Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4) (2 page)

BOOK: Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness Book 4)
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Tallinn, Estonia

A Month Ago



The humans knew nothing of the world they lived in, blissfully ignorant of the creatures that surrounded them: vampires, shape-shifters and
witches. Each appeared to be nodifferent than their mortal counter parts. Falcon was one of those creatures, a vampire. His lungs expanded, filling with useless oxygen and his heart beat with a steady pulse that heated his flesh and colored his cheeks. Oh, yes, his kind could blend in seamlessly amongst their prey, their victims easily seduced by their otherworldly allure.

Falcon stood before the windows of the hotel’s small yet respectable library watching the people of Tallinn rushed by in waves five stories below.

They did not know that every full moon shifters took the shape of their animal spirits, some seemingly normal humans morphed into jaguars, others into bears, eagles, or lions. The list went on and on, every shifter was a predator.

Then there were the witches. A sect of the realm of darkness separated into two factions, the powerful and peaceful Shaw and the bloodthirsty Red Order, hunters bent on ridding the world of vampires.

The sunlight beat through the glass, blanketing him in its warmth. He absently rubbed the surface of the medallion he wore around his neck, its magic protecting him from the deadly rays of the sun. Only exceptionally strong and gifted vampires could withstand the light, the rest perished—burning and quickly turning to ash.

Clueless, simple mortals
, he thought. They believed monsters like him only existed in books and movies.

A smile tugged at his lips as he thought back to the time he believed vampires were nothing but stories fabricated to frighten children. It was so long ago.

His smile widened as amusement sparked within him. He wondered how people would react if they had known that on this wonderful, bright, warm day while the sun reigned brilliantly in the sky, the vampire monarchs and the Red Order Councilmen had met to discuss a pointless subject. Peace.

Silvie, the Shaw high priestess, had invited the Council and every ruler of darkness, all four chieftains of the vampire clans, to their neutral territory in Estonia. She had hoped to end the war between the Mylonas clan and the Red Order hunters, a blood feud that spanned two centuries.

Dorian Vlakhos, Chieftain of the Mylonas clan, had been willing to negotiate an armistice while the Red Order remained divided on their decision.

Falcon had sat beside his king; Hadrian of the Validus clan, during the meeting, listening intently to the discussion knowing full well nothing would come of it. The priestess had to be crazy to think a war such as this could simply end with a good chat and a treaty.

He, like the other vampires present, was a warrior to the bone. Death and war had been their sole occupation for centuries. They knew the game well, understood how the game was played. The war between the Mylonas and the Red Order would end with complete destruction, but not of the vampires as the hunters hoped.

The Red Order was a breath away from complete annihilation. After nearly two centuries of constant war, their numbers were scarce. Those who remained sought refuge underground. Their women grossly out numbered their men and were used like brood mares, guarded and locked away for safekeeping. Their children were trained and at the tender age of fourteen were dubbed soldiers, then sent off to fight the vampires. It wasn’t likely their race would survive the next century if an agreement could not be made.

Falcon’s heart ached for the children. They deserved to live in peace, not forced to face the demons of the night. If only the Red Order Councilmen could work past their prejudice and forsake their hate, peace could be possible. Until then, Falcon would pray every night for those children and for a solution to this madness.

He rubbed his brow. His head was beginning to ache. Though his charm shielded him, it could only do so much. After hours of standing like a statue before the window, his eyes were starting to burn.

Yet he remained, watching the humans scurry across the street. They went about their lives without a worry or even a second thought to the kinds of battles taking place around them. It was moments such as this when he realized how jaded and disillusioned he had become over his eight hundred plus years of living.

Once, he had been just like them and yes, there were times he wished things had turned out differently for him. But, he would always be indebted to Hadrian, for he had granted him a new life. Hadrian had changed him. He had given him strength and purpose. As the other Validus vampires had searched the battlefield for worthy humans to turn into fledglings, they had ignored him. But Hadrian, who had no intentions of ever turning a human, paused by his side. He had lifted him from the mud. His black as night gaze peered directly into his soul as Falcon struggled for every breath, fighting the gray specter of death. He had seen something within Falcon worth saving.

Falcon shook his head. To this day he had been unable to discern why Hadrian had changed him or why he had welcomed him into his clan as if he were a long lost brother. He had accepted him when no one else ever had. Hadrian trained him, taught him how to harness his powers. It was because of Hadrian’s diligent and detailed training that Falcon quickly rose through the vampire warrior ranks and became a Black Knight, an elite warrior. He became one of the personal guard of his clan’s chieftains and protector of the noble houses. He had been a knight in life and now in death. Falcon had wanted nothing more than to serve his maker, his king, his friend – Hadrian. That is until he met

He cursed. He couldn’t go even fifteen minutes without thinking of her or envisioning her the last time they had met.  Sonya’s hair cascaded down her back in delicate spirals, her golden eyes glowing with desire, her luscious lips parted as she gasped in pleasure. He stood between her thighs, her red silk dress bunched about her waist, her breasts bare for him.

Falcon violently shoved the mental image aside. Thoughts of her only brought pain and misery; the toxic combination poisoned his heart and burned his soul.

That night at Dimitri and Kerstyn’s wedding had been a mistake. He thanked the great power above that he had come to his senses before they made love. Sonya had been ready for him. Hot and wet. And he had been a breath away from claiming her. No matter how hard he wished or prayed to forget their brief interlude, the memories would not leave him. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her. Thoughts of her plagued his every waking hour while memories of their stolen moments together haunted his dreams.

I can never have her.

It was forbidden by vampire law for a Black Knight and a member of the noble house to be together. He recalled with perfect clarity her words that night after he pulled away,
“You know we must banish these feelings.” Gazing up at him, she added. “Lust hinders proper thoughts.”

His mind agreed, but his body rebelled, compelling him forward. Before he could think of what he was doing, he stood before her, a mere embrace apart.

“We cannot happen,” he said. “This cannot happen.”

“No,” she sighed on a breath, her heated gaze meeting his.

He cupped her face, his thumbs lightly caressing her cheeks.

“You would be stripped of your title and banished as an outcaste,” he said, his voice low and rough.

“And you would be sentenced to death.”

The sharp clicks of a woman’s high heels sliced through his trance.

Falcon did not need to turn around. The delicate scent of lilacs teased his senses. He bit out another curse. His hands fisted at his sides. His ears twitched as the footsteps grew louder, closer. His entire body clenched, his blood hummed, and his pulse doubled. After two centuries, his response to
was the same.

Falcon braced himself and stepped out of the sunlight.

“Sir Kenwrec.”

Her voice was so sweet, so damn alluring. Lust curled around his spine then shot through his body, weakening his knees and causing his fingers to tingle with the need to touch her.

“I apologize for intruding.”

Falcon swallowed hard, his throat suddenly painfully dry. “No,” he rasped. He took in a breath, desperately trying to fortify himself, then turned to face her.

Sonya stood just outside the entrance of the library. Her long blonde hair tumbled in curls over her shoulders; her pure gold eyes sparkled despite the shadows that crowded the doorway. She wore a simple white blouse, charcoal gray pencil skirt, and sexy stilettos.

“Then let me apologize for what happened at the meeting.” Her pink lips curled into a smile. “I didn’t mean to hit you with my hair. I just felt like tossing it over my shoulder. You know, being dramatic.”

Falcon could not hold back his smile. “Your action caused no pain or offense.”

She nodded and came into the room, careful to avoid the windows. Though Sonya was exceptionally strong for her age, she was unable to withstand the sunlight. Her perfect, satin skin would blister and burn before disintegrating into ash.

“Were you having a difficult time sleeping?” she asked, moving along the bookshelves that lined the walls.

It was common knowledge that the power of the sun drained vampires, causing them to become severely drowsy, the younger the vampire, the stronger the sun’s pull. But, Falcon had never been like others.

“I needed a quite place to…reflect,” he replied.

“Hmm, how vague.” She scanned the shelves. “I’m in search of a distraction. The peace meeting was…” She shrugged. “I’m drained but can’t seem to quiet my mind.” She glanced about then dropped her voice to a whisper, “I have a feeling that something is going to happen.”

He frowned. “You believe the war will escalate?”

“It might. The Red Council is divided, two want peace, two crave more bloodshed and the last is indifferent,” she explained.

“Time will tell.”

She paused then huffed dejectedly. “Naturally, I spot a book on my to-read list and it’s out of reach.”

Falcon turned to follow her gaze. “Would you like me to get it for you?”

“If you don’t mind.”

He crossed the library and stepped past her, taking great care to not make contact.

“Top shelf. Red spine,” she said.

“An Audrey Hepburn biography?”

Sonya nodded. “I have a fascination with old Hollywood.”

Falcon shook his head. Classic films and Rat Pack music were his guilty pleasures.

“You should see my movie collection. It’s insane.”

Happiness sparkled in her eyes as she began to list off her favorite films and actors. Her lips curled in a heart wrenching sweet smile that brightened the room. And damn, those dimples.

Sonya was more than beautiful; she was breathtaking, genuine, honest, and real. She was sophisticated, intelligent, fun loving, and deadly. She was a warrior queen.

Falcon stood captivated, her smile broadened as she spoke of Gene Kelly causing her dimples to deepen and her eyes to glow with delight. Without thinking of his actions, he dropped the book and reached out, his fingers gently touching her face. Her skin was smooth and warm.

Her enchanting voice caught and her eyes widened, but she did not pull away.

Falcon caressed her cheek and then lightly traced her jaw. The subtle fragrance of lilacs intensified, mixing with the delicious scent of her arousal. She took a hesitant step closer.

His fingers brushed over her lower lip. A jolt of excitement rocked her, stealing her breath. Falcon’s hand fell to grasp her upper arm.  He pulled her against him, he moaned as she sighed when their bodies made contact. It felt so right. Just like that night they had almost made love.

Framing her face with his hands, Falcon tilted her head back. Sonya’s eyes were heavy lidded, clouded with lust and long denied hunger. She craved just as he craved.

Sonya’s hands slid up his chest, the heat of her palms burned through his shirt, branding him. Heat slammed into him. A low growl rumbled his throat as Sonya arched into him, pressing herself tightly against his arousal. His cock throbbed and ached.

“Falcon,” she whispered, his name a gentle plea.

She wanted him to kiss her. Needed him to kiss her. Falcon lowered his head, reckless exhilaration pumping through his veins.

“A kiss,” he rasped. “Nothing more. We can do no—”

Sonya silenced him by pressing her fingers to his lips. “Come to my room. No one will know.”

Falcon swayed. Her invitation was like a right hook to the jaw.
God. Yes.
He would do anything to have her. His body raged with need. His cock strained against her, his fangs burst from their sheaths. To taste her, fully in every way would be…indescribable. His instincts flared to life, demanding he act on his need. That he claim her. The demon inside him roared its approval, hungry to feel this luscious blonde beneath him.

He would never know how he managed to step back. Devine intervention was the only explanation, he thought as his hands fell to his sides. His fingers trembled as he desperately fought to deaden his senses, shutting her out.

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