Cat's Choice (21 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Cat's Choice
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“But you’re in pain, and I don’t like seeing my mat es in pain any more than you do,” r esponded Tripp.
“I understand, but you remember your promise to be on Caterina’s side, and that we would not gang up on her. This is the time to think about her and not about me. Besides, a cock grows because of arousal, but the thing that fills it , is blood. And blood is my domain. Watch.” And trying very hard not to let Tripp see how difficult it was for him; he drew all the blood from his penis, causing his erection to go limp. He would be in pain for the rest of the day, but it was worth it.
“Personally, I think losing an erection my way is better. This time I’ll concede to your wishes. Don’t get used to such easy complian ce though,” s aid Tripp.
“Thank you, Tripp, and now as much as I wish I could invite you into my bed; I cannot. And yet I grow tired. Mama and Papa will be here after the sun sets. My mother is a little bossy, but she means well.”
“I look forward to meeting them.” He reached down and pulled up his pants, zipping and fastening. Then he held out a hand to help Orfeo from the floor. “Come, I’ll walk you to your bed and tuck you in. You’re my mate. You can’t fool me; I know you’re in pain. Don’t ever do som ething like that again,” h e growled.
He pulled him up and gave him a hug, then did as he said and tucked his mate into bed, turning out the light on his way out. Nodding to Abaven, who was still standing sentry at the door, he explained where Isabella was and who she was with. Abaven wanted to know what the security arrangements were for seeing to the safety of the women.
For the first time, Tripp could see things from Orfeo’s point of view. It would be hell believing your mate was out, and in danger when you were unable to go to their aid. He had a lot to think about.
Cami and the other ladies left a few minutes after Tripp left the room. As usual, they drove into Milliken in a caravan of SUV’s with tinted windows. First, they were going to Bama’s store, because who knew how long it would take to pick out the right piece of lingerie.
Stepping down from the SUV, Isabella could barely hold back a yawn. It was like staying up all night at a party for her, and she was having a wonderful time. Even Cami reminded her of the Signora the way she ordered everyone around. It was going to be interesting to see the two of them together. She had heard that Signore and Signora Ambrosetti would be arriving tonight.
Caterina stepped out of the SUV also and stood beside Isabella. She had gravitated to this young woman who reminded her so much of herself at that age. It was comforting to be speaking Italian again. Though she had learned English when she and Adolfo had come to the US, alone together they both spoke their native dialect from back home in Italy. For today though, she would concentrate on helping Isabella improve her English .
Several Enforcers moved into the store. Bama had set up the store security with a team of Enforcers giving advice. So she had a security room for them, which had monitors for all the cameras placed around the store and at all the entrances and exits. Of course, when any council members were shopping, they also had two female Enforcers with them in the dressing rooms, and males posted nearby throughout the store.
Several of the ladies of the New Council were not on this particular shopping expedition. School was out so Kira was very busy at her gaming center. She had set up obstacle courses and laser tag team events to physically challenge them. Those that came regularly were set up into teams that would compete all summer long and then culminate in a championship just before school started up again.
Shea was staying at home and hadn’t come out of her study for days. She was under two deadlines, one for her latest book and another because she was going to go into labor any day now. Ruby and Trinity had elected to stay and look after the children, and Lacy was also working at her store.
All those ladies were planning to meet them for lunch and then a quick visit to the salon after when the children went down for their naps.
Cami quickly gathered her group together. Cloe helped by urging the women into the store and off the sidewalk. Bama’s eyes lit up as the women entered the doors, and Willow stood at her side to greet them.
“Caterina, Isabella, I would like to introduce you to Willow. She’s Bama’s mother-in-law, and we’re all jealous because she makes the most sinfully decadent lingeri e you’ve ever seen in your life, ” said Cami.
Willow giggled at the introduction. “It’s very nice to meet you both, ” she said in a soft voice. “I understand you’re both soon to be mated? Come with me, I’ve put aside a few special th ings I’d like you to look at.” She took them off to the lingerie section, Cami following along like a mother hen with two chicks. Cloe turned to see where Jo, Casey, Jordan, and Skye were headed because her Beta instincts always had her looking out for everyone. Before she could follow after Cami, Bama stopped her.
“Cloe, I wonder if I could ask you a question?” said Bama
“Sure, Bama, what do you need?” said Cloe.
“Is Caterina recovered from her scare? I don’t ask to be nosy, and my own situation was much different from hers. I can’t imagine living through all that she has. I guess what I mean is, does she still need support? Or has she reached the place where, for the time being, she’s talked about it enough and is ready to move on? How do I let her know she can talk to me without slapping her in the face with a bad memory when she’s trying to move on?” Bama asked with a worried look.
“I appreciate your asking. We told her a little of what you went through but not all. I think in the last week she’s talked about it, and it’s still a little raw. Even though it’s been years since the original attack and captivity, because she’s been on the run for most of the time since then, she hasn’t really had a chance to heal. I would wait until she approaches you for now, unless you see her having a breakdown. You know the signs. For now, we’ll l et her take things as they come,” s aid Cloe.
“Thank you, Cloe, I’ll do as you suggest. We all want her to be happy. You go on ahead. I want to pick out a few more outfits for her to try on. And now that I’ve seen Isabella, I have a better idea of what would suit her.”
“All right, you can catch up to us,” and Cloe followed after Cami.
The next several hours were tremendous fun for all the women. Caterina started out buying for Isabella. Isabella protested because Abaven had given her his credit card, but Caterina had overridden her explaining that this shopping trip was a gift from Orfeo. Isabella quickly understood that Orfeo was trying to give his mate pleasure, and if buying gifts for others made her happy, who was she to argue.
At one point, Isabella was together with Caterina in the dressing room , each of them trying on another beautiful negligee designed by Willow. They both favored a dreamy , romantic style. Isabella wished to confide in Caterina, and she didn’t want to offend the nice ladies, so she spoke in Italian. “Caterina , I have a confession.” When Caterina looked up, she continued, “I was scared to leave my home and come here. If Abaven weren’t nearby, I would have asked to stay.”
“Why were you scared?” asked Caterina.
“It seems so silly now. The signoras, they are so nice. I was scared because they are werewolves, and because there were other animals. Would they turn wild and attack everything in sight when they shifted? Oh, now that I remember, I blush. I am so embarrassed.”
“To tell you the truth, I was also a little scared to be meeting them, and I’ve been friends with a werewolf for almost ten years. Cami and Cloe have been really nice to me. They make me feel safe. When I came here, running from Diavolo, I thought I had walked into the lion’s den, literally . But now, I think it was meant for me to come here.”
“We are having too much fun to think of that one; he is going to hell! I am being silly, and I just wanted to tell you, in case it seemed strange I was a bit stand offish before. Now tell me, is this the right color for me? Or should I choose the blue one ?” asked Isabella.
“It looks fabulous!” said Caterina, perfectly willing to change the subject. She’d given her a lot to consider. “I think you should get the blue one too. It looks great with your streaky brown hair. I’m jealous of your hair.”
They continued to try on new things, and after they’d amassed several piles of new items, Bama joked that she was going to have to re-stock. Both Caterina and Isabella instantly frowned , “Did we get too much?”
Bama instantly felt bad for ruining their good moods. “Chicas, there is no such thing as too much. Please don’t be sad from my teasing, I couldn’t bear it if I ruined your day. My only regret is that I haven’t been able to expand quickly enough to have a shoe section. This is my personal weakness; you understand. So I’m trying to find a partner to supply the shoes. When they built my home, I insisted on a special closet, so I’d have room for all of my shoes. I envy you Isabella; Italy is the place for shoes.”
At that point Cami walked up. “Caterina , Isabella, don’t worry about waiting while they ring this up. Bama knows all about our shopping sprees, and she’s prepared for them. Just hand her the credit card, and she’ll take the information she needs and keep it in a secure file. Everything will be delivered with a receipt. That way, we can go on to the next store and no waiting. So, where would you like to go next?”
Caterina handed over Orfeo’s credit card while she thought about it. Then Bama spoke up again. “There’s a new store that just opened up, a block down and the n turn right and go half a block more. The store is called The Finishing Touch. The y have marvelous costume jewelry and accessories. They have everything from funky to elegant. Cloe is a great judge of accessories. She always knows what to get that will be perfect with any outfit.”
“Sold!” said Cami. “I need a new watch and some big hoop earrings.”
Then Caterina added, “Do you have a novelty store in town? I have an idea for thank you gifts for Tripp and Orfeo. They told me to buy something silly. And I’d like to go to a pharmacy or store that sells lotions and things.”
So, on they went out the door. It was kind of silly when the Enforcers insisted on driving them the two blocks to the new accessories store, but she didn’t argue about safety. Caterina was really pleased when she got to the novelty store. They went there last and had exactly the thing that she had in mind. They were on sale too because they’d been leftover from the holiday.
She had enough cash in her purse to pay for them. It didn’t seem right using Orfeo’s card to buy him a gift. Isabella laughed and laughed when she told her they were car accessories. She couldn’t wait to see it on Orfeo’s Mase rati.
Ruby and Trinity joined them for lunch. They said that Shea was finished with her book and had sent it off to the publisher, b ut she had wanted to give herself a nap and wasn’t really hungry. Cloe made a mental note to check on her later. They finished their extended lunch and gossip session in time to get back to play with the children. They were just getting up from their naps.
Isabella was very tired so she hugged each one and gave them all a kiss on each cheek before heading off to sleep. She had time for a four or five-hour nap before the sun set.
After Isabella left, about ten minutes later she returned and walked over to where Cami was sitting. She leaned down an d spoke to her for a few minutes. Cami nodded and said she’d take care of it. Seeing that all the other women were occupied, she took the opportunity to walk Isabella back to the basement door, and on the way back took a small detour to the kitchen to bring back snacks for everyone —dinner would be delayed this evening .

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