Chaotic (Imperfect Perfection) (18 page)

BOOK: Chaotic (Imperfect Perfection)
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“Shut up,” I said, smacking a kiss
on to his cheek. “You had me at beach.”

After only stopping for two
bathroom breaks, we were there at just a little over four hours. The roads were
deserted as we pulled into the parking garage that was located underneath our
hotel, probably because most people headed a little more south on winter break.
It definitely wasn’t warm enough to go swimming in the ocean, but I was looking
forward to spending time here with Justin.

We walked into the shiny lobby, the
floors gleaming to where we could see ourselves in them. “Hi there, checking in
for the honeymoon suite, Mr. and Mrs. Parker.” Justin wrapped an arm around my
shoulder, a beaming smile as he looked down at me.

 I stuffed down the urge to roll my
eyes at him and smiled at the man that was checking us in. “Ah, congratulations
are in order. We will be able to take extra special care of our newlyweds since
not many visit this time of year. Here are your room keys, and we’ll bring your
bags up shortly. Best room we have available for our special guests.”

We headed towards the bank of
elevators located at the center of the lobby and punched in the top floor that was
available. Justin pushed open the door after sliding in the key card, and I was
instantly wowed at the sight.

The whole front wall was a sheet of
glass overlooking the ocean. A bed sat in the center of the room, covered in
deep red rose petals, arranged into a heart shape. A bottle of champagne sat in
a bucket of ice next to the Jacuzzi made for at least six people that looked
straight out into the water. There was even a tray of cheese and crackers
sitting right next to it.

“Wow, you really out did yourself.
How long have you been planning this?” I poked him in the stomach as he just
smiled back at me. I really didn’t think he had something like this in him. He
just kept on surprising me over and over again.

Our luggage came shortly after we
got to our room, and once we changed into fresh clothes, we decided to check
out the small beach town that we were in. A lot of the businesses and
restaurants were closed for the season, but we were able to find a hamburger
joint that had a small arcade attached to it. I kicked Justin’s ass at air
hockey and then we decided to walk up the beach back to our hotel.

We only passed a few people as we
walked hand in hand, with our feet shuffling through the wet sand. It was
serene being here, kind of like the calm before the storm of my mother that I
knew was coming. We dropped down into the sand right in front of our hotel, and
Justin pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me to keep off the
chilly breeze blowing in. “I think we need to talk about a few things.”

“What would that be exactly?” He
asked quickly, his body stiffening under mine.

“It’s nothing bad,” I reassured
him. “It’s just some things that have come up lately, and I think I should fill
you in.” I retold the story of what I had done in my past, the one thing I had
tried so hard to conceal.

 Now that I thought about it, I
really didn’t know why. If someone had a problem with the mistakes I had made in
the past, then that was their problem. I finished my story, this time managing
to keep the tears away. He was silent for a long time and I was almost afraid
to turn around, not sure what his reaction would be. Once I felt his hand
squeeze mine, I knew everything was all right.

“Well,” he finally said. “I’m a
little pissed that you didn’t tell me sooner, and I’m a little pissed at your
mom. Who seriously acts like that? I don’t know how I’m going to prepare myself
to meet that woman. She sounds like a real bitch.”

I let out a harsh laugh. “Don’t
worry, her opinion really doesn’t matter to me much anymore. I’m sure you’ll do
just fine.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through
that, Della. I can’t imagine you having to deal with something like that by
yourself. I wish I could’ve been there to take care of you because I would’ve been
there every step of the way, unlike that douche Chris. If I ever see that guy,
I’m going to beat the shit out of him.”

I could feel Justin’s body tensing
underneath me again at just the thought of it. He always said he was a lover
not a fighter, but deep down he had that instinct for me and it made me happy,
even though Chris really didn’t need the shit beat out of him.

“I’m just upset that the whole
experience was ruined for you.”

“What experience?” I turned around,
looking at him questioningly as his hands moved around to rest on my stomach.
“Of being pregnant. Maybe someday I can make it a good one for you.”

My mouth gaped open when he said that,
something in the future between the two of us that I hadn’t even considered. It
honestly scared me and made me feel a little happy at the same time. Not that I
needed to be pregnant anytime soon, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to have kids
someday, but to know Justin was thinking about something like that, got me
thinking too.

“C’mon,” his hands dug into my
hips, lifting me off of his lap and he scooped me up into his arms. “We’re
newlyweds, remember? We should be celebrating and there’s a Jacuzzi calling our


My eyes popped open and I breathed
out a moan at the trail of kisses that was currently running across my bare
shoulder. I pushed back against Justin, his warm body molding perfectly to mine
as he continued brushing his lips against my bare skin.

Last night had been amazing.

After turning into prunes, soaking
in the Jacuzzi and sipping on champagne, we had laid together on the bed
touching every inch of each other’s bodies. Our first time together had been
everything I had hoped for, and I was glad we had waited for a while. I had
been surprised that he hadn’t pushed me, not once, the whole time we had been
together. I think that was one of the reasons it had been so special.

His hand drifting between my legs
brought me back to the here and now. I cracked an eye open to see that it was
just a little past four in the morning. I thought at first, maybe he was doing
it in his sleep but when I felt that finger swirl around so expertly, I knew he
had to be awake.

“Aren’t you a little worn out?” I
whispered into the darkness, craning my neck to see his eyes as the moon
reflected off of them.

“I’ll never be worn out for this.”
He pushed back onto the bed, bringing my body with his so I was now straddling
him. I rocked my hips against the hardness that was poking into me and smiled
as I watched him squirm beneath me. “You know, I think I should punish you for
waking me up.”

I ground my hips one more time
before pulling back and hovering over his body, sure to make no contact what so
ever. I dipped my head down, my hair swirling across his chest as I flicked my
tongue across each of his nipples and licked a trail up his chest.

I stopped at his neck, which I had
learned early on was one of the spots that seemed to drive him wild, and nipped
lightly at his skin. He arched his hips up, snaking his arm around my waist to
try to pull me back down, but I moved upwards just in time.

“I don’t think so mister, I’m in
control now.” I worked my way back down his body, reexamining each place with
my tongue as I went. I had him squirming like a fish underneath me, and it
caused me to be a little gleeful. Normally, it was always the other way around.

I sat back on my knees, looking
down at him as he lay stretched out on the starch white bed. The rose petals
had long ago been pushed to the floor after hours of us rolling around with
each other. He looked so beautiful laying there like that, his arms
outstretched over his head, the taut muscles in his stomach jutting out. He had
a light stubble across his jaw; I loved it the most when it was like that. I
always told him it made him look a little more masculine.

“Okay, your control time is over.”
He sat up abruptly and spun me around once again, pinning me against the bed.
He moved my hands above my head, clasping my wrists together with one hand and
gripping my hip with the other. “You’re such a fucking tease. I just wanted a
quickie and then we could go back to sleep. Now I’m wide-awake. You really
didn’t want to fully wake up the beast.” He thrust his hips into me, just the
tip of him brushing against me, but it was enough to make me squirm. “But I
really can’t wait any longer.” He slipped into me easily, pulling my knees over
his shoulders as he went deeper.

 We both let out a loud sigh as our
bodies adjusted to each other’s quickly once again, and I threw my head back,
soaking up the feeling. He pulled back, almost to the point of being completely
out before he slammed back into me, thrusting in deeper than I think I had ever
felt before in my life.

My insides were quivering as I
tried to ride it out, but I could feel it building as I moaned out his name. I
was sure my nails were leaving marks as I held on, digging them into his back
as he pounded into me. I came undone underneath him, yelling out his name as I
came down from the high. His thrusting became erratic as he leaned down,
whispering incoherent words into my ear, and I felt him shudder into me.

We both lay there, panting together,
our bodies still connected before he slowly pulled out of me and rolled over,
curling my body around his. He smoothed back my matted down hair, placing a
kiss at my temple. “Best sex of my life. Every single time with you. You’re

“Why thank you, you aren’t too bad
yourself.” He snorted and reached out to flick my nipple. “You know I’m the
best you ever had. Don’t try to deny it.”

“Okay, I won’t.” He curled his arm
around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. I could all ready feel my eyes
drifting shut. I was really exhausted now, and I had a pretty good idea that I
would be sleeping in late.

I felt Justin’s mouth brush against
my ear right before I drifted off and he whispered, “I love you, so damn much,
Della.” I thought at first I had either dreamt it or had been hearing things,
but once he whispered it again, I knew it was real. “And I love you too,” I
murmured into his chest before letting sleep overtake me and it being ones of
the most peaceful one I’ve had in a long time.


I could feel his eyes on me as soon
as I woke up, so I kept mine closed, lying as still as possible. I really just
wanted to see what he would do next. The first wakeup call this morning had
been amazing, I wondered if he could top it.

I felt his fingers glide across my
bare arm and then he hooked one around the finger that held my ‘wedding ring’.
It might have been silly, but when he won a gaudy looking ring at the arcade,
and shyly put it on my finger, I decided I wasn’t going to take it off. He had
insisted over and over again last night that I need to get rid of it or my
finger would probably fall off or end up turning green. But I didn’t care.

I felt something glide across my
lips before he stuck his finger in, and I tasted a strawberry jelly, just
touching the tip of my tongue. He sighed loudly when I still didn’t open my
eyes, and I knew that he was starting to get frustrated with me. The
anticipation was killing me.

The next time my mouth was opened,
I felt his warm tongue enter it and could taste the strawberry jelly on the
tip. I sucked all of it off into my own mouth.

“Mmm,” I moaned into his mouth,
threading my hands around his neck to pull him closer. He deepened the kiss,
just like I wanted, and sank his body down on top of mine. My hands immediately
moved to the band of his pajama pants, but he stopped them quickly. “I really
like your thinking,” he said against my lips, moving my hand to the side. “But
you really need to get that cute ass of yours up for the day.”

I sat up with a groan and looked at
the alarm clock sitting next to the bed. “Why in the hell did you let me sleep
so late?”

“I figured you needed the rest
after last night. And this morning,” he added.

“Well, yeah. You’re like the
freakin’ Energizer Bunny. Do you have an off switch?” Not that I really minded.

“Not when it comes to you, I don’t
think it’s possible. You really do need to get up though, we need to get back
on the road.”

“All right.” I wrapped the sheet
around my body and stood up, digging through my bag to pull out clothes. I
really wished we could stay here for the rest of break, but I knew we needed to
get back. I would be spending most of the time with my grandparents who seemed
to like Justin, and he would finally be meeting my mother. I wasn’t really sure
how Justin would react when that happened. He wasn’t exactly the kind of guy
who kept quiet about things, especially when it came to me.

“Are you going to join me in the
shower?” I asked from the bathroom doorway, and he smiled at the question,
jumping to his feet immediately. “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

The expansive bathroom was filled
with steam quickly. I stepped under one of the many shower heads in the huge
tiled area, the water trickling down my back. I watched Justin through the
glass door who wasted no time in stripping out of his clothes and ducking into
the shower.

I couldn’t resist touching him as
soon as he stepped in. His arms instantly went around my waist as the water
rained down us, and I rested my head on his chest, listening to his erratic
heartbeat as he held me. I could feel his hardness pushing into me, but he made
no attempt to do anything about it. He made it clear last night that just
because we were now having sex, didn’t mean that’s all our relationship was
going to be about.

He grabbed the bottle of
complimentary shampoo and attempted to wash his hair one handed so he wouldn’t
have to let go of me, but I grabbed the bottle from him with a quiet giggle.
“Here, let me.”

He watched me with hooded eyes as I
soaped up my hands and stood on my tiptoes to massage it into his scalp. I
could tell that he was getting even more excited, but somehow he was able to
reel it in. Who knew a hair wash could be that much of a turn on?

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