Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (10 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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I step out of
Ruk’s grip, into the space between both men, looking up at Theo.

“I’m sorry for Ruk being rude, and to clarify I’m not his! However, there is someone I’d like to be seeing. I’m Zara by the way,” I smile at him, hoping to avoid a fight from taking place, as he only wanted to speak with me!

“Ah, Zara, If this man is stupid enough to lose you. Come to me?”

“That’s enough!” Ruk shouts, making me jump.

Jeez what is his
problem? This man has done nothing; all he asked was if I had a boyfriend!

“Watch yourself Ruk, know your place!” Theo tells him strongly.

His gaze travels to me,
taking my hand in his huge one.

“Take care Angel, it was lovely to meet you.”

“And you Theo.” I say a little out of breath, from the way he is looking at me, I actually feel naked!

He winks at Ruk and Julian before turning on his heel to leave, followed by his friends. There is something
different about that man Theo, I get the most bizarre sense of him being lost, needing saving!

I turn to look at Ruk and Julian with a raised eyebrow, as Abbey comes to my side.

“Are you ok?” Ruk asks steaming.

“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” I ask as my eyebrows pull together.

“He is not someone you want to be around Zara, I was looking out for you.”

“He’s right Zara!” Abbey tells me.

He seemed ok to me!
What is with these guys their acting as if I just excepted a marriage proposal.

“Oh well, I thought he was lovely, but thank you for looking out for me Ruk.”

He returns my smi
le, leaning into me closely to speak in my ear,

“You look stunning by the way.”

I pull away from him, smiling gratefully at his complement. Why does he have to be so charming, making me instantly forget about the way he reacted to Theo, and their obvious dislike to each
other? Moreover, why am I so attracted to these men? Back in England, not one man caught my eye, and then we come to America and BAM! Now for the first time in my life, I desire more than one man, what is going on around here?


              Abbey and I go back to the Den’s table, now joined by Abbeys friends. They are all very lovely, we chat for a while together as Ruk and Julian come to sit with us. Everyone is noticeably relaxed, well except for Ruk; I can feel his eyes on me, following my every movement. I pick up my wine to take a sip when a shiver runs all through my body and my heart beats hastily. I look around to see if anyone else has noticed the change in atmosphere. They haven’t!

‘My love, tell your friends you’re going to the restroom. I need to talk with you.’

The sexy male voice says in my head.
My mind goes completely blank, like watching myself from the outside and having no control over anything.

“I’m going to the restroom,” I hear myself saying, and start walking to the bathroom as I hear a whisper in my ear.

“You ok Zara?”

I glance over my back to Ru

“Yes I’m fine,” I tell him and carry on walking.

‘Little one you make me proud. Come out the fire exit, I will be outside.’

Making my way
there, I push the fire exit door open as I step out into the fresh air. I’m pulled by the arm, and gently thrown to the brick wall.

I look into the beautiful eyes of Parrise as the memories flood back into my mind. Moreover, the mysterious feeling of being a human robot has disappeared.

              “What the hell was that? What are you doing here? To me?”

He silences me with a kiss full of craving, my body t
ingles with excitement. However, I brake of the kiss hoping for a reply to my questions. I want to know why I can’t remember him until he stands in front of me. How he made me lie to my friends and why a sexy Vampire is stalking me?

His lips
twitch, as he puts his hands on the wall behind me, trapping me in.

“I have to erase your memory of our meetings. I want to ask a question before I finish?”

“Ok!” I say suspiciously.

“Why are you not frightened? Just turned on.”

Oh how embarrassing, damn it!

              “You told me you wouldn’t hurt me, I believe you.”

I gaze into his gorgeous blue eyes, my insides burning with need to kiss him again. Sallack! I want to be with Sallack! Nevertheless, I
also need Parrise and want him with everything I am.

“Thank you for telling me the truth, my love. I can manipulate your mind and speak to you from a close distance, but remember I would never hurt you or put you in danger.”

“Well how am I supposed to remember that when you keep taking away my memory of knowing you?” I ask raising an eyebrow, awaiting his answer.

“Touché,” He says with a wide grin.

y lips twitch as I try to halt a smile.

“It is for your safety I do it love, I swear it. Come!” Parrise takes my hand and pulls me of the wall to walk out of the alley. I do not want to leave my friends, not with this sexy powerful vamp I have only seen a few times. If he thinks, I’m going to walk off with him and do who knows what, he is mistaken.

“I can’t leave with you! I have friends waiting for me. Not to mention you’re a horny Vampire that can control me and delete my memory. I am not a robot!” I say to him getting annoyed that he thinks he can do these things with my head Just because he is hot!

“I wanted to spend time with you. Our time together is always cut short. Please come with me, I will not make you do anything you don’t want to?” Parrise pulls me close to him, positioning his face in the crook of my neck, a shiver of excitement, and of danger comes again.

“I need to spend time with you, for you to know me, to love me?” He says lifting his head with a playful smile and a wink. Dear God I think I do love him! I pull back to see his face and to study him again.

“Im sorry, I am interested in another man Parrise; you are making this very difficult for me.”

“He is not good enough for you, your very special little one. You will be with me, maybe not today, but you will want me as yours, as I want you as mine.”

His eyes glance to the fire exit door, that is shut and then back to me.

              “Uhh love, it is time, the dogs are looking for you. Look at me Zara?”

Dogs! He said dogs again. I do as he asks, as the desperation for me to trust him is coming through thickly in his voice.

              “Zara when I leave, do not recognize my name or us being together until I come to you again. Go back around the front and tell your friends you went out this door to get fresh air, and then it slammed shut behind you. I’m sorry Zara”

“Please Parrise, don’t!”

sways forward, arching his body closer to mine as his cool lips press down on my mouth, teasingly nipping at my bottom lip for entrance. I open to him willingly. Our tongues lock together in ecstasy, while he has one hand holding the back of my neck and with his other holding me tightly against his powerful chest, my hands travel to his perfect face, while moans escape my lips.



A metal door is flung open with force, Ruk’s face is in front of me in a flash, and he is growling violently, what the hell! Why is he so angry with me? What the fuck am I doing out of the club up against a wall? With my hands held out in front of me. I quickly drop them, so as not to look like a freak.


Where is he Zara?” Ruk asks sniffing the air and growling wildly.


Who? What’s got into you Ruk?”

Ruk mutters something under his breath,
and then looks at with sympathy in his beautiful eyes.


What are you doing out here by yourself Zara, its dangerous?” He asks sadly.


Sorry I worried you Ruk, I just came to get some fresh air, and then the door slammed shut behind me. I was just going to go around the front.” I tell him, but for some reason I don’t believe myself!

Ruk leans into me
, I think he is going kiss me but he sniffs my face, his eyes shoot to my neck and moving my hair a side he runs his fingers down my neck as if looking for something. The feel of his closeness sends a jolt of desire through my already turned on body. I take a step to the side, needing space between us, before I do something I will regret.

“Um, are you ok Ruk? Kinda freaking me out.” I say in a laugh, but he drops his hand to his side.

“I’m sorry; everyone seems to want you as theirs don’t they?”

I was not expecting him to say that!

              “I’m sorry Ruk, it’s just that…”

“Im not Sallack?”

“No! Well yes. You’re very handsome Ruk and I do like you, but I

“Handsome hu?” He grins holding his heart teasingly, breaking the tension.

“Come on Ruk, let’s find the others,” I tell him laughing. He takes my hand as we walk down the dark alley leading to the front of the club.


              As we walk back through the club, Ruk goes off to the bar, telling me he needs to check on something, so I head to the table to find the others. When I get there, I can’t help but sigh as I see Candy eating Den’s face! Get a room, jeez.

I look around, best I can in the dark club for Abbey but can’t see
her, or her friends, must have gone early? Well looks like I am on my own. I take my drink of the table and shot it back; I take Den’s and knock that back too. Heading to the dance floor, I bump and grind my way into the middle. The tunes blaring from the speakers are as if taken right from my Ipod, I love it when this happens. As I start to dance, I feel someone moving in close behind me, turning to see whom it is I instantly smile.

“Hey, what you doing here Mickey?” I ask excitedly.

“Came to see you obviously!”

He takes me in his arms as we dance together, song after song. He is so much fun, I can really see us getting on and becoming good friends.

              “Mickey?” A girl asks with a wide grin.


“Lucy! My name is Lucy! Wow I only slept with you last week!”

“You didn’t give me time to finish?”

“Good luck!” She says to me sarcastically, taking her friends hand and walking away.

I look back to
Mickey; he just shrugs his shoulders with a wicked grin.

“Oh that’s bad, you should apologize.” I say trying not to laugh at him, as he looks like he is readying himself for a telling off.

“Yeah I will when she has had more too drink, and then she won’t be so pissed off.” He says while dancing the whole drama away.


              We Dance for hours, and get a lot of attention to. Mickey tells them that we are together, he even growled at one poor man that looked so scared I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry.

Den and Candy join us on the dance floor. Candy grinds against Den
’s crutch making me cringe; I don’t think she knows how desperate she really looks. I look at Mickey with a grin as he laughs out loud following where my eyes linger on Candy.

“Uh you know you should be doing that to me!” He tells me humorously.

“What you laughing at?” Candy shouts over the music looking from me to Mickey.

“What we need your permission to laugh?” I ask her.

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