Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4) (21 page)

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Her smile brightened, her eyes shimmered with amusement. “You’re forgiven.”

Sonya rolled to the side. She lay atop their discarded clothes, her head resting on his chest. She leisurely traced the lines of his abs.

“Let’s be serious.”

Falcon groaned, “Only if it is absolutely necessary.”

She really didn’t want to have this conversation either, but they had more than a few things to clear up before they returned to vampire territory.

Brushing her fingers over the mating brand on his shoulder, she whispered, “This changes everything.”

Falcon captured her fingers and brought them to his lips. “I know.”

“What does it mean?”

“It means,” he wrapped his arms around her, tucking her tigh
tly against him, “that I will never let you go.”

Sonya felt tears gather in her eyes. She wanted to believe that, but her logical side couldn’t comprehend how their relationship could work.

“Hadrian will─”

“Understand,” Falcon said. “Besides, my king has
found his mate. Eva is strong and intelligent. She will keep him under control.” His chest vibrated with a short laugh. “She also has a supernatural ability. Eva calms him. She can bring him back from the brink of madness with just a word or a light touch.”

“What of the law?”

He shrugged. “I am your mate, Sonya. That trumps any vampire law.”

“The counsel may not think so.”

“They will.”

God, she wished she could feel as confident as Falcon. She didn’t have much faith in her counsel in this situation. Her Clan had a history of viewing the law in black and white.

“You needn’t worry about your Clan Counsel.”

Sonya huffed, “You don’t know them I like do.”

Falcon fell silent for a long moment, his fingers absently skipping over her back.

“The Shaw will support our union as will the other vampire monarchs,” he said.

He had a valid point. It was the shaman who cast the spell creating mates for the rightful rulers. Her fellow rulers of darkness would not turn their backs on them.

“Why do you doubt our relationship?”

Sonya’s chest tightened. She could hear the hurt in his voice. “I’m not purposefully fighting us. I’ve been alone for so long and I’ve told myself countless times we could never be together…I need some time to adjust.”

She hoped he understood.

Falcon lovingly pinched her chin and titled her head up. Their gazes locked. “We need to trust our instincts,” he said, the deep baritone of his voice sent delicious vibrations through her. “Right now, every part of me says this is right.”

Sonya kissed him. “I know this is


Chapter Twenty-Six







Jordan nervously tapped her foot as she waited for Mattie and Lynn to return. They had abandoned her back stage nearly thirty minutes ago. Those brats had said they were getting drinks and would be right back. Jordan rolled her eyes. Team Bimbo must have spotted a couple of hot guys and forgotten all about her. Normally, Jordan wouldn’t care if either or both friends ran off, it was their usual M.O., but she really didn’t want to be alone right now. In her state of mind, she couldn’t be held accountable for her actions.

Any second Ryan, her ex, could walk by and Jordan seriously doubted she would be able to resist the urge to punch the sleazebag in the nose.

She mumbled a curse. Why was she here? She should have canceled the show like she had wanted. Jordan knew the owner, Ryan’s mother, would understand. Tara was a nice, sensible woman and she carried no delusions about her son. He was a cheater, apparently like his father.

“Sadly, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, J,” Tara has said when Jordan arrived at the bar. “You’re a great girl. I had hoped he would make it work with you.”

Jordan rubbed her brow. It was too late to back out now. The bar was packed and even though she wasn’t the only act on stage tonight, her name had been the one to draw the crowd. Which meant Ryan would definitely be here. He could never resist the opportunity to surround himself with drunk women.

Anger sparked within her once more. She wasn’t mad at Ryan, although she had every right to be. She had walked in on him in bed with another woman and
the bastard had the nerve to smile at her and ask if she wanted to join. God, her stomach churned even now just thinking about it.

Okay, she was mad at him, but she was infuriated with herself. She should have seen this coming. Every relationship she had ended in disaster. Her intimacy issues were her doom. And like an idiot, she had fooled herself into thinking this time would be different. She had lowered her walls and allowed herself to trust Ryan. Big mistake. After being raised by the system, she had learn
ed early on she could trust no one.

Giggles came from the right corner of the stage and were quickly followed by stumbling footsteps. Jordan jumped from her perch atop an oversized speaker and swept the corner of the heavy red velvet curtain aside.

“Hey!” Mattie greeted, tripping over the top step. “Damn it, I spilt my beer.”

“Try watching where you step,” Lynn said.

“The shot survived,” Mattie pointed out, holding up the small glass in triumph. “This is for you, honey.”

Jordan shook her head. “No thanks. Tequila will
get you knocked up.”

“Since my future husband is the one who bought it, I don’t see a problem with that.” Mattie tossed the shot back and chased it with a gulp of her beer.

“Future husband? Girl, you talked to him for a second,” Lynn laughed.

Mattie scoffed, “More like five minutes.”

“Whatever,” Lynn sighed and handed Jordan a bottle of water. “I saw Ryan.”

Mattie’s features instantly appeared sober and way too serious. “He didn’t come back here, did he?”

“No,” Jordan answered. “But it’s not as if he is band from backstage. His mom owns the bar. He can come back here if he wants.”

“And we can kick his ass if we want,” Mattie added.

Lynn and Jordan rolled their eyes.

“Forget about that waste of air,” Lynn said. “Tara was slinging drinks because the bar is slammed and she told me that she’s expecting a V.I.P.”

Mattie nudged Jordan with her elbow. “I saw him pull up. Gorgeous Escalade and all.”

“I’m surprised you saw anything with your future husband’s tongue down your throat and his fat head blocking your view.”

“Already taking guys out to the parking lot?” Jordan teased.

“In my defense, ladies, all I did was make out with him and then did
the proper thing.” She took a drink of her beer. “I gave him my number.”

“Anyway, Tara said this guy owns a record label and is looking to sign some new talent.”

Jordan’s anxiety sky rocketed. “You can’t be serious.”

Lynn placed her hands on her hips. “Yep. So, wipe that sad my-ex-boyfriend-is-a-dirt-bag look off your face and touch up your make up.”

“And I think we should slut you up a bit,” Mattie said.

Jordyn looked down at herself. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”

Lynn and Mattie glanced at each other then looked her up and down.

“Leggings and a too big sweater?” Lynn asked.

“Yeah, not sexy,” Mattie said with a shake of her head.

Jordan frowned. She hadn’t wanted to come to the bar tonight and didn’t really want to perform. She would rather be home, on her couch with a cup of tea and a book. Oh, yeah, that was her definition of an exciting Saturday night. Besides, she had come straight from work and being a yoga instructor meant she could wear comfy clothes.

“Please tell me you brought some other clothes with you,” Lynn said.

“Geez, guys. Way to make a girl feel good,” Jordan huffed. “Yeah, I have a pair of jeans and a tank top I wore earlier before work.”

“Oh, thank god,” Mattie sighed.

Jordan laughed, “Shut up.”

As if on cue, the bar quieted with the exception of the classic rock blaring from the jukebox. The girls looked to each other than rushed to the curtain and peeked out. A flurry of movement drew their eyes to the entrance.

Mattie sighed, Lynn gasped and Jordan felt her jaw hit the floor.

Two large men walked in, but it was the first that held Jordan captivated.


Tall, blond and fine. He had to be pushing six and half feet. His shoulders were nearly as board as the entry way and his expensive black suite perfectly displayed every hard line of his body.

As he strode through the crowed women gaped, others batted their lashes, while some boldly reached for him.
The men glanced down at their drinks or their shoes and no one met his gaze. Odd. They acted like a pack of wolves whose alpha had just shown up. He walked with grace, dangerous elegance and wore power like a mantle. Yes, he was an alpha in every sense of the word.

Jordan felt her breath catch and her pulse jump as he drew closer. He was…divine. Short blond hair complimented his hard angelic features. She desperately wanted to know the color of his eyes, but the bar was too dark. Instinct told her they would be intense and sharp, like the rest of him.

She blinked and shook her head.
Get a grip,
she chided.

Tara hurried from behind the bar to greet the men. After a few words, she smiled and led them to the booth nearest the stage.

Suddenly her chest grew tight and her mouth went dry. He was the V.I.P. Lynn and Mattie were talking about. He was the record executive.

Oh, damn. The girls were right. Her frumpy look would not do.

        *                           *                            *                         *                            *

Women paraded themselves pas
t their table. Some even tried to start up a conversation, but Gabriel wasn’t in the mood for mindless chit-chat. He gently turned them away. The other vampires in the bar refused to even glance in his direction, which was fine by him.

“Can I get you something?” a waitress asked. She tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder and popped her hip out. She smiled when he met her gaze, her fresh lip gloss glistened in the dim light.

“Scotch,” he answered.

“On the rocks?”


She nodded and turned to Gannon. “And you?”

Gannon sized the waitress up. “The same,” he replied.

“I’ll be right back.” She tuned back to Gabriel and gave him a wink before sauntering back to the bar, her hips swaying.

“She’s good looking,” Gannon said.

“Not my type,” Gabriel added. Humans were too weak and way too fragile. Their lack of strength was what drew the attention of twisted vampires like Boras. They enjoyed inflicting pain and a vampire wouldn’t bleed or scream nearly as much as mortal.

The lights of the bar slowly faded. Excitement cut like a whip through the air. People flocked to the dance floor and crowded the stage. The waitress rushed over and delivered their drinks. She had written her number on a napkin and blew Gabriel a kiss.

“Good turn out,” Gannon noted.
“We’ll see if she really can sing.”

Gabriel took a sip of his Scotch and leaned back in the booth. The red curtain lifted and blue lights danced over the stage. The band began to play and the audience cheered. Ms. Culver’s act was the opener, but from gossip he
had heard at the bar, people believed she should be the main event.

A small woman came from the left side of the stage and the crowd roared.

Gabriel’s gaze locked on her. Through the darkness, he could see her clearly. The blue hue made her long burgundy hair appear black. Her violet eyes glowed, ethereal. Red lips turned up in a smile as she sweetly waved to familiar faces in the crowed.

She began to move along with the music as she danced her way to the mic stand. Her dark jeans hugged her curves and rested low on her hips. She ran her hands over her body, drawing his eyes to her scooped neckline of her black tank top. Her breasts were lush for her petit
e, trim frame. The movement raised the hem of her shirt, revealing a flat a stomach and a crystal belly button ring.

The band’s tempo kicked up when she grabbed the mic and then…Gabriel stopped breathing. Her vo
ice…was even better than an angel’s. The rhythm and the sound of her words swept over him, through him. Calming him. Beckoning him. Sweetly and seductively chaining him. The audience faded away. His senses solely focused on Ms. Culver.

The lit
tle human held him enthralled. She twirled and danced about the stage, signing within every bit of her heart and soul. Notes high and low, she hit them all effortlessly, the range of her voice was staggering as she switched from song to song, husky one moment and bold the next.

His body responded to her, hardening, his temperature rising. His demon roared within him, crazed. It wanted to possess her. Take her hard and fast, gentle and slow. His fangs sharpened. He craved to hear her moans and sighs of pleasure, knowing they would be even more hypnotic than her song.

Fuck, she was tantalizing and she triggered the perfect combination of ravenous lust and profound ease within him.

Finally, the music ended and she took a bow. The crowd cheered and another smile curled her full lips. She walked off the stage an
d the curtain fell as the staff hurried to ready the set for the next act.

Gannon whistled as Gabriel sat, too stunned to even clap.

“Good God,” Gannon said with a laugh.

“She’s amazing,”
he whispered. Amazing. The word seemed too plain, yet Gabriel could think of nothing better.

“What?” Gannon asked.

Gabriel shook his head and stood. “I’ll be back.”

Gannon took one look at him and smirked. “You better check yourself. Your eyes are black and you
r razors are showing.”

Gabriel ran his tongue over his fangs. The tang of blood heighte
ned his senses.
“I shouldn’t be long.”

Gannon downed his Scotch the
n finished off Gabriel’s glass. He tossed some money on the table. “I hope she’ll take us up on the offer. That girl has some major talent and can go far in the music industry.”

“Have the car ready. I don’t want to be here a minute longer than necessary,” Gabriel said, then turned and stalked toward the backstage entrance.

Humans tripped over each other as he passed them. Vampires scurried out of his way. The security guard pulled the curtain aside for him.

Gabriel used his senses to locate Ms. Culver. Following her light natural jasmine scent he located her at the edge of the stage. She was smiling and when she laughed, the soft sound made him sway.

“You rocked it,” one of her friend’s exclaimed.

“Yeah, there is no way that sexy record guy isn’t going to ask for
your autograph,” another said with a giggle.

Gabriel slowed his pace and sank into the shadows.

“Don’t get my hopes up,” she chided. “Besides, I’d want to research the label first and review the contract first.”

Sensible, smart, and beautiful. The combination hardly seemed fair, but Gabriel appreciated it.

“I’ll grab my bag and meet you at the bar,” she said. The girls blew her kisses as she turned and jumped from the stage.

She landed with grace and Gabriel fell in step behind her, following her to a smoky hall way with poor lighting.

“Ms. Culver,” he called.

She stopped, her spine straightened and she slowly turned to face him. Lord, the photo he had didn’t do her justice. She was breathtaking.

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