Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1)
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I all but growl as I move over her and hover at her entrance. I suck in another breath as I steady myself. I can feel her warmth. Her very essence, and it’s going to be a challenge not to spill into her as soon as I thrust in. Her legs wrap around my waist waiting for me to enter her. An animalistic need to fuck her into oblivion flows through me, but I clench my jaw stopping the urge from taking over. Instead, I move my hand down to my throbbing cock and guide myself painfully slow inside of her. Her head bows back, her eyes close, and her cries of pleasure let me know how much she craves me. Her pussy greedily takes me and grips me like a fucking vice, as I push into her more. I halt my movements, only for a few moments, letting her adjust to my size. I begin to move as her hips arch on me and pull out, only to thrust into her deeply. I do it again loving the loud cries she begins to make. I continue my slow almost agonizing pace, before moving my leg to the side. I take a hold of her thigh gripping it tightly, opening her more, and giving me a better angle to sink into her deeper than before. Our moans and heavy pants fill the room, and I gaze down at her. I watch as her eyes open then close, and her mouth opens making that perfect ‘O’ shape. I can feel our souls merging as we become one touching skin to skin as close as possible. I didn’t think I’d ever feel the intense and almost overwhelming surge of love, desire, and absolute passion roll through me. It sends a tingling sensation down my spine and moves all throughout my body. I relish in the sensations she brings me. The feel of her pussy wrapped around my cock, the swell of her breasts teasing me to suck them, and the sound of her cries of pleasure, makes me want to love her with everything I have. Everything I am. It’s our connection. The unconditional love that we have for one another. It’s a rare feeling to have, and I never want our love to stop flowing through us.

My pace begins to quicken as her walls clamp down on me. I know she’s close and when I reach down to rub her clit, my pace slows as she lets out a loud scream. I groan as I watch her as she comes undone, something that I’ll never get tired of seeing, and let her ride out her orgasm. Her eyes slowly open, and she lets out a relaxed breath. Pride and satisfaction flow through me knowing I’m the one to put that satisfied look on her face. I thrust into her again and again, before I pull out for a moment to flip us. She lets out a surprised cry, and she lays on my chest kissing me sweetly. I shudder as I take her mouth. She dips her tongue in mine, and I reach down to grab her ass with each hand. She pulls away when I take her hands. Slowly pushing her up so she’s sitting straight, and I love the view of her on top of me.

I take her waist and groan out, “Take me, Shel.” She complies willingly slowly easing herself down on my raging hard cock. I’ll never tire of feeling her tight walls suck me in deep. Never tire of seeing her body flush with desire for me as she takes me. She begins to rock back and forth, and I gaze up at her in amazement. Her eyes are full of lust, love, and her head falls back as I thrust into her. My hands roam up her body, and I caress her breasts as she takes her pleasure from me. She’s beautiful, stunning, and breath taking as she brands me.

She sears my soul. Forever claiming my heart for her own and taking me for everything I am.

I watch as her head falls back savoring her cries of pleasure, as I run my hands down her body. The soft feel of her skin against mine makes me rise up, and pull her breasts to my chest. Her eyes meet mine as she grabs my neck moving me to her lips as we take each other. She rocks slowly on me, and I grab her waist, helping her reach the spot I know she loves. Gazing deep into her stunning blue eyes I declare, “I love you, Shel. I’ll never stop loving you.”

I know she can feel our connection. Her breath hitches before saying, “I know, Carter. I love you so much.” I’ve always known she loved me, but every single time she says those precious words, it’s like hearing them for the first time again. 

I can feel myself ready to explode in her as her walls clench down on me again. I want this feeling to last, but I can’t hold out any longer. I reach up and take her ponytail again pulling her mouth off mine as I demand, “Come with me, Shel. Let me feel you as I let go.”

Her fingers dig into my neck as she speeds up her movements, and when her head falls back as she calls out my name, it’s my undoing. My head drops to her neck as I release inside of her, and let out a loud grunt. She milks me taking everything I give her, and then some. I thrust into her a few more times feeling her walls clamping down on me still. I let her ride out her orgasm and when she’s ready to come down, I lift my head and watch her as she smiles. She rests her head on my forehead as she tries to catch her breath. I close my eyes, not wanting to let this moment go. I’d die a happy man if I never had to leave her warmth.

I feel her move, and I open my eyes as she says, “That was …”

“Incredible,” I finish for her.

Her hands run through my hair, caressing and thanking me for pleasing her. “Incredible, sensational, amazing, and exactly what I needed. How do you know what I need, Carter?”

I lift my hand to her face and rub my thumb on her cheek as I answer with, “It’s because we’re connected. You’re my soulmate, Shelby. It’s like your soul calls to mine when you need to be reminded of how beautiful you are. How strong you are, and what you mean to me.” Her eyes shine back at me loving my sweet words, and I add, “And it’s because I know you. There’s nothing about you that you can keep from me. I’ve known you forever, and it’s not hard to read you anymore.”

“I’m glad you know me so well. It does make our relationship so much easier.”

I chuckle as I say, “It does. I wouldn’t change anything about it either.” And I wouldn’t. Shelby is one of a kind. She’s special. Someone I’m more than happy to be with for the rest of my life. She’s the one person I can truly say holds my heart and she’ll protect it with everything she has.

I’ve always known our love was one of a kind, and I’d be fucking insane if I didn’t savor every second with her. Every touch, caress, and kiss. All of it is burned into my mind. It’s still surreal most days that she’s mine again. I don’t know what I did to deserve a second chance, but to hell with questioning it. I’ll keep her close and enjoy all we have until the day I die.

Maybe even after that too.



The weeks seem to fly by and before I realize it, Christmas is only a few days away. Carter and I spend every minute we can together, showing each other multiple times a day how much we love each other. A part of me thinks he’s trying to make up for our years apart, and the other is telling me he’s filling me with new memories to replace the dark ones. Either way, I’m relishing in his affections. His unconditional love. He showers me with it, and I wouldn’t change anything about how our relationship is growing stronger each day. Carter challenges me, helps me forget my past, and I tell him all the time how grateful I am to have him back in my life. He’s even been coming with me to Cason’s gym for my self-defense class. Carter cheers me on, giving me the confidence I need to be better. To excel at it, knowing it’s giving me peace of mind. I still struggle with feeling weak and ashamed for what I let happen to me, but every time I take a step back, Carter is there helping me take two forward.

Things would be absolutely perfect if not for the times he brings up Bethany. I know I shouldn’t be jealous, but it’s hard not to be. I know he only cares for me, but a part of me hates he spent so much time with her while I was gone. Their friendship was true, and I know Carter wants to reach out to her. He’s told me a few things about Bethany. How her family treats her and how she couldn’t depend on anyone until they formed a friendship. It doesn’t really change my feelings toward her, or the way she acted and treated me. Needless to say, it’s still a touchy subject, and Carter doesn’t bring it up much. Only time will tell if I can deal with her coming back around and them becoming friends again.

There’s also a piece of me that feels like it’s missing. It’s like a hole, slowly growing, and even when I’m with Carter all the time, I know it’s there. I should’ve figured it out sooner since it happens every year around Christmas, but it didn’t fully surface until this morning. I’d gotten up early like every morning going about my daily routine, when I thought about my Dad. It hit me out of nowhere. This time every year, it was our month together. It was a rare time he wouldn’t drink as much. He was more himself, more like a father should be. I cherished December because of it. It’s as if my Dad being there for me caring for me and showering me with love I so desperately wanted was my Christmas gift. I missed him terribly, and guilt started to make it’s way in. I haven’t been to his grave since Caden took me months ago, and I tell myself I’ll go soon. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, I owe it to myself and my father’s memory to pay my respects.

With my mind made up and my heart feeling a bit lighter than before, I walk down the stairs to find Annie in the kitchen making coffee. William has just finished eating, and I chuckle seeing him rub his pot belly. Annie and I sit at the kitchen table and have our morning coffee, and we catch up on what’s been going on with everything. I’ve been trying not to work as much, and I’m still undecided on whether or not to take Carter up on his offer to work for him. Annie and William think it’s a wonderful idea, but I’m worried about working with Carter too much. He can be stubborn at times. Partly because we challenge each other. I don’t want our time spent together worrying about jobs or unnecessary things causing us to argue, but I also miss doing what I love.

I take a sip of my coffee as Annie begins to tell me again of all the reasons I should take his offer. “I don’t understand why you want to think about it so much. It’ll be a perfect job for you, and you can work at home. You work way too much as it is, and I hate I can’t see you how as often I’d like.”

I place my coffee down on the table feeling a twinge of guilt. She’s right. Between working all the time then spending time with Carter, I hardly have rare moments with them like this. William nods then picks up his morning paper. I shake my head at him, because I know he’ll be listening to everything we say. “I know, and I promise to make more time for us. You really think I should say yes? What if it’s a disaster?”

Annie shrugs then says, “If so, then Carter can write you a letter of recommendation so you can find another job.” She pauses for a second then adds, “Speaking of letters.” I curiously watch her as she gets up, and walks over to the small table holding all the mail. I twist in my chair wondering what she’s digging for in the pile of junk mail. William is eerily quiet, but I don’t think much of it. William has always been a man of few words. It’s his actions that you have to pay attention to. “Ah-ha! I found it,” Annie proclaims and returns to the table. She glances at me and I tilt my head, trying to figure out what’s going on. She holds a white envelope in her hand and sighs before saying, “I got this letter a few days ago. Remember that nice couple that moved into your old house?” When I nod, she continues. “Well they stopped by here, and they found this hidden in the attic. They also told me to let you know your mom didn’t fully clear it out, and you’re more than welcome to come over to go through it to get whatever you want.”

I feel as if someone knocked the air out of me. How is this even possible? Is the letter from Dad? And why did my mother leave our possessions in the attic? I have so many questions, but no way to get my answers. I refuse to call Mom. I’m completely fine with never speaking to her again, but I’m still so confused about everything. “Who’s the letter from?” I ask.

Annie lowers her head for a moment, then she looks up to me. “I’m not sure. It only says your name, and the couple knew you and your mother were the only people who lived there before them. If I had to guess … I would say it was from your father.”

I sit back in my chair, reeling from this news. It’s nothing I expected to hear today. I lean back up and ask, “Can I see it?” Annie hands the letter to me instantly, and I stand up. “I’m going to read it upstairs.”

Annie reaches out to touch my arm as she says, “If you need anything, we’re right here for you, okay?” I clench my jaw unable to speak. Instead, I nod and turn to William. He looks at me with such concern, and I only manage to give him a small smile before going upstairs to my room.

I close the door behind me gripping the white envelope tightly. I swallow hard, and my stomach feels as if it’s in knots. I’m nervous to open it and scared of what it’ll say. With shaky legs, I walk over to my bed and sit down. I breathe out a loud sigh letting myself look at the letter. It only has my name on the front, as Annie said, and I already know it is from Dad. I remember his manly handwriting so vividly. I swipe my finger over my printed name, and tears start to fill my eyes. It seems like a huge coincidence how I was just thinking about him earlier, and now I’m holding a letter from him. I almost decide not to open it, and almost want to toss it in the trash so I don’t have to deal with the loss of him again. Instead, I close my eyes and think of Carter. He’s not even here but just thinking of what he’d say to me, gives me the strength I need to read Dad’s letter. It’s almost as if I can hear Carter’s voice filling me and giving me the courage I so desperately seek.

BOOK: Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1)
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