Caught Up (Indigo Vibe) (7 page)

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Authors: Deatri King Bey

BOOK: Caught Up (Indigo Vibe)
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He remembered how shocked he was when his brother-in-law was arrested for embezzlement. Lenny stealing a piece of candy seemed impossible, let alone a million dollars. Lenny skipped town with the money and his secretary, leaving Samson’s sister to deal with the fallout.

Missing his sister, he lowered his gaze. There was nothing he could do to save her now. On the other hand, Rosa had no idea what she was in store for; perhaps he could help soften the blows.

He brought his mind back to the case at hand. At least the Ernesta Wells mystery had been solved. Ernesta was most likely Harriet Wells. “What do you think should be done with David?”

“He’s a drug lord, DEA Agent Samson Quartermaine. He can never be allowed on the streets again. His sentence should be commuted to life without the possibility of parole.”

Except for teasing his name, she sounded emotionless. “Why are you here?” he asked.

“To meet my biological father. You called him David. Do you know him personally?”

“In a way.”

“What’s he like?” She hunched her shoulders. “I mean, I know his criminal record, but what else is there to him?”

“I’ll let you form your own opinion. How long have you known he’s your father?”

Her voice and face took a harsh edge. “Ernesto Bolívar is my father.” She softened. “I apologize for my tone. I didn’t get any sleep last night. I know what kind of man David is and that I’m of his blood.” She drew in and slowly released a long breath. “It’s just a bit much. I’m exhausted, and I’m worried about this meeting. None of this excuses my rudeness. I found out about David Martín yesterday.”

“No apology is necessary.” He made a mental note of her defensiveness where Ernesto was concerned. “It had to be a shock to you.”

“That’s putting it lightly. Daddy’s gonna have an aneurysm when he finds out what I’ve been up to. Maybe I’ll get lucky and can keep this out of the media. If so, I’ll tell him in a few weeks.”

“Why doesn’t he want you to visit David?” Debating on whether he should tell her the media would find out shortly, if they already hadn’t, he remained silent.

“I think he’s jealous, but according to him, the drug world will come after me if they find out our family secret. When can I see David?”

Someone from the drug world would seek out Rosa to see what she knew, but Samson didn’t think they would harm her: she didn’t know anything, David had never shown any concern for her, and her father was Ernesto Bolívar. The heat they’d bring down on themselves wouldn’t be worth the risk. Samson saw Ernesto as the most likely danger. Ernesto probably turned on David and now Harriet was afraid he’d do the same to Rosa.

“Thank you for your cooperation. You’ve been very forthcoming, and I appreciate it. A few more questions, then I’ll bring him to you.” He wondered if she’d continue being forthcoming after he asked his next question.

“I understand you have a job to do.”

“Do you know how Ernesto ended up with you?”

She studied him a long while, then repeated the story Ernesto had told her, minus the money-laundering portion.

He frowned. “They grew up together?” Nothing in the old case files indicated Ernesto and David knowing each other. Ernesto and David’s acquaintance was a major red flag and should have been thoroughly investigated.

“He made a lot of mistakes when he started out in business. Mistakes he regrets. He is a changed man now.” She twisted the baby hairs beside her ear between her fingers.

He didn’t blame her for protecting her father. She thought he was innocent now, and that’s what was important to her. From Samson’s brief conversation with her, Rosa appeared to be your everyday, run of the mill, drop-dead gorgeous, sexy, African-American, Latina, law abiding citizen who loved her family.

“I have a favor to ask, Rosa.”

“Yes, DEA Agent Samson Quartermaine.”

He hated his name, but could listen to “Samson” roll off her tongue all night long. “Okay, you win. Please call me Samson.”

“If you insist,” she said with a coy smile that sent his heart racing and temperature rising. “What can I do for you, Samson?”

“David has information the DEA needs to bring down one, maybe two, drug syndicates. He plans on taking this information with him to his grave. I was hoping you could speak with him.”

“Me?” She cocked her head to the side and drew her hand to her chest. “How? Don’t get me wrong. I want the drug trafficking to stop, but I don’t know the man.” An anxiety-laced laugh escaped her. “You’re on a first name basis with him. You speak to him.” She calmed herself. “I’m sorry. I wish I could help you, but I wouldn’t know the first thing to say. I don’t mean anything to him. To tell you the truth, I’m shocked he agreed to see me.”

The sorrow in her voice touched him, reminding him of his sister. “You’re correct. Forget I asked. Are you ready to meet him?”

“Not really, but I won’t have peace until I do.”

He stood to leave.

“Thank you,” she said.

“For what?”

“When the warden told me the DEA wanted to speak with me, I had visions of being interrogated. I guess I watch too much television. You’re easy to talk to. Thanks for disproving the stereotype.”

He bowed his head slightly. “And thank you for your cooperation. When are you returning to Chicago?”

“Tomorrow. But once I fall asleep, I may never wake up.”

“We’ll speak again later.”

* * *

Rosa nervously thumbed through the magazine with the amazing man who just left on her mind. “Samson,” she said softly to herself.
A powerful name for a powerful man.
She wished she could have told him everything. According to her lawyer friend, there was a statute of limitations for money laundering, and Ernesto had it beaten by years, but she couldn’t reveal Ernesto’s secret past without his knowledge. Though disappointed, she respected her father and wouldn’t blindside him. She also still had faith in him and knew he would tell the authorities the truth once he realized that she wasn’t in danger.

She was grateful and attracted to Samson’s patience and understanding. He could have made the interview a bad experience. The authorities always had more information than they let on, yet he went easy on her.

She closed the magazine the warden had given her to pass the time. Soon, she’d meet her “father.” She inhaled a few calming breaths. She was afraid of what she’d learn about her parents, but she still longed to know.

David stepped into the room with Samson behind him. An automatic smile tipped her lips. She finally looked like someone, and he looked pleased to see her.

“I’ll be across the hall if you need me,” Samson said in Spanish. He gave Rosa a supportive nod and left the two alone.

All her prepared questions escaped her. She held her hand out and followed Samson’s lead of speaking Spanish. “Thank you for agreeing to meet—”

“Damn, Rosa,” David interrupted as he walked around her. “You didn’t get shit from your mama.” He chuckled. “I couldn’t deny you if I wanted, and Lord knows, I don’t want to.”

Rosa blinked at his admission. If he didn’t want to deny her, why hadn’t he ever contacted her?

“Aw hell, hold the press.” He shook his head, slowly pinching his chin between his thumb and index finger. “That ass has Harriet written all over it.” He winked at her, and she couldn’t help but laugh. His joking broke the ice and put her at ease.

“Come and sit with me.” He held the chair out for her like the perfect gentleman. “Damn you’re tall.”

“I’m only 5’6”. It’s the heels.” She pointed at her short cut, black leather boots as she sat.

“Well I’m 5’4”, so I say you’re tall.” He took a place at the metal table. “How’s your mother? Still money hungry?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“How did you find out about me?”

“Daddy told me everything.”

“Why that stupid son-of-a-bitch! What the hell was he thinking?”

“Who you callin’ stupid? You’re the one behind bars, not him.”

He cocked his head to the side. A slow smile appeared, identical to hers. “Well hell, at least he didn’t turn you into a punk-ass pussy. Don’t pay me no never mind. I’m a asshole from way back.”

Tickled, she said, “I can agree with that.” He was the biggest jerk she’d ever met, but he pulled it off with a twist of charm. The laughter dancing in his big black eyes made it hard to stay angry with him.

“Seriously though, I knew giving you to Ernesto was the way to go.”

“That’s what he said, but why did you give me away if you wanted me, and what in the hell possessed you to have a baby with a married woman?” To keep from seeming like she was attacking him, she didn’t ask why he’d slept with his best friend’s woman. This was their first and maybe last meeting.

“I thought a married woman would be more careful about birth control. Then Harriet got pregnant, and I thought I’d have a son.”

Slightly hurt, she said, “So, you gave me away because I was a girl.”

“Don’t get your ego bruised. How the hell can a girl be a drug lord? That don’t mean I didn’t love you. I gave you to Ernesto, knowing he would raise you right.”

She had unsuccessfully tried to convince herself that she didn’t care what he thought about her, so hearing he loved her lifted her spirits. “How did you meet Mom?”

“One day I saw Harriet walking out of the Sears Tower and was like, ‘Damn, look at that ass!’”

They both laughed.

“You’re a mess.” She dabbed at the tears gathering in her eyes.

“Hell, I’ll admit it. I’m a one hundred percent ass man. At first when she told me she was pregnant, I wanted to kick her ass. But then, I thought about my son.” He paused. “Your brother.”

Mouth dropped wide open, she asked, “I have a brother?”

“Had,” he said reverently. “He was killed in a drive-by when he was three.”

“Oh my goodness.” Heart mourning, she reached across the table and held his hands. “I’m so sorry.”

“I was being given a second chance. They killed your brother because of me. Giving you to Ernesto was the right choice. Would you do something for me?”

“If it’s legal,” she teased to lighten the mood.

He brought his chair around to her side of the table, then whispered into her ear, “Harriet had two sides to her. I killed the fun-loving part. Would you apologize to her for me?”

“What did you do to her, and why are we whispering?”

He pointed over his shoulder to the upper corner of the room. “Big Brother’s watching. Wave hi to Samson.”

With a wide smile dominating her face, she waved. “Samson is one handsome man.” Mortified, she covered her face. “Oh my goodness. He heard that.”

David belted out a laugh heard around the world as he smacked the table. “Damn, I haven’t had this much fun in years. I’ll bet that bastard’s having a heart attack about now.”

“Samson’s not a bastard.”

Joking stopped, he stared at her. “I’m talking about his partner.” He slowly turned to the camera, showing all thirty-two pearly whites.

* * *

“No, David,” Samson said to the monitor.

“What the hell is this shit?” Alton asked.

Samson lowered the volume. “He’s trying to fix me up with Rosa.”

Alton stalked about the small room, hitting at the folding chairs as he passed. “I can’t believe this shit. I saw that travesty of an interview you did with Rosa. I love a big butt and a smile as much as the next guy; but damn, you can’t sleep with her. We have work to do.”

“Heather Wilkins, Olivia St. John, Margaret Stapleton…” Samson continued naming women Alton had slept with who were directly involved in cases Alton had worked over the years. Unlike Samson, Alton always kissed and told. Samson had never crossed that line and didn’t intend on crossing it with Rosa, no matter how much he wanted to.

Alton glared at Samson. “How you gonna throw that shit back in my face?”

“Don’t start with me.” He folded his arms over his chest, looking down at Alton. “I do my job, and I’m damned good at it. I won’t jeopardize our case. I also won’t crucify the innocent for a bust.”

“Innocent? Stop projecting. This is totally different. Ernesto Bolívar is the moneyman for the Martín syndicate, and Rosa is up to her pretty Colombian neck in it. Hell,” he motioned toward the monitor, “he isn’t even wearing shackles. Why don’t you just free his ass now?”

“I felt if we took off his shackles while he met with Rosa, he might be more willing to cooperate with us. Rosa didn’t even know about David until yesterday.”

“So she told you,” he spat sarcastically.

“You need to step back and regroup. Not all Colombians are drug lords.”

“Hell, the Sierra syndicate has moved up over the years. I’ll bet Ernesto sent her in here to get the information from David. You see how he whispered in her ear. Look at them.” He pointed to the monitor. Rosa and David were laughing and having a good time. “She has known him her whole life. She’s here to say a final farewell and get the information on the Sierra syndicate.”

“You’ve gotten desperate. It’s obvious that Rosa doesn’t have anything to do with any drug cartel and didn’t know about David.”

“Obvious! What the hell? We made no connection between Ernesto and David. Damn, man, they share a child. What else have they been able to hide?”

“I know you’re ready to pounce, but don’t rush into something we can’t get out of. We knew David was protecting someone. It’s Rosa. He’s always blamed himself for his son’s death. He would die before he allowed another of his children to suffer because of his sins. Ernesto must be using Rosa against him.”

“More of that psychological bull. It’s simple: David’s a drug lord, Ernesto’s his No. 2 guy, and Rosa’s their secret weapon.”

“We’ve got to have our ducks in order before we approach Ernesto. If you alienate Rosa, she’ll warn Ernesto before we have a chance to reach him.” The thought of Rosa in danger kicked Samson’s protective streak into overdrive. She would never protect herself from Ernesto. She was a sitting duck. “We’ve got to clamp down on the media. Keep this story from hitting the news circuit.”

“We’ll get to Ernesto, and you might as well forget about the media. Right now, I have more questions for Rosa. Her Little Miss Innocent act doesn’t work with me.”

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