Caught in the Act: Book Two: Independence Falls (11 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Act: Book Two: Independence Falls
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Chapter 14

the doorway. The things she’d revealed on the porch, she’d never shared with anyone, not even her brothers. How could she tell her family, the people who loved her no matter what, that living with them in Independence Falls left her second-guessing her past choices over and over?

But she’d told Liam, the man she had reason to distrust. On the porch, she’d been open and honest with him, proving once again that she’d pushed beyond her desire for revenge. She no longer held the past against him. But what did that mean for the future?

Katie shook her head. That question, the future—it didn’t belong here in this moment. Right now, she wanted to focus on the fever pitch of need rushing through her at the thought of seducing Liam, of calling the shots.

She stepped inside, drawing the door closed. She watched as Liam placed their barely touched dinner in the fridge and turned to her. Everything about this man, from the way he stood, his bare feet planted hips’ distance apart with his strong hands on his hips, to his sharp brown eyes, left her eager to walk into the moment and never look back.

“What do you want, Katie?”

She heard the challenge in his tone. If she didn’t take control, he would. But she wasn’t about to let that happen.

“You,” she said, closing the space between them. She touched his chest and began tracing the outline of his muscles. “At my mercy. Calling my name.”

She looped her fingers beneath the waistband on his jeans, brushing her thumb back and forth over the button. The head of his cock touched her fingertips and she could feel him straining for more. Moving backward, she headed for the overstuffed leather couch in the den area, pulling Liam with her. He followed willingly, his lips forming a smile that threatened to melt away her resolve and let him have his wicked way with her.

Stepping onto the soft rug, Katie paused in front of the couch. Using both hands, she undid the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper, freeing his erection. She wrapped her hand around him before stealing a glance up at his face. His jaw was tense and his gaze was fixed on her hand, watching and waiting. If she faltered, even for a second, he’d reclaim control.

Reluctantly, she released him and went to work removing his pants. “Sit down.”

“Sure you don’t need help with your clothes?” His voice was a low growl. The tone and timbre sent red-alert signals through her body.

“Sit down, Liam.” She gave him a little push and waited until he’d settled into the cushions before sinking to her knees between his splayed legs.

“I want to be clear on the rules,” she said, wrapping her hand around him.

“I’m listening,” Liam murmured.

She lowered her head, running her tongue around him, ensuring she had his full attention. “Place your hands behind your head, grip the couch cushions if you want, but you can’t touch me.”

“And you think I’ll agree to this because—”

She took him in her mouth, running her lips down to meet her hands.

“Oh hell yes,” he hissed.

She lifted her head, but kept her hold on him. “And the second rule. The only words I want to hear from your lips are ‘more,’ ‘please,’ and ‘yes.’ ”

Liam let out a strained laugh as she placed him on the receiving end of the command he’d issued earlier in the bedroom.

“Understood?” Her lips grazed the tip of his cock.


Katie licked him beginning at the base and he let out a low moan as his hips rocked up, demanding more. His sounds and movements left her aching for his touch. Remembering his instructions from years ago, under the fir tree, she moved her free hand to her breasts, brushing the hardened nipple through the thin fabric of her tank top. She knew, just knew, he was watching.

“Oh fuck, Katie. You’re killing me.” He thrust up into her mouth, harder and faster. But she stilled, gently lifting her head and looking him in the eye.

“More,” he said, the smile on his lips in sharp contrast to the need in his brown eyes as he realized his error, and her determination to stick to her rules. “

Lowering her mouth, she took him as deep as she could, savoring his growl of approval. The hand touching her breast headed south. Having him at her mercy had her turned on to the point she couldn’t hold back. If she didn’t touch herself, she might abandon her plan, strip off her clothes, and straddle his lap.

Through her shorts, she pressed the heel of her hand against the part of her body demanding friction. She moaned, swirling her tongue around his tip, before taking him deep again. Her hand worked in time with her mouth.

She felt Liam’s fingers in her hair, drawing her back. “Game over, Katie. You can call the shots later, I swear. But right now, honey, I need to taste you.”

She heard the dangerous edge in his voice and was about to refuse even though his words sent a thrill down her body, when he added: “Please.”

That one word—it was supposed to be a plea—but crossing his lips, it was a command. She released him, resting back on her heels.

“Please, take off your clothes.”

“Since you asked nicely . . .” Reaching for the hem of her tank, she drew it over her head and tossed it aside. She rose to her feet and quickly stripped away the rest of her clothes. “Better?”


With a wicked smile that promised to make up for the fact that he was vying for control, he stretched out on the couch. The leather surface wasn’t long enough for his six-foot-plus frame, but he didn’t seem to give a damn.

“Come here, honey.”

It took some adjusting, but Katie managed to straddle his face while taking him deep in her mouth. As he licked and kissed her, pushing her closer to release, she silently thanked him for breaking the rules.

, she thought as she felt his hips thrust up into her mouth,
was so much better

His hands wrapped around her bottom, holding her still as his tongue swept across her sensitive flesh. Katie moaned, a low, throaty sound. If he kept this up, she’d explode.

She lifted her mouth, her hand never stopping. “Come for me. Now.”

demand and his body took over, begging to do exactly as she ordered.

“You first,” he managed.

“No.” He felt her struggling to hold back. But shit, with the way her mouth moved over him, she was going to win the battle.

“Please.” But she took him so deep he felt the back of her throat, and he lost it, pumping his hips up, when he should have pulled back.

“Ah, fuck, yes!” he moaned, his fingers digging into her backside. And then she followed him over the edge, crying out his name over and over.

Slowly, he sat up, pulling her into his arms, holding her close. He never wanted to let her go. But he had a sinking feeling he couldn’t keep her. Katie amazed him—and it went far beyond sex. She knew what she wanted and went after it. Who was he to hold her back?

Liam closed his eyes, listened to her still ragged breathing. He’d walked away once because he had nothing to offer her. But this time, he had a feeling she would leave him in the dust. A piece of land with a view and a share of Moore Timber—he’d been foolish to think that she’d be drawn to those measures of success.

Yet his need for something tangible, to be able to say,
Yes I own that
, ran deep. He’d seen firsthand what happened to people whose lives were ruled by love. His parents had died within months of each other, madly in love until the end. But they’d lost their home, could not pay their medical debt, and left their children with limited options.

He felt her lips graze his chest, drawing him back to the present and the woman who’d just rocked his world.

“You all right, honey?” he asked.

“I feel so satisfied,” she murmured. “I don’t think I can move. My limbs feel like noodles.”

“That good, huh?”

“Hmm,” she said. “I should always be in control.”

“We’ll see about that.” Rising off the couch, he scooped her up, cradling her in his arms. “For now, let’s get you to bed. I have a few ideas of my own.”

“OK,” she murmured, looking up as she looped her arms around his neck. “And then in the morning, we’re going to explore your fantasies.”

The part of his body that should have needed a lot more time to recover leapt at the thought. “That’s one helluva promise to make to a man when you can barely keep your eyes open.”

the first rays of sunlight pouring in through the windows and Katie pressed close to him. With her long hair spread over the pillow and her face against his chest, so close he could feel her breathing, she looked young and innocent, nothing like the woman who’d taken command of his body last night. He ran his fingers gently through her tangled curls. Her shower last night had destroyed her straight and sophisticated locks, but he liked her better this way.

Not wanting to wake her, he reached his free hand out and found his cell perched on the bedside table. As much as he wanted to keep her locked away from the realities waiting for them in Independence Falls, they had to find a way to get home. And there was the small issue of his friend’s boat. Checking his texts, he found a message from Marvin. Help was on the way this morning. The message was sent in the wee hours, so Liam figured it would be late morning before they saw his friend.

Katie stirred beside him, opening her eyes and looking up at him. “Daylight already?”

“Sneaks up on you when you get to sleep late.” He tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

“We need to find a way back to our cars.”

“Done. I texted Marvin last night and explained the situation.” He waved his cell before setting it on the bedside table. “He’s coming to our rescue, but it might be a while.”

“Enough time for breakfast?” She sat up, tossing back the covers and sliding out of bed. He watched as she slipped into her clothes.

“If that’s what you’re hungry for.”

“Food first.” She offered him a devilish smile before disappearing down the hall. “But don’t think I’ve forgotten my promise. Even if it was made in an orgasm-induced haze.”

He pulled on a pair of jeans and headed for the kitchen, feeling as if he was breaking the magical spell with every step. He found her by the coffeemaker furiously typing on her phone.

“Everything OK?”

“My brothers sent a barrage of messages last night, text and voice, demanding to know where I was.” She poked the screen one last time and held up the phone. “This is why I need to move to another town. I told them I was safe and would be home in the morning. They don’t need to know where I’m spending the night. I’m not twelve! I wouldn’t have said anything to them if I didn’t need one of them to check on the horses.”

“Maybe something is up with the animals?” Liam opened the fridge and pulled out the orange juice and a carton of eggs. He knew better than to take her brothers’ side, but he also had a little sister. He’d spent years worrying about Georgia. It was hell.

Katie traded him a glass of juice for a skillet. “No. They made it clear in their messages that the animals were fine. It was me they were worried about. And they had no reason.”

No, the Summers brothers had every reason to be concerned. For all they knew, Katie had headed into the woods alone. If they learned she’d spent the night with him—the man who’d broken her heart years ago and now wanted to buy their company—they would throw punches first and ask questions later. He’d do the same in their shoes.

Liam lit the gas burner and set the pan over the flame. When he turned back, she handed him a bowl.

“For the eggs,” she said. “I’ll make the coffee.”

They continued moving around the rented kitchen as if this was routine—breakfast together after a wild night of sex.

“Did you call them back and let them know you’re OK?” he asked, pouring the whisked eggs into the pan.

“I sent Chad a text. He’s the most reasonable of the bunch. Most of the time.” She poured two cups of coffee. “Milk and sugar?”

“No thanks.” He took the mug and returned his attention to the stove. But it was hard to focus while trying to figure out how to tell her about Eric’s offer.

“Do you track Georgia’s every movement?” she demanded, setting plates on the counter.

“That’s Eric’s job now.” When his little sister lived with him, after her stint in the army, he’d tried.

Katie stared at him over the rim of her coffee cup. “You’re as bad as they are.”

“When it comes to my family? I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Her lips curled into a devilish smile. “How does it feel to be on the other side?”

Liam raised an eyebrow. “The other side?”

“This time you’re the one giving them a reason to track me down. If they knew I was here, with you . . . well, I don’t think they’d invite you in for a beer this time.” Katie headed for the bar stools at the kitchen counter. “Might make it hard to close the deal. You’re risking a lot by being here. With me.”

Were her words a warning? He’d known that pursuing Katie might backfire. Had she taken that into account and made plans to blow up the deal?

Setting the plates down on the counter, he looked her straight in the eye. “I am. There’s a lot on the line here.”

“Am I worth it?”

He heard the challenge in her voice, underscored by a hint of unease. And he remembered something she’d said while walking home with her goats. Most of the guys she’d dated ended up hanging out with her brothers instead of her. This bold, beautiful, and stubbornly independent woman needed someone who would fight for her, risk everything for



Chapter 15

on the stool, but didn’t look away. She couldn’t. Not with that one word hanging between them.


Part of her couldn’t believe she’d asked the question. Did it matter if he was willing to put his hard-earned success at Moore Timber on the line for her? Yes. He’d come after her when it would have made more sense to turn away. To risk so much, he had to be driven by more than desire.

Katie bit her lower lip, drawing it into her mouth. Maybe, just maybe, this man saw her for who she was, and who she wanted to be, and refused to walk away.

“I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t,” he added, holding out a fork.

She took the utensil and poked at her eggs. Liam had a list of reasons to walk away from her, but instead, he’d come after her, refusing to give up. Of course, there was always the chance this was a ploy. She’d brought him out here intent on revenge.

She looked up, noting the way Liam studied her with his jaw set in a firm line. She believed in his yes. Somehow, they’d rebuilt the trust he’d shattered years ago. If they hadn’t, she wouldn’t have opened up to him last night, sharing pieces of herself she kept locked away.

And Liam had to know by now that she was not the weak link in the contract negotiations. If he was here, it was for her.

Part of her wanted to be
But beyond these walls, it wasn’t possible. This man was rooted in this town. If she wanted to be true to herself and her dreams, having him in her life was impossible.

Katie set her fork down beside her untouched eggs. Regardless of what waited for them on the other side of the lake, the fact that he was here now mattered.

“I’m not hungry anymore,” she said, sliding off her stool. He watched her, his egg-filled fork raised to his lips. While she’d been lost in thought, he devoured half his plate. She smiled, turning to the door and reaching for the bottom of her shirt. “At least not for eggs.”

She drew the T-shirt over her head and tossed it behind her, stealing a glance at Liam. He’d set aside his breakfast. The hunger in his gaze—it was for her. But he didn’t follow her.

“Before we go there,” he said, his tone low, rough, and downright needy. “There are things I need to tell you—”

“No. We only have a few hours before the outside world interrupts,” she said. “Let’s not bring it in here.”

He shook his head. “Katie, you don’t understand.”

“Please.” She knew that if this moment fell apart, if they turned the conversation away from desire and fantasy, they might never get back here again.

“I would hate to leave before I fulfilled my promise,” she added.

Without waiting for a response, she headed down the hall, stripping off her jeans. She heard footsteps followed by a low growl of approval. Excitement pulsed through her as she stepped into the master bedroom and turned to face him. He’d abandoned his clothes in the hall and now stood before her naked and incredibly turned on.

And powerful—she could feel his energy from across the room. He was keeping it on a tight leash, one she wanted to snap.

“Right here, in this room,” she said softly, slipping out of her underwear and tossing it aside. “I’m all yours.”

He moved to her, reaching for her, running his rough palms over the curve of her waist, moving higher, skimming the sides of her breasts. She let out a soft moan. But he didn’t stop. His hands moved to her shoulders and down her back. He paused when he reached her bottom, cupping and squeezing. Her breath caught as he lifted his hands away. The anticipation . . .

“Liam,” she whispered.

His hands returned to her backside, brushing back and forth before lifting away again.

“Do you fantasize about taking me over your knee?” she murmured, looking up at him, taking in his heated gaze as her body warmed to the naughty image in her head.

“That’s up there,” he admitted, lowering his head and capturing her lips. She arched into his touch, running her tongue over his lips. He broke away, leaving her panting.

“I want to make you
, Katie.”

His words felt like a caress touching her breasts, running lower, down between her legs, leaving her wet and aching.

“Is that something you want?” he asked, releasing his hold on her and stepping back.

“I suppose I could play the bad girl.”

Liam let out a low chuckle. “Yes, honey, you could. Now turn around.”

She obeyed his commands, struggling to keep her breathing under control. She’d never allowed a man to spank her. With the way her body felt so close to coming, just from the promise of it, she wanted to try.

“Grab the bedpost,” he ordered, his hands moved to her hips, drawing her back until she was bent at the waist. “You’re sure about this?”

She turned her head, looking over her shoulder without releasing the post. “I like to read. I know that a woman can maintain her sense of self and still enjoy a spanking now and then.”

His brown eyes widened. “What the hell are you reading?”

“And I have a feeling you’ll like seeing your mark on my backside,” she said, ignoring his question.


She drew her lower lip between her teeth before turned away from him. “We won’t know if I like it unless we try.”

He pressed his palm against her before lifting his hand away. Without a word of warning, he brought it down, smacking her bottom.

It didn’t hurt. And she knew it sounded worse than it felt, but still, she looked back at him, her eyes wide with surprise and something that felt an awful lot like I’ll-hurt-you-if-you-try-that-again. She’d expected a rush of pleasure like she’d read about in books, but instead he’d erased any feelings of wanting and desire.

“Did that turn you on?” she demanded, still holding the bedpost.

“Honey, you’re looking at me like you don’t want me to touch you, so no.” He moved closer, reaching for her again. But this time his touch was soft and gentle. “I want you melting in my arms, begging me for more, and screaming my name when you come.”

“That sounds like a much better fantasy.” She walked her hands up the bedpost, arching her back until her nipples almost grazed the wooden surface. Her feet moved closer and he followed, keeping hold of her.

His palm moved to her heated bottom. “We could always try it again,” he teased. “Just to be sure.”

“Don’t you dare!” Laughing, she stepped out of her reach, pulling her body flush against the bedpost before turning to face him.

“OK.” He held his palms up in mock surrender, his shoulders shaking as he fought to hold back his laughter.

“Katie?” A deep, familiar male voice called from beyond the open bedroom door. “Are you here?”

“Her car’s not out front.” The sound of the front door closing punctuated the sentence. “But someone must be here. There is a plate of eggs on the counter.”

Her laugh died. Her brothers had found her.

Liam’s teasing smile vanished as he moved to the door, drawing it shut. “Sounds like we have company.”

She nodded, looking around for her clothes. But they weren’t there. She’d left them scattered throughout the cabin . . . for her brothers to find. Katie closed her eyes. She’d sought revenge. She’d been eager for her siblings to find out she’d been with Liam. But she’d moved past that plan, choosing to forgive, to set the past aside and enjoy this moment with Liam, and still her siblings had found out. Or they would in a moment, unless she and Liam escaped through a window and made a run for their broken-down boat.

Probably not the best plan.

She opened her eyes, watching as Liam pulled a pair of jeans out of his bag. Moving to her overnight bag, she grabbed the first pair of shorts and T-shirt she could find. She needed to get out there and talk to her brothers before they searched the place.

“I didn’t ask them to come,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I don’t know how they found me.”

He zipped up his jeans, his hands moving to his hips. “I didn’t think you had.”

His faith in her cut like a knife.

“I need to get out there.” She drew her T-shirt over her head and moved past him, heading for the door. “Wait back here and I’ll send them away.”

“No.” His hand closed around her biceps, drawing her to a halt. “I’m not letting you face them alone.”

“They’re my brothers,” she protested. If they saw Liam, they’d start talking with their fists.

“You go out there and I’ll join you in a minute. They’re going to figure out you’re not alone. We left plates out and clothes.”

She nodded. “You’re right.”

“I’m guessing they probably would be more pissed off if you had come out here by yourself without telling anyone.” He released her arm and she moved to the door.

“And Katie,” he called after her. “This time, I’ll follow your lead.”

She paused, her hand on the doorknob. She could hear her brothers on the other side, searching the cabin, muttering to one another.

“You trust me to handle this?” They’d been here before. Well, not
, exactly. Her brothers hadn’t almost walked in on Liam spanking her seven years ago. But close. “To handle them?”

“I do.”

“Katie?” Brody’s voice boomed through the cabin. Judging from the sound, her brothers were close to the master bedroom.

She quickly opened the door and slipped into the hall, careful to keep Liam hidden from view. “I heard you, Brody,” she called, walking into the open kitchen/living space.

Her brothers turned at the sound of her voice, drawing together to form a line of tall, imposing male bodies. Her oldest brother’s eyes were bloodshot, as if he’d been up most of the night. All three looked a little rough around the edges with their untucked shirts and worn jeans. If she hadn’t known them forever, she might have been intimidated.

Katie crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

“We’ve been looking for you half the night,” Brody said. “You can’t disappear without a word about where you’re going.”

“And who you’re with,” Chad added nodding his head toward Liam’s discarded jeans.

“Yes, I can,” she said, looking first at Brody, then Chad. Josh had moved off, heading for the sliding glass door. “I’m not a little girl. You can trust me to take care of myself. And I did send a text letting you know when I’d be home.”

She looked from one stern, pissed-off brother to the next, refusing to give an inch. “Now, if the three of you are here, who fed the horses this morning?”

“Georgia offered when I called to see if she’d seen you,” Chad said.

“Is that your boat stuck out there?” Josh asked, his tone more curious than angry. “Looks like you would have needed help sooner or later.”

“Someone is coming,” she said.

“Marvin?” Chad said. “We ran into him last night in town. At close to three in the morning when you didn’t respond to my calls. Marvin said he’d lent his boat to a friend who wanted to visit this side of the lake. Drunken old fool wouldn’t say who.”

She heard the bedroom door open and wondered if Liam had been waiting for the right moment to make his entrance. She didn’t turn around, instead watching her brothers’ expressions turn dark and foreboding.

Chad’s hands formed tight fists, his eyes widening. “Shit, is that—”

Liam stepped into the open area and moved to her side, placing a hand in the small of her back. His touch proclaimed,
She’s mine
, loud and clear. And left her wondering if he’d meant what he’d said, if he would follow her lead.

“Hey guys,” Liam said. “Were you out hiking this morning?”

Chad stepped forward, his eyes darting to the discarded jeans, the two plates of eggs, then back to Liam. “I’ll give you five seconds to explain what the hell you’re doing out here with my sister.”

“And if your reasons have anything to do with Moore Timber’s offer,” Brody added, his voice low. “You’re going to have a hard time swimming back to dry land.”

stance, bracing for a punch while forcing a smile. Brody was right. Liam deserved to take a hit. He’d come here for Katie, but the fact that he hadn’t told her about Eric’s proposed offer made him a bastard.

Katie quickly stepped in front of him. It took all his self-restraint not to pick her up and move her out of the path of flying fists. Not that her brothers would take a swing at Katie, but still, he wanted to fight this battle for her.

“Back off, Chad,” she ordered. “And Brody, not another threat. This has nothing to do with Moore Timber.”

“Katie,” Liam said. But this wasn’t the place to tell her. Not with her brothers looking as if they wanted to take him out.

She glanced back at him. “I’ve got this.”

Liam wanted to eat his words. He should never have promised to let her handle Brody, Chad, and Josh. Winning her trust now, in this moment, wouldn’t matter when it broke into pieces at Monday’s meeting.

“Please,” she added before turning back to her angry siblings. “I invited Liam. We’re planning Georgia’s bachelorette party.”

Liam pressed his lips together and nodded. Her brothers stared back at him with a trio of slack-jawed expressions.

“Georgia had a list of ideas and Liam volunteered to help me scout locations,” Katie continued. “I thought it might be fun to include Eric and his friends. You know, a Jack and Jill party.”

“Would you have his and her strippers?” Chad asked.

“No strippers,” Liam and Katie said at the same time.

“Just hiking out to the cabin,” Katie added. “Maybe spend some time on the water.”

Brody eyed him, before focusing on Katie. “I wish you’d said something. We were worried. More so when we heard about the boating accident.”

“We hit a stump,” Katie said. “And I know how to swim, Brody. You taught me.”

“Did you stay in separate rooms?” Chad demanded.

Liam glanced at Katie, ready and willing to let her handle that one. Chad was a big boy and he’d probably already guessed the answer. Or maybe he thought they’d run through the cabin tossing their dirty laundry around for fun.

Katie put her hands on her hips. “You really want the details of my sex life?”

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