Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4) (19 page)

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Chapter Twenty-Two












Sonya kicked the bedroom door open, just as she had with the front door of the farm house. Falcon lurched forward and stumbled. His legs threatened to give out on him. Sonya caught him and draped his heavy arm over her shoulders. He leaned against her and for the first time she was grateful for her height and lean frame. Falcon leaned his weight against her as she helped him cross to the bed.

He fell to the mattress. Gritting his teeth, he groaned in pain.

Sonya brushed her hand over his brow. He was burning up. His body was trying in vain to fight the poison. Anger rose within her. The blade had been meant for her. Even through her rage, reddened haze, she had seen the hunter had swung at her.

“Why do you have to be so damn noble?” she whispered.

“Can’t h-help it,” he hissed as another wave of agony swept through him.

“Where is the soothing balm? It should help.”

He shook his head. “No.”

Sonya’s stomach twisted with fear. “No? It can dilute the poison.”

Falcon’s words were cut short by a groan of pain, but she knew what he was trying to say. The poison had spread. The balm would be of no use. She couldn’t bear to think of what his words meant.

“There has to be something. Vampires have survived this,” she insisted.

He shook his head. “I want this.”

She balked. Falcon wanted this? She refused to believe it. He was a Black Knight. His king and his Clan meant everything to him. And he was a fighter, a survivor. Why was he accepting this?

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

As gently as she could, she untied his makeshift tourniquet. The tattered shirt fell away, revealing his wound.

“I’m not,” he snapped.

“Stop, Falcon.” She pulled the cell phone out her pocket. “I’ll call Silvie or the Shaman. There has to be something we can do.”

He cursed, his tone an unbearable combination of irritation and torture. “The priestess,” he rasped. “Death w-would come for o-one of us. I could not l-let you…” Falcon’s jaw clenched as a fresh wave of pain hit him. Sweat beaded his brow. His blood burned and he felt as if he had been cast into an inferno. Gritting his teeth, he managed to say, “A life for a life.”

Sonya’s breath rushed from her lungs as if she had been punched in the chest. Silvie. Falcon had made a deal with the witch, his life for hers.

“No,” she whispered, shock rocked her to the core. Her heart plummeted as her hope shattered. “Falcon, no. I am destined to…I am ready. I’ve had time and I knew this was…”
She could not find the right words. Her mind could not begin to process what was happening.

Falcon had stepped in front of her. He had taken the knife to the ribs, a blow meant for her. The knight had sacrificed himself so that she may live.

“Oh, God.” She pressed a hand to her chest. Her lungs refused to expand, her heart remained still. Falcon was dying and her soul was dying with him. Despair and hopelessness tore at her with razor sharp talons.

“It’s okay. Y-you are…Your C-Clan needs you,” he said.

Sonya closed her eyes. Battling against her tears, she struggled to focus her mind. If Falcon had struck a deal with the priestess to trade his life for hers, then there had to be a way to reverse it.

She cupped his face and studied his dull silver gaze. His skin was cold, his complexion matching the white linen of the bed. His large powerful body trembled as the poison began shutting down his organs, robbing him of his immortality.

Falcon took her hand, his fingers shook as he rubbed the backs of her knuckles with his thumb. With his free hand, Falcon gripped the amulet and tugged. The gain snapped. Licking his dry, cracked lips, he held it out to her. I want you t-to walk in the s-sun.”

Sonya shook her head. “No. You need it.”

Ignoring her protests, Falcon turned her hand over and pressed the stone to her palm. He lifted their entwined hands to his mouth. His gaze intensified, penetrating her heart to reach her soul. He took in a strangled breath. “I l-love you.”

His body violently seized and his eyes drifted it closed. The strength of his hold vanished. Sonya gripped his shoulders and shook him hard.

“Stay with me, Falcon.”

She shook his again and received no response. Sonya punched his chest. His eyes remained shut.

No. This was not right. This could not be happening. She was the one marked for death.

“It’s supposed to be me. Not him. Please, not him.” She threw her head back and, unleashing her anguish and rage, she roared. “Take me. I’ve served my purpose. I’m ready to go.”

“Not quite.”

In furious flash of movement, Sonya spun and caught the intruder by the throat. Her fangs lengthen and eyes turned black. She tightened her grasp on her prey and pinned the petite witch against the wall. Gazing down at her prey, Sonya growled, “What have you done, Silvie?”


Sonya’s grip tightened. “Don’t lie to me.”

Silvie’s dark eyes narrowed. A wave of energy electrified the air, cracking like a whip. “I’m not.”

Sonya flashed her fangs. “What did you tell him?”

“Let go and I’ll explain.”

Sonya pried her fingers from
Silvie’s throat, on by one. Taking in a breath, she stepped back. Her body quaked with rage, her eyes burned with unshed tears of sorrow, and her heart cried in anguish. She had lost everyone she had ever loved and she would not add Falcon to the list.

“He asked me to help you, when he is the one in need of my help.” Deep purple a
nd blue bruises faded from Silvie’s neck.

Shame seeped into Sonya’s heart. She had attacked Silvie. If she had been human, Sonya most likely would have crushed her windpipe and those marks would have marred her porcelain skin for weeks.

Sonya struggled to bring her riling emotions in check. She couldn’t focus. She couldn’t think. Falcon was dying and she could have easily killed the one woman that could save him.

“Silvie,” she said, her voice trembling. “I’m sorry. Please, I implore you. Forgive
me. I─”

Silvie shook her head, tossing her black hair about her slender shoulders. “You needn’t apologize. I know you…care for Sir Falcon.” She walked towards the bed.

The scent of death filled the room. Falcon’s body twisted and contorted, his muscles straining. His head thrash about, knocking the pillows to the floor. Sweat drenched his brow, blood seeped from the gash on his side. His chest rose and fell with labored breaths, his heart slowing with every exhale.

“The poison has spread.”

Sonya wrapped her arms around her middle as she approached the bed. She wanted to hold him. She wanted to assure him that everything would fine and he would live. But she could not bring herself to speak such empty words. Falcon was dying for her. He was sacrificing himself for her.

Silvie sat on the edge of the bed. Taking up his hand, she examined him from palm to shoulder. The blood within his veins glowed beneath his skin. “The Red Order exchanged their gift of magic for strength long ago.” Silvie sighed. “Do you know how the poison works?”

Sonya bit her tongue. She did not need a history lesson right now. She needed the priestess to heal her Falcon.

“Not many know, but vampires were created by a curse,” Silvie explained. “The spell was cast by an entire tribe of Shaw witches. It is unbreakable. However, parts of it can be stripped away. For instance, we have vampires that can walk in the sun.” She gently placed his hand over his head, revealing his gruesome stab wound.

Sonya wanted to look away but she could not. Sonya’s gaze was fixated on Falcon’s side. The flesh had turned black and the smell of rotting flesh permeated the air.

“Oh, god,” she whispered.

“This poison shreds a vampire’s immortality and in the process,” Silvie skimmed her fingers over his dead skin, “is excruciating.”

Falcon cursed and flinched away from Silvie’s touch.

Sonya took a hesitant step forward. “Can you save him?”

Silvie stood and smoothed her crimson robe. “I’m sorry, Silvie, but I can’t.”

Sonya snatched her wrist and spun her around to face her. She gazed into the priestess’s dark eyes, searching for…Nothing. Silvie’s gaze was empty. Void of concern or compassion. Sonya dropped her hand and sank down on the mattress beside Falcon. A pained cry wrenched from his throat.

“Vampires have survived the Red Order’s poison before. Raphael, King Dorian’s second, lived after he had been impaled with a poisonous arrow,” Sonya protested.

“Yes, but Raphael’s wound had been treated immediately.” Silvie glanced down at the trembling knight. His large body shuddered. “As I said, the poison has spread. It consumes him. Burning his veins and scorching his arteries. Devouring his immortality.”

“I refuse to believe there is nothing that can be done.”

Silvie leaned forward and cupped Sonya’s face with her hands. Her thumbs brushed over the tops of her cheeks, whipping away the tears that begun to fall. “Sonya, I never said nothing could be done.”

Hope fluttered to life amongst the destruction of her heart and soul. “What deal did you make with Falcon? There has to be an out clause. I can’t allow him to die for me.”

“The deal
made has no out clause.”

“Can you drop the cryptic nonsense?” Sonya snapped. “His life for mine. That is what he said.”

“I would love to stop talking in circles,” Silvie replied. Pinching her brow she let out a frustrated sigh. “I told Falcon death would come for one of you by weeks end.”

“Please, Silvie. I should be the one suffering, not Falcon.” Guilt and fear knotted her stomach, forcing bile to rise in her throat.

“I’m so sorry, Sonya. I am of no use here.” Silvie’s form began to fade as overwhelming helplessness and soul shattering despair claimed Sonya. She sank to the floor beside the bed, gripping Falcon’s hand.

“No, Falcon. No.” Sobs shook her shoulders. “Don’t leave me.”

Silvie returned to solid form. She regarded the couple with sad eyes. The scene was...heartbreaking. Tears streaked Sonya’s face and dripped silently to the floor. Falcon continued to jerk and thrash upon the bed. His body drenched in sweat, every vein in his body glowing neon red.

She had come tonight know
ing exactly what she was materializing into. Well, not really. She hadn’t expected Sonya to nearly crush her windpipe. But she had seen this miserable scene play out. She had spoken true, there was nothing she would do for the Black Knight, but all was not lost. No, fate had a plan and Silvie would lend a helping hand.

Kneeling beside the queen, Silvie leaned in close and whispered, “For a precious second he will be mortal before death takes him.”

Blinking back tears, Sonya lifted her head. “What?”

“Follow your instincts. They won’t lead you astray.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Silvie squeezed Sonya’s shoulder. She wished she could say more, but Sonya had to make the decision on her own. “Please, Sonya. Trust me.”



Chapter Twenty-Three











The Silvie faded until she completely dissolved. Sonya starred at the now vacant spot beside her. Her mind and body were numb.

Trust? Rage coiled around her spine. The witch was asking for her trust? It was because of Sonya’s blind faith in the Shaw that she had trusted Silvie when the priestess suggested she meet the Red Order ambush. If Sonya had not followed Silvie’s plan, Falcon would be with his Clan, serving his king and she would be home with Gwendolyn, preparing for her inevitable death.


The sound of Falcon’s hoarse voice scraped over the fresh wounds of her heart.

“I’m here, Falcon,” she cooed, coming to her feet.

He squeezed her hand. “I-I love y-you.”

She kissed his pale cheek. “Falcon I love you more than words can express.”

His silver eyes flickered black as the demon tried to fight the poison. He roared, his fangs elongating and slicing into his lower lip.

“Careful,” she said, smoothing her palm over his brow.

She laid on the bed. Curling her body around his. Falcon’s limbs shook, but he continued to hold her hand. She could hear his pulse weakening and feel the warmth fade from his skin.

She brought their entwined hands to her lips and kissed each of his knuckles. Her soul wept for her lover, the vampire within her cried out with enraged sorrow, as the Curse’s claws sank deeper into her heart. Emotions crashed over her like a tidal wave.

With every minute Falcon’s condition worsened. Sonya held him, gently humming a lullaby she once sang to her sister until his body began to still. A desperate thought occurred to her. If she drained him, she would then be infected. He would live and she would die, just as Fate intended.

Sonya drew his arm up, placing his wrist against her lips. Without hesitation, her fangs grew to sharp razor points. She drew her head back, preparing to strike.

“N-no,” Falcon rasped.

Sonya ignored his protests. Her fangs scratched his skin. Summoning his remaining strength, Falcon pulled his hand free.

Sonya cursed and snatched his hand back. She would bite him and she would save him. She pressed a kiss to the inside of his wrists.


“I can help.”

Gritting his teeth, Falcon shook his head. “Y-you will l-live.”

He extended his trembling fingers to caress her cheek. Cold. His touch was like ice. His heart struggled to beat as his lungs fought for air. Panic made her nerves tingle. Death was here. It loomed over them, watching. Waiting to escort Falcon to the next place.

She felt hot tears slip down her cheeks. “And eternity without you…No, Falcon. I can’t lose you. Not now, not after…We’ve just begun to…” Her words ended on a sob.

The life light in Falcon’s eyes flickered as he struggled to stay with her. His entire body tensed, his lips parted as he fought for one last breath. His fangs received and the energy of his demo vanished. His immortality was gone.

She sensed Death approach, the air chilled around her. Falcon’s hand fell from her cheek. With one last gasp, his shimmering eyes dulled.

“No!” she cried and something inside her snapped.

He was mortal and mortals could become vampires. In a flash of movement, she sliced her wrist with her fangs and pressed the open wound to his mouth.

“Please,” she whispered again and again. She squeezed her wrist, forcing her blood to flow more freely.

Desperate prayers fell from her lips as she bled herself to the point of weakness. Her vision blurred, her limbs grew heavy, and her bones began to ache as a chill settled over her.

Falcon did not respond. His body remained still. Lifeless. His gaze was vacant, his face pale, his heart silent.

The world spun around her as time stood still. It wasn’t working. Falcon was…gone. Her entire body trembled as tears trickled down her cheeks. Her soul screamed for Falcon to return.

“Please, I need you.” Her voice was rough, her throat raw from her fervent whispered prayers.

Sonya laid back down, fitting tightly against his side. She gently traced the pads of her trembling fingers across his face, closing his eyes. His lips were covered in a combination of their blood.

“I’ve loved you for two hundred years and I will never stop loving you,” she said.

With the words spoken, she made her decision. She would join him. Fate had intended for her die and she would. When the sun rose, she would meet its rays and finally leave the realm of the living. She would join Falcon and her family in the hereafter.

As she caressed his strong jaw line, she shifted even closer and pressed her lips to his for one last kiss. The taste of their mixed blood was exquisite. Never had she known something so divine.

Tears streamed down her face and dripped off her chin. She pressed her mouth even harder against his. She willed him to wake up, to wrap his arms around her. Instead, a searing, sharp pain shot through her. The all too familiar scent of burning flesh permeated the air.

Was the Curse going to finished her off despite Falcon’s sacrifice?

The pain intensified and she welcomed the darkness that followed.


   *                          *                         *                      *                          *


Silvie materialized in her room at Palace Nocete, the Validus’s stronghold. For the past few weeks she had made the updated medieval castle her home. She planned on staying until things settled. Then she would return to Las Vegas. She prayed she would be able to conduct her business without running into Gannon.

Her pulse spiked and she felt her cheeks warm with an irritated blush. God, why could she not stop thinking about that damn vampire? They had met briefly at Dimitri and Kertsyn’s wedding. They shared a few drinks and a few dances, but that was all. Sure, Gannon was tall and tan and muscled and…
Stop it. So what if he is handsome and charming. Priestesses can’t have boyfriends.
Silvie rolled her eyes.
Shaw priestesses aren’t allowed to have a life.

“Good evening, priestess.”

Silvie barely held back an alarmed scream. Pressing a hand over her rapidly beating heart, she took in calming breaths, willing her adrenaline to dissipate. The scent of fear was a powerful trigger for vampires. Most could control their baser instincts, but Hadrian’s sanity was frayed, making the king unpredictable and dangerous.

“Your Highness,” she said, her voice wavered. Squaring her shoulders, Silvie turned to face the vampire. Clearing her throat, she added, “Is there something I can help you with?”

A slow menacing smile graced Hadrian’s lips, revealing the sharp tips of his fangs. In a flash of movement, he grabbed her wrist, twisted her arm and spun her around. Her back slammed against his chest as his free hand cupped her chin and tilted her head to the side. His cool breath at her throat was an uncomfortable shock to her system. Her pulse spiked once more.

Hadrian inhaled deeply and his hold on her tightened.

“Please, explain why I scent Falcon’s blood on you,” he said, his voice hard.

“The knight is fine.”

“That is not what I asked.”

Silvie closed her eyes and focused on her fear. She needed to relax, she needed to take control of the situation. The Shaw did not believe in violence and she was in no way prepared to battle a powerful, ancient vampire. If this became a life of death situation, she could use her
magic against him, but Hadrian’s death would upset not only her uncle's plans, but hers as well.

“You know, this is the second time
in one day I’ve been attacked by your kind.” She tugged against his hold, but that was useless.

“Explain,” he growled.

Silvie stilled her shudder. Hadrian’s voice was deep and unnaturally rough. His demon was at the surface. His gaze burned red in the darkness, his claws pressed against her skin.

“I can’t give details. I wish I could,” she said in a rush.

Hadrian drew the talon of his index finger across her jaw causing blood to swell. With a curse, he shoved her away.

Silvie stumbled, bumping into her dresser. Using the furniture, she steadied herself. She caught a terrifying glimpse of the vampire in the mirror before whirling around to face him.

Hadrian’s hellish gaze locked with hers' as he brought his claw up to his lips. He slowly licked the crimson stain. His body tensed as he savored the taste of her blood.

Images of Hadrian attacking her, sinking
his fangs into her wrist and draining her flashed through her mind.
Oh, god no. That will
be my future.

Her gaze darted towards the door.

“Don’t run,” he snarled.

Silvie whispered a spell, creating a shield of energy between her and the half crazed vampire.

Hadrian shook his head and closed his eyes. His nostrils flared as he drew in rapid breaths as he forced the beast back in its cage.

Finally, he opened his eyes and whispered, “I apologize.”

“I can understand...your response,” she replied. She did not lower the shield.

“I scented his blood and…” He shook his head again.

Could he smell the poison? She hoped not. “He is in Sonya’s care.”

Hadrian released a heavy sigh and scrubbed his face with his hands. “Too much.”

Silvie frowned. “Too much?”

“I can smell her on him. I can scent their lust.”

Damn it, Silvie, You are really messing everything up
. She rolled her eyes.
No. Hadrian and his freakish senses are messing everything up.

Clarity sparked in the depths of his black gaze and a chill raced down her spine. She didn't know which version of Hadrian was terrifying. The blood crazed demon or the calculating man.

“You knew Falcon would betray his clan.” He reach out and caressed the invisible shield, making the air ripple.

“I can't─”

“Provide details.”

“The Shaman─”

“Your uncle has nothing to do with this." He tilted his head to the side. “No. You have something in the works.”

Silvie swallowed hard. Hadrian was right. She did have a plan and she had guarded it well from her

“The Red Order, Silvie
and Falcon. Dimitri and Kerstyn. My sweet Eva and I.” Hadrian's tall, lean frame shook with a sharp, dark laugh. “I suspect even the outcaste, Gabriel Erhard.”

“What do you mean?”
She blinked, innocently.

black, demonic gaze narrowed. “That’s right, priestess. Run that game.”

Silvie released a relived sigh when Hadrian vanished. Keeping her defense in place, she slowly slid to the floor.

“This is so not good,” she whispered to the silence.



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