Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1 (26 page)

Read Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1 Online

Authors: Lynn Carmer

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1
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Still, Dare had really helped her when she needed it. Bobby was literally a used car salesman right now. And Caelen was a lot of things, but the wife of an abusive dealer of
previously-owned vehicles
was not one of them.

Caelen took a deep breath, ready to let Dare off the hook. His actions had touched her beyond measure. “I really appreciate what you did. I-It changed my whole life.”

He shrugged and crossed his arms in front of him. Dare had never taken a thank you or a heartfelt compliment very well.

The tenderness engendered from his words, nestled deep in her chest and set off a series of red flags. Dare’s actions, what he’d done to Bobby… She just didn’t have the emotional capacity to process it. She could
get close to Dare. She could not afford to develop feelings. Deep feelings, she realized with a dawning awareness, which had simmered under the surface all of these years.

Deep feelings he will squash once he realizes what you did.

I was so damn in love with you I couldn’t focus
. The words kept creeping in while she tried to figure out what to do. She didn’t want to let him go. But she knew. Deep down, she knew. Their mini experiment was shot to hell. None of the rules had been followed and she was dangerously close to jumping this man’s bones… or possibly running screaming from the room.

“I don’t like where you’re going with that look, Betty.”

“It’s just… Things have gotten a little out of hand. I’m stressed, and I’m working on too much booze and too little sleep. I think maybe we should cut things short. You’ve been amazing.” When his body started to tense, she scooted back, trying to remain out of reach. “It’s only one day early. I should have enough to go on for the class.”

“What the
I’m getting the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech?” He leaned in, not allowing her the distance, his gaze laser sharp and skating across her bare thighs. “You’re giving up. I thought we squashed this yesterday.”

“No. Yes—I don’t know! I’m tired.” She took off her glasses, realizing with a start that she’d been wearing them the whole time. In front of Dare! Screeching, she tossed them across the room, onto her bed.

“Nothing’s changed.”

“Nothing’s changed?” Could she say the same for herself? “You’re talking about beating somebody up. I’m dealing with a group of octogenarians carrying around huge pink dildos. It’s too

. A deal’s a deal.” He looked emphatic and then a very sneaky and very wicked grin started to spread across his face. In two seconds flat, he scooped her off the floor and tossed her on the bed.

She yelped as she bounced a few times, getting lost in colorful pillows and a fluffy comforter. “What are you
You never listen to a word I say!”

“Did you say something?” he asked with a sly smile.

“Ha ha.”

“I just realized a few things.”

“Like what?”

“Like the fact that we’re friends now. I mean, after all the history and considering how close we’ve been the past few days, I would at least call us friends, right?”

“I guess? What are you up to? Why are you smiling that stupid smile that I hate?”

“What smile?” He asked not-so-innocently. “Friends help friends out. You’re stressed, so I’m here to help. Turn over.” He gently flipped her on her stomach. She felt his hands lingering a few seconds too long on her ass. Was that a groan? “So damn sweet,” he whispered.

“What?” He wouldn’t let her up to see his face.

“Nothing. Just relax. Did I mention that I have mad skills with my hands?”

Now his large warm hands were resting on her shoulders. “Don’t you dare.”

“That’s my name; don’t wear it out. And since we’re friends, I’m gonna share those skills with you.” He gave one long, firm squeeze and her body dissolved into a puddle of mush. “If it makes you feel better, don’t think about the arrangement, since it’s off, right? We’re just two friends together, helping each other out. Cool?”

The words filtered through as his magical hands squeezed again, and she couldn’t stop the full body groan from escaping. But even as she leaned back into his touch, she realized what she’d be giving up. Their arrangement had specific rules that kept her safe. If Dare had carte blanche to touch her wherever he wanted, she was doomed.
Because it didn’t take a genius to figure out he’d be in her pants faster than a New York minute.

“Just say the word and the massage is yours.” He gave one last squeeze, and she almost screamed,
Yes, God! Yes! Don’t stop
.She pushed up on her elbows and looked over her shoulder. “I know what you’re trying to do here.”

“Help out a friend?”

“Yeah, right. You’re trying to seduce me.”
Mrs. Robinson

“Who, me? What?” he asked on a low laugh. “Just let me touch you, baby, just for a little while.”

His soft words were her undoing. “Okay, but all the other rules still apply. This is just a small detour.” What a wimp; she’d lasted only seconds before capitulating. She let her arms go limp and slumped forward on the bed, her body sprawled out as he firmly massaged her neck and shoulders. Somewhere in the middle of things, he undid her hair and tunneled his hands through, tugging and pulling, making her nerve endings pop.

Was it possible to die from sheer pleasure?

After a few minutes, he leaned in close, his mouth scraping against the shell of her ear. “That mean the deal’s still on?”

God help her, she wanted it, wanted him, so bad. Wanted one last night to touch him, to feel his warm skin, his firm thighs and abs. The guilt pushed back as he glided his hands under her shirt, kneading clenched muscles that were desperate for attention. “Only if you promise not to hurt him. With any part of your body.”


“You know who.”

“I’m touching you, and all you can think about is him? Goddamn it! I can’t win.”

Caelen glanced back at Dare, noting his tight lips. The look telling her she’d pushed him too far. “I don’t care about him. I just don’t want anything to happen to you.

He paused the massage, but didn’t remove his hands.

Thank you, God.

“And if I promise, then the arrangement is still on?”



“With any part of your body. Say it.”

“I promise not to pulverize ‘what’s his name’ with any part of my body.”

Caelen settled back down ’til she realized the loophole. “And you can’t use any weapons, either.”

Long sigh.
. Now lay down and keep quiet. I have a proposition for you. Why don’t you let me take control tonight?”

That made her spine straighten, the tension back with a vengeance, suddenly bunching all the muscles he’d been massaging. “No. Way.”

He continued to knead. “You’re stressed. Let me take care of you. Rules still apply.”

She leaned down, her face sinking into the mattress, and sighed as his thumbs pressed right between her shoulder blades, on either side of her spine. Her tension spot. “Harder.”

His adept hands travelled further down, trailing along her waistband. “You want to know what turns men on. For your class. And I want to break it down for you.”

The words cascaded in her mind, she swore she saw stars behind her closed lids. Between his magic hands and soft words, she felt like she was burning from the inside out. She wanted him with an intensity that put her Pop Tart addiction to shame.

Caelen shrugged off his grip, groaning softly but needing to think. She flipped over and looked at him, zeroing in on his lips—so full for such a masculine face. Busted nose, sharp cheekbones, and lips as soft and red as ripe cherries.


“I’m thinking. Trying to figure out your angle. You’re sneaky. How can the rules apply if you’re in control, but you can’t touch me?”

His eyes burned as he leaned in close. “Simple. I want to see you touch yourself.
And I will tell you where.”

Caelen felt her eyelids drop and color spread across her cheeks. “I…”

“Then you can do whatever despicable deed you want with that amazing mouth,” he said as he braced two hands on either side of her face and slowly brought his face closer. The evil grin had returned.

Done. Decision made. Except Dare didn’t need to know that, right away. It was always good to keep this wicked man guessing.


make a deal.”

He groaned and tried to swoop in. Right before his lips would have covered her own, he said, “Woman. You don’t know what you do to me when you say those words.”

“I thought you might like that, but I need a little space.”

He frowned, his lips inching closer.

“You’re not really going to use your one kiss already?”

He paused and closed his eyes briefly. When they snapped back open, they were alight with mischief, like he’d had some sort of fiendish epiphany. “No, definitely don’t want to use the kiss.

He popped up from on top of her and moved toward the front of the bed. He toed off his shoes and positioned himself back against the baseboard, one long leg on the bed, the other tapping a beat on the floor next to it. “You can make as many deals as you want just as long as it says that I’m in control.”

Oh yes. She would give him control, but he was going to have to fight for it. It just wasn’t in her nature to capitulate so easily. All of a sudden, she didn’t care what she looked like, didn’t care that not one smudge of makeup graced her face. All she saw was the heat and need in Dare’s eyes, and for tonight, that was enough. “Well, Goldie. That’s an interesting proposal. But I think you’ve forgotten that this ‘arrangement,’ is contingent on me gathering information for the charm school.”


Caelen scrambled to the foot of the bed, perched on her knees so she could face Dare. “I will give you control but…” her cheeks started to heat, imagining his words, “you can’t come while I do it. I still want to have my wicked way with you.”

His frown cleared as he rubbed his hands together in glee. “Deal.”

“All the other rules apply.”

“Including the one that doesn’t penalize me if I make you break the rules.”

“Hey, that’s not—You said that you wanted to make sure you weren’t penalized if you
broke the rules.”

“You say potato, I say po-tah-to.” Caelen frowned, ready to blast him when his gruff voice announced. “I’m ready to get started.”


“Yeah. Right now.” He unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. “Want to see how hard I am?”

“I—I—” Her greedy eyes zeroed in on his hands. His fly was down, and the broad head of his penis was jutting forward proudly.

“I want to see you touch yourself. Your beautiful hands touching your breasts. Go slow.” Dare was in his element, causing a shiver to race down her spine. She never realized just how much control he’d given over to her these past few days.

“What if I’m not ready to…” Her breath sucked in as he grasped the wide girth of his straining cock. Strong full strokes from balls to tip. It was… She was…

“I need to see you, baby. Let me see you touch yourself.”

She faltered for the first time, her eyes jumping to his face.

Dare sprawled against the front of the bed. His head was bent slightly, his amber eyes on fire, studying, watching every move of her body, and sometimes lingering on her legs or her breasts. His look demanded she comply. “I want to see you come apart. I want to see you come. Hard.”

With his words, her chest, as well as the juncture between her thighs, started to heat up and burn as hot as her cheeks. The slow ache that had vexed her the last few days ignited and swept over her whole body.

She was so turned on, she could weep. But could she do it? She’d never been shy, never had an issue with her sexuality, but she had to admit, most of her experience involved a bed and lights out, or at least dimmed. But here, in her bedroom, with every friggin’ lamp in the place blazing?

“Pull up your top. Want to see you.” His hand continued its long firm glide. Up and down. Up and down.

Everything moved in slow motion, but she didn’t, couldn’t, disobey. She wanted to give him everything, but she’d have to settle for her own hands on her breasts. It suddenly became a necessity, a deep craving that had to be fulfilled. She grabbed the bottom of her faded tee and slowly raised the shirt until it bunched above her breasts, pushing them out.

“Touch your breasts, baby. That’s it. Whenever something doesn’t feel good, you stop, okay?”

On some level she realized he was in control and that her feeble attempt to make a deal was meaningless. She didn’t care. This was what she wanted,
The need to tweak her pebbled nipples, to feel the soft cotton scraping against the sensitive buds was overwhelming.

Slowly, she raised one hand and feathered her full palm against her left breast. The soft abrasion made her knees go wide. So she did it again and again.

“Damn, baby. You are so beautiful. More. I want
This time use both your hands.”

She started to knead her breasts, the soft globes overflowing in her palms. Her eyes started to flutter shut; it felt impossible to keep eye contact. “Like that?”

Dare sat forward. “Yes. God, yes. Now put one of your fingers in your mouth. Go on. I want to see your pretty, pink tongue. Yes, that’s it.” He groaned and pumped his dick, harder and faster than before.

She placed the pad of her digit on the tip of her tongue and then pushed in slowly. Soon, she was coating the whole finger, her gaze firmly fixed on him, reminding him what her wet tongue could do, had done for him. She groaned as she remembered.

His hand pumped faster. “What are you thinking? Tell me.”

“You. You always taste so good.”

“Caelen, I…” He actually stood and then forced himself to sit back down. He ground his teeth together and said, “Touch yourself. Lower. I want to see if your sweet core will wet your finger as much as your talented mouth. Just once.”

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