Caveman (14 page)

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Authors: V. Andrian

BOOK: Caveman
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Sensitive. Yes, my body is extra-sensitive now that I’m… “Damon. Damon, wait,” I manage and sink my fingers into his hair to attempt to pull him back. I need to tell him about the baby.

He doesn’t let go and shakes his head with my breast still in his mouth. The move causes another ripple of pleasure to travel south and the pile is growing impossibly high already. “No,” he grits out with his teeth biting my hardened nipple and bringing another wave of pleasure. He moves to my other nipple. “You said no talking. You said I needed to fuck you and that’s what I’m doing.” He treats my nipples with ruthless bites and licks that leave them aching.

“Damon!” I cry out when he tugs at my breasts with his teeth and I’m falling again. My entire world is spinning and spinning and lights are everywhere. Before my orgasm has subsided, he sinks his cock inside me and starts thrusting hard and fast.

There is no way to describe what he’s doing to me. His knees are propped on the bed and he’s sitting on his haunches. That brings half of my body on his thighs and the rest on the bed. My hips are tightly locked between his hands, his fingers biting into my skin and I’m completely powerless to move or do anything other than feel and moan.

His thrusts turn almost brutal and he groans with every pound of his body. That secret spot inside me is punched by the head of his cock again and again until I cry out with ecstasy again. This time he joins me after a few more thrusts and I hear my name on his lips in a constant stream, as if he’s saying a prayer.

He lets my body slide off him, coming down to lie on top of me. I feel his breath on my neck and my body starts to shake uncontrollably with shudders raking me on end. He slides a hand under my back and pulls me to his chest before rolling to his side to bring me with him. Then he starts soothing circles over my back until our breathing calms along with our heartbeats.

“You were right. I needed this,” he murmurs.

I giggle and kiss his neck before pulling back. “Of course I was right! I’m a woman!”

His chuckle rumbles through him into me and tickles me. “Right. I can’t argue with that. But I do want to talk and I can’t do it with your tight pussy squeezing me whenever you laugh.” He thrusts forward once, showing me that he’s half-hard again – already. “So I’ll go wash up and drink some water and you put some clothes on, okay? Because, fuck, baby. Just looking at you makes me want to devour you again.”

I giggle again and actually feel him twitch inside me.

“Cassandra,” he growls and pulls back. When he leaves my body I mock-pout and he smacks a kiss on my lips. “Get dressed.”

“My caveman,” I giggle as I watch him walk towards the bathroom. He shoots me a smirk over his shoulder and my insides all flutter happily. He’s here. And he said he’s not leaving.

Let’s hope that doesn’t change when I tell him about the baby.

Chapter Fourteen


m grinning like a damn fool as I get to the bathroom and clean up. I’m here. I really am and fuck my reservations for keeping me away from Cassandra for so long. Eighty-five fucking days. That’s twelve weeks. Almost three months of not seeing her. I can’t believe it took me that long.

I prop my hands on each side of the sink and drop my head, keeping my eyes closed and just listening to my heartbeat. I’ve never felt more alive than when being with her. The day I realized that fact was the day that marked the end of my life as a caveman.

I grin at the term.
Her caveman.
Hers. That’s all that matters after all.

I open my eyes again and reach for the hand soap. My eyes catch a glimpse of a medication bottle right next to it and I frown.
Prenatal Vitamins
? Why is my baby taking vitamins? Has she not been well? And then the first word registers.
. As in…

I pick the small bottle up and read the tug again and again. No, there’s no way I’m mistaking this. These are pregnancy vitamins. Pregnancy… Cassandra is pregnant?

I scan my reeling brain. She had said her friend was pregnant. But she was close to giving birth when Cassandra was with me in Alaska. And besides, I talked with Layla and she said she needed to go feed the baby. And why would Layla have her vitamins in Cassandra’s house in the first place?

No, I’m being stupid. These pills are Cassandra’s. Cassandra is pregnant. I search my brain again. It’s getting hard to concentrate. She didn’t look different. Well maybe a little swollen but I liked it on her. Fuck me, what am I saying? She
look different. She looked swollen. As in her cheeks were more filled up and her belly had a tiny roundness. Her breasts looked a little swollen too. I should know since I memorized every detail of her body in that one day I had with her.

And she was so sensitive. I thought she came so hard because she had missed me and maybe it was partly because of that but it wasn’t the main reason.
So beautiful and sensitive
. She tried to tell me. She tried to stop me and tell me.

Is it mine? It has to be mine. Not because I’m foolish enough to believe that she couldn’t have found someone else but because I know her. Probably not as much as I want but enough to know that she would have told me before I ravished her.

Oh, fuck. I ravished her. Is she sore? She’s more sensitive now and I was relentless, nearly brutal. She wanted it that way last time but that was before… Before she had my baby growing inside her.

My baby.

A beast inside me stirs to life and starts pounding its chest. My baby. My baby is growing inside Cassandra’s body. I think I really am the caveman she teases me to be because there’s only one thought going through my mind now.
. That baby is
. Cassandra is

I quickly finish washing up and hurry to the kitchen to get some water. Forgoing a glass, I head directly for the fridge and grab the handle to pull it open. My heart kicks so hard in my chest I think it may have cracked a rib. Is this…? There’s a black and white photo stuck on the door of the fridge. An ultrasound photo. With numbers all around and Cassandra’s name on one corner.

That’s my baby. I have no idea what I’m looking at but that’s my baby.

Fuck, I need to talk with her now. There’s no way I’m prolonging this discussion. I need to put my hands on her belly and talk to my little girl. It has to be a girl. It has to be a mini version of the woman I love. The woman I’m going to take as my wife.

Fuck me, I need to buy a ring.

Chill the fuck down, Damon. One step at a time.

I pull the door open and grab a bottle of water before hurrying back to the bedroom. Cassandra is wearing a light top and flannel shorts, lying on her back with her head propped on two stacked pillows and her fingers knitted over her belly. Over our baby. My knees start to tremble and I want to drop down on them and worship her. I didn’t even know I wanted a child but now I do. With Cassandra.

“What took you so long?” she says with a small pout.

My cock stirs with just that move of her lips. I want to take that lower lip between my teeth and nibble at it as I grip her hips and pound her to the bed. No, wait. What if that hurts the baby? What if I’ve already hurt her with my previous treatment?

I clear my throat, remembering she’s asked me a question and bend down to retrieve my boxer briefs and cover myself. “Got lost in my mind,” I answer truthfully.

Her face softens and she pats the bed beside her. I place the bottle on the nightstand and crawl to her like an obedient dog. “I’m sorry we didn’t talk before,” She whispers. I bring my face close to hers, propping my chin on her chest. She kisses my nose and I smile. “I was a little excited to have you again.”

My smile turns into a grin. “A little? I thought you were going to tear at my clothes.”

She gives me a cheeky grin. “Maybe you’ve given me caveman-itis. Have you thought of that?”

I laugh hard with my head thrown back. She soon joins me and my heart kicks again with the sound of her laugh. God, how could I have lived without this for so long?

“Enough stalling,” she finally says with a beautiful smile on her lips. “Tell me everything. When did you decide to come back? What made you change your mind? What happened at your brother’s house?”

“Can I answer all that with one word to save us time? You. The answer to everything is you.”

She grimaces. “Well, that answer doesn’t make much sense. Sorry, you’ll have to give the detailed version and not the caveman one.”

I chuckle and cock my head to the side. “Are you sure? This could take a while. Didn’t you say you wanted to tell me something too?”

Her face reddens sweetly and she leans toward me for a soft kiss. “I’ll go last. You go first.”

She needs time. I can give her that. “Okay, then. Come here.” I plop on my back and hold out my arm. She immediately scoots down and crawls in my arms like a cat, rubbing her soft cheek on my chest as she nestles on my side. I take a moment to run my thumb over the delicious freckle under the corner of her left eye. I missed that freckle so much.

“I was miserable when you left. I was miserable from the moment I decided to get help to take you away. But I couldn’t regret my decision because it would mean you would go back to your life. Go back to the real world and leave me there to go on with mine. I thought that if you left and I was alone again I’d be able to get back to being used to loneliness. That I’d get used to not having you around anymore.

”I was so fucking wrong, Cassandra. So fucking wrong. There wasn’t a day I woke up without missing the sound of your breath and the sight of your body curled around my pillow. I would have given anything just to have you there, even if I wasn’t lying next to you. Even if it meant I would have to sleep on the hard floor for the rest of my life.

”And yet I couldn’t come after you. I kept insisting like the stubborn motherfucker I am that I would get over it. I would get over you. That I couldn’t possibly be in love with you so soon. After barely knowing you, only being with you for so little time. I had to believe that I would forget what it was like to once again have someone to talk to, someone I could trust. That I would forget your sweet laugh and your beautiful chocolate brown eyes. That I would forget how you felt in my hands when I was moving inside you.

”In other words, I was hoping for the impossible. It was impossible to find my peace again because I realized I never had it before you. I had never known peace until I woke up with you in my arms. That was real peace. What I had been looking for my whole life. I lied, Cassandra. I lied when I told you I regretted everything. Because I didn’t. I couldn’t. How can I regret the one thing that was ever good in my life? The one thing that ever made sense? You made sense for me. To me. And it took me so long to realize it, baby. So fucking long. So long to realize I was in love with you and it didn’t matter if I only really had you for a day.

”After that it was pretty much clear to me what I had to do. Come find you. Hope to God you still loved me and that you would let me have you again. But to do that, to be able to call myself worthy of you I needed to have my own closure with my family. I needed to man up and face my past.

”When I read your file on my case, I noticed two things. One, that there was no record of my bank accounts being frozen anymore. And two that you had a copy of my ID with you. I don’t know what made me take it from your file but I did and it came in handy. I used it to get access to my account and take the money I would need to buy everything I needed and get back to DC. I was still coward enough though to take the long way around and not an immediate flight. I needed the time to adjust to big crowds again, come to you set and ready to live back in the real world with you. Make sure that I wouldn’t hurt you again.

”I got back to DC this noon, like I’ve already told you. And I went straight to my old house. The scene was pretty much as I had imagined it. My mother cried, Victoria cried, even Cole cried. I apologized in person for what I’ve gotten them through. They insisted I had nothing to apologize for. Then I told them that, though I was no longer bitter or angry, I couldn’t go back to the way things were. I still needed time to get used to the idea of trusting them again. I know I sounded like a brat but I had to set some rules for my own peace of mind.

”They agreed that they would give me whatever time I needed and I would always be welcomed back. Victoria only begged that I wouldn’t be a complete stranger and that I’d go over every now and again for my nephew and the baby they have on the way.”

“Victoria is pregnant?” she asks softly.

“She’s on the fifth month of her pregnancy and she’s having a girl. I told her I’d really love to do that and I left to come to you.” I tighten my arm around her. “I hadn’t expected you to faint in my arms and I really hadn’t expected to have your best friend yell in my ear that I’d better look after you or she was going to have my balls for dinner.”

“She did not!” she yells incredulously.

“Oh, she did,” I reply with a chuckle. “And I like her very much for that. It tells me she means business when it comes to you. I told her that I would die first before I let anything happen to you and she sounded appeased.”

She sighs and runs her fingers over my chest. I can’t help the shot of arousal that courses through my blood and settles in my cock that starts to stiffen. “She’s a little over the top but, yeah, she loves me. As does Dean. You’re going to like them both.” She sighs again. “I guess I have to call Layla at some point and let her know I’m okay or else she’s bound to come and check.”

“Later,” I tell her because I can’t fucking wait any longer. “Your turn.”

“Um…” she stutters and pushes back from me to lie on her back. “Okay. Well, mine isn’t such a long story. It’s more like one thing. Not a very big deal really.”

I hide a smile and move over her. I brush her lips with mine and then start moving down. I kiss her chin, her neck, the hollow of her throat. She sighs after every touch. I place a soft kiss over each of her delicious breasts and then move lower. I place my lips over her belly and linger there, breathing her scent through her top. She takes in a shaky breath and lets it out slowly. I move even lower and fold my arms over her thighs, propping my chin on my hands.

“Well, it has to be at least a bit of a deal if it’s not easy to say. Want me to guess?”

She laughs softly, nervously. “I doubt you could.”

“Humor me,” I tease.

“Fine,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Guess away.”

I pretend to consider it for a moment. “Alright. Does it have to do with you?”

She rolls her eyes. “Duh!”

I pinch her thigh and she squirms. “Smartass. Does it have to do with me?”


“Hm. Does it have to do with us?”

“Didn’t we establish that?”

I pinch her again. “Stop being a smartass. I meant us together. As a couple.”

“Oh.” Her gaze softens. “Yes.”

“Hm.” I trace my finger over her sweet pussy, feeling my cock harden at the soft moan that escapes her lips. “Does it have to do with sex?”

She giggles. “Surprisingly, yes.”

Enough games. I pull myself up in a fluid motion and come to hover over her face. “Does it have to do with the prenatal vitamins in the bathroom and the ultrasound picture in the kitchen?”

Her eyes widen and her breath stutters.

I grin mischievously. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I start kissing my way to her stomach again. “Does it have anything to do with a little life growing inside you?” I kiss her stomach one more time over her top before lifting it up to nuzzle her soft belly. “Does it have anything to do with how much I love you?”

“God, Damon,” she breathes and I look up to see tears rolling from her eyes.

I crawl up her body again and bring a hand up to wipe at her tears. “Don’t cry, baby. Please, don’t cry.”

Her hands dive in my hair and she pulls my head down until our lips touch. “I love you so much. I thought I’d never see you again. That you didn’t want me. And when you showed up, I didn’t know how to tell you.”

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