CAPTOR (The Alpha Brotherhood) (Standalone Dark Billionaire New Adult Romance) (19 page)

BOOK: CAPTOR (The Alpha Brotherhood) (Standalone Dark Billionaire New Adult Romance)
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A pair of hands wraps around my biceps and jerks me back. I didn’t even hear him come up behind me. “Aren’t you full of fucking surprises?” a familiar voice snarls into my ear.



Chapter 22




I can’t say his name, but he spins me around, glaring at me with those pale blue eyes. They’re absolutely furious as he scoops me into his arms. What the hell? All I wanted was a phone call. And where the fuck are we? This isn’t that little house he grew up in, this place is a lot bigger.

It sure would be nice to ask him these questions, but he doesn’t take the gag out of my mouth. I should have figured it was his crazy ass. A relief that I know I shouldn’t be experiencing washes over me and my muscles turn to jelly. I don’t know what he’s going to do, but at least he won’t kill me.

We’re hit with an unbearably cold gust of wind as Shane runs me up the driveway. I shiver and hide my face under his chin, but he jerks his head back.

“I’m not falling for that bullshit anymore, Z.”

Bullshit? I love snuggling up to his chest while he carries me, even when I’m not freezing to death. After everything he’s put me through, now I’m the one that’s deceiving him?

Anger at the betrayal rages inside me and my cheeks get hot, making the chill on my face even worse. This is so over the line, even for him. I could have suffocated in there, not to mention that every part of my body is aching and cramping up. You don’t do this to someone you care about. He’s the one who’s full of shit.

We finally get to the house and I start planning to watch him punch in codes for the keypads on the locked doors, because Shane has a tendency to make mistakes when he’s upset. Instead, I watch as he presses the pad of his thumb against the screen at the main entrance, then leans forward against a lens that scans his eye. You’ve got to be kidding me. How am I going to get around this Mission Impossible shit?

The door opens to a relatively normal looking living room and he tosses me on the couch. I screech when I land on my bound wrists. He glances over at me for a half second, but there isn’t the slightest hint of remorse on his face. The nice version of Shane has definitely left the building. If he messes up my hand, I’ll fucking kill him.

He stands before a large touch screen on the wall near the door. I can’t really tell what he’s doing there, but it’s probably some kind of security center. My suspicions are confirmed when thick sheets of steel roll down on the windows behind me and lock into place. The same grinding sound echoes through the entire house and my stomach sinks. Knowing him, this place is full on zombie apocalypse proof. No one is getting in, and I’m definitely not getting out.

He strides in front of me as I sit upright on the couch. We’re both glaring at each other and it takes all my willpower to not give him the satisfaction of hearing me argue through the ball gag. That devious smile has never been quite so sinister before. Apparently, I really fucked up and I’m about to pay for it.

And of course my stupid vagina starts celebrating, swelling as my racing pulse concentrates in my clit. That is so annoying because the rest of me is absolutely livid at him and furious that I can’t even give him a piece of my mind. Well, everything except my ego. And maybe that jar of butterflies rattling around in my stomach.

He skims his fingers over my stretched jaw, exhaling raggedly, like he’s relieved. This is the way it has to be with him, isn’t it? I’m going to be on total lockdown until he gets bored with me. I wonder how long that will take. And has he ever done this to anyone else? The set up in this house goes way beyond personal security.

He doesn’t seem as angry anymore, but his handsome features are still contorted, his jaw clenched tightly as he presses his lips to my forehead. His shaking hand strokes my hair as he pulls away. There’s a little bit of blood in the corner of his mouth from where I kicked him. I make a noise and blink at him, I just can’t help it.

“You left me,” he snarls. “Did you honestly think I’d just let you walk away?”

No. I thought you’d ask me to stay, not kidnap me in the middle of the night and drag me to yet another fortress in the middle of nowhere.

“I did everything I could to keep you safe, to make sure you were happy, and you still just fucking left.”

What was I supposed to do, Shane? Just invite myself to live in your house forever?

“Did you really think we could start over at the dinner and a goddamned movie stage?”

Well, yeah. Sort of. So I nod yes at him.

“Zoey…” His voice cracks, rising in pitch slightly. “Is that all that you wanted?”

No. I shake my head and say the word, resting my bare foot on his shoe in a desperate effort to communicate with him.

It doesn’t work. Shane’s face hardens, the light leaving his eyes as he kicks my foot away. “How the fuck can I trust you now?” he snaps.

My eyes start to water as he turns away and I test my restraints. This is a huge misunderstanding. I hurt him and pissed him off. Not a good combination.

“Remember that little discussion we had about consequences when we first met?” he asks with his back toward me, facing a door across the room. My heart slams into my ribs and my stomach twists when Shane walks through it and I catch a glimpse of a red light.

Shit. The sex dungeon is right off the living room? I’m guessing Shane only entertains a certain kind of guest in this house. He emerges a few moments later, his face cold as stone as he walks over to me and wraps his hands around my arms. I try to stand up on my own, but he jerks me to my feet instead, dragging me across the room and pushing me into the chamber.

I’m somewhat prepared for what I see. The whips, the clamps, the chains and paddles. But there are other contraptions that I don’t even want to understand. We approach a bench and I whimper, turning toward him to press my face into his chest. He’s the only person that makes me feel safe and I don’t want him to take that away.

But my captor holds me at arm’s length, refusing to look me in the eye. “You really are quite naïve, Z. I no longer find that endearing.”

My body trembles as he grabs my hair and pushes me forward until I’m bent over. Something clicks behind me and my hands stop resting on my back. I crane my neck to look back and see my wrists tethered to a chain extending from the ceiling. Shane’s at my side, unbuckling his belt.

“Look forward,” he orders. I don’t listen, watching as he attaches his belt to the side of the bench. The warm piece of leather stretches over the small of my back and tightens. When he’s done, he grabs my head and turns it for me before he disappears.

I jerk as I feel his fingers slide under my waistband “I suppose it’s not entirely your fault,” he says, dragging my pants to my ankles. “I’m to blame just as much as you are. We should have started out this way. We would have started out this way, if it hadn’t been for this.”

He drags a finger across the binds on my bad wrist. It’s twisted in a dangerous position. I can’t risk struggling, but I stretch my own fingers toward him, desperate for some kind of a reassuring touch that I don’t receive.

“I wanted you to stay,” Shane rasps, kissing the small of my back right beneath my restraints. “You knew that, and liked the control you thought you had over me so you left.”

That’s not true.

“You wanted me to chase after you. I played your game and you got what you desired. But you also wanted to let me catch you. That’s not how this works.”

Okay, maybe that part is slightly accurate.

“But it’s not really your fault, Z. You thought that’s what you were supposed to do. I’ll fix that. Then you’ll understand what I need from you. What you will provide for me.” I hear a crack and let out a muffled screech at a sharp pain across the backs of my thighs. “Consider this lesson one.”

He rips my panties to my ankles as the flesh between my legs swells. Is he really doing this? His finger slides inside me, answering the question. Talk about a gray area. The weirdest part is, I can’t wait to feel the rest of him.

But he drives in suddenly, harshly, and it stings almost as much as whatever he hit me with. I squeal and try to get away, but his hands clamp around my hips as he pushes in deeper. My eyes widen as he starts thrusting and the pain fades away, but that was… I’m just a piece of meat to him right now.

Shane takes his time, rocking my body with each brutal thrust. And I start to like it. When I get close to coming he pulls out and strikes me across the ass again, the adrenaline short circuiting my release. It goes on like this for a while. Sometimes he whips me, sometimes he just rests his wet erection on my tailbone while I’m bucking and moaning as he snickers. I can practically see that wicked grin on his face.

It gets to the point where he has to stop almost as soon as he enters to keep denying me. My ass is on fire, but the pain seems insignificant compared the frustration. He pulls out again and I groan loudly, because I’m close, so close.

He doesn’t push inside again. Instead I hear his footsteps at my side and his bare legs appear in front of my face. My gaze rises, lingering on his dick for a moment before traveling the length of his body until my eyes meet his.

“Good girl,” he whispers, almost surprised. “You keep looking right at me while I fuck that smart mouth of yours.”

He undoes the strap on the back of my head. I only get a moment of relief when he pulls out the gag.

“Shane,” I start to murmur before he pushes between my lips.

The look of satisfaction on his face is infuriating and intoxicating at the same time. I keep my eyes locked with his and I would even he hadn’t demanded it because I’m so fascinated by his reaction. I flick my tongue across the tip of him when I get a chance and he rams it in harshly until it grazes the back of my throat.

“When I want you to suck, I will tell you. Hold still.” I groan loudly, purposely trying to create enough vibration to push him over the edge. He smirks down at me and pulls out, his chest heaving. “You know what I love about you, Z?”

“Everything?” I retort.

His lips part in surprise before curling into a genuine smile. “That you can’t stay out of trouble even when you try.”

He plunges inside for a few thrusts and grunts, breathing deeply through gritted teeth as he fills my mouth. It’s hot and sticky, a little salty. I’ve never tasted it before and I’m not sure that I want to again.

“Don’t you dare spit me out,” he says firmly before he withdraws.

Shane brings his face down to my level and watches me swallow. Why do I like that gratified expression so much? My entire body is still begging for attention, I can’t stop squirming. He disappears from my view and I hear strange metallic sounds from across the room.

I’m startled when he reappears at my side, my wrists jerking painfully against their restraints. Thankfully he undoes them and my arms fall to my sides, aching as I resist the urge to cuss him out. Sometimes I actually can stay out of trouble, jackass.

I push off the bench the moment that belt releases though, standing upright and stretching my arms over my head. Shane exhales in some combination of a growl and a laugh, shaking his head at me.

“What?” I reply. My tone is way too feisty, I better watch it. “Do you have any idea how uncomfortable I am?”

“Actually, I do,” he chuckles, reaching between my legs and flicking his fingers across my throbbing clit. My eyes roll back and my hips tilt forward, but he pulls away, ripping my tank top over my head to expose my breasts. “Get in that bed. Now.”

Sounds good to me. I scamper over to the creepy wrought iron torture chamber bed, batting my eyelashes dramatically at him. I am not going to let him scare me. Shane does his best to keep me from seeing his amusement, turning his face as he struggles to keep his mouth hardened into a straight line.

My knees hit the soft sheets and I’m immediately thrown off balance by the weight of him crawling in behind me. With a grunt, he grips my waist and flips me around before pushing me down flat on the mattress.

His dick is still hard and I’m shaking with anticipation, expecting him to climb on me. But instead Shane grabs one of my ankles and stretches it out to the side, wrapping a leather cuff around it that’s attached to a strap coming out of a curved piece of metal in the corner. My pulse races as he repeats the process and then tightens the straps until I can’t bend my knees. 

Okay, this is interesting. Shane lingers kneeling at the very edge of the bed, staring down at me. Every muscle of his torso is flexed from exertion, his skin glistening in a thin layer of sweat. What is he waiting for?

“Touch yourself,” he says, his eyes darkening.

My mouth drops open “What?”

“You heard me.”

“I’m not going to…” My cheeks flush red. “No,” I whisper.

“That word is meaningless in here. You want relief? Do it yourself.”

“No,” I spit back. Shane raises his hand. “Don’t you dare slap me.” His brow furrows in confusion and he shakes his head like I’m insane for suggesting such a thing while I lay here helpless and restrained, with a reddened, stinging behind. “All you had to do was ask me to stay, Shane.”

“This is not a conversation, Z,” he laughs. Leaning forward, he kisses the tip of my nose and dangles a tiny pair of metal clamps in front of my eyes. “You really should have listened the first time.”

I gasp when his fingers pinch one of my nipples. “Ouch!” I cry when he tightens the clamp around it. “Stop it!” I protest as he fastens the torturous device on my other breast.

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