Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1)
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“Let me know when y’all are ready,” Caleb says. He has the sand timer in hand, ready to flip it for us.

Annie, Mom, and I move to the edge of our seats as we wait for Shelby to begin drawing. She stands on the side of the board so we can see what she draws, and she hovers over the board with her pencil and she says, “Ready,” to Caleb.

She begins drawing and it takes us a few seconds to start guessing. “Box,” Mom calls out.

Shelby shakes her head as I say, “Square.” She shakes her head again as she continues to draw. All I can think of is squares because that’s all she’s drawing. I rack my brain of what it could possibly be as she starts to draw the pattern.

“Oh I know! It’s hopscotch!” Annie says as she jumps out of her seat.

“I don’t see it,” Caden says, and I know it’s his way of saying we cheated.

I see it more now that Annie put a name to it. The only thing missing is the numbers in each box. Shelby laughs and punches her hands in the air as she says, “Suck on that, Caden!”

“I swear. Y’all are going to be the death of me,” Mom says to no one in particular.

I smile as Shelby makes her way back to me, and she wraps her arms around me and kisses me before sitting down. Caden rolls his eyes at us and starts to take a card before Cason stops him. “No way, you’re going first.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because you suck at drawing,” Caleb tells Caden and Cason nods in agreement.

“My own teammates are against me!” Shelby and I burst out laughing because knowing Caden, he really means it. Mom and Annie shake their heads, and Cason ignores him completely as he picks a card. I reach across the table and take the timer from Caleb once Cason has his category, and I sit back as he makes his way to the board. I already know this is going to be good because not only is Caden horrible at drawing, he’s the worst guesser. I turn and wink at Shelby, because she’s about to see why Caden always tries to cheat.

Cason nods to me when he’s ready and I flip the timer. He begins to draw, and to me it looks like a curvy line. “Squiggly line!” Caden yells and Shelby snorts beside me. Cason doesn’t even acknowledge him as he adds more to his drawing.

Caden repeats his guess several times before Caleb tells him, “Just because you keep saying the same thing, doesn’t mean it’s going to magically change.” Caden rolls his eyes as I turn back to the board. It’s looking more like a snake now. “Water hose,” Caleb guesses.

“Rope,” Caden tries again. Cason still draws and Caden adds, “It is a noose? Damn, bro. We don’t want you to hang yourself.” Cason turns around, and I chuckle at the brooding look on his face. He’s getting annoyed with Caden.

“Power cord,” Caleb says, and Cason draws more, and rolls his hands as to say keep going and you’re close.

“Uh, I’ve got nothing,” Cason says in defeat. He huffs and sits back in his chair, and I call time.

Cason rolls his eyes, crosses his arms, and says, “It was an extension cord.”

“How did you think we could guess that? It looks nothing like an extension cord.”

“Caden.” Cason stops, taking in a deep breath, before saying, “What’s the point in our bond if you don’t use it when we play games? We always lose because you suck.”

“Alright, boys. Play nice or I’ll stop the game now,” Mom tells the both of them. Cason nods and sits back down as Caden mumbles under his breath.

I lean over to Shelby and say, “See what I mean?” She nods and laughs when Caden begins to pout.

We end up playing a few more rounds before Mom finally calls the game. Caden and Cason will not stop bickering back and forth, and I feel bad Caleb looks so defeated listening to them. I’m proud Shelby did so well. When I tell her, she smiles at me then kisses me sweetly. We help Mom and Annie put away the game, and then we join Dad and William in the living room. Shelby sits down by me, and I place an arm around her, pulling her close. Caden and Cason are still fighting, which isn’t surprising, and Caleb sits by Mom and tells her how school is going. Annie takes a seat by William and I look around the room seeing how normal and comforting this is. I run my hand through Shelby’s hair, silently thanking her for being here with me.

If it hadn’t been for her, I’m sure I wouldn’t be so relaxed, content, and blissfully happy with the way things are going. 

Caden and I spar in the ring in Cason’s gym as Shelby gets her first lesson in self-defense. It’s hard for me to concentrate on following Caden’s jabs when all I can focus on is Shelby. She seems to be doing great with Cason’s lesson, but I can’t help but worry. I was proud of her when she asked Cason before we left my parents on Thanksgiving to train her, and I could tell she was excited to get started.

I turn back to Caden, and groan when I miss him, and he jabs with his right hand, catching me in my ribs. “What’s up with you, Carter?”

I let out a breath and drop my hands. I put my boxing glove under my arm and pull, taking it off as I say, “I can’t focus.”

“I can see that. I whooped your ass today. Are you worried about Shel? You know Cason will teach her everything he knows.”

I nod and say, “I know. I just don’t want her to think she has to do this, or she feels like she needs to prove herself.” I know how determined she can be at times, and I’ve told her more than once she didn’t need to do this. But I also know if learning how to defend herself will ease her worries, and give her another reason to forget her past I’ll have to find a way to stop worrying so much.

“Well they’ve been at it for over two hours. I think she’s fine.” Caden and I glance over at Shelby and Cason, and I smirk seeing her block Cason’s attack. She already seems experienced, and I can’t help to feel pride seeing her lock Cason’s arm in a hold, making Cason bend at the waist.

Caden and I step out of the ring, and we make our way over to them. Cason sees us and says, “That’s enough for today. You did great for a first day, Shelby.”

“Thanks,” she says as she wipes the sweat off her forehead.

I run my hand down her arm and say, “You did do great today. I couldn’t take my eyes off you, and now Caden’s never going to let me live down him kicking my ass today.”

“Damn straight,” Caden adds.

Shelby shakes her head, and I nod to Cason and Caden. They take my hint and grab their gym bags, and I turn back to Shelby when they leave. “Are you okay?” She has yet to meet my eyes, and I know something’s going on.

“Yeah. I just want to make sure I’m getting everything down perfectly.”

“Hey,” I say softly as I pull her to me. I run my hands up and down her back as she relaxes in my arms. Her head rests on my chest and I say, “You can’t expect to get everything down in one lesson. It’s going to take time and patience.”

She huffs out a breath as she says, “I know. I just feel like I’m not strong enough and even if I needed to defend myself, I wouldn’t be able to take them down. I’m too weak.”

I pull her back by her shoulders and firmly tell her, “You are far away from being weak.” Gazing into her eyes, and seeing how her insecurities are starting to arise again, I quickly add, “If you want to add in weight lifting, Cason will make a regime for you. Don’t get down about not knowing how to do everything at once. You know you can come here anytime during the week and practice with Cason.”

“I know, and you’re right,” she says with a heavy sigh.

The uncertainty in her eyes lets me know the demons of her past are still plaguing her, but I knew it wouldn’t be an easy or quick fix. She needs to have faith in herself, and I know she can overcome everything she’s been through. I tell myself I have to start reminding her that she’s not in this alone. I will be her rock, shoulder, and everything she needs to feel safe again and to be able to let the past go. I caress her cheek and say, “Don’t let the past take over, Shel.”

She nods and embraces me. I hold her tightly, knowing she’s still dealing with her demons. “I know I’ll get there and be more confident after I learn more, but it’s just bringing up a lot of insecurities. Not to mention the things Easton would say.”

“One day those memories won’t affect you as much, but you’re doing the best you can to overcome it. I hope you know I’m here for you, and here to listen anytime you want to talk about it.”

“I know you are, and you have no idea how much that makes it easier to get past it. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you, Carter.” She glances up at me, and I can’t help but lean down and take her mouth, and place my hand on her neck. I want her to know her past doesn’t define her. It doesn’t control her anymore, and I intend to show her how true that is.

She moans as I deepen our kiss and run my other hand down her back. I grip her ass as I push my hips into her letting her feel how much I want her. How much I need her. She pulls back breaking our kiss and says in a husky voice, “I’m all sweaty, and Cason will be pissed if we mess up his mats.”

I smirk, saying, “I don’t care. I want you, Shel. I have to have you right here, right now. Fuck Cason and his mats. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“You’re so bad.”

I nip at her lips and whisper, “You love it.” I use my tongue and lick her neck making her head tilt back. Her hands grip my arms as I kiss, and softly bite her neck, as I move down. I can tell she loves it. Her skin prickles in goosebumps, and I hear the intake of her breath. I want to hear her moan out my name, watch her as she let’s go, and cries out in ecstasy. I want to taste every single inch of her body with my tongue.

I’m going to give her everything she desires, then do it all over again.

I stop only long enough to quickly pull her exercise top off, and find her succulent lips again. My kiss isn’t as sweet as before. I take her mouth as though I need her taste to live. To breathe. She willingly gives me everything I’m taking without a care in the world. I know she trusts me to give her everything she wants, craves, and lusts for. Her back arches as I slide my hands slowly up her back caressing her while still devouring her mouth. Once I reach her sports bra, I pull away from her and quickly take it off, letting it drop on the floor. She’s never been more beautiful than she is now. Her nipples perk at my gaze, and I give them my full attention. I want to reach out, grab her and take her right this second, but I will myself to slow down. To savor her. To relish in the sensations she brings me. My gaze meets hers, and she looks up at me with hooded eyes. Her lips are red from my assault, and I feel my cock twitch as I see how much she wants me in her eyes. Green sparks seem to flare back at me, and I remind myself that this is real. She’s here with me, at this very moment, and nothing will tear us apart again. I also see it in the way her chest rises and falls as if she can’t catch her breath. My eyes only leave hers long enough for me to take off my shirt and toss it aside. Her eyes travel down raking over my body, and an unquenched hunger flows through me. I’m being consumed by her gaze. Slowly being pulled into her seductive trance, and I groan loudly when she licks her lips. She has absolutely no idea what she’s doing to me, and she’s not even trying.

My breath hitches in my throat as she drops to her knees, and reaches for my gym shorts. She grins up at me, and I brush her hair back from her face. My body jerks as she pulls down my shorts, and my head falls back when she grips my cock with her hand. She slowly works me, making my stomach clench, and my entire body burn with need. I can’t stop my hips from moving into her hand. I need more of her touch. More of what she can give me. I suck in a harsh breath through my teeth as I feel her hot mouth suck the tip of my cock. “Fuck, Shel.” She moans on my sensitive cock, and I take a hold of her ponytail as she sucks my cock deeper into her mouth. I look down needing to see her take me, and my balls clench wanting to come. I fight the urge to spill in her hot and wet mouth not wanting it to end so soon. I let her suck, lick, and caress my balls for a few more moments, but I can’t take any more of her delectable mouth.

I pull her away from me, and when she gazes up at me, I confess, “I can’t handle your mouth anymore.” I let go of her hair, kick off my shoes, and bend at my knees. She watches me as I crawl over her, and she’s forced to lie back on the mats. I place a knee in between her legs and raise her hands above her head. I lean down slowly taking my tongue over her taunt nipple, and she hisses out a breath when I use my teeth, then suck the pain away. She arches her breasts to me, and I know she wants more.

I rub my knee over her hot pussy as I take her other nipple into my mouth. She grinds on me, moaning as I cup her other breast in my hand. “Carter, please,” she begs, and I give her one last nip before I take her mouth again. I let her hands go and move away from her mouth. Trailing down her exposed torso with both hands, her nails start to dig into my back. The pain is dull, not even registering to my brain, and I know she’s going to leave marks behind. The thought makes my cock twitch again, and I quickly move away. Her shoes quickly disappear and take her shorts and panties off as I move. I take in her naked body, enjoying every inch of her. She watches me as I look her over, appreciating the stunning woman laid out bare for me. Only for me. My mouth opens to suck in a breath as she uses her fingertips to touch her breasts, and I almost lose control when she spreads her legs wider for me. I swallow hard, seeing her ready and wet pussy. “Take me, Carter,” she pleads, and I can’t wait anymore.

BOOK: Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1)
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