Celia's Puppies (5 page)

Read Celia's Puppies Online

Authors: Claudia Hall Christian

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #serial, #contemporary, #denver, #psychics

BOOK: Celia's Puppies
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This has become a major
departmental situation, Ms. Hargreaves. Mr. Ashforth was wounded by
two Denver Police Officers,” the police detective said. “These
officers are currently suspended from duty while we investigate.
It’s important that we pursue every line of inquiry.”

He was shot?”

Yes, Mr. Marlowe,” the
detective said.

I don’t remember any of
that,” Jacob said.

Let’s start with why you
went down there,” the detective said.

A woman called to say
that my friend, Jill, had been thrown out of a building. I took her

Jacob tilted his head as if he was trying to
remember what happened to the card. Samantha touched his arm then
gave the detective a business card.

You went to help your

She was just my friend
then,” Jacob said. “We’d been out once.”

And now she’s your

She hasn’t said ‘yes’,”
Jacob smiled. “But I’m hopeful.”

That’s fast,” the
detective said. “It’s only been a week.”

I… I think when you
almost die, certain things become very clear,” Jacob said. “I’m
lucky to be alive, Sergeant.”

You went to help your

Right. Jill told me what
happened. Even though she had sick and vacation time, she was fired
for taking a day off to be with her sick daughter.”

Katherine.” The detective
flipped some pages. “Katherine had a bad reaction to a bee

Yes.” Jacob said. “Jill
was thrown out of the office. She showed me a bruise on her elbow
where Mr. Ashforth grabbed her arm.”

What’s your relationship
with Ashforth?” the detective asked.

Ashforth was one of our
pipe suppliers. We’d been having trouble with them for about six
months. Their product quality had deteriorated and their service
was awful. Our guys in supply alerted me to possible difficulties.
According to my assistant, Blane, they met with Mr. Ashforth a
couple of times. I hadn’t made the decision yet to terminate our
relationship because...”

Your fiancé worked
there,” the detective finished his statement. “We’ve spoken with
Blane and your supply team. They said the same thing. They said
they had already found a new supplier but were waiting for you to
make the final decision. What was the hold up?”

Ashforth Pipe Supply
started around the time my parents founded Lipson Construction. The
two companies kind of grew up together. Mabel Ashforth was a friend
of my mother’s. I knew what losing our business would mean. I had
planned to meet with Mabel… I thought she was still running the
company… to discuss the problems.”

Mr. Norsen completed the
termination of business with Ashforth Pipe Supply while you were in
the hospital,” the detective said. “He effectively closed the

Jacob nodded his head.

The employees report that
they heard you yell at Mr. Ashforth.”

I was very angry,” Jacob

Because your fiancée was

More than that. While I
attempted to work with them, went out on a limb for them, they were
lying to me.”

About the ownership
changes?” the detective asked.

Yes. I’m sure our guys
told you but we really bent over backwards to continue our
relationship with them. I personally went way out of my way to keep
them in business. So, yes, I was angry. But I never threatened him
or his children or Mabel for that matter. I remember getting Katy’s
medicine then going out to the car. I was excited about spending
time with Jill and having a rare, free evening. I wouldn’t give up
time with Jill to harass some poor family, a friend of my mother’s
no less.”

Getting a child’s
medication from the company refrigerator doesn’t exactly sound like
someone who is out of control or violent, Sergeant,” Samantha

They say different
things,” the detective said. “You’re saying he attacked you out of
the blue. Completely unprovoked.”

I can’t speak to his
motivations,” Jacob said. “I was walking across the sidewalk and he
hit me. I didn’t see it coming. My father told me it was a twenty
pound pipe wrench but I never saw it.”

That’s what the officers
say,” the detective said. “The attack is corroborated by a video
surveillance camera. Your statements differ on the events that
happened inside his office. Mr. Ashforth says he was reasonably

Listen, the Ashforths
lied to my client for almost a year,” Samantha said. “They’re lying

Is there anything you’d
like to add?” the detective looked up from his notepad to Jacob.
“Sir? Mr. Marlowe?”

I’m sorry,” Jacob said.
“I don’t feel well. I had this acupuncture treatment... It seems to
have worn off.”

This interview is over,
Sergeant,” Samantha said. “My client is still very ill.”

Standing, Samantha walked to the door of the
small sitting room. Opening the door, she found Blane waiting for
Jacob. Blane helped Jacob from the room. Samantha watched them move
into a nearby bedroom.

I’ll walk you out,
Sergeant,” Samantha said. “This place is like a maze. You can
easily get lost here.”

I remember when it was a
burned out crack house. It was a maze then.” The detective nodded.
“Marlowe? He’s not going anywhere.”

He’s not.”

Just so you know. The
Ashforths have hired attorneys to sue in civil court.”

The Ashforths or just

They seem to have
reconciled their marriage,” the detective said. “As Mr. Marlowe
said, near death brings clarity.”

Or greed,” Samantha said
under her breath.

She walked the detective to the side
entrance, then watched as he weaved his way through the paparazzi.
Shaking her head, she turned into the main Castle living room to
check on Jacob.

Are you coming with us?”
Valerie asked Samantha. Valerie Waters smiled at Samantha. “We’re
going for a run in the mountains.”

I don’t have anything to
wear,” Samantha said. “Plus who knows what other police might show
up? I mean I came to help Aden then...”

They can wait. Jacob’s
out cold and Aden’s not here,” Valerie said.

Samantha smiled at Valerie.

What?” Valerie

I’m glad you’re

Valerie tugged on Samantha’s arm. “Wear my
clothes. You have shoes in your car – you always have shoes in your

Samantha nodded.

It’s really good to be
home. Isn’t it?” Valerie beamed at her.


Monday mid-day


I was SO hoping to see
you today.” Lexi said to Sandy. Lexi’s slim form was balanced in a
tree pose behind the counter as she checked IDs at the gym
entrance. “Aren’t you glad I warned you away from Aden the


Lexi checked in a couple more gym patrons
that were standing behind Sandy.

I saw in the paper that
Aden the Awful was arrested last weekend!” Lexi’s eyes lit up with
malicious glee. “Here I saved it for you.”

Lexi gave the paper to a stunned Sandy.
Sandy stood reading a Denver Post article that said Aden’s kids
were in the custody of social services and Aden was in jail.

But...” Sandy wasn’t sure
what to say.

I heard he’s lost his
kids for good.” Without looking at Sandy, Lexi continued checking
in patrons. “About time, I say. Social Services is really behind if
Aden the Awful can keep his kids.”

That’s not what I

Sandy’s head jerked up from the article.

I heard you were a skanky
ho,” Heather said. Heather came to stand next to Sandy. Heather’s
hand touched Sandy’s forearm in silent support.

A skanky trainer-ho who
thrives on the troubles of others while making her living doing
horizontal aerobics.” Tanesha accentuated her words with a thrust
of her hips.

Lexi’s bright blue eyes became slits of

You don’t know anything
about Aden Norsen. You should mind your own business.” Lexi
sniffed. “Sandy and I know Aden the Awful is a horrible man and

Sandy heard an intake of breath near the
door. Her eyes jerked up to see Aden standing next to the door. His
face was a wash of betrayal. Clearly he thought she and Lexi were
gossiping about him. She shook her head at him but he looked away
from her. Her heart dropping, Sandy opened her mouth to say
something when Tanesha spoke.

I hate liars,” Tanesha
said. “Jill? Did you hear what Miss Thing here said?”

I did.” Jill walked in
the door behind Aden. She touched Aden’s shoulder as she walked by.
“I’ve known Sandy since she was eight years old and she would never
say a bad word about anyone. Especially someone who was her friend.
But I know you love to spread evil lies and gossip about people,

I couldn’t have said it
better myself,” Heather said.

Plus.” Finding her voice
at last, Sandy said, “I was there. And this article is wrong. Aden
wasn’t arrested and the kids are home… are home with

Sandy went around the counter to stand with
Aden. She stretched up on her toes to kiss his lips.

Hi honey,” she

Aden looked at Sandy. His shock and
insecurity vanished in her warm smile.

Ready to work out?” Sandy

You can be with your
friends,” Aden said. “Girls day and all.”

Nah,” Jill said. “We came
to spa.”

And deal with this
skank,” Tanesha said. “Listen Ms Thing, you mess with one of us,
you mess with all of us.”

And we don’t like being
messed with,” Heather said.

Spray weed killer on
love? And the gardeners get pissed,” Jill finished.

That was good,” Tanesha
said. She and Jill walked around the counter. “Weed killer and

I thought so,” Jill

Damn, Sandy, I forgot how
cute he was.” Tanesha nodded then entered the gym.

He’s really cute,”
Heather said before turning into the gym.

Aden and Sandy stood holding hands at the

I’m sorry, Lexi,” Aden
said. “I’ve tried to make it up to you. You have your career, your
car, the life you said you wanted, and I’ve been happy to

Surprised, Sandy’s head jerked to look at
Aden. She had no idea that Aden had tried to make anything up to
Lexi. Certainly, Lexi hadn’t mentioned it when she told her all
that awful stuff about Aden.

But we still have this
animosity. It’s been a long, long time. What’s it going to take to
let this go?”

You’ll be sorry, Sandy.
He’s nothing but trouble.” Lexi made a sour face.

I’ll take my chances,”
Sandy said.

Tugging on Aden’s hand, she led him around
the counter to the aerobic equipment. Aden stopped to say something
else to Lexi, but Lexi looked away from him. He shrugged.

I need to change into my
workout clothes,” Aden said.

I’ll start warming up on
the treadmill.”

Aden was half way across the gym when he ran
back to Sandy. Picking her up, he held her in a crushing

Thanks,” he whispered in
her ear.

This is not helping my
widening ass,” Sandy repeated her work out joke.

I love your ass.” Aden
kissed her then went off to change.

He’s really cute,” a
woman said as she walked by Sandy. “And that woman is a bitch. I’ve
seen you guys workout here. Six years or so, right?”

Sandy nodded.

You’re very cute

Thanks.” Sandy blushed
then turned on the treadmill.

Aden was cute.

And he loved her.



Monday evening — 5:20 P.M.


HOME!!” Katy

Running through the door, Katy ran straight
into her room. Scooter barked and danced behind her. Calling the
name of every doll and touching every toy, she squealed and jumped
up and down. Scooter barked with glee. Jill looked in to see that
Katy had piled all of her toys onto the ancient twin bed where she
was telling them all about her adventures. And her new Daddy. Of
course, Scooter needed a personal introduction with back story of
each toy, doll and stuffed animal. Lying on the floor next to
Katy’s big girl bed, Scooter seemed to listen to every word.

Katy’s happy chatter formed a back beat to
Jill’s movements.

Jill opened the sliding glass door to let
some of the stale heat out of the apartment. At least now that she
had a job... Was a spokesmodeling a ‘gig’? She could afford to run
the air conditioner. She turned the air conditioner knob.

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