Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (19 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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Zara and I head back to the
Wolves house; she leads me to the sitting room where Den waits with the Alpha with his Beta and Delta. I have told Zara she should stay with me. I want to keep her near.

Zara is more than I ever expected a Charmer to be. I have heard tales of her as a child, but she is more than I thought possible and to meet her in the way I have is destiny. I can see in her heart that this is all new to her; she has travelled all the way from England, to me to the Wolves. The love she has for these Wolves is unconditional; I feel her heart open to love anyone who needs her.

She has chosen me to be her sister, but she will not understand yet. I felt her as a Charmer connecting her heart to mine, accepting me wholly; I won’t tell her at this moment, I shall wait for the right time. I do not know all there is to being the Charmer, no one does, but I will help her learn and guide her to her right path.


              She is perfectly beautiful, almost ethereal with her long wavy blond hair, and her eyes are a delicious shade of dark brown and honey, they are radiant, perfect. Zara has the most pure of hearts I have ever seen in an immortal, I trust her with everything I am, as she will me. My beautiful sister.

“Ok, Den, Zara we need to be outside. Alpha, you need to keep all the Wolves well away from us.”

They growl a little at me, I do not care, with a twist of my hand I could cripple th
em with pain. However, I won’t be happy to do so knowing how important they are to Zara.

Den nods his head once to me, and follows.
Den is an extremely handsome man, with black hair that has a wave to it and the most dazzling green eyes; I see something different in him, but what? I’m not sure of, yet! I have seen many Wolves but Sallack’s Wolves are by far the most exceptional. True warriors, their reputations precede them like no others; they are hugely built with stunning physiques. I must now put my trust in the Wolves as I can see Zara speaks the truth in her words, as they are a part of her heart, they will now be held in mine, it will take a little getting used to. The story’s I have heard about Sallack and his four men could give anyone nightmares, but Zara
changing them for the better.

I do not even trust my own mother; ‘The Light Queen of the Witches and Warlocks Coven’ but Zara is completely different, she is now my sister. I will cherish her and love her. Our connection will be like no other, not until she finds her chosen.


Looking into her heart, I see Sallack, but also Parrise and Den. Parrise is acknowledged to us all as an evil Vampire, cruel and harsh towards his people, but then he is a Warrior in his own right, there are not many as strong as Parrise, and thankfully, Zara is changing him for the better. Then there is the Werewolf Den, I see she loves him but I think she has given up on him, unfortunately. I will have to look into his heart and see what lies there, not that I will medal in Zara’s love life, what path she takes will lead her to her Destiny. I can see it is hard for her loving these men and not understanding why, but I will help her understand everything.


              Being around these Wolves on their land is strange to me, in the light Coven I’m the Princess, Royalty. Humans do not see where we live and very rarely do we invite the Werewolves and Vampires, but that is in the ‘Light’ Coven. Richard Cole is the Prince of the ‘Dark’ Coven; he is known as the ‘Dark Prince’, loved, and feared by his people for being merciless and vile. He has no problem mixing with the most evil of the Werewolves and Vampires, they are his allies.


              We walk back to the tree I sat with Zara a little while ago.

“Now we are alone, I need you to sit with me and hold my hands”

“Sure” He replies, adding a wink. I can’t help smiling at how relaxed he is, as is Zara who sit’s a foot away. Den is obviously a very flirty and playful man.

“Tell me Den, what are your parent’s names.” I ask.

“I don’t know I was also adopted.” He replies sadly.

I can see his pa
rents in his heart, so why can he not? I will not tell him, I can’t mess with destiny, and if he is meant to find out about his heritage then he will. What bothers me is why I can’t see the reasons behind him and his Wolf not having the connection other Werewolves have, it is as if it has been hidden so deeply it will never be found, but the only person that can do this is a Witch or Warlock, a very powerful one. Why would someone want to do such a thing to a Werewolf, it is cruel beyond words. I vow to find out what has happened to this poor man and for what reason and make them pay for it.

“Im sorry Den I can’t see why you’re not connected but I will do everything in my power to connect you both.”

“Ok that’s cool, don’t worry about it princess,” He tells me as if he doesn’t care, but he does more then he will ever let on, he plays the joker and the flirt, but there is so much beyond that, he is a great
and once he has connected to his Wolf he will be extremely powerful, within time.

“Zara come here, sit by me” I tell her, smiling at the excitement playing in her eyes as she moves to sit with me and smiles at Den.

“Den while I connect you to your Wolf I need you need to think of Zara and only Zara, so your Wolf does not consume you, do you understand?”

“Yes I do.” He reply’s fearlessly.

“Ok then I shall begin, Zara push the love you feel to Den throughout my words.”

I wait to see her doing as I ask.
Visualizing the power of the spell, it begins.

The beginning of all our lives will start from this day forward.



Dallah is whispering into the wind a language I don’t understand, but it sound enchanting
. I’m pushing every bit of love I have for Den, the way he makes me feel, and the unconditional adoration I feel toward him. I feel so overwhelmed by the love I push on Den. I close my eyes along with him and Dallah, to make sure I have complete concentration on my task.

The wind is whipping through my hair and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Dallah voice gets louder and deeper like she is struggling, I feel so helpless. I do the only thing I can think of, while still pushing my complete love to Den, I push any strength I can give to Dallah, even though it’s only small, I feel the need to do so.


              After 30 minutes the atmosphere turns, it’s hard to describe in words but it is extremely powerful. Still worried to open my eyes, I debate what to do, when I feel Dallah’s soft small hand take mine and squeezes gently, telling me it’s ok to do so. I open my eyes and shut them quickly as the sun stings from having them closed for a long length of time. As my eyes adjust to the surroundings, there in front of me is Den in Wolf form. I’m utterly speechless.

Den’s Wolf is glorious standing taller than me in sitting position and wide with pure muscle. His dark chocolate color fur shining against the sun’s rays and his beautiful dazzling green eyes are glowing gloriously. He has to be just as big as Sallack or maybe bigger!

I hold out my hand to him, as fresh tears fall from my eyes, from the splendor of him.

He slowly closes in, bumps his head into my hand, and licks my wrist.

              “Oh Den, you are stunning!”

“He truly is,” Dallah, says from beside me, I forgot she was there until she spoke, as I was lost looking at Den in his Wolf form. I look at her and she turns her eyes to me from being transfixed on Den.

“Thank you Dallah, you truly are powerful, I will be in debt to you my whole life.”

“No you won’t, it was a pleasure to be a part of his connecting to his Wolf.”

I take my hands of
Den and wrap my arms around her, feeling the truth in what she speaks, and how happy she is for Den, why can I feel that?

Den nudges my arm and I
release Dallah from the embrace. He bowls his head to her and licks her fingers, putting an instant smile on her face. Den’s take’s off into the woods running with amazing speed as I just watch on in complete awe.

“Thank you for helping me Zara, binding Den to his Wolf was harder than I thought,” She says, as she looks over to the Direction Den took off at, lost in her own thoughts.

“Come on lets go tell the others, they will be ecstatic.”

She lets me lead her back to the house hand in hand, Sallack sees us coming, and jogs out to meet us followed by the others.

“Where is he? Did it work?” He looks at Dallah for her answer.

“Yes it worked he is a wonderful beast, he ran into the woods.”

“Amazing.” his gaze focuses on the trees in the distance, then back to Dallah.

“What was stopping him from connecting with his Wolf?”

“I couldn’t see why Sallack, but you have a great new addition to the pack, I am happy for you all.”

“Thank you Dallah.” He hugs her gently.

he looks slightly stunned and unsure but puts a hand up and pats his back in return. I rub her back gently to ease her tension, as she is a little cautious around Sallack.

Sallack takes me in his arms and kisses my lips, then takes off running while he shifts into his Wolf form. Ruk, Julian, Mickey and Dom follow his lead before thanking Dallah, and kissing her cheek.

“Shall we go in and have a drink?” I ask her.

“Yeah that would be good.”


              I convinced Dallah to stay for the night to get proper rest, and promised her there was no need to be anxious around the men. I want to get to know her better, as I know Den will want to, as well as the others.

It is hours before the men return, laughing and chatting walking through the back door. I jump up quicker than I thought possible and run out of the sitting room straight into Den’s arms, I jump up on him embracing him how I do when my emotions are high, putting my head into the crook of his neck breathing in his amazing scent.

“Oh Den. I’m so proud of you!”

“Babe you have no idea how much I love you.” He whispers into my hair and squeezes me tight. After a few moments, I slip down to my feet, to stop Sallack’s deafening growl.

“Where is Dallah I want to thank her properly?”

We walk together into the sitting room where everyone is
telling Dallah how thankful we are to her. Den go’s on one knee and kisses her hand.

“Thank you Dallah, I will always hold you in my heart for what you have done for me today.”

Looking at Dallah I can see her eyes mist over. She smiles and nods her head once putting her hand on his cheek, with a look of love and wonder sparkling in her eyes.

“You are welcome Den. You’re a strong Warrior; I can feel it in you, you can follow the path to your destiny now.”

He stands and pulls her up to her feet in a big cuddle and a kiss on the lips, classic
Den! Dallah laughs while cuddling him back. I have a feeling that Den and Dallah are going to become very good friends from this day forward.

’s arms wrap around me in an embrace as I melt into the firm chest of the man I love and adore.

“I love you beautiful.” He tells me, making my heart swell.

“I love you.” I tell him back feeling my eyes brim with tears, I’m so happy and so in love. I really did think I was doomed to be alone in life, left wanting what I couldn’t have, Den. Then I meet Sallack and my life is turned upside down in the best way possible.


              Later on that night, we sit down for pizza that has just been delivered. Dallah is so relaxed around us; she is laughing and joking with the pack brothers’ as if she has known them years, the difference in the way everyone is now with each other compared to when Dallah first came to Sallack’s home is amazing.

“What?” Den says looking at Julian.

“What?” Julian’s asks looking confused.

“I thought you said something, sorry man.”

Sallack, Ruk, Julian, Mick
ey and Dom look at Den in amazement.

“Of course why wouldn’t I?” Den says looking back up at Sallack.

“Well fuck me!” says Ruk laughing.

“No way really, oh wait…”

Den looks like he has a headache as he stares at Sallack. Suddenly t
hey all burst out laughing. I look to Dallah to see if she is freaked out by their crazy talk.

“I think Den can communicate telepathically with the pack,” She tells me almost looking proud of Den.

“No way! How cool, is it true?” I look to Den, then the others excitedly.

“Yes. The only ones that can do it are my chosen ranks. The 5 of us, well 6 now. Our Wolves…” Sallack points to the pack at the table,

“…have chosen you as a brother Den.”

“Really? Well this day keeps getting better and better,” Den says with a grin. He mischievously waggles his eyebrows at Dallah, who snorts and rolls her eyes at him, making everyone laugh aloud. There is a growl at the table, we all look at Julian suspiciously, Den raises an eyebrow at him and a few seconds later nods his head once. Well, well, well, looks like Julian has a little crush on the beautiful Princess, they would make a stunning couple. Julian has a small smile on his lips and a flushed face as he looks at Dallah. She lowers her head away from everyone’s glare. I slip my hand under the table and take her hand in mine with a slight squeeze to comfort her, she looks at me as I give her a reassuring smile and wink. The stunning smile I have got used to spreads on her face, filling me with joy. I hope they do take the time to get to know each other; Julian is so much fun to be around, always making everyone laugh, then on the other hand he is so strong and powerful; he could look after her how she needs. I have a feeling she needs someone like Julian in her life.

“You picked up another stray!” Mary says with anger as she walks through the back door. She stands leaning against the kitchen worktop.

“Oh my god, what is with you?” I ask her in utter shock. What makes her think that she can walk in like this and speak to Dallah in this way? We were invited here she was not; she acts as if she lives in this house with the brothers'.

“Fuck off bitch…” Mary snarls at me, “…Sallack I’m giving you one more chance before I leave, will you be mine?”

s eyes burn brightly as we can all see his anger kicking up a notch. He is seated next to me to my right while Dallah to my left, I can see he doesn’t want to speak to her because he looks like he is about to blow.

“Mary, seriously get over yourself he is mine now, so do one!” I say as I stand up, knowing that she is going to lash out, and I sure as hell don’t want to be attacked while sitting down.

Sallack stands slowly looking 10 times bigger than he as and scary as hell. He takes my hand in his as he speaks to her
an irritated tone,

“We never wanted you here anyway. Leave before I rip your head off, I told you not to speak to
unless with respect.” He shouts at her. She doesn’t flinch; just holds her head high as she looks around the table and completely ignoring what Sallack said to her.

“So whose chew toy are you?” She asks Dallah with attitude as all the men at the table stand growling at Mary viciously.

Before anyone can speak, Dallah has appeared right in front of Mary looking at her with enjoyment playing on her beautiful face.
She told us she can transport from one place to another, anywhere she wants to go she can, but seeing it happen in the blink of any eye is amazing beyond words.

“Your lovely aren’t you little Wolf.” Dallah tells her sarcastically, standing only an inch away from her face, probably trying to look into her heart. Mary now flinches and looks like she is going to piss herself.

“Why is a Witch here?” Mary asks Sallack a little nervously.

“Im here with Zara, do you like her Mary.”

“No I fucking don’t…Ahhhh”

Mary grabs her head screaming, while Dallah looks on with a smile playing on her lips as do every single one of the brothers, Sallack actually laughs!

              “This is just a taster Mary; don’t speak to Zara in that way again do you understand?”

“Yes, YES!” Mary screams at Dallah, who wears an evil grin.

Dallah releases Mary as we watch her go red in anger before storming out. I turn to Dallah with a raised brow as she winks at me with a smile.

              “You’re welcome.” She tells me, making everyone laugh aloud.

“Oh that’s my girl.” Den tells her as he moves to kiss her forehead before taking his seat, as do we all. Sallack pulls me on to his lap, as everyone starts speaking he asks me quietly,

“Am I yours beautiful?” He asks in a serious tone.

“If you want to be?”

“I have never wanted anything so badly then to hear you say them words from the first day I met you beautiful.”

“I love you Sallack,” I tell him taken back by his words; I feel my heart swell with love for him.

“We’re going to bed!” He tells everyone but doesn’t take his eyes of off me. Dallah is the first to laugh, which makes me laugh also. I really love that girl like a sister a badass sister. I don’t have time to say goodnight to everyone, because Sallack runs upstairs with me in his arms heading to his bedroom.

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