Captive (22 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Captive
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Mikayla stood at the edge of the veranda. The two full moons, one half the size of the other, shone bright above her. Their beams lit up the lake, making the waves sparkle like diamonds. Beyond the moons was the planet of Metalon. Its iridescent rings the color of amethyst. Sidious said they changed color periodically, sometimes shining red, others almost green or deep blue. A low rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance, and she glanced over her shoulder toward the eastern sky. Dark clouds moved closer, carrying with them a cooler breeze and the smell of rain.

Sidious came up behind her and settled his arms around her waist. “I hate that it will storm our last night here. We'll miss swimming in the lake,” she whispered, sagging into his embrace. “Do we have to go back?”

“I'm afraid so.” He kissed the top of her head and tightened his hold. “But I promise we'll be back. How about we make this our house?” She smiled at the thought of living here with him. It was so beautiful, so peaceful.

“Doesn't it belong to your parents?”

“Yeah, but I think I can talk them out of it.”

Mikayla drew in a deep breath and sighed. So much had changed over the last two days. The man she once thought of as her enemy was actually not. She'd admitted she loved him. In more ways than one, she thought with a satisfied grin. They'd had so much fun here. They'd talked, made love. Sidious had an adorable playful side she'd only caught glimpses of on the ship.

Darkness still loomed over their future for they still had to defeat the prime minister. She tried not to think about the fact that the rebels could fail. There was no guarantee their plan would work, and the idea that Sidious could die scared the hell out of her. She'd just found him, just come to terms with what they meant to one another.

She couldn't bear it if she lost him now.

“What are you thinking about so hard?” he asked, his breath blowing along the side of her neck and sending sharp tingles to tighten her womb.

“Going back,” she said with a sad sigh.

He turned her to face him and softly kissed her lips before laying his forehead to hers. “When we get back to the ship, I may not be around much. Things won't be like they are here.”

“I know. You have an image to uphold. You have to play the captain.”


There was such a sadness in his eyes, the set of his shoulders. The world and all its problems had suddenly dropped onto them again.

“I wish I could leave you here.”

“Don't. We've been through this. I won't allow you to leave me behind.”

“You won't
, huh?” he said, his lips twitching. “Aren't you the bossy one? I love you, Mikayla. Never doubt that.”

“I won't.”

“I promise. When this is all over, we'll come back here and live happily ever after,” he whispered.

She smiled and brushed his hair from his face. “My Prince Charming.”

“Prince Charming?”

“It's an Earth thing.”

“I see,” he purred playfully, then turned more serious. “I like some of the crazy things you say.”

“Do you?”

He nodded, moving her head with his since their foreheads were still touching.

“I like some of the crazy things you
,” she whispered, her cheeks heating.

His gaze turned dark, sultry making her breath catch. “We haven't even scratched the surface of things I want to do to you.”

“Is that so? What things do you want to do to me?” His palms slid lower caressing her hips. He watched her closely, his face still so very close to hers. She flattened her hands against his chest, slowly sliding them up, enjoying the feel of his thick, hard muscles as they twitched beneath her touch.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered, gently brushing his lips across hers.

“Uh-huh,” she murmured, barely able to speak past the lump of desire in her throat.


Bending, he picked her up in his arms. She squealed in surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face against the warm flesh there. With a giggle, she kissed him just under the ear. He growled something in response, making her smile.

She hoped to one day understand the language he often reverted to when aroused, but for now she would enjoy the way his deep voice sounded when he spoke it.

“I hope you meant what you said,” he murmured, before tossing her onto the bed.

“You're in for a hell of a night.”

Chapter Fifteen

Mikayla watched as the gray of his eyes darkened to almost black. He shrugged his shoulders, allowing his shirt to slide down his arms and drop to the floor. Staring at his chest, she took in a deep breath to steady her pounding heart. Her flesh burned and her pussy clenched, both in lust and a slight hint of apprehension.

She was pretty clueless when it came to sex, her experience limited, so she couldn't help but wonder what more there was they hadn't done. Whatever he came up with, she had no doubt it would be amazing.

“Just what is it you have in mind?” she asked, then squealed with laughter as Sid grabbed her ankles and tugged her to the foot of the bed.

He didn't say anything, just softly kissed the inside of her knee, his palm slowly sliding the hem of her dress farther up her thigh. His eyes met hers, burning a path straight to her insides, and she drew in a soft breath, waiting, anticipating what he had in mind. His kisses moved upward, barely brushing across her tingling flesh as he made his way to her panties. Putting his hands under her hips, he lifted them, then tugged her underwear down her legs, tossing it to the floor.

With a grin that sent shivers down her spine, he gripped her hand, tugging her to her feet. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he bunched the fabric of the hem in his fingers, pulling it up her body and over her head. His hands replaced the fabric, warming her flesh as his fingers explored her skin with excruciating patience. He placed featherlight kisses along her shoulder, then her neck, making her knees weak.

Just as they were about to buckle, he wrapped one arm around the small of her back, holding her upright.

His teeth sank gently into the sensitive flesh just below her ear, and she reached out to grip his upper arms. A soft gasp escaped her chest, and her fingers sank into his muscles. She was desperate to hold on, for if she didn't, she'd surely collapse in a heap


on the floor. It never failed to amaze her the things he could make her feel or want. And right now, she definitely wanted him.

She'd give anything to stay here, to keep them in this moment forever. But deep in her heart, she knew it wasn't possible. He had to help his world, and she loved him all the more for it.

Relaxing her fingers, she slid her palms up his arms and across his wide shoulders. Lifting his head, he brushed his lips across hers. Barely touching, his mouth teased hers until she buried her hands in his hair, tugging him closer. Her lips parted, allowing the invasion of his sweet tongue to explore and coax, tease and tempt.

He never failed to set her body on fire. To make her feel things she never imagined she could.

“On your stomach,” he ordered against her lips, and she nodded, moving to climb across the mattress and lie on her stomach.

She felt the bed sink as Sidious climbed on, his thighs straddling hers. He leaned forward, his palms resting on either side of her shoulders. His lips blazed a trail down her spine, making her shiver in delight. Lower still, he kept going, his teeth gently nipping where the rise of her ass began.

“Up on your knees, baby,” he whispered, and she rose up, her heart racing wildly.

Something long, thick, and cold slid inside her pussy, making her gasp.

“Shhh,” he whispered in her ear. “Remember, trust me.” She nodded, swallowing down her desire to jerk her hips back to take the thick toy deeper inside her. When he removed the toy, she frowned, glancing at him over her shoulder. He slid the tip between the cheeks of her ass, spreading the juices from her pussy to the tight rosebud opening. She held her breath, wondering what he was up to.

She didn't have to wait long as he pressed the tip past the tight ring of resistance.

She gulped at the burning sensation, the pain as the toy stretched her wider as it slid deeper. To her surprise, the pain soon blended into blinding pleasure, filling her deep inside with a dark, pulsing need.

“Such a pretty little ass,” Sid murmured, sending goose bumps along her flesh.

Rapture burned in her belly, making her wilder with unanswered need. She wanted him there, not the toy. She wanted to feel his thick, hot length taking her, dominating her, filling her.

“Sid,” she groaned as he slowly worked the toy in and out.

He pressed it deep, holding it still as he bent down and licked his tongue along her wet slit. She gasped, pressing her hips back, spreading her thighs wider to allow him better access.

“Do you think you can take me here?” he whispered, wiggling the toy slightly, making her insides clench.

“Yes,” she panted.




She wasn't sure, but she definitely wanted to try. She wanted him to take her where no one else had. She wanted him to have that part of her.

He moved away, and she watched over her shoulder as he spread lubricant over his engorged cock. She licked her lips, trepidation at his size beginning to make her heart pound. Could she do this?

Moving back to her, his eyes burned with a hunger that surpassed her own. They practically glowed. His jaw twitching with the strain of holding back, he pulled the toy from her ass and replaced it with the head of his cock. She braced herself as he pressed forward, filling her, stretching her, forcing himself past that tight entrance to bury his cock deep inside her.

With a scream, she dropped her forehead to the mattress, trying her best to remember how to breathe. She felt so full, so consumed, she never wanted it to end.

With a deep growl of his own, he pressed deeper still, then pulled out, only to plunder her again. Over and over, he thrust into her, sending her spiraling to the stars and back only to do it again and again. She cried out her pleasure, screaming at him to fuck her harder, take her deeper.

Sidious gave her all that she begged for, until she couldn't take anything else.

With a shout, she fell into her final orgasm, her body trembling from head to toe, her mind a jumbled mass of nothing. He thrust once, twice more, before following her off that cliff, losing himself to his own release.



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Stefan sat alone at the table in the observation lounge looking out the huge window that ran the length of the outside wall. Below him, he had a perfect view of Argonia, which he stared at but didn't really see. They'd left Daego hours ago and stationed the
in orbit around the small planet of Argonia. The barbarian race here had offered the help of their fighters in the attack against the prime minister. Taron had gone down to help get them organized and go over last-minute tactical reports and check out the local entertainment.

Taron was big on having a little fun before a major battle. The men went into it more relaxed and energized. Stefan had to admit that strategy had worked well for them. Unfortunately, he just wasn't in the mood.

It was strange to see a barbarian race, primitive in most every way, except space travel. They kept all technical equipment hidden, choosing to live off the land and what the planet provided. Despite their primitive ways, they were a wealthy and powerful race. One Stefan was thrilled to get on his side.

Turning from the window, he stared at his computer screen. He had been trying to write the letter to his parents explaining what they had tried to do and why, just in case anything went wrong and they were both killed. He knew Sidious and Taron had

already written theirs, but he had been putting off writing his own. He just hated the thought of doing it.

He'd talked with Sidious earlier, and his brother had informed him he believed their father already knew what was going on. He was just waiting on one of them to come out and admit it. How had he found out? Had one of them slipped up, or had he been silently involved since the beginning? This is insane, Stefan thought with a sigh as his fingers squeezed at his temples.

Once he wrote his, if he could ever get it finished, he would set all of them up on a timed delivery. If Stefan didn't put in a password on a certain day, the letters would automatically be sent to his father's computer. At least this way he knew his parents would get the correct story.

“What the hell are you doing? Didn't I tell you if you weren't going to go to the bar, to get some sleep?” Taron asked from the doorway.

Stefan turned in his chair to look at him. Taron was dressed as a barbarian -- black leather pants, vest, and knee-high boots. With his massive physique, he looked the part.

He'd chosen that outfit to better blend into the Argonian environment.

“You're back early. Couldn't find any women that would have you?”

“Early, my ass. Have you not looked at the time? And for your information, I can satisfy two women in the time it takes you to satisfy one.” Stefan snorted. “What's your hurry? I prefer to take my time and pleasure the woman more than once.”

“Taking your time, huh? I always thought it took you that long to figure out what to do with them.”

Stefan chuckled.

“You just can't do it, can you?” Taron replied with a slight smile.

“Do what?”


“I'll relax, thank you, when all this is over,” Stefan replied smartly.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wonder where I've heard that before.”

“Don't start with me, Taron.”

Taron snorted. “Why would I start? We're only going to attack the largest fleet in Rhenari's history in two days, and you're sitting here instead of trying to get some sleep.”

Stefan rubbed at his forehead. “I can't sleep.”

“Worried about Sidious?”


Taron came farther into the room and sat down. “If there's anyone in this rebellion that I have no doubt will make it out alive, it's our brother. He'll be fine. It's our asses we have to worry about.”

Stefan shook his head, a wry smile spreading his lips. “Are we really going to be able to pull this off?”

“Hell, yeah,” Taron said with a grin. “Or die trying.”

“It's the die trying part I'm worried about,” Stefan remarked dryly.



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