Her Lover's Touch

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Authors: Allen Dusk

BOOK: Her Lover's Touch
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Her Lover's Touch


y Allen Dusk



Kindle Edition



Copyright © 2012
by Allen Dusk



Carnal Morgue Press



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, transmitted
, or stored in whole or in part
by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written c
of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Lightning splintered through turbulent black clouds. Thunder rumbled through vast rooms a split-second later. Volleys of hail hammered against Spanish tiles and clogged vintage gutters with perilous weight. Electricity filled the sky again, illuminating a woman's nude silhouette standing beside the master suite window. Panes of glass rattled from the explosion just outside.

The tallest tree near the driveway smoldered from the strike.
Its once magnificent branches lay scattered around a fractured trunk. Howling winds ferried flaming leaves through the night.

"Oh well
" Katelyn sighed, staring at the debris
thrown about
perfectly manicured lawn. "I suppose the gardeners will tend to that first thing in the morning."

She turned away from the drafty panes and walked toward her four-poster bed. The storm had wiped out power hours before, leaving her to rely on pillar candles scattered about the room to guide her through the darkness. Flickering wicks kissed her perfect, smooth skin with their golden auras. She grasped her hairbrush and began the tedious process of brushing her wavy, chestnut hair.

Katelyn glanced toward the nightstand. Her husband's blue eyes returned a yearning stare from within a scalloped frame. William should be there with her, warming her bare flesh and tending to the cravings only his body could ever fully satisfy. His lips were beautiful
sculpted with perfection beneath the silver accents of his mustache. Her forearm grazed her breast as she passed the heavy brush through her hair. Tingles chased the desire growing between her thighs.

Nobody would be home for hours; nobody ever was this time of night. The servants would be gone until morning and William often spent long hours in the operating room. He was the best plastic surgeon on the West Coast. When his skillful hands were not busy healing the afflicted, they were holding her, fondling her. Her fingers drifted down, followed her thin strip of pubic hair, and caressed the glistening, delicate folds of flesh between her legs.

Soft pink areolas tightened around firm, yearning nipples. She spread her legs wider to grant the brush access. The handle slipped inside her with ease, curling her toes with delight. Manicured nails softly tugged and twisted the engorged hood embellishing her clitoris. A flash of lightning cast her writhing shadow against the wall. Thunder rattled the vanity mirror as pleasure swelled inside her.

"Oh, G
od." White satin pillowcases muffled her moans. "William, I wish you were here with me."

Her frustrations mounted as ecstasy evaded her despite her growing appetite. She ground her fingers against
her mound, but it was useless.

"Fuck!" She threw the brush across the room. It shattered a vase before tumbling into the shadows. She suckled the musky aroma from her sticky fingers, further fueling her irritation.

Katelyn rose off the bed and stared at her nude body in the mirror. She was the image of perfection. Every curve carefully sculpted by William's scalpel. Micro-scars were hidden from even the most intent lover's stare. She ran her hands over her firm breasts, jiggling the silicon within. She sank her thumbnails into her nipples and twisted until colored stars danced behind her eyes. Katelyn's attempt to extinguish her desire with a dose of pain failed miserably. The longing between her thighs refused to be doused
She knew she would never be able to sleep until she found her release.

Katelyn walked
down the long, dark hallway. There was no need to carry a candle; she knew every inch of the mansion by heart. Frozen faces in painted classics admired her bare delicacy as she walked past.

She made her way to the stairs, descended their treacherous spiral with ease, and found her way into the kitchen. All the while, his face hovered in the darkness before her eyes. A cruel game of shadows played out in her imagination. Her self-confidence assured her nothing could be there. He was gone forever, and she knew it because she had watched every torrid drop of blood ooze from his throat.

Cheat on me
Your perfect wife
? Rampant taunts echoed through her head.
I taught you, didn't I
You son of a bitch

She recounted every piece she had carved his body into, and cringed at the memory of every slimy organ packed into plastic trash bags. A chuckle ground its way up her throat when she remembered pouring his remains into the pig troughs at the farms outside of town. Every one of the creatures was desperate with hunger, which ensured there would be nothing left of her dear William for the authorities to discover.

almost nothing
Katelyn's chuckle broke into a full cackle that echoed through the dining room before another clash of thunder drowned it out.

She had propped his head on the dashboard of his Mercedes. She had carved away his eyelids to allow a grand view of the descent after she released the brake. Butterflies had rioted in her guts when she watched the car plummet over the cliff and crash into the turbulent waves hundreds of feet below.

She had never known the full extent to which sorrow and joy could coexist until that moment. Her cackling descended into heartbroken howls and screams.

Smooth, pedicured feet paced the cool kitchen tiles. "If I had never found his other phone, it
would have never come to this."

Katelyn twisted her fists in her hair and pulled between rants. "But I knew, even as I sawed your head away from your neck, that I would always miss you."

She turned toward the stainless-steel refrigerator and grinned. "That's precisely why I kept a souvenir."

She knew it would be safe in there. While power may have been out in the rest of the house, a small backup generator ensured there would be fresh water from the well and the food wouldn't spoil.

Anticipation gritted her teeth. Sweet juices drooled from her aching pussy.
grabbed the handle and opened the
door with a slow, fluid motion. Halogen lights arced, revealing barren surfaces ex
pt for the bundle wrapped tight with plastic resting on the bottom s
Tendrils of chilled vapors cascaded from the shelves, raising goose bumps across her flesh. She smiled as she leaned inside, grabbed the package, and tore it open.

Lightning sparked through kitchen windows. Katelyn left the door open and kneeled in the wedge of light reflecting across the floor. She marveled at the diamonds glimmering in the wide-set wedding band affixed to the ring ringer. Joints stiff with rigor swelled beneath pale, mottled skin. She raised the fingertips to her lips and kissed them one after the other. The stench of cold meat laced with cologne painted a sweet aphrodisia over her tongue.

She ran William's hand over her breasts. Her nipples stiffened into sore nubs from the frigid sensation. Tingles raced through her senses, sending spasms through her eager cunt and forcing her asshole to clench. She was too starved for release to endure any more foreplay. She slapped the hand against her clit. Her knees wobbled as the
sound echoed off the cabinets.

Fierce winds howled outside and battered the storm windows with debris. Katelyn ground the severed hand against her pussy, summoning a deep moan from her throat. Her toes curled until they cramped from sick delight. Nectar oozed from her pussy, across bones and veins jiggling inside the ragged stump, before forming a small puddle on the floor. Inspired by the sight, she bent two twisted fingers aside and slid their length inside of her ready slit. Cool sensations circled her throbbing g-spot, welling up long-overdue pleasures buried deep inside her. She lost her breath and shuddered into a climax, savoring the sensation of the wedding ba
nd digging into her pussy lips.

The storm swelled outside, blowing tiles from the roof, and shaking the fine art lining the mansion walls. Katelyn threw the hand to the side and replaced the dead fingers with her own. Nothing was in her way now. Finally, she could come with all the ferocity she had hungered for. She clawed at her pussy, tracing feverish circles around her thrilled clit.

"Fuck you, William!" Tears streamed down her cheeks. Cum jetted from her convulsing pussy as she writhed on the floor. "Fuck you."

Katelyn collapsed against the cool tiles, muscles deep inside her continued to twitch with delight. Her swollen clit throbbed and burned, even as a cool draft from the refrigerator drifted over her. Euphoria danced with rage and anger inside the lump creeping into her throat. Past the beating of her own heart, she heard the winds fading as the storm finally blew past.

Eventually she found the strength to stand. She picked up the hand and examined its state of decay.
It probably wouldn't last another week

Katelyn wrapped the hand back inside its plastic shroud carefully and decided it would be best to keep it inside the freezer for the next time a craving plagued her.

She poured herself a glass of merlot before she returned to bed for some much needed sleep. She left her cum drying on the floor. She knew the housekeepers would mop first thing in the morning.




William's grey beard tickled her stomach. His powerful hands pinned her hips against the mattress while his mouth glided down to feast on her pussy. Katelyn stared at the portrait on the wall. It could have been a Monet, an old wooden bridge arching over a lily pad-covered pond, but she wasn't sure.

She imagined herself walking naked over the bridge, her bare feet caressing the weathered surface of each board. As she stepped closer to the other side, every lick from her husband's tongue sent waves of pleasure rippling through her body, inching her closer to the point of no return. She looked back at her husband just as he rose onto his knees and slapped his hard cock against her pussy. It hurt, but in the way she always liked. Her back arched off the bed when he slid every throbbing inch of himself deep inside her.

She glanced at their reflection gyrating in the tall dressing mirror. If she stretched her neck at just the right angle, she could watch his balls slapping against her ass. She pulled her knees up to her chest and craned her head to soak in every detail of her penetration.

William's pace quickened, every thrust pounded her harder than the last. She had fucked him long enough to know he would soon have his grand finale. Her heart sank; he felt wonderful inside of her, but she was still a long way from finding her own plateau. Katelyn stared back at the portrait of the bridge and reached down to massage the frustration blossoming in her clit.

She imagined herself running toward the end of the bridge as fast as she could. Her hips thrashed against his and she rubbed herself furiously until her fingers grew numb. Inside her mind, she had almost reached the end of the bridge. Her perky breasts tightened beneath her firm nipples. Sweat burned its way through the corners of her eyes. A wave of pleasure finally surged inside her body.

"Fuck, I'm going to come all over you baby."

No, not yet
! Her brain scrambled. "Baby, please just a bit more." Five more seconds and she was certain she would join him.

"I can't hold it any longer." He pulled out and spritzed her swea
ty stomach with his thick load.

She was certain the abrupt end to their intercourse would kill her orgasm, but William's thumb quickly found her pouty, swollen clit and caressed it with tiny, rapid circles. His other hand slipped two fingers inside her hot slit to massage her g-spot. When his pinky wiggled its way into her ass, ecstasy exploded through her as if William had kick-started his Harley.

She reached out, clawing at the sheets and stared at the edge of the bridge. Each strategic touch from his hands sent joyful delirium coursing through every fluttering nerve fiber in her body.

"Oh god, William! Yes. Yes. Yes!"

Then her dream vanished. Her eyes popped open. Clammy sweat beaded between her breasts in the flickering light of the last lit candle. Orgasmic echoes continued to ravish her flesh before she realized that her lover was gone. Her head rocked from side to side; her hands still clutched the sheets, just as she had in the dream. Inexplicably, she was still coming, harder than ever before and something icy cold was stroking her between the legs.

Katelyn gasped and jumped back against the headboard, knees hugged tight against her chest. Her panic-filled eyes followed a lump gliding ben
eath the plush, down comforter.

What the hell is that
? A swallow gulped past the fearful knot squeezed tight in her throat.

Her trembling hand reached out, grabbed the covers, and threw them over the footboard. The bed was empty, except for the large spot where her tingling pussy had soaked the sheets. She sighed with relief. Her pulse slowed and a sense of calm slowly eased her nerves.

She was about to crawl over and pick the bedding up, when a pair of frigid fingers glided up the center of her back, tracing every knobby contour along her spine. Mystical currents tickled the fine hairs along her arms, making them slowly stand on end. When the sensation reached the base of her neck, terror rippled through her shoulder blades, squeezing the breath from her before she could scream. Sharp fingernails grazed the tender flesh behind her ear, and then something grabbed a fistful of her hair.

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