Charge It To The Game (8 page)

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Authors: Tonya Blount,Blake Karrington

BOOK: Charge It To The Game
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Pam put her hand up. ―I ain‘t even going there with you. What were you about to say Black was getting you the 411 on?‖

―Oh…he supposed to be hooking me up with a tiny magnetic card reader. I‘m ready to do some other kind of shit, now.‖

―A tiny magnetic card reader?‖
―Yeah. Why the hell are you looking like
that?‖ ―I ain‘t looking like nothing.‖

―Oh, yes you are, too. What‘ s up with that? Yo, you on some funny shit tonight.‖
―Ain‘t nothing up, Storm. You be bugging. You know that?‖

―Oh, trust me when I tell you, I‘m not hardly bugging…something‘s up.‖ Crossing my legs, I added, ―Let me find out.‖

Pam put her glass of Apple Daiquiri down. ―Storm, I said ain‘t nothing up. I‘m just surprised you trying to get into that. That‘s all.‖

―What‘s the surprise, Pam? I‘ m about making money. That right there is gonna make me crazy money. That is gonna take my business to a whole different level. If anything you should be surprised that it took me so long to get on. Matter of fact, I‘m surprised you ain‘t said nothing to me about it yourself. Black told me when he mentioned it to you…you act you was already up on it. Which anyway makes me kinda leary and shit…why wouldn‘t you say something to me about it?‖

―Storm, don‘t try and sit there and tell me you just getting on now. I know betta than that.‖

―We ain‘t talking about when I found out though. We talking about Black saying you knew and you ain‘t never mentioned it…even just to see where my head was at.‖

My two-way began to ring. It was Black.
I’m on my way to Cap. C U in a minute.
―What he say?‖
―He‘s on his way.‖
―Oh, okay.‖

* * *

When D‘Angelo‘s,
came on, Taj walked over to me, grabbed my hand and guided me to the dance floor. That‘s what I loved about Taj, no matter what, he understands me. He knows what‘s up and he knew it was up to him to tighten up the game.

When we returned to the VIP area, Black was sitting next to Pam and some other dude I had never met before.
―Hey, what‘s going on?‖ I asked.
―Hey. There she go!‖ Black announced. ―What‘s up,
―Ain‘t shit,‖ I answered back.
Then Taj and Black hand greeted each other.

―Storm. This is Shock. Shock this is Storm and her man, Taj. Taj owns this joint.‖
―Word. That‘s what‘s up,‖ Shock said.
―Storm, I gotta check on a few things…I‘ll be back in a few.‖

―Storm, I‘ma leave in a minute myself. I‘m tired.‖ ―Pam, its only 3 o‘clock. You ain‘t even dance tonight.‖ ―I know girl, but girlfriend is tired.‖ ―Wait a minute. Let me get Rick to take you home then.‖ ―Nah, I‘m straight. I‘ma just hop on the train.‖ ―Pam, calm down, girl. You know I‘m not about to let

you go home by yourself. I‘ll get Rick to take you home. Just give me a few minutes.‖
* * *
Immediately after Pam left, Black started on her.

―Yo, Storm I know you ain‘t tryin‘ to hear this but you need to watch out for Pam.‖
―Why? What‘s up?‖

― I told you she was all up on the magnetic card reader but she was acting like she was slow and shit. You see how fast she got outta here once we got here. She know I peeped her card.‖

―I told you before that bitch ain‘t crazy she know better than to try and cross me.‖
―Storm, I‘m telling you she‘s a snake.‖

―And I‘m telling you, the bitch know she can‘t dig a grave for me and not get dirt on
. Believe me when I tell you, Pam ain‘t stupid.‖

Chapter 9

―Boo, you know what I feel like doing today?‖ I asked joining Taj in the kitchen.
―What?‖ Taj asked.
―I feel like going ice skating.‖

Taj flipped the pancake on the other side. ―Ice skating?‖ ―Yeah.‖
―Yeah? Why you say it like that?‖

―I said yeah. That sounds like a
plan.‖ ―So you wanna go?‖

―Yeah, we can go. Why you in such a good mood today?‖ ―You ain‘t for real I know…I mean why I gotta have a reason to be in a good mood? Maybe that Christmas spirit you got going on is beginning to rub off on me.‖

―Oh, now I
something‘s up?‖
―Taj, ain‘t nothing up. I‘m just trying to learn how to enjoy life. That‘s all. I‘m tired of arguing and shit. It got to be more than that to life. I told you last week I‘m on some new shit now. You ain‘t believe me?‖
―It‘s not that I didn‘t believe you—‖
―So why are you acting so surprised?‖
―I‘m not surprised. I‘m proud of you.‖

―Oh, you are, huh? And you‘re real smart too…‘cause you know just what to say.‖

―Nah, for real, I‘m not playing. I‘m saying…I see you making a effort and I wanna thank you. ‗Cause I know this time of the year is real hard for you, but you trying to put that behind you and I‘m proud of you for that.‖

―Thank you. Come here and gimme a kiss.‖
―That‘s it? You could slip a little tongue in there.‖
―No, I couldn‘t have either…‗cause you ain‘t even

brush your teeth yet.‖ We both laughed.
―Boo, you need to walk Madison.‖
―Taj, why you always waiting for me to get up to walk

―Storm, ‗cause that‘s your dog. And don‘t trip, ‗cause you
I walk her more than you do.‖

―But it‘s nine o‘ clock in the morning. She should have been out already,‖ I headed to the bedroom to get dress. ―No wonder she‘s acting crazy.‖

* * *

―Damn, it‘s cold out here,‖ I said attempting to shake the
―Look what you got on. You ain‘t dress warm enough.‖
―I got on two sweaters. Oh, did anybody call me? I left my cell.‖
―Yeah. I didn‘t answer your cell phone but Black and Mimi called on the house phone.‖
―What Mimi want?‖
―She wanna confirm that you still coming in for your massage at one o‘clock.‖
―I think I got it in my Palm for tomorrow.‖
―Oh, yeah and Black said call him…it‘s a
911.‖ ―What‘s up?‖
―He ain‘t say and I ain‘t ask him.‖
―Shit. I don‘t feel like dealing with no drama today.‖
―Just call the man and see what‘s up. Don‘t get stressed before you even know what he calling about.‖
I walked to the night table and picked up the cordless phone from the handset.
―Hey, what‘s up?‖
―Yooooo, one of my peoples called me from VA and said they saw Pam and some other chick on Crimesolvers,‖ Black said.
―WHAT? What for?‖
―They said that they got footage of them shopping in some store. I think it was Hay‘s department store. And bust this? The woman ID they used…she worked for same store.‖

―You playing?‖
―Nah, it‘s crazy, yo.‖
―I know that bitch ain‘t crazy enough to walk in the

stores and not be camouflaging and shit. I know she know better than that.‖

―They say they sure it‘s Pam. They was showing four different shots of her.‖
―She is so damn stupid—‖
―What happened?‖ Taj interrupted.

I turned my attentio n to Taj. ―Hay‘s in VA got Pam‘s ass on tape charging.‖
―Oh, shit!‖ Taj said.

―And bust this? They offering a five thousand dollar reward,‖ Black added.

― You know as much as she goes down there somebody is gonna recognize her and turn her ass in. For five Gs…that‘s easy money.‖

I began pacing the living room floor.
―Storm, calm down baby, don‘t stress it, ―Taj urged. Then he stood behind me and gently massaged my shoulders. ―Whatever happens…I mean that‘s on Pam and her dumb ass. You ain‘t got nothing to do with that.‖
―Black, listen I‘ma talk to you later.‖

―A‘ight. Yo, we need to talk about the other thing.‖ ―What other thing?‖ Then, I quickly remembered our discussion about the magnetic card reader. ―Okay. Well, we can talk about that later. Give me a call later on.‖

― Black, listen, just make sure you let me know as soon as you hear anything else.‖
―You know I will.‖

―Alright then. Thanks for looking out,
Black.‖ ―Hey, now you know I got you, ma.‖

I hung up and walked over to the sofa, disgusted I buried my face in my hands. ―I can‘t believe she be out here working sloppy. I can‘t believe this.‖

―Storm, listen, baby, you don‘t need to get yourself all stressed about that shit. That‘s Pam problem. If she went out there and didn‘t make sure she was correct, it‘s on her. Why you so nervous?‖

―‘Cause how I know it ain‘t gonna come back on me?‖ ―What do you mean? The only way that shit is gonna come back is if Pam talks if she gets caught. But…you see, see what I be saying.‖

―You don‘t even trust her ass. That‘s what. You always defending her ass and I be telling you to watch out for her and now look at you. Look at you! You stressed!‖
I couldn‘t even pretend that I wasn‘t bothered about Pam possibly talking. ―Of course I‘m stressed, she works for

―You need to handle your business. That‘s all I‘m gonna say.‖ Taj started walking to the bedroom.

―I am. Don‘t worry, Pam‘s ass is on punishment…believe me when I tell you. Taj? Taj, why you walking away from me? I‘m talking to you.‖

―‘Cause I gotta take care of some business. This dude Arrow acting like he want me to bust a nine in his ass.‖ ―But I thought we was gonna go ice skating today.‖ ―We are, later when I get back. Don‘t you gotta go for your massage?‖
―That‘s right. Make sure you be back by five, Taj.‖ The telephone rang.

―That‘s your girl on the phone now. You gonna pick up?‖ ―Yeah, I‘ll take it. Hello.‖
―Hey, girl, what‘s going on?‖ Pam
asked. ―You tell me,‖ I answered dryly.
―Girl, how about me, Peaches and Nina got into a

fight at The Tunnel last night.‖
―A fight?‖
―Yeah, girl! We whipped this bitch
ass.‖ ―Why?‖
―You know how when you in The Tunnel and there be

groups of people reppin‘ their hood?‖
―This chick from The Bronx came over to where we

were at and started kicking it with Big. You know Nina used to fuck with Big and was kicking it with him. Nina gave her a look like you need to bounce. But the bitch was bold she gonna bump Nina and then have the nerve to bend down to whisper something to Big. Well, you know that was all she wrote. Nina grabbed her no frills weave and started kicking that bitch ass.‖

―Oh, you made it seem like all y‘all had a fight.‖ ―We did. You know we ain‘t gonna stand there and not jump in.‖
―Pam, how you sound? If nobody else didn‘t jump in for the girl why y‘all didn‘t just let the both of them fight?‖ ―Girl, you know how we
do.‖ ―Whatever.‖
―Damn. What‘s wrong with
you?‖ ―Oh, nothing really.‖
―Yeah, right. I can tell something is wrong with you.

What? You and Taj had an argument?‖
―How can you tell? I mean, you so busy telling me
about your fight.‖
―Storm. What‘s up with you?‖
―That‘s a question I need to be asking you. You the
one shopping and getting caught on tape.‖
―What? Why you skipping? What the fuck are you
talking about?‖
―You know what? I ain‘t going into this over the phone.‖ ―Okay. Well, I‘ll come over.‖
―No you not. It‘s Christmas Eve.‖
―It‘s Christmas Eve and you don‘t celebrate Christmas.‖ ―I am today.‖
―So, you celebrating Christmas?‖
―That‘s what I said didn‘t I?‖
―So when you gonna meet with me and tell me what
the hell is wrong with you?‖
―I don‘t know. Maybe tomorrow,‖ I quickly answered
back without thinking that was Christmas.
―Maybe tomorrow?‖
―That‘s what I said right?‖
―I thought you had some work for me.‖
―You thought wrong.‖ I slammed down the receiver. I
can tolerate some things, but one thing for certain…I
tolerate anyone or anything jeopardizing my empire.

* * *

After my massage, I called Rick and had him pick me up and take me to 23
Street to buy a Christmas tree. The salesman decided to give me a mini lesson on Christmas trees. I decided on a six foot Douglas Fur. Finally we stopped at Macy‘s and I bought twenty boxes of white lights for the tree and two boxes of purple bows to decorate the tree.

The stores were crowded, folks were laughing. Salvation Army‘s volunteer Santa Clauses‘ were out in their last attempt to get money for the season. I could see and almost could feel how folks got caught up in the Christmas season.

* * *

By 4:45 p.m. Rosa had the tree decorated. I had turned the radio on to WBLS. They were playing continuous holiday music. Taj‘s Christmas gifts were neatly under the tree. I had done it.

I heard the key rattling and I hurried in the room to turn off the lights.
―Storm, baby, you here?‖ Madison ran to Taj.

Then I turned on the Christmas lights. ―Merry Christmas!‖

Taj stood silent. Then I began to cry. I had convinced myself that I was doing all this for Taj. It wasn‘t until I sang Merry Christmas when I realized that this was for me too….that in my attempt to make Taj happy and finally embrace what we had together, I had set the pain that held me hostage all these years free. Miss LT would be proud.

Chapter 10


simultaneous clicking of the room full of glasses drowned out the music that was playing. Loads of confetti, and red and white balloons descended from the ceiling.

Taj wrapped his hands around my waist pulled me close, and whispered. ―Happy New Year, Storm!‖
―Happy New Year, Baby,‖ I said in elation.

―2004 is gonna be
year. Bigger and better things are on the way. Anything you want you got.‖
―I already have everything I want, Taj.‖
―But it‘s just the appetizer. The shit we about to eat is the full course meal.‖

I reached for his hand and kissed it. ―You know what? I‘m so grateful for you. I always knew I would be successful,‖ I paused and looked around at the crowded room of high rollers and ballers. ―Partying here tonight with P. Diddy, and Dame Dash, I mean this ain‘t no surprise to me. Shit, I
here,‖ I declared with a trace of arrogance. ―But I
knew I‘d have a man in my life that know how to love every corner of me. Somebody I can be free
safe with…somebody I can share my world with.‖

Dangerously in Love
had appropriately begun to play. I quickly turned my back to him, and began passionately grinding him.

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