Catch Your Breath (6 page)

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Authors: Shannyn Schroeder

BOOK: Catch Your Breath
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An hour later they were all tired, but laughter filled the field. No one could agree
on the score, so Jimmy and Ryan called it a tie. Moira decided she could live with
that as long as she got away from Kevin. After the first play of the game, when Jimmy
landed on top of her, Kevin had taken over guarding her. He taunted her nonstop until
she finally stuck out a foot and tripped him.

The O’Malleys of course called a penalty on her, not that they used any real rules,
but she couldn’t argue. That man had been getting under her skin since the first grade.
Every year they were in the same class and he always had the seat behind her. God
forbid the teacher do something other than alphabetical order for the seating chart.

It started with him tugging her pigtails in the first grade and it hadn’t stopped

The group went back to their respective homes to throw the first round of food on
the grills. Except for the O’Malleys. They joined her family. They were an odd mix.
The O’Malleys were mostly younger than her siblings. Colin, Ryan, and Michael were
all older than Jimmy. The entire O’Leary clan was older than Sean and Tommy, and Norah,
who didn’t live in Chicago.

But somehow, they always hung together. She guessed it was a little like having an
extra extended family.

With the help of Quinn, Indy, and Brianna, she got all of the salads brought outside
in one trip. As they peeled back the plastic wrap, Quinn asked, “So what’s with Kevin

“What do you mean?”

“I watched the game. There’s something going on there.”

Moira snickered. “Yeah, a massive case of annoyance. You know that kid in class who’s
worse than the class clown? He makes everyone laugh, but at the same time, he just
makes you nuts?” She didn’t wait for a response from all of her new sisters. She was
sure every class had a Kevin O’Malley. “That’s him.”

Needing to avoid any questions that would lead to confessions, Moira checked her watch
and called out to Liam, “Hey, do we have time for the water balloon toss before the
food’s ready?”

Liam nodded and waved with his tongs. She used the excuse of a water balloon toss
to escape any further discussion of the O’Malleys. If they pressed, she would spill
her guts about being in love with Jimmy for most of her life. She knew it was silly
and probably wouldn’t really be considered love, especially since it was one-sided,
but when she thought about Jimmy, she always thought she loved him.

Moira lined up kids and adults alike for the water balloon toss. She grouped the kids
and started their toss, which ended quickly. She handed out cheap prizes and then
stood in line with the other adults. Their game offered no prizes, just bragging rights,
which she’d held for more than a decade.

Her partner, Olivia, one of Maggie’s friends, lined up across from her. It rarely
mattered who partnered with her. What she lacked in football skills, Moira more than
made up for in skills for throwing a water balloon gently.

Colin whistled to announce the start of the toss. After the first lob, the lines took
a step back.

Olivia asked, “When’s Maggie coming home?”

“She was here at Christmas. Didn’t you see her?”

“Yeah, but I thought she’d be back by now.”

Moira shrugged as the balloon came back to her. Another step back, widening the gap
between players. Balloons were dropped and handled too harshly. Women squealed as
cold water splashed against them. It only took another ten minutes until they were
down to the final three couples.

Olivia released the balloon into a high arc as someone yelled, “Hey, Moira.”

Moira looked next to Olivia and saw a second balloon in the air. This one coming like
a line drive at her. What the hell?

She tried to keep her eye on her balloon, but the other reached her first and smacked
her on the chest, exploding with cold water. In the meantime, her balloon landed at
her feet, soaking into her gym shoes.

The cackling laugh sounding behind Olivia told her exactly who had thrown the balloon.
Kevin. She was going to kill him. He ran down the block, laughing, so she took off
after him. They neared his house and he whipped by Jimmy.

Jimmy stood and stopped her progression. “Don’t you think a wet T-shirt contest is
a little inappropriate?”

She looked down at her chest and realized how exposed she was. Leave it to Jimmy to
embarrass her. She clamped down on her jaw and held tight to her anger. “You think
this was
idea? It was a water balloon toss that I haven’t lost for over ten years. If your
stupid ass brother didn’t attack me with a water balloon, I would’ve won.”

“Kevin did this?”

“Doesn’t he always?”

She plucked the material from her skin and allowed a calming breath to ease past her

Then Kevin made the mistake of yelling from his porch, “Looking good, Moira.”

Her rage returned tenfold and she leaped for him, but got nowhere. Jimmy had swooped
in and scooped her up by her waist. She scrambled like a cartoon character with her
feet off the ground.

He whispered in her ear. “Why don’t you go change? I’ll deal with Kevin.”

She smacked his chest and he set her down, but didn’t allow enough room for her escape.
“Change into what? Unlike you, I don’t live at home. I don’t have clothes here.”

“Borrow something of Maggie’s.”

She laughed. “Have you ever taken a look at my baby sister? There’s no way her shirt
would fit me.”

He sighed and his eyes darted everywhere but at her. Then he reached over his head
and tugged his shirt off. Moira lost the ability to think. Whoever said Chicago cops
carried a spare tire around the middle and ate nothing but doughnuts had never laid
eyes on Jimmy. Lots of delectable muscle.

The shirt landed on her shoulder.

“Here. Lucky for you, I do live here and can get a new shirt.”

Her brain came back online and she said, “Thanks.” He always took her off guard when
he did something nice. She couldn’t quite read him and it annoyed the hell out of

“Whatever. I’m sure your brothers don’t want everyone staring at you. I’m saving you
some embarrassment.”

And he was back. The Jimmy she was used to, treating her like the bothersome kid sister
who needed to be protected.

Jimmy watched as Moira’s expression changed. Her face fell and he felt like an ass.
He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but he never knew what to do with her. He spoke
the truth. Her brothers would keel over if they saw her looking like that. She turned
and headed toward her house.

He turned to his. Kevin hovered in the doorway, just like he did whenever he stirred
up trouble and expected to be hunted down.

“Why are you always fucking with that poor girl?”

“It’s fun. I like her mad.”

Jimmy could relate. Moira was one hell of a spitfire. She always had been. Even when
he’d had her off the ground and at a disadvantage, she kept kicking.

“One day I’m gonna do just the right thing for her to get mad enough to throw herself
at me.” He slapped Jimmy on the shoulder.

“Dude, if you really think that’s a possibility, I failed at teaching you to read
women.” Plus, it would only complicate his life if anything happened between Kevin
and Moira. He had a hard enough time avoiding her. He went upstairs to grab a fresh
shirt. When he came back down, Kevin was sitting on the steps. “You need to apologize
to her.”

“Hell no.”

“You’re being an asshole.” Not much better than Jimmy had been. Taking a page from
his own book, Jimmy headed across the street to find Moira.

It was easy enough; her red hair acted like a beacon. The shirt he’d given her should’ve
swallowed her body because he dwarfed her, but she did one of those girl things where
she tied it in a knot at her waist. A sliver of white skin peeked out where the shirt
met her shorts. Her expression appeared only slightly guarded when she saw him. He
wondered how she managed to be a reporter when she wore her every thought and emotion
for the world to see.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? You didn’t throw the balloon. Tell Kevin to watch his back.”

He couldn’t stop the smile knowing she was plotting revenge against his brother. “What
I said to you came out wrong. I was an ass.”

Her hands settled against her heart. “Be still. Did I hear right? Did an O’Malley
not only apologize, but actually admit to being an ass?”

“I do know how to apologize. Your brothers would’ve been pissed to see you looking
like that, but you have nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s just . . .”

She squinted up at him. “What?”

“Nothing.” He turned and walked over to the grill where Liam was pulling off burgers.
“Need some help?”

“Nope. I’m good. Help yourself.” Liam placed the last cheeseburger on the platter.

Before Liam had the chance to set it down, Jimmy grabbed two buns and burgers. Liam’s
burgers would disappear quickly. Jimmy glanced over at Kevin, who still stood on the
porch. He picked up a burger and waved it at his brother. Served him right for not

Moira caught his wave and glared at Kevin. Jimmy skirted to the other side of the
table. He loaded his plate with salad and fruit and a handful of chips. Then he went
back to his lawn chair in the middle of the block where he could watch all the action.
He’d gotten a text from Gabby saying she’d be there soon.

He normally didn’t invite people to the block party the way most families did, but
Gabby had overheard him talking to Liam about it, so he felt he had to. She was always
bugging him about meeting his family anyway. He sank his teeth into the first bite
of the burger and he got another text.


Where the hell am I supposed to park?


Wherever you can find a spot.



And that’s why he liked partnering with Gabby. She was a straight shooter.

Tommy and Sean set up a couple of chairs on the lawn in front of the house and yelled
for their dad to come out to eat. Jimmy had no idea what his dad had been doing in
the house all day. He’d invited him to come watch the football game, but Dad didn’t
want to. At the same time his dad decided to make an appearance, Gabby strode down
the block.

Jimmy figured it would take all of three minutes for Gabby to realize why he never
asked her to socialize with his family. He waved her over and she sat on the curb.
“You can have my chair. I can get another from my garage.”

“Nah. I’m fine.” She looked up and down the block. “So who’s who?”

He gestured directly across from where they sat. “That’s my house. My dad and two
of my brothers, Tommy and Sean, are right there. Kevin is hiding somewhere.” He pointed
down to the O’Learys’ house. “The O’Learys live there.”

Gabby snorted. “The O’Malleys and the O’Learys? What is this, Little Ireland?”

He shrugged. “The neighborhood’s pretty Irish, but there are other people. The Schultz
family lives down there, the Polks live two doors down, and the Fosters are on the

“Yeah, a real melting pot.”

“Whatever. You’ve met Liam. His family owns O’Leary’s Pub, and they have a keg if
you want a beer. And if you want one of Liam’s burgers, you better move fast.”

“I ate already. I just wanted to come and hang out for a while. Maybe talk strategy.”

Another reason to like Gabby. She didn’t mind talking shop on her off time. She was
damn near the perfect woman. Too bad she was a cop and he wasn’t the least bit interested
in her.

“What are we going to do about getting you a wife?”

“Looking to get married, Jimmy?” Moira said as she sat beside Gabby.

Beer almost spewed from his lips. “Thanks to you, I’m looking for someone to pretend.”

She smirked. “It’s sad that someone has to pretend.”

Gabby laughed.

Moira handed her a plastic cup. “I thought you might want a beer.”

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