Caution to the Wind: Book One of the Elementals Series (6 page)

BOOK: Caution to the Wind: Book One of the Elementals Series
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No one seemed hurt, only windblown. Eva’s hair was out of place, but she remedied that and let her long hair loose. Levi stared at Loren with wide eyes. Callum’s shirt was rumpled and a lock of hair brushed across his forehead. He pushed it aside.

No one said a word.

Loren's head buzzed. All eyes were on her. It was as she had envisioned it. Fear. Judgment. Anger. She bit down harshly on her lip.

“I—I think I need a few minutes. I just—” She staggered at first before her feet reacquainted quickly with the ground and she walked to the door.

As she expected, no one followed her. She left the room and didn’t look back.



Chapter Six


Loren wanted nothing more than to run from here and pretend none of this had ever happened. She could easily convince herself it was only a dream. Going back to the city was laughable. Even if she could remember how to get back, what did she have left?

Loren knew better than to think she could ever go back to that life.

The sun dipped behind the clouds, reaching closer to the horizon. This was a quiet spot and Loren was thankful her room had a balcony. She hadn’t noticed it last night, or this morning when she’d gotten dressed for breakfast, but here it was. A nice secluded perch overlooking the terrace. From here, she had a great view of the backyard and gardens. There was the swimming pool she’d glimpsed before. It looked clean, cool, and inviting—or it would’ve had Loren been in a better mood.

She folded her arms on the railing and leaned against it. It was better if she wasn’t around people for a while. Even so, deep down inside her she longed for someone to check on her. Her mixed feelings on the matter always drew some confusion. What did she

She'd been asking herself that question her entire life and there was still no answer.

Her leg stung where the pen device had pricked her. Loren still wasn't sure what it was, but it averted chaos and calmed her powers instantly and she was glad of it.  She hadn’t meant to lose control. She never meant it.

Loren sighed. She'd made a mess of everything. How could she be part of a team when she couldn't control her power? She wouldn't be surprised if they told her to leave. It didn't matter if she was their fourth. She wasn't any use to anyone.

Tears threatened to fall. Loren leaned her head back and blinked them away.

The knock on her door startled her. She wiped at her eyes quickly and glanced over her shoulder. “Shit,” she muttered as she composed herself.

“Loren? May I come in?” Avery's voice was soft.

“Yeah.” She cleared her throat. “Yeah, come in.”

Avery entered and crossed to the balcony. He had changed his into a black t-shirt and jeans, his hair tied back.

“How are you feeling?” He leaned against the door.

“I'm...” She thought about it and shrugged. “I'm okay.”

“Just okay?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure how to feel anything else.”

Avery looked her over. “Any side effects from the inhibitor?”


He made a gesture with his hand. “The device I stuck you with. The one that stopped your powers. It’s called an inhibitor.”

“Oh. I don’t think so. I feel all right.”

“That’s good.”

Loren wiped her hands on her jeans. “Is that all it does? Just stop powers?”

“Yeah. Mostly. Levi made it. It’s kind of a failsafe when our powers get out of hand. It happens sometimes.” He paused, glancing down. “Not to the others, but to me. Fire has always been more difficult to manage. I guess air is too.”

“Hey. You’re not alone.” A small laugh escaped her.

“Well, you saw what happened in the dining room.” He lifted his head, resting it back against the doorframe. “Two incidents in one day. It’s been a long time since that’s happened.”

Loren studied him before she spoke. Her voice was soft. “I’m sorry about that. About the dining room and the training room.”

He met her eyes. “The dining room wasn’t your fault. That was Levi being a prick. Like always.”

“Yeah, but it was about
. And I don’t like that.” Levi had been right about so many things and she hated that Avery heard it all and reacted how he did. She didn't want him to believe any of it. It was somehow easier that way.

Was she really so easy to pick apart? No one else had before and that unsettled her. She wasn’t as guarded as she thought. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, Loren.”

She fiddled with the string around her neck. “Is he always like that?”

“Intrusive?” Avery let out a short laugh of his own. “Yeah. Always. In case you hadn’t noticed, we don’t
get along.”

She had noticed. Then again, Avery didn’t seem to get along with anyone. She couldn't say much for Levi, but she got the impression he grated on everyone’s nerves even more so. His attitude was off-putting and it was no stretch to think it was the same of everyone else.

“Is Callum upset? Eva?”

“No, they’re not upset. I don’t think he’d be upset with
. Only with me. I’m the disappointment, after all.” His brow furrowed and a frown tugged at his mouth. It remained there as he continued. “They’re more concerned than anything. They wanted to give you some time to calm down.”

“Yeah. A lot of information. A lot of pressure.” She looked up at him. “Are we really saving the world or did you just say that to get me to come here?” She'd wondered, especially after his discussion with Eva.

Avery sighed. “I didn’t mean saving the world right away. It’s not like a comic book or a movie where the world’s in peril and we have twenty-four hours to save it. No. But, yeah. I did say it to motivate you.” He scratched the back of his neck.

“It sounded good at the time? Dramatic?”

A small grin started to break across his face. “Yeah,” he answered sheepishly.

Loren drew her lips together, fighting back a smile. “That’s terrible.”

His grin widened some. “I was trying to be cool.”

“Yeah, you were doing well with that. Breaking into my apartment, telling me I had to save the world, scaring a girl half to death.”

“I didn’t break in. I just… opened the unlocked window and let myself in.”


“You’re not upset about that, are you?”

She shook her head, but then thought again. “At first, yeah. I almost hit you.”

“With an umbrella.”

“It was an umbrella-bat, with the capabilities of both bat and umbrella. Get the facts straight.” She chuckled and Avery joined her.

Loren eased into a smile. “It’s still a lot. Knowing I’m not the only one with powers, knowing I’m part of something bigger.” Even if she didn’t completely understand what she was a part of, it was kind of nice. She played with the string again, adjusting it so the stone pressed against her skin, warm from her body. Her smile disappeared. “I don’t feel like I fit in though. Not here. Not anywhere. And sometimes I freak out about it. I don’t mean to. It just happens. Like earlier. I was fine and then…”

Avery pushed off from the door and stepped closer to her. He crouched down in front of her. “It’s not easy. I’ve had eighteen years to adjust to it and there are still times when I feel like I’m sleepwalking through it. It's like some crazy dream. Even among my siblings, in a household that knows, I still feel lost. Like there’s something more. Fitting in? I never tried. The only thing that comes close to it is keeping my powers a secret from the world. Believe me, that’s not easy. Not with everyone always watching.”

“Is that one of the reasons Levi made the inhibitor? To keep you from accidentally revealing your powers?”

Avery sighed. “One reason, yeah.” He paused. “Dinner is ready downstairs if you’re hungry.”   

“I’m not sure. Will you be there?”

“No.” Avery was halfway across the floor by the time she entered the bedroom.


“I'm going out.”

She should've guessed. The all black ensemble meant he intended to go back to the city as the vigilante again. She didn't realize how much she'd wanted him to stay. She masked her disappointment with a smile.

“Oh, okay. Be safe?”

“Hey, I always am” He lingered at the door. For a moment, Loren thought he might say something else. Instead, he gave her a small nod and headed out the door.

Alone again, Loren viewed her reflection in the vanity’s mirror. She pushed hair back from her face and tucked it behind her ears. She attempted to smooth it down. Her face remained flushed. Redness had crept into her cheeks and neck.

She couldn't help but feel drawn to Avery when he was close, and she couldn't help but think about him when he wasn't.

The memory of Avery's warm touch on her hands was fresh. The scent of his cologne still permeated the air in her room. She could still see his smile.

The Avery from her thoughts smiled gently at her. Before Loren realized, her thoughts shifted. In her mind, she saw Callum's smile and envisioned his cool, comforting touch.

Her mouth drew into a slight frown and she shook her head to clear it of her thoughts. She couldn’t think of either Morgan brother right now. There were matters that were more important.

But the distraction had been nice, as confusing as it was.

Dinner was waiting. Not wishing to be late, Loren smoothed her hair back again and resolved to get through it without incident.




Unlike breakfast that morning, the servants presented dinner in courses. Loren was pleased with the salad and the chicken. She managed to eat heartily. Dessert was chocolate cake. It was so rich; she had to stop after a few bites.

Everything was delicious and filling. The wine was especially enjoyable. She lost track of how much she drank but declined a refill once her thoughts became fuzzy.

The dinner conversation consisted of Callum and Eva talking mostly among themselves about business. Levi was absent. Loren felt completely at ease.

Dinner seemed to go on for some time but she didn’t mind. She sipped her water and listened to the siblings. It was another small glimpse into their lives and Loren was privy to it. But she was still an outsider.

She'd begun to wonder if she should excuse herself and return to her room when Callum addressed her.

“Would you like a tour of the manor? I’m afraid with the events earlier there wasn't much time to properly acquaint you.”

“Oh, yes. That would be great. Thanks.” Loren had so far memorized the path from her room to the dining room, but that was about it. It would be nice not to worry about misdirection.

Callum pushed back his chair and stood. Eva dabbed at the corners of her mouth with a napkin before she joined him. “I have those reports to finish. It will be a late night,” she said, “and an early day tomorrow.” She stepped over to brush a kiss against her brother’s cheek in farewell. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” he echoed.

Loren watched Eva leave before stretching her arms and pushing her chair back. She swayed slightly from a sudden rush of dizziness but managed to keep her footing. Her feet were steady enough to walk to the door. Callum met her there and escorted her from the room.

They followed the path leading to the secret door but moved beyond it.

“Is everything to your liking?” Callum asked.

“Hmm? Oh. Yeah. Everything’s great. The room is great. And everything is…” She trailed off, sighing softly.

“Great?” he supplied. She glimpsed at him to see the small touch of a grin.

She fought her blush. “I sound like a broken record, don’t I?”

“You’re fine. I understand what you mean. I suppose sometimes I take it all for granted.”

“Well, it

Callum smiled warmly at her and entered another hallway. There was a beat of silence before he looked ahead. “About earlier, I apologize for forcing you to display your abilities. I realize now how stressed you were.”

“Yeah. I uh never had to show people. I mean, I’ve shown people, but not under the same circumstances. And it was a lot of pressure. I was trying to keep it under control. I really was.” She had begun to ramble. She closed her mouth, lips pursing to keep from saying another embarrassing word.

“I know. Having our abilities is difficult. We’ve all been there.” He exhaled softly. “Some more than others.”

She took a few seconds to look about. Multiple windows lined the hallway but remained closed off by thick, blue curtains. The opposite wall displayed photographs and paintings. Loren viewed a couple of them as they passed. “I’ve never known anyone who could do what I could do. When Avery told me there were others and showed me his powers, I couldn’t believe it. A part of me still doesn’t. It’s kind of like a dream.”

“A good dream or a bad dream?” Callum looked at her.

Loren bit her lip. “Not a bad one. Most of the time.”

“What about the rest of the time?”

She hesitated and her gaze dropped to study the polished floor. “A nightmare. I… would rather not talk about it.” She thought of Levi and his accurate perceptions of her. She didn't feel comfortable discussing her insecurities and faults twice in one day.

Callum nodded. “Fair enough.” The conversation stopped there and Loren exhaled a soft breath, relieved.

They walked in an uncomfortable silence for a time. She occupied herself with watching Callum. She soon stopped, fearing he would catch her stare. Instead, she looked at the paintings and photographs on the wall.

As they neared the end of the hall and it split off into two directions, Callum spoke again. “I’ll show you to the sunroom.” Callum made a gesture to the left. “This corridor takes you there, and from the sunroom you can reach the backyard.”

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