than what she spent to break him.

“Which son is here?” he asked, deliberately avoiding her question.


“He's here?” he asked, suddenly turning serious, his eyes glancing around the crowded streets of Daego.

“Yes. Over there.”

Kaylar turned and pointed to their son across the street. Beside him was the young woman he'd introduced her to yesterday.

“Good. I need to speak with him.”

Damon moved as though to join him, but Kaylar put her hand on his arm, stopping him. “Don't,” she whispered. “Look at him, Damon. When was the last time you saw him smile like that?”

They both watched as Mikayla stood on her tiptoe, whispering something into Sidious
s ear. He leaned down slightly to better hear her, and his lips spread into a huge smile just before his chest began to shake in laughter. His eyes sparkled as he smiled down at the young woman who barely reached his shoulders.

He looked so happy, so in love, and her heart soared for her son. He'd been so troubled lately, so tired.

“Who is she?” Damon asked as they watched them.

Her dark brown hair was piled on her head in a loose knot. A few tendrils brushed her cheek in the afternoon breeze. The blue sleeveless dress hugged her body,

complementing her curvy figure. Sidious was also dressed in street clothes, the casual black slacks and blue button-down shirt suiting his frame much better than that horrid uniform he wore.

“I met her yesterday. Her name is Mikayla.”

“Mikayla. Unusual name. Where's she from?” Damon asked in interest.

“I don't know. All he said was he'd found her where he least expected to.”

“Ah,” Damon said with a grin. “Same place I met you.” She returned his smile and hooked her arm around his elbow as they strolled along behind Sidious and Mikayla, watching the two of them.

“So is this what we're doing today? Following Sidious around?” Damon asked in amusement.

“For a while,” she murmured. “I like watching them. I've never seen Sidious like this with a woman.”

“I've never seen him interested in a woman long enough to be like this,” Damon said with a sideways grin. “He was too focused on his military career.” Kaylar didn't miss the slight sneer to his voice but remained silent about it.

Damon often gave off mixed signals when it came to Sidious and his choice of career. In front of other people, he acted all proud, which made Sidious extremely uncomfortable, but at home, she could tell his choice worried him.

Sidious leaned down and whispered something into Mikayla's ear, making her laugh. Breaking off a piece of the cake she had in her hand, Mikayla reached up and placed the piece at his mouth. He opened his lips, and she settled the bite on his tongue; then Sidious grabbed her hand, placing a single kiss on the inside of her palm. A slight blush heated Mikayla's cheeks as she stared up at Sidious, the love she felt shining so obviously in her eyes.

“Spy on him with all his women, do you, Madam Contessa?” Damon teased, and she swatted at his arm.

“Of course not. I just noticed them a few minutes ago. They're staying at the lake house. Gaviny called to let me know.”

“I'm sure that's not all she let you know,” Damon said with a smile. “That woman would make an excellent spy.”

Kaylar laughed. “She was certainly able to keep on top of the boys when they were younger. I swear, I don't know what I would have done without her. She said he's like his old self again -- teasing and laughing.” She glanced up at her husband and didn't miss the frown that suddenly creased his brow. “What's going on, Damon? I know there's something you're not telling me.” Damon sighed and placed his hand over her fingers that rested at his forearm.

“I'm afraid the boys might be in over their heads.” Kaylar stopped in her tracks, fear gripping her chest. “Over their heads in what?” she demanded.

“I don't have all the details, Kay. I'm not even sure if what I think is correct.”

“Well, what is it you think is going on?”

“Kaylar,” Damon said with a sigh.

“Don't you dare,” she snarled. “They're my children too, and if they're involved in something, I have a right to know.”

Damon glanced around, then leaned closer to speak softly. “I think Stefan and Taron may be involved with the rebels, but I'm not sure about Sidious. He keeps avoiding me.”

“What?” she cried loudly, then turned her head to notice Sidious had stopped in his tracks and turned to stare at them with a frown. He'd noticed them, thanks to her big mouth.

She brushed her hair from her face with a sigh and gave her husband a pointed look. “We'll finish this discussion later.”

Sidious let out a tired sigh as he watched his mother and father cross the street to head in their direction. Maybe Daego wasn't such a great place to go after all. “Looks like we have more visitors,” he said with an apologetic smile toward Mikayla.

She looked toward the couple heading their way, then back at Sidious. “That man has to be your father. You're his spitting image.”

“Mmm,” Sidious grumbled, and her eyebrow rose adorably.

“Sidious,” his father chided, and inside he groaned. “Why didn't you tell us you would be here?”

“Well, because I didn't know until last night. Dad, this is Mikayla. Mikayla, my father.”

“It's nice to meet you, Mikayla.” Damon smiled down at her, but the smile never reached his eyes. They moved to lock onto Sidious, making him squirm uncomfortably.

Damn, he wished he could tell his father. He hated keeping secrets from them, and it was getting harder to do so.

“How did you get away from the Destroyer?” Damon asked.

Sidious shrugged. “I was due some time off.”

Damon's eyebrow rose a fraction.

Mikayla immediately felt the tension in Sid's body. As she watched Damon, she had a sinking feeling Damon knew. Or at the very least suspected. Even Kaylar stared at her son as though she wanted to say something but held herself back. Sid's arm snaked around her waist and pulled her to his side.

“Sidious. You and I need to talk --” Damon began, but Sidious wouldn't let him finish.

“I know, and we will. Just not today. Mikayla and I only have one day left, and I'd like it to be a stress-free one. She's been through enough lately.” Damon nodded, but the worry was still evident in his gaze. “Think we're going to end up in an argument?”

Sid's lips twitched. “We did last time, if I recall.”

“I certainly recall,” Kaylar added dryly. “I had to step between the two of you, and I'll be damned if I'll do it again. The two of you get into another argument, and you can just beat the hell out of each other until you can't move.” Mikayla tried to hide her grin, but Damon caught her. “We're not normally like this, Mikayla. I promise. But lately, for some reason, Sidious and his brothers find it necessary to keep their father in the dark.”

“And there's nothing you're keeping us in the dark about…Dad?” Sidious asked.

“I'm doing the only thing I know to do. Perhaps if I were more in the loop…” Mikayla watched Damon and Sidious. Damon knew. She could see it in his eyes.

“There is no loop,” Sidious said in a firm voice, and Mikayla inwardly sighed.

Why didn't he tell him?

Damon gave a resigned nod, sadness fading his gray eyes. Mikayla glanced at Kaylar, silently pleading for her to do something. Anything to break the tension that had formed. With a slight nod, she smiled softly and moved to place her palm against Sidious's cheek. “Enjoy your day,” she said. “And please, be safe. We're here if you need us.”

“For anything,” Damon added, staring pointedly at Sidious.

“I know. Just…”

“Just what?” Damon asked.

Sidious sighed and glanced down at Mikayla before turning back to his father.

“Just trust that it's better this way.”

Damon opened his mouth to speak, then changed his mind, his mouth clamping closed with a frown. Turning, she and Sidious headed back down the street, for a moment neither speaking. Finally, Mikayla couldn't take the silence anymore and spoke.

“He knows.”

Sidious shook his head. “He suspects.”

She stopped and placed her hand on his arm, making him turn to look down at her. “Sid. He knows. You have to tell him. You can see in his eyes this whole thing is killing him.”

He took her hands in his and brought them to his mouth, his lips softly kissing the knuckles of each hand. “As long as I don't confirm it, maybe he'll stay out of it.”

“If he's your benefactor, he's in this just as deep as you are.”

“But at least they can't prove it, if this isn't successful. Mikayla, maybe you should stay here.”

“What?” she demanded, pulling her hands from his grasp. “The hell I will. How would you explain not taking me back?”

He sighed, his hand dragging through his hair in agitation. “I don't know.” Putting her hands at his waist, she stared up at him. She didn't want to stay here.

She wanted to be by his side for as long as possible. “I want to go back. I would be terrified to stay here, not knowing what was happening, not seeing you.” He cupped her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Suddenly Earth and the war didn't seem so far away anymore.


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