Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (38 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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Chapter 38

As soon as Lara’s pavilion was erected the healers moved her into the sleeping quarters. Aodhan and Kedryn were hovering over Lara discussing her condition Kedryn looked over her concerned. She hadn’t moved an inch since the healers had been in. Aodhan kept muttering to himself about letting her talk him into something. The rest Kedryn couldn’t make out.

“Mom will be fine. You heard the healers.”

“I should have never listened to her. I should have left her with Ruark and gone after my father.” He slumped down in the chair that sat across from the fur covered pallet where Lara lying.

“Think about it. If you hadn’t sent mom there many more men would have been lost. It’s not like you could confuse a whole army into not fighting.”

Kedryn looked at his mom on the fur covered pallet. Gobnait, Kaylee and Doireann had changed Lara out of her armor, cleaned her up and put her in a loose off white night dress. She was covered with a thin white fur blanket.

He walked over and reached down and moved her hair so it was neatly placed over her shoulders. Kedryn thought she almost looked like an angel with everything white and the faint blue glow surrounding her. Of course, his mom was no angel he chucked to himself and examined the injury that was glowing a faint blue. He leaned over her and studied the scar and turned as Aodhan stood up.

“Ever observant as your mother. Things were set in motion and I believe that everything is determined on the choices we make. Not that it was meant to be. We create our own destiny.” Aodhan said

“That’s exactly what my mom would have said. Even though the Seer said that mom had to reach Liam first. She never said that it would happen only that she had to.”

“It is just…” Aodhan trailed off as he looked at Lara.

“Liam didn’t mean to harm my mom, in the end. You know that right? If she were awake I could just hear her say
Get over it and Move On
. There are more important things to deal with now.”

Aodhan’s face turned to pure fury that he quickly masked. “How can you be so certain?”

“He loves her.” Kedryn bluntly said.

“What?” Aodhan crossed his arms looking more than disturbed. “What on earth would make you even say something like that?”

. Living cupid here I snuck a peek. It is nothing to worry about mom doesn’t feel the same.”

“His resemblance to Wash. That would not change her feelings for me would it?” Aodhan asked

“Mom was confused at first. She made up her mind at the bonfire and choose you.”

Running his fingers through his hair Aodhan looked at Lara. “I suppose we are not much help here. Let us go and get some sleep. Your mom will sleep
until one of the healers wakes her.”

“What if she moves? Won’t she hurt herself?” Kedryn stood uncertain by her.

“See the blue light surrounding her side?” Aodhan asked as he walked up to Lara and lightly traced her scar.

Kedryn looked at the blue aura of light surrounding his mom. “Yes.”

“It will hold her in place. She is not able to move or wake until a healer releases her.” Aodhan looked at Kedryn who didn’t really want to leave his mom’s side. He put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“The guard’s posted outside will make sure no one bothers her. I have to travel to Tralee to see mother. Scanlon and Ruark are leaving soon and I am going with them. You should go see Lawler you two lost a good friend and he probably needs you right now.”

“You are right. Let’s go.” Kedryn said good night to Aodhan and walked to his tent. He had been avoiding going back to the tent to face the fact of what Doyle had done. He stepped through to find Lawler sitting at the table.

“Happy to see you made it through.” Kedryn said.

Lawler held up his injured arm. “Not without a scratch. I hear some women fancy scars.” He gave Kedryn a wide grin.

“You have a visitor. He was exhausted. Ran all the way here I guess and is in the bunk area.”

Kedryn walked through the center flap to see Niall stretched out on Doyle’s bunk sharpening his sword with a whetstone. Niall looked up and nodded. Kedryn walked over and turned his lantern on and sat heavily down on his cot. Lawler followed him in and did the same.

“He showed up looking for you and the guards sent him this way.” Lawler said.

“If you don’t mind. Could you sit over there?” Kedryn pointed to the other bunk across the way.

“Oh apologies. I did not mean to offend.” Niall said.

“None taken. It’s just that Doyle used that one. I’d like it to stay empty until they break down the camp.” Kedryn stood up and walked over to make sure the lamp above Doyle’s bed was still lit.

“I understand. Why the lamp?” Niall asked.

“To honor our friend who passed in battle.” Lawler said.

“He tried to kill you. Why would you honor someone who you know would have killed you?” Niall looked at Kedryn confused.

“Why don’t we move this little gathering to the table.” Lawler said as they stood up.

Kedryn followed Lawler and Niall to the sitting area where they sat down. He studied Niall who didn’t show any sign of his injury.

“I did not have time to thank you properly for saving my life.” Kedryn said.

“Do not mention it. Tell me about Doyle.” Niall said.

Lawler leaned back in his chair. “Doyle and I had been friends for years.
He was more loyal to his family and I might have done the same. It also appears that Faolan had some control over his actions.”

“I tended to overlook that. Apologies.” Niall said as he let out a yawn.

“What do we owe the pleasure of your visit Niall?” Kedryn asked sitting back in his chair putting his feet up on the table.

“I heard you accept the mission Doyle asked of you. I would like to help.” Niall said and stretched in the chair.

“The mission with the Seer?” Lawler asked and saw the look of surprise on Kedryn’s face.

“Scanlon told me about it. I accept. You do not even have to ask.” Lawler said.

“I hear you’re just as good as Scanlon. Yes, I could defiantly use the help. That would be two.” Kedryn said.

“Two what?” Niall asked

“In the message Kiara sent. She said that a Firbolg was to be my guide with two others. Cadmon, the Firbolg is our guide and I couldn’t think of a better team!”

At the Firbolg palace Kiara felt a shift as Kedryn made his decision. He will come for her soon and she now had hope to grasp onto. She let out a relieved sigh now all she had to worry about was them succeeding.
“How on earth will we know how and where she is?” Niall asked

“Cadmon has been her guard for many years. He is going to help and knows the way, the guard’s shifts, where she is, everything.” Kedryn said.

“A Firbolg. Can he be trusted? Are you not worried it is a trap? We are dealing with Lord Faolan the master of deception.” Lawler said.

“You cannot blame a whole race on the actions of a mad man. Cadmon was not lying. If he was I would have known.” Kedryn said as he tapped his fingers on the table.

“How do you know he’s not lying?” Lawler asked

Kedryn sighed. “Guess I should tell you. I have the power of truths.”

“Seriously? And you did not say anything? How is it that you lost so many hands at cards?” Lawler asked.

“I suppose I just wanted to be normal. I didn’t know what you or Doyle would think. I can see auras too. I’ve learned to turn them on or off. Besides, neither of those would have helped me in battle. As for cards I dissolved the power so I wouldn’t cheat.”

“You are correct not much use in a battle but I
would have used it playing cards.” Niall said and let out a laugh.

Lawler yawned. “I think we should all get some sleep. It has been a long day.”

Everyone agreed and walked back over to their bunks and put out the lamps above their beds. Kedryn walked over to Doyle’s lamp and turned it down to a low glow. He walked back over to his bunk and dropped into a troubled sleep.

Chapter 39

While everyone in the Danann and Milesian camps were fast asleep Liam was restless. He walked out of his pavilion dejected and upset about how he felt about Lara and walked past the guards on the outer posts.

“Going to get some fresh air men.”

They saluted him and watched him walk away to the edge of the camp. As soon as he saw them turn away he veered into the forest toward the Danann camp. Liam walked along the same trail he and Niall followed earlier.

Sticking to the shadows he slid past the guards on the perimeters of the Danann camp to Lara’s pavilion. It was just a few hours before dawn so he would have to be quick. As he squatted outside he overheard a healer tell someone that she was resting and no one was to disturb Lara. He paused at where he had made a slit before and examined where it had been patched. Liam shrugged and made a new slit exactly where the last one was and slid in.

He stood and noticed a faint blue glow in the room and realized it was coming from Lara. Liam walked over to her and examined the wound. It was healing up nicely and he thanked God it wasn’t worse than it was. Liam walked over to a chair placed in a corner by a table and sat down. He stared at her for the longest time and had the same thought that Kedryn did. She looked like an angel. If he could picture what one would look like. The book that Faolan’s great grandfather brought back spoke of them. Liam felt his eyes grow weary and drifted off.

As he jerked awake to the sound of someone moving in the tent Liam realized that he had dozed off. He focused on the man standing by Lara.

Kedryn examining her wound which looked to be healing well. “Don’t mind me Liam.” He turned and looked at the man in the chair and crossed his arms.

“I just had to see for myself how she was faring.” Liam said as he stood up, stretched and walked over to where Kedryn was standing.

“What was it you expected to find here? I’m sure you heard mom was on the mend.” Kedryn glanced over at him.

“I did. I had to see for myself.” Liam said as he looked at the flap of the tent.

Kedryn glanced in the same direction. “I think Aodhan will be heading this way soon. It’s almost daybreak.”

Liam looked at the reddish light of the sun pouring through the slit as it was starting to rise.

“I am certain Aodhan is not as forgiving as you are. Could you let him know? That I did not mean Lara any harm, in the end?”

“Already have. It will take time though.” Kedryn walked over to the small table and flicked on a lantern. He took the seat Liam was sitting in a moment ago.

Liam looked at Lara and he glanced Kedryn’s way. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. Thanking God that she was going to be ok. Liam
straightened back up and walked over to where he had cut the tent.

“You might want to get someone in here to take care of this.” Liam said as he squatted down and slid out of the slit without a backwards glance at Kedryn.

“I better find a match for him quick or this could create a problem.” Kedryn said to himself as he leaned back in the chair.

A few minutes later Eion and Aodhan came into the tent followed by Gobnait and Fand. Kedryn watched as Fand kneeled by Lara. She hovered her hands above Lara’s injury and the blue light faded. Lara’s eyes opened and she started to panic.

“Lara. You are safe.” she heard Fand’s voice say.

“Kedryn?” Lara croaked out as she tried to blink the blurriness out of her eyes.

Kedryn stood and stepped over to her side. He took her hand and squeezed.

“I’m here mom. I’m ok.” He saw the relief in her eyes as she started to see clearer and saw everyone that was around her.

“Aodhan.” She gave him a small grin.

Kedryn stepped out of Aodhan’s way so he could kneel beside her. Lara tried to sit up and he helped her. Fand touched Aodhan’s shoulder and he moved aside. She looked Lara over from head to toe.

“You should heal just fine as long as you take it easy for a while.”

“Thank you Fand. I’m very grateful.”

Gobnait walked up to Lara. “It is good to see you alive. I wanted to stop by real quick and see how you were. I am on my way to check on Christian. He was helping to clear out the funeral pyres. Before that he helped move the fallen and is in a sullen mood. It’s not a very cheerful job.”

“Go to him. He needs you more than I do. Thanks for checking on me.” Lara watched her grin thanks and turned and walked out.

Lara felt her stomach growl and put her hand on it. Her vision cleared up more and she saw Eion standing in the corner.

“Eion! Thank God. You too are well.” she said.

Eion grinned at her and looked at Fand standing patiently by a table in the corner. “Fand, would you be so kind to help Lara get cleaned up for the evening meal? If you believe she is up to it? Orla has invited us to the house in Tralee for dinner.”

“She is healed enough to attend. I will help you get ready, my Lady.” Fand said.

“I don’t need help.” Lara said and she tried to stand and felt immediately light headed. She heavily sat back down on the furs. “I take that back.”

“Everyone out. Give the Lady some privacy.” Fand said as she scooted the men out the door and turned to Lara. “I’ll have a bath prepared. How does that sound?”

“Like heaven!” Lara said as she bent forward and put her head between her knees so she wouldn’t pass out.

Lara bathed and dressed reluctantly with Fand’s help. She took in a large breath as she finally stepped outside. The lingering smell of the battle still remained in the air. In front of her pavilion a carriage waited. Kedryn and Eion were standing outside of its door waiting patiently. Eion helped her step up into the carriage.

As the carriage moved past the Duir Plain, Lara looked out the tiny square window. There were spots where armor and weapons still littered the ground. No bodies and that she was thankful for that. Lara looked around the inside of the carriage and felt like she was missing a piece of herself.

“Where is Aodhan?”

“In Tralee. He wanted to check in on his mother before the dinner.” Eion said

Lara was quiet as she thought about how sad all of this was. All of those men lost and the family’s who mourned them. Her situation back home seemed minimal to all of the carnage that was in this realm. She was thankful to God that most of them survived. Kedryn solemnly looked out the window of the carriage. He had just come back from Doyle’s wake that was held along with the other fallen soldiers.

Lara looked at Kedryn with sadness in her eyes. She shifted on the cushioned bench and sat immediately still. A sharp pain ran through her where her wound was still healing. She lifted her hand instinctively to the scar. The bodice of the dress she had on was a square neckline that revealed all of her scar. She still hadn’t decided on whether or not she wanted it to be completely removed or not.

“Have the negotiations started yet?” Lara asked.

“They will take place the day after Lord Blaine’s the funeral. The ceremony is to be held later afternoon tomorrow.”

“What about Liam?” Lara asked.

“He survived. If Aodhan hadn’t translocated you back he might have gone after him. He had blood lust in his eyes and Liam was lucky Aodhan did not have the strength to translocate. The healers were too busy with the wounded to aid in a matter of revenge.”

Kedryn looked away from the carriage window. He shifted on the black velvet cushioned seat to face both of them and decided not to mention Liam’s visit. Not right now anyway.

“I heard that Liam has not left his pavilion since he got back there. He must be a mess. I know I would be.” Kedryn said.

Eion noticed Lara was lightly rubbing at her scar. “It is possible that the healers could reduce or even completely heal the scar if you would like.”

“Fand mentioned it. I would like to keep it as a reminder. For now.”

Lara decided that as soon as she was back from dinner she would sneak out and check up on Liam. Of course that could be a problem if Aodhan stayed with her.

“Were messengers sent to the Milesian camp? To let Liam know I had recovered?” she asked a bit concerned for Liam’s mental state.

“I am not sure how Aodhan and Ruark handled that. I know that they set up the time and place to hold the peace negotiations and that Liam agreed. I do not know why they would not have sent word of you.” Eion said.

Kedryn was on the verge of telling his mother about the visit and suddenly felt the carriage stop. Aodhan appeared opening the door to the carriage. It was too late for that now.

Aodhan held out a hand for Lara and she let him help her out of the carriage. He pulled her to his side as Eion and Kedryn stepped out and onto the cobble stone path that led to the manor house. Aodhan gave her a careful hug and looked down at her scar. She unconsciously put her hand over it.

As he looked in her eyes Lara saw such sadness in them. Aodhan lightly pulled her hand away that was covering her scar. He kissed her fingers and her scar. She gave him a slight smile when he straightened back up. He turned and led her, Eion and Kedryn into a parlor area and through a short arched hallway into a large dining room. Lara looked around at the men and women sitting at the huge white washed table. She was very grateful that Gobnait had altered one of her black dresses so that she could have one to wear that night at dinner. Everyone was dressed in black mourning clothes. She glanced at Eion and Kedryn and noticed that they too were dressed in loose black shirts and pants. She watched as Orla stood and walk over to them.

“Welcome all of you.” Orla said with a hint of sadness in her voice. “Please have a seat at the table. The meal will be served shortly.”

Aodhan held out a white tall backed chair with a silky brown cushion for Lara and pushed it in as she sat down. He walked over to his mother and did the same for her and took the seat next to Orla. Eion took the chair to Lara’s right and Kedryn to her left. She looked around and everyone looked very somber. With good reason.

Lara leaned over and whispered to Eion. “Where are Bevin and Dillon?”

“They headed out to Liam’s camp. General Kayne had sent a messenger that requested that Dillon return. Just in case Liam was not fit to handle the situation.”

“Does that mean that Brenna, Doireann, Fand and Kaylee are gone too?” Lara asked.

“Kaylee and Fand are here are seeing to the soldiers who are in need of healing.” Tara answered.

Lara inwardly smiled that the thought that Kaylee is most likely happy to still be there. She thought about how every chance Kaylee got she would try and get a glimpse of Lawler. He caught Kaylee a couple of times staring at him. He would get a look of confusion on his face as he blushed. She returned from her thoughts when Ruark stood and raised his goblet.

“I would like to make a toast to the fallen.” he turned to face Aodhan and Orla.

Everyone raised their goblets.

“To the many men who had fallen in battle. May the road rise to meet you on your path to your forefathers. May God’s love shine warm upon their
loved ones faces. Until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

“Sláinte.” Everyone said.

The food was shortly brought in after they drank to the toast. There wasn’t much talking until dessert was served. Lara overheard Aodhan talking to Eion about what had happened to Blaine. He still blamed himself. Lady Orla turned in her chair to fully face Aodhan and took his hand looking into his eyes.

“My dearest son your father did not wish you to know this. He heard deaths cry the night of the bonfire. He wanted to go out as a warrior not in his bed. That is why he rushed into battle as he did. There was nothing you could have done.”

She put her arm around him and gave him a hug. Orla rose and looked around the table. She was very grateful for all of their support in these sad times.

“I am quite weary. Thank you everyone for coming on this sad night before Blaine’s funeral. Lara, you, Kedryn and Eion can stay here if you like. I can have a couple of rooms prepared.” Orla said as she led them back into the sitting area near the front door.

“Thank you. I would like to go back and clean up my armor. Tomorrow I will dress as a warrior. To honor one.” Lara said.

Orla walked up to her bursting into tears giving her a huge hug. Lara looked up at Aodhan her heart breaking for him as she saw the loss in his eyes. Orla released her and stepped over to Aodhan who draped an arm around over her shoulders.

“It will be an honor having you as a daughter. If my son gets his arse in gear and asks you.” Orla nudged Aodhan in the side a bit too hard and he grunted.

“Mother, please. Now is not the time.” he said as his mother turned to face him.

Aodhan looked from his mother and gave Lara a knowing look. He watched as her cheeks flushed and she mouthed the words. “I wouldn’t say no.”

Lara walked to Aodhan and gave a slight courtesy. Making him smile for the first time that night.

“If you will excuse me, my Lord. I think I also need some rest.” she said as Aodhan grabbed her hand and kissed it.

“I am going to stay at the manor house tonight. Mother and I are going to go over father’s funeral plans to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

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