Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (9 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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              Abbey get’s to the house at 10 am sharp. We head of to the closest supermarket; Walmart. I have been looking forward to seeing the difference here, from our supermarkets back home. I manage to find Den and I new bedding, as the ones Sarah left are lovely but a little old fashioned.

The food is very different and in big portions, like ice cream you can get a bucket! Bucket! Definitely getting Den a one or two. We leave with a trolley over flowing, packing it all in Abbeys small black Vauxhall, and heading back home.


              Abbey stays for lunch; we talk for hours while she helps me put all the food away. I show her around the house. I can really see us being good friends.

“This place is amazing, I always wondered what it looked like inside. So where’s that friend of yours?”

“Hey that’s the 3
time you asked where Den was since this morning,” I tell her with a little snort and she starts laughing along with me.

“Am I that obvious?”

“Yes” I simply reply still giggling at her.

“Hey, ask him if he wants to go get lunch one day, he will never turn down a free lunch, and when you see his eating habit’s don’t complain to me, because this is your heads up,” I snort a laugh, “But seriously he is a really nice guy.”


“Yup, come on, let’s get a drink, and sit outside. If you’re staying?” I finish, as I don’t want her to feel like she has to stay, I just really enjoy talking to her.

“Yeah if that ok? Sounds good.”

I roll my eyes and her and take her by the hand.


Half hour later Den comes walking up the grass to the house, looking like a sexy man on a mission.

“Hey girls. Just got myself a job!”

The grin on his face is dazzling.
Den’s standing with his arms open waiting for us to congratulate him; I jump up and hug Den kissing his cheek.

“I’m so proud of you Den well done. Hey Abbey, get your butt over here?” I look back and wink at her. Abbey shyly comes over to Den and hugs him, she goes to kiss his cheek, but Den being Den holds her face and plants a kiss on her lips.

“Congratulations Den” She says blushing.

“So where did you get the job?”

“Cheers babe. I was outside that old garage down town admiring a classic Chevy impala that’s been restored to perfection, it was so sweet. This old fella John came up to me and we got chatting about cars etc. and next thing he offered me a job straight up, can you believe it, it’s perfect!”


              Den tells us the ins and outs of his meeting with John, his new boss. How happy he will be to get into something he has been doing for years now.

“When do you start?” I ask with the proudest smile for him.

“Tomorrow, he has been desperate for help for a while, even thanked God for my turning up today,” Den grins at us, making us both laugh aloud.

A few hours later Abbey goes home, without asking Den out to lunch, not that I blame her, I would be nervous to ask Sallack.

I have missed Sallack, I keep thi
nking about our moment in his office, the passion between us and the way he made me feel that night we kissed. He should be back tomorrow, I hope.


              Later that night in bed, just as I’m falling into a peaceful sleep, I feel goose bumps over my arms, and a shiver runs through my body, I must have left the window open. Swinging my legs over the bed, I walk cautiously to the window.

“OHMYGOD!” I breath out, as my hand fly’s to my chest.

“Hello little one, remember me?”

He asks with a smile. I do
it’s Parrise! What is he doing here? How did he know where to find me?

The memories start flooding back, the nightly visits on my first two days at Sallack’s bar. The kisses. The FANGS! Nevertheless, for some reason I don’t feel scarred, I feel like he wouldn’t hurt me, but that’s stupid! He’s a bloody Vampire!

“Zara stop thinking and come to me, I have missed you, I’m sorry I have not returned since the last time, I have had problems to deal with.”

“Are you going to come in?” I ask suspiciously.

“Do you want me to come in?” He raises his eyebrow.

“Yes, no, I don’t know.” I shake my head, trying to clear it.

“I won’t do anything to harm you love, please invite me in.”

He asks looking a little troubled, how can I say no to him!

              “Ok, you can come in.”

Parrise chuckles as he climbs through the window. With unbelievable speed he stands with his face inches away from mine, which makes me jump back in shock. His arm snakes around my waist drawing me into his hard chest. His fingers lacing through my blond locks, taking a lock to his nose to breathe in my sent, tenderly bringing it to his lips then letting it fall back in place, a gesture that takes my breath away. I wonder his true age as actions seem to be of a gentleman centuries old, and I like them.

“Have you missed me love?”

“Um, what’s going on? Why are you here? What do you want from me?” I ignore his question completely, asking my own.

“Well my love, I have come to see you because I need to taste your lips again, it’s all I have thought about, and I’m here for you because you belong with me not the dogs, me!”

Belong to him! Dogs! What the hell is happening, this is the madness, I knew I shouldn’t have read that erotic
Vampire books.

“I am your erotic Vampire Zara, no need to dream it, love.”

His lips descend on mine in the most seductive way, my mouth opens for him. I’m lifted up gently as he lays me on the bed, slipping my
pajamas top of my head, Parrise starts to massage my naked breasts licking my hard nipple’s, he takes one into his mouth sucking gently as I feel his fangs scratching my breast lightly. My blood is thrumming with intensity of unexpected emotions.

“I want to taste you.” He brings his lips to mine again, taking me eagerly. I want him so desperately to bring me an orgasm that I need. He is my erotic Vampire!

“I told you love,” He says mischievously to me.

I pull away from his lips, looking at him in the eye, why do I feel such a pull to him when I want Sallack so badly, I’m not this sort of girl.
Nevertheless, I want and need both men!

“You need to stop reading my mind, it’s really rude!” I say trying hard not to smile at the smirk on his handsome face.

I notice he has a small gold chain with a cross dangling of it, I though Vampires are meant to be allergic to crosses.

“You can wear a cross?” I ask touching it lightly.

“Yes love, most things you hear of Vampires are untrue.”

well, it does seem far-fetched now I think of it.

“Holy water?” I can’t help but ask him.






He raises an eyebrow at me, making me laugh, soon he joins in, I get a feeling he doesn’t do it a lot.

              “Ok, that is stupid. I take it you can’t walk in the sun?”

“No, it has been awhile.” He says with his voice laced in gloom. My heart breaks for him, as it must be awful for him to not be able to walk in the day, to feel the sun warm his body or to watch another sunrise.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why would you be sorry love?” He asks with a soft frown.

“Because I see how sad it makes you and it saddens me to see you that way.” I tell him honestly.

“You’re different,” He tells me still lying on top of my naked breasts his face inches from mine. His eyebrows pulled together as if trying to work something out, he won’t be able to though, there is nothing different about me.

“Why would you say that?”

“I have never been looked at the way you look at me, but there is something else.” He says gazing at me deeply again, as if he will find the answers in my eyes, not that there is anything lying there.

Parrise looks to my bedroom door and back at me, the moon light shining on the side of his perfect face,
illuminating his ocean blue eyes.

“Forget me until next love.”


              My bedroom door swings open letting in the light from the hallway; Den stands there in just sweat pants, looking down at me with a growl. He sniffs the air, head held high walking to the bedroom window looking out. After a moment, he closes it, slowly turning his gaze on me.

“Um Den… what are you doing?”

“Who were you with, was it Sallack? There’s the smell again! Like death? And please babe, put you top on your killing me here!”

He holds his hardness with one hand, whilst his free hand combs through shaggy hair.

Looking at where his eyes are lingering I suddenly realize that i'm half-naked!
My chest is bare! What the hell! Where’s my top? I grab it off the floor quickly sliding it over my head and pulling it over my stomach.

“What’s going on Zara, you’re worrying me this isn’t like you!” He points to the window with a sad looking face or is it pity? Why? I was asleep! Maybe he had a weird dream.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Den, I must have got hot in my sleep and taken my top off, no one’s here. It does not smell!”

I silently sniff the air just to make sure
it doesn’t smell. Den raises an eyebrow at me in a sarcastic way. What he heard me smell the air? Jeez.

“Ok maybe I’m just being weird. I’m sorry for barging in, for some reason I thought you might need me?”

“No it’s fine, I’m glad you’re looking out for me.”

He still looks on edge,
what is wrong with him lately. I pat the bed next to me for him to come over; He smiles and shuts of the light in the hallway, climbing into bed with me.

“You can take the top off again, if you get hot!”

“Yeah I’m ok Wolf-man,” I say jokingly, receiving a snort from Den.

We fall asleep in a
spooning position, chuckling at the banter between us, that no one else seems to get.



The following day I decide it’s time to work on my tan, changing into a black frilly two-piece. I grab a towel from the linen closet and a magazine I picked up the other day, I love looking at all the celebrities’ clothes and shoes. Walking out onto the grass, which feels like heaven to my feet, warm and soft, I Lay out my towel, and spread myself on it, while putting on my Ipod?

“This is the life,” I say aloud to myself. Always wondering when I’d say that and
mean it. Selecting the shuffle on the Ipod I lay down on my back and shut my eyes, singing along to the tracks.


              I have been lying on my back for half an hour, I flip over and untie my bikini top and turn my head to the side. Laying here, my thoughts turn to Sallack as smile spreads over my face.

I hear a twig snap, my eyes fly open, grabbing my bikini top trying to cover my breasts, looking around I don’t see anyone. Then from the woods out strolls a Wolf! Could it be? It’s massive, why am I ok with being so close to a wild animal? The Wolf comes trotting forward silently, making me release a small gasp. The Wolf stops as if it does not want to scare me. We look at each other for a few moments and I get the feeling the Wolf is more worried about my reaction to it.

“Come here gorgeous.” I say gently.

Wolf trots right up to me as I put my hand out to stroke him. He is stunning, so beautiful, dark chocolate fur that feels like silk against my fingers. I stoke the side of his face and the Wolf leans into my hand.

“You’re gorgeous. Where did you come from?”

Wolf tilts his head to the side as if he is wondering why I’m talking to him, as I am myself. The Wolf licks the inside of my wrist, which it tickles and I let a little giggle.

He looks behind
him then back at me, as he slowly turns and trots back to the opening of the woods where he came from. He lets out a howl as he runs quickly, gliding through the trees.

“How strange was that?”

I go back in
the house and start to do some washing and cleaning the house, even though it sparkling, I just need something to keep myself busy.


              Den walks in from his first day with a wide contagious smile. I’m sitting at the kitchen table flicking back through my magazine with my headphones in listening to music; I pull out my headphones wanting to speak with him.

“Hey I have missed you, how was your first day?”

Den kisses my cheek and pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge then leans against the counter side.

“Really good, Johns is a cool boss. He’s happy with what I did today.”

“I bet. He is lucky to have you.” I say getting up from the table to put my glass in the sink. I look at Den from head to toe; John must have given him overalls. He has the arms tied around his waist, with his white t-shirt top smeared in grease and a cap on his head back to front. He is so SEXY. Every woman’s dream.

“Oh, wow Den! You look like you have just walked of a playgirl calendar shoot. Damn boy yo sexy,” I tell him, the last bit in a terrible American accent, making myself laugh.

“Oh yeah, like this so you babe?”

He waggles his eyebrows, closing the distance between us, looking down at me smiling the most breathtaking smile. Oh
God, stop fantasying about your best friend! He places his large hand on my hip, playfully trying to seduce me. The last time he did this to me, he got me bad! I think I dreamed of him for a week, not this time. Game on! I run my hands slowly up his chest with a seductive smile, leaning into him, he also leans his body into me, putting his arms around my back, pushing me backwards with his massive chest. I lift my face into the side of his neck breathing on him, just as my lips gently touch his skin, I hear him suck in a breath as he releases a low growl, making me smile into his neck. He steps back from me eyes glowing a magnificent green, and a smirk playing on his lips.

“Ok. You win 12.12 equal,” He says a little out of breath.

“I’m getting good!” I tell him with a grin.

“Yeah yeah. Hey isn’t lover boy back yet?”


“Ha, yes Sallack.” He rolls his eyes.

“I’m not sure I haven’t heard from him so…”

“Ok well how do you fancy going over to check out the club tonight, I met Julian today, he asked if we wanted to stop by and check it out.”

“You have work tomorrow; will you be up to it?”

“I’m always up to it babe,” He says with a mischievous wink,

“Tuesdays are like a Saturday round here apparently.”

“Ok you’re twisted my arm. Oh, I have to find something to wear. When are we going, No wait, how will we get there?”

“Well my little friend, I have bought a car from john for a great price, it’s just a beaten up truck, but it will get us around.”

“Wow that was quick!”
I say as I run to the front door. There sitting outside is Den’s new truck, it’s Red with giant wheels and peeling paint, but it is great.

“I love it; it’s not beaten up, just needs a little love and a clean.”

Den comes behin
d me to look out at the truck, resting his hands on my shoulders.

“I know it’s cool huh! John has been trying to sell it for months, so I got it for pennies. I’m going to shower shall we leave at 10ish?”

“Yep, I’m going to get ready”

“Get ready? It’s only 5:30!”

“You're so silly Den, that’s only gives me like 4 hours?”

Den rolls his eyes at me as he heads
upstairs. I grab my Ipod of the table clean up a little and head up stairs to shower and find an outfit.


              2 hours later, I’m showered, my hair is dried and up in heated rollers, makeup in place. Now I need to find the right shoes to go with the dress. the dress I’m going to wear is tight black with mesh long sleeves, stops a few inches from my knees, the neck line is rounded just showing of the top of my breasts nicely, not in your face. I feel good, sexy.


              At 9:30, I come out of my bedroom, heels clicking on the stairs as I walk down. Den is stilling on the sofa watching television flicking through the channels, dressed in blue dress trousers and white long sleeved shirt. Wow, he is so hot!

“Hey I’m done, shall we leave now?”

Den turns to me with wide eyes and open mouth.

              “Wow that dress is ummm and your hair is…”

“Ha, cat got your tongue?” I laugh out loud at him. Oh my, is he blushing? No way has that look ever been seen on his face before! Ever.

“Ohmygod are you blushing?” I say cheekily.

“Ha yeah right, I’m the one to make the girls blush! You look beautiful babe. Come on let’s go, hey be careful tonight, you’re going to have every man trying it on with you.”

“Yeah yeah, you really need to keep the ego in check, you know that right?” I tell him with a laugh.

Den always says that every time we go out. He knows I can look after myself if it comes to it, but I like knowing he has my back, just like he always has. From a young age, I had boys, and men try it on with me. Den scared away nearly all of them with just a look of promised death in his eyes, and his friends always tried it on with me, as did my friends to him. Every single one of my so-called friends, used me to get to Den, this really angered Den, and if I was being truthful it just about broke my heart. So it has always been Den and I, we know where we are with each other. However, we are here to change things, make friends we can
this is our fresh start and luckily things are already looking up.


              We walk into club ‘Whites', music is playing and people are dancing and drinking, overall having a good time. The music is not as loud as I expected it to be, I suppose it is so people do not have to shout to talk to each other. It is very elegant here; compared to clubs I have been and worked in.

We walk up to the bar and get drinks, as the two girls Den was chatting with the other night see him and stalk over to us.

“Hey Den, it’s good to see you again?” says Candy, with Kim standing next to her, both looking really desperate! Candy is ok looking I guess, with blond hair, cut into a bob. She has nice green eyes; it is just a shame that they are too small for her face! Kim looks near enough like Candy’s double but with copper colored hair.

“Yeah, you too. Me and Zara just wanted to check it out here, Zara starts working here Friday.”

“Really?” Candy says as if she doesn’t believe him. Both girls have not even bothered to acknowledge me yet, rude!

“Yes really! We’re going to get a drink and find a table if you would like to join us?” Den asks.

No way!
Oh, for goodness sake, is he for real.

“Perfect, who would say no to that?”

She runs her hand down his chest, Yuk, I cringe inwardly, why would he invite them to join us?

We find a table and I listen to them flirt with Den for what feels like an hour but has only been minutes. Den keeps trying to involve me with the conservation, even though I would rather stick forks in my eyes then watch this terrible flirting.

Someone taps my shoulder; I turn to see that it is Abbey. She is looking stunning in a dress that clings to her curves perfectly.

“Hey, wow you look great! Who are you here with?” I say to Abbey, she sees Candy and Kim, and then looks at Den with a smile.

Den stands up and pulls her in to a hug and whispers somethi
ng to her, making her laugh aloud. My smile grows wider as I see the sparkle in her eyes.

“Hey yourself Den! I’m with a couple of friends,” She points over to a table where 2 men and a girl around my age all sit together, the girl waves at us and I wave back and smile at her. Finally another friendly girl.

The song changes to a Beyonce track, Abbey and me look at each other smiling widely.

“Shall we?” She says, making me laugh

“Lead the way,” I say happily.

Den sits back at the table chuckling, as Abbey and I walk over to the dance floor.


While we dance together, we become surrounded by 5 huge men that have just walked onto the dance floor observing us. One of the men stands still in front of me, I look up at him, standing well over 6 foot tall, and I would say around 26. His eyes, they are glowing a magnificent grey! I wonder if he is wearing contact lenses. I have never seen eyes this shade. He has a scar running down from the left side of his forehead to the corner of his top lip, but it adds to his sex appeal he
dangerously sexy. His fingers stoke the side of my face. I just stand there mesmerized by the way he’s acting around me. I feel myself leaning into him as he sways forward and speaks close to my ear in a low growl.

“Do you have a man, Angel?” The stranger asks, but I don’t have time to reply.

“She is MINE!” I hear in a feral growl.

Im yanked away from the handsome stranger, by no other then Ruk! He holds me by the waist firmly.

              “No, not yours, it’s not your scent on her Ruk!” the man tells him with his voice laced in annoyance.

“You are not welcome Theo, go now! She is none of your concern,” Ruk growls at him, as Theo returns with his own growl.

What is with all the handsome men growling at each other like animals? What is he talking about, Scent! Is this a pissing contest?

Julian arrives moments later at Ruk’s side, as Theo’s friends stand in fight mode. Wow this is out of hand!

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