Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4)
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Chapter Eight








Sonya came awake with a jolt, her hand immediately going for her dagger, which was strapped to her thigh. Unsheathing the weapon, she swung her arm out, the blade sliced through the blanket that was tightly wrapped around her. When the metal met flesh a hand clamped hard on her wrist.

“Good evening,” Falcon greeted with a chuckle. “Please, don’t behead the driver.”

Sonya twisted her hand free and returned her dagger. “Sorry.”

“Do you always wake ready for battle?”

“Don’t you?” She flipped the visor down revealing a tiny mirror. She began smoothing her hair. “It’s a natural reaction.”

“We all have memories that haunt us.”

Sonya wiggled free of the blanketed cocoon Falcon had wound around her. She assumed he had bundled her up, to protect her from the sun when he carried her to the car that was now speeding down the high way.

“The last thing I remember is passing out on a nice, soft bed in a posh hotel. Not to mention, I thought we would leave the city at night fall.”

Falcon reached into the back to retrieve a plastic grocery bag. He placed it in her lap. Sonya immediately began to rummage through it and gave an appreciative sigh when she discovered a hairbrush and a travel size mouthwash. She liked a good oral cleaning and steam shower after feeding since she loathed the act, but while on the run, she would take what she could get. A quick swish and rinse of Listerine and a sponge bath delivered by the sexiest vampire she’d ever seen.

“The witches would be expecting us to wait for the sun to set,” Falcon explained.

Sonya popped the cap on the mouthwash and took a swig. Falcon rolled the window down for her. He was a perfect gentleman.  She whipped her mouth with the back of her hand as he put the window back up.

“Did you roll me up in the comforter and sheets and carry me over your shoulder through the lobby to dump me in this seat?”

“I covered you with the bedding, taking great care that you would be protected from the sun’s rays, and cradled you in my arms as I took the service elevator down to the underground garage. Then I dumped you in that seat. Perhaps I should I have purchased a car with a trunk so we could play out your kidnapping scenario.”

Sonya gave a light laugh and straightened the seat. “You could have put a stake through my heart and I wouldn’t have flinched. I was out.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Dandy,” she said with a smile and a coy bat of her eyelashes. “And ready to kick some hunter ass.”

“Hate to break it you, but where we are going, I’m hoping not to run into hunters.”

She sighed, “Well, you’re going to need to take me to a bar so I can pick a fight. I’ve got energy.”

She couldn’t stop herself from glancing over at the knight. Falcon’s gaze heated and for a second, Sonya thought he might lean over and kiss her.

He abruptly returned his eyes to the road and rested his arms against the door, putting as much distance between them as the confined space would allow.

“Where are we headed?” she asked, her voice cutting through the tension like a battle-axe.

“For now, Oxford.”

“I thought the plan was to get as far away from London as possible.”

“We’ll be switching cars in Oxford and in a few other towns as we make our way to the countryside.”

“And then?”

“We’ll find some place to wait out the day. Unless you want me to wrap you in a comforter and throw you in the trunk.”

Sonya smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears, then chided herself for acting like a lovesick teenager. “Pass, thank you.”

“Switching up the vehicles should keep the hunters off our trail,” he added.

“It sounds like you’ve got a plan, but how are we getting back to the continent?”

“A plane or helicopter, haven’t worked out the details yet. Which reminds me, when we stop for the day, you should call Gwendolyn.”

Her stomach dropped. “Have you talked to her?”

“No. I’ve only spoken with my king.”

Sonya nodded and fell silent. She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth as she stared unseeing out the window. Falcon was right. She needed to speak with Gwendolyn, but she didn’t know what to tell her. Gwen would never understand why Sonya would knowingly step into the Red Order’s trap. She wasn’t entirely sure why she had gone along with Silvie’s plan. She could have easily avoided the hunters, with or without her entourage in tow.

Sonya rubbed her brow.

“Do you not want to speak with her?” Falcon asked.

She continued to gaze out the window. “It’s not that.”

“Gwendolyn didn’t know you had left that night until your driver reported the attack.”

She had no response for his statement.


She could se
nse the anger rising within him as she remained quiet. She glanced over at him, reading his body language.

He gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white. His jaw was clenched, she could
hear the subtle sound of his teeth grinding. Every muscle in his upper body was tense. She didn’t have to meet his gaze to know the swirling silver had hardened to gray.

The prim and proper knight is silently screaming at me
, she thought.




“You knew that you were going to be ambushed and you told no one.”

“I couldn’t. Silvie insisted I keep it a secret.”

Falcon turned into a driveway and slid the car into park. He slowly turned toward her. His eyes were cold, his jaw sternly set. “Silvie warned you?”

“Yes. She told me the witches were laying in wait. I decided to go alone. I would never knowingly put the lives of my clan members in danger. You should understand that.”

“I do.”

Sonya released her seat belt. “Besides, Silvie assured me that I would be rescued and I wouldn't be in captivity for long.”

With that, she threw open the door and stepped out. The pure alpha male tension radiating from him filled the car and she was feeling claustrophobic.

Falcon turned off the car and joined her outside. She knew he wanted to press her for more answers, but it would have to wait. She was not interested
in talking about how she could have done a million and one things differently.

Looking about the junkyard, she asked, “What are we doing here?”

“This is our first stop.”

’re Nicky’s friends?” the woman asked, looking the pair up and down.

Sonya inwardly groaned when
she recognized the woman. Pauline had been a member of Gudmund’s court and had rebelled when Sonya was named his Second. Pauline felt she should have been selected. Pauline had felt, as the king’s mistress she should be named the next ruler of the Voidukas clan. Gudmund knew better. Pauline had zero leadership qualities and no loyalty. 

Pauline sneered.

“Good evening.”

Falcon turned to Sonya and raised his brows. She shook her head and he shrugged. She would explain later. 

“Isn’t this an interesting scenario? What would a queen,” her gaze roamed over Falcon, licking her lips,” and a Validus Black Knight be doing here in jolly ol’ England?”

Sonya bit her tongue. It was none of the outcast’s business what they were doing here.

“We purchased a car through Nick. He told us we can pick it up here,” Falcon said.

“Aye, he called. It’s the blue one over there.” She pointed across the yard to a beat up BMW that was at least ten years old. “The engine knocks a bit, but it should get you wherever it is you are going.” She twirled the key chain around her finger as she approached Falcon. Pressing against him, she took his hand and placed the keys on his palm. “When you’re done with the ice queen, feel free to come back. I’ll treat you nice.”

Sonya was already coming forward when Falcon stepped away from Pauline.
  “Thanks for your help,” he said. 

anger sizzled. Apparently Pauline hadn’t changed in last two and half centuries. She had bounced from bed to bed, attaching herself to whomever had the most power at the time. Perhaps she thought by sinking her claws into Falcon, she could be accepted in the Validus Clan.

Falcon grabbed a hold of Sonya’s arm and turn
ed her around. She hissed past her fangs, but he ignored her warning and tugged her along. She had plenty of things she’d like to say to Pauline. She had tried to have Sonya assassinated not once but three times before she was finally banished and now she had invited Falcon into her bed. Sonya knew he would never accept her offer, but it still infuriated her.

 the demon within her venomously growled. Her fangs throbbed as an animalistic urge to bit him, to mark him raged within her.

Falcon led her to
the BMW. She ducked in and slammed the door. She didn't want him to see her face. Her eyes had turned black, her fangs were long, and her face was flushed from anger and hunger. She watched him return to the car. He grabbed the blankets and plastic bag from the front seat before gathering their bags from the back. She watched him with a possessive gaze. Sonya’s claws extended she noticed Pauline watching Falcon. She silently dared the traitorous woman to approach him. Sonya would rip her throat out. A rough growl vibrated her body, her lips curled back from her fangs.

ne called to Falcon and he turned towards her. If the she was hitting on him again, Sonya would rip her limb from limb, which is what she should have done centuries ago. Instead, she had convinced Gudmund to spare the female’s life despite the attempts Pauline had made on hers. Though Sonya was comfortable with death, she had thought Pauline deserved to live and learn the error of her ways.

Sonya had not realized she had been holding her brea
th until Falcon turned back and headed for the BMW. Her shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh of relief.  He tossed their things in the trunk before he joined in her in the car, claiming the driver seat.

Sonya stared down at the floor, waiting for her abnormal sense of jealousy and her ridiculous rage to fade. She had no right to feel possessive towards Falcon. He did not belong to her. He could be with whomever he chose. To be honest, a part of her hoped he would find someone to spend eternity with. She wished loneliness upon no one. It was a fate worse than death. Besides, she was not long for this world. The Curse would claim her soon.

She had thought she had few months left but the last few days made her think otherwise. She’d had two attacks back to back, which had never happened before. And the episodes were growing more intense.

A sign of the end
, she thought.

She had to keep her condition a secret. Once home, she would confide in Gwendolyn and together they would plan her end. Sonya would also do everything she could to ensure a smooth transition of power and rule from her to Gwendolyn, her chosen heir.

The rumbling of the engine drew her from her thoughts Sonya tucked her hair behind her ears and tried her best to appear relaxed.

Falcon pulled the car onto the road and they were off again.

After a few minutes of silence, Sonya asked, “Where are we headed now?”

“Some place out of the way.”

“And there will be more driving tomorrow?”

He nodded. “Getting off this island and back on friendly territory is for the best.”

Sonya finally raised her gaze. Her fangs had retreated and her vision cleared. She was beginning to feel normal again. Rarely had she experienced jealousy and the cause of that encounter was something she would need to analyze later.

“Do you mind if I use your cell phone? I’ve a lot to discuss with Gwen.”

“I don’t mind at all. You may use anything of mine you wish.”

Sonya flashed a mischievous smile. “You shouldn’t have said that.”

“I’ll steal your 1911’s. They are lovely weapons.”

He chuckled. “Kleptomaniac?”

“I just like to borrow things and most of the time, I keep them,” she explained with a nonchalant wave of her hand.

“I’ll keep an eye on them,” he said with a chuckle.

Sonya almost sighed like a schoolgirl. Falcon was so handsome when he laughed. She wished she could hear the heart-warming sound more often.

“Well, there better be a tub at the Inn.” She stretched her hands over head, slipping her fingertips along the ceiling of the car. Arching her back, thrusting her breasts forwa
rd. “I could use a nice long soak. She glanced his way. Falcon was trying not to look at her just then.

“I’m sure it has a tub,” he mumbled.

She bit her tongue to stop herself from saying

If it fits two you’re welcome to join me.


Chapter Nine










I swear, I’ll kill everyone one of those damn witches.”

Sonya laughed. “I appreciate your enthuse for vengeance, Gwen, but I’ fine.”

“The Black Knight better take care of you,” Gwendolyn said.

“I’m reclining in a soaker tub as we speak. Life doesn’t get much better than this,” she said as she traced a figure eight in the foam bubbles.

Gwendolyn was quiet on the other end of the phone then she said, “I’ working with King Hadrian. We are making all of the necessary arrangements for your return. Sir Kenwrec has devised a brilliant plan.”

“Yeah, he’s a smarty pants.”

She was silent again. Sonya could sense her friend has something she would like to say. Was Gwen going to warn her to stay away from Falcon?

“I’ll be home soon and we’ll…discuss everything,” Sonya said before wishing her friend a good night and hanging up.

She sighed in contentment as she slipped even further beneath the hot water. She had been ecstatic to find vanilla scented bubble bath and soap, her favorite. There was even a vanilla sugar scrub that she was going to steal. But when Falcon began playing classics of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, she had seriously thought she’d gone to heaven―

She enjoyed the water until her fingertips began to shrivel.

Stepping from the old tub, she quickly dried and donned a knee length nightshirt, quickly braided her damp hair and tucked her feet into her new fuzzy slippers.

“I was about to check on you,” Falcon said when she exited the bathroom.

“What for?”

“I thought you might have drowned.”

“I enjoy baths. Especially when I’ve got fancy scrubs and bubbles to play with.”

Sonya crossed their tiny room to the old, squeaky bed. Falcon dwarfed the wooden chair he sat on over by the window. The fading moonlight caressed his face.

“You love the scent of vanilla?”

“I do!”

He grumbled in response.

“What? Do you not like it?”

He shrugged. “I prefer your natural scent.”

She flopped down on the mattress and bounced a few good times. “And what do I smell like?”

Falcon caught her gaze. “Lilacs.”

The roughness of his voice and the heat in his eyes sparked a fire within her.

“I love lilacs.”

Her voice cracked when she replied, “I never knew.”

She turned her back to him, unable to trust herself. His smoldering gaze made her want to pounce on him. Instantly her thoughts were drawn to the pleasure of the night before. As much as she longed for a repeat, they really ought to keep their hands to themselves.

Clearing her thought
s, she said, “You are full of surprises, Sir Knight.”

“Many are shocked when they learn of my taste in music.”

She pulled down the sheets and fluffed the pillow, but she wasn’t ready for sleep. The moon hadn’t yet surrendered the sky to the sun and she wanted to capitalize on every moment she and Falcon had together before they returned home, where their every move was carefully monitored.

Falcon stood. A chill danced down her spine as he approached the bed.

“Would you care to dance?” he asked as Frank Sinatra began to sing

She nodded and he took her hand, drawing her to her feet. She could not resist an opportunity to be in his arms.

He pulled her close and easily guided her into a waltz. They twirled about the room, song after song. The music would switch from Dean Martin, Bobby Darin, and ol’ Blue Eyes.

Resting her headed against his chest, Sonya allowed the worry and stress of reality to fall away.

“A perfect moment,” she whispered.

Minutes turned into hours as they swayed to the classic sounds. Sonya was vaguely aware that the sun had begun to rise. Sleep skirted the fringes of her mind, but she was not about to let
it claim her.

Falcon began to slow their pace, when the first rays of light sparkled through the window. He twirled her into the shadows, keeping as far from the sunlight as he could.


“Just a little longer,” she protested.

“You should get some―”

“Sleep so I can finish healing,” she said with an exasperated sigh.

“Yes, but that is not what I was going to say.”

She headed toward the bed. The sheets were slightly warm from the sca
rce moment they had been in the sun. Sonya wished to feel light heat her skin one last time, but vampires her age were not strong enough to face the power of the sun without bursting into flame. She glanced over to the knight. She needed to discover his secret. Why he could walk in the light. Falcon was older than her and he possessed great strength, but he was not ancient like Dimitri, Dorian, or Hadrian. She decided she would quiz him about on their drive. She was certain it would make for some interesting travel conversation.

Sonya settled beneath the sheets and rolled onto her side. Falcon was watching her. His expression was stern, yet his silver eyes sparkled.

“You didn’t take enough blood last night.”

Sonya groaned. “I know. My shoulder still pains me, but not overly much. I suspect it will be one hundred percent in another night.”


“You’re not going to lecture me are you?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Good, because I wouldn’t listen anyway.” She ran her gaze over him. “Besides, I was a little distracted while I was feeding.” She gave him an innocent smile. “I can’t imagine why?”

“You still need more blood,” he insisted.

“Who do you suggest I bite? The nice elderly couple who own the Inn or their annoying grandson who works the front desk. That punk wouldn’t stop staring at my ass.”

“Me. I think you should feed from me. My blood is strong. You wouldn’t need much and you will heal instantly.”

Sonya could only sputter in response.

“I’ve given this a lot of thought and honestly, it is what we should have done. I should not have taken you that club or had you feed from a bleeder. I put your life at risk. Those hunters―”

“I enjoyed myself at the club and the witches were no challenge.”

“You are a queen, you deserve better.”

Sonya rolled her eyes. “Prop
riety is boring.”

“Judging by your slow healing, I know you didn’t take my blood that first night. You needn’t explain, but now,” he knelt beside the bed, “will you accept my offer?”

Sonya’s fangs burned and hunger knotted he stomach. Her body tensed as she resisted the urge to launch herself at him. She felt the demon within her stir. Her eyes turned black, her fangs sharpened.

are you certain,” she asked, her voice cracked, her throat suddenly dry.


“But I could take too much. I could weaken you. Or I could fall into a feeding craze.”

“And if you go off the deep end,
I can handle you.”

She smiled. “Using my words against me,” she said with a smile.

He raised his hand to her, wrist turned upward. “Will you accept my offer?”

Sonya bit her bottom lip. Indecision twisted her thoughts. She wanted to scream yes, but she knew they should not go through with this. He was right, his blood would heal and strength her. But to know his taste and to never be able to drink from him again, that would be torture. Then again, her days were numbered by the curse. Besides, it wasn’t as if she had to worry about draining him or fall victim to the bloodlust. Falcon could handle her.

“Yes, but not like this,” she said.

Sonya patted the mattress and Falcon joined her, keeping a respectful distance. He extended his right arm and she cradled his thick wrist in her hands.

Unable to make eye contact with him, she focused on the strong steady yet slow pulse beneath his tanned skin. She felt the tremor of painful anticipation rock his frame. She shivered in response.

Sonya struck fast, her fangs cleanly slicing through his flesh. Falcon groaned and her eyes rolled back as his blood filled her mouth. He tasted better than she could have ever dreamed. Power was thick in his blood. Strength unlike any she had ever known fueled her. She felt her wound knit back together.

Her eyelids grew heavy, dropping until they finally closed from sheer pleasure. Good lord, nothing had even been so sweet, so delicious. More. She needed more.

Sonya released his wrist. The bite marks healed instantly. Mindless, driven by hunger and urgent lust, she climbed upon his lap. Her nightgown rucked up over his hips, revealing her panties. Straddling him, she cupped his square jaw and turned his face to the side. He arched back, granting her better access. She ran her tongue up the column of his throat. She brushed feather light kisses to the neckline of his shirt. She was about to lean back and tear off his shirt, but Falcon did it for her. Sonya nibbled along his collarbone, teasing him, baiting his lust until he gripped her hips and slammed her down against the hard length of his shaft. She nuzzled the curve of his neck and sank her fangs deep.

Falcon thrust beneath her and she languidly rolled her hips, pressing her core against his cock. He growled, tightening his hold on her, urging her to continue. Sonya increased the pressure as she rode him. Her fangs sliced ever deeper with every undulation of her hips.

Sonya’s hands fell to his shoulders, her nails cut through
the remnants of his shirt as the pressure within her rose. Her movements grew frantic, increasing the friction between them. She could feel his shaft pulse between her thighs. Each rock of her hips drover her closer and closer to the precipice of ecstasy. Falcon groaned and shuttered beneath her. He was just as lost as she was.

“Sonya,” he rasped. His rough whisper brushed
her ear and sent chills coursing through her.

She tightened her hold
on his shoulders and ground herself harder against him. Falcon’s chest rose and fell with gasping breaths. He was close to coming. She could sense the change in him. They were both past the point of no return.

Falcon gripped one of her hips as his other hand slid up her back. He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back. Her fangs tore free from his flesh, leaving a gapping wound.

Sonya growled in protest. God, he tasted so damn delicious and she needed more.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

Her gaze was focused on the blood that trickled down his chest as the bite mark began to heal.

“Sonya,” he hissed.

His hard, threatening tone caught her attention. She had never heard him speak like that and she liked it. She lifted her gaze. His swirling silver eyes burned with desire. They were hypnotic.

Sonya slowed her pace and smiled when Falcon growled in disapproval. She brazenly licked his blood from her lips. With a fierce roar, Falcon flipped her onto her back and claimed her lips with a savage kiss.

She wrapped her legs about his waist as he thrust against her. Hard and powerful, his body moved over her. Sonya reach down between them, trying to unzip his pants, but Falcon took hold her wrists, pinning her arms to the bed. He increased his speed. Sonya’s back arch, breasts pressed hard against his chest, the contact forced her over the edge. Tearing away from their kiss, she cried out. Wave after searing wave of pleasure crashed over her, sweeping her away.

She felt Falcon’s muscles tense. Tossing his head back, the cords of his neck strained. Sonya tilted her hips up, pressing her core more tightly against him. Her name fell from his lips as he came. His entire body shuttered from the impact of his orgasm.

Sonya laced her arms around his neck and drew him back down to the cradle of her body. He rested his brow on her shoulder as she held him close. A beautiful silence filled the room as they lay enjoying the aftermath of their pleasure. Falcon combed his fingers through her hair as she listened to their hearts slow to a steady rhythm. Again, she desperately wished this could be her reality. She had begged and pleaded, hoping fate would let the honorable knight in her arms to be her mate and that his love could save her from the Death Curse.

Falcon placed his palms on the mattress and pushed himself to his feet. Sonya straightened her nightgown and propped herself up on her elbows, her feet dangled over the side of the mattress. As she watched him walk to his bag a disturbing thought flickered through her mind. Was she taking advantage of his attraction for her to ful
fill her own desires and settle her curiosity before the gray specter came to claim her? She was on Death’s short list and Falcon was an innocent. He had only offered her blood but she had taken it to the next level. If anyone on the council learned of what they had shared, Falcon would be executed. She needed to be careful. True, she wanted to curse caution and seize every moment she had left with him, but she could not and would not drag him to Hell with her.

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