Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (21 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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              “Zara wake up it’s time!” I hear Dallah whisper in my ear, I open my eyes and see Den in the same position, I slide out from under his head careful not to wake him and follow Dallah into the kitchen.

“What time is it?” I ask rubbing my eyes.

“Quarter to 11!”

“No way. Crap let me go get ready quickly. Has Julian left?”

“He has taken the spare bedroom. He said if I was staying with you tonight, then he will also.”

“Ok cool,” I tell her as we have already discussed that we will sleep together in my room tonight. I tip toe up stairs into my bedroom and pull out a pair of tight black Levi jeans and a pink v-neck cardigan, slipping into a pair of black wedges. My makeup is still on from today so I pull my hair up in a ponytail. The stone from the necklace is still wedged in between my breasts. I touch the small gold chain, smiling at the thought of Dallah gifting me with it.

I’m starting to worry about seeing Parrise again, will he be angry with me just turning up? Will he have friends there?

I silently make my way back to Dallah.

“Alright let’s go, where are the keys?”

“I’m teleporting us there, I know where he will be.”

“What you can do that with me? What do I do?” I ask in fascination.

“Just hold my hands and close your eyes, as soon as you’re with him I will leave you, I don’t want my presence known if I can help it, we can’t have them know we are together?”

“Ok. I feel nervous Dallah!”

“I know, once you see him, all will change sweetie, remember whisper ‘
’ and I will bring you back.”

I nod my head to her showing I understand. I hold my hands out to h
er and she takes them in hers as she reassures me with a smile.

“Thank you for this Dallah.” I whisper to her.

I shut my eyes and wait for something to ha
ppen but it doesn’t. Dallah takes her hands away from mine, I open my eyes to ask her if something went wrong, but it has worked perfectly.

I’m in what looks like Parrise’s bedroom and there in front of me, only 5 foot away is Parrise, with his back to me. His impressive muscular body on show, kill me now! Breathing deeply through my nose to calm my nerves, Parrise turns to me so fast that I jump.

“Love, you came to me! How did you get here? No actually I don’t care.”

He is now in front of me
, before I have time to blink he has me around the waist looking down into my eyes.

I try to speak but words don’t come out, he is even better looking
than before. How is that even possible. His perfect pale face so close I can feel my desire for him seeping through my skin.

“My love you have such a sweet heart.”

“Stop reading my mind!”

“I’m sorry, it’s just you were so quiet I was worried. Is this new? It’s stunning”

His cool
fingers pluck the stone that is imbedded in my breasts, his eyes transfixed on the beautiful stone, whilst the back of his hand is resting on my breast, sending a thrill desire through my body.

“It’s a gift from a girlfriend of mine. It is beautiful,” I need to change the topic quickly, taking the stone from his fingers and placing it back,

“I’m sorry for just turning up without an invite Parrise.”

“You will never have the need to be invited little one.”

He strokes my face,
going to kiss me on the mouth but I pull away reluctantly, I can’t betray Sallack by kissing another man, we have become very close over the last week, and I really do love him.

“Love, please I need to feel you against me, it’s all I have thought about?”

“I’m sorry Parrise. I love Sallack.”

“Yes I’m sure you do, but I also know that you love me, I can feel your need to have me as yours. I need you as mine!”

He is
right I do love him, everything about him calls to me, his need his want and his love for me. I’m so screwed!

“I don’t want to hurt Sallack.”

“But you want to hurt me? Because I have been hurting. I did not come to you all week because I knew the Wolves would fight me, and they would get hurt. I did not want to hurt you, knowing how you feel for them.”

So that’s why he hasn’t came to see me again, he knew I didn’t want a fight to happen over me. I feel bad for Parrise; he cares about me deeply, but why? That’s what I don’t get, he is worthy of someone special, someone like a model or even a Goddess.

“Our lives are to different Parrise, I don’t want you to hurt, honestly I don’t.” I sigh, God this is one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.

“Please Zara. Kiss me, I won’t you with everything I am.” His luscious lips slip onto mine as I push him away from me.

“Please Parrise!” I ask in a whisper. I can’t have him so close to me and not want him with everything I am.

“What do you want from me, my love, I will do as you ask?” He asks with pleading eyes.

“I want the Wolves to be safe, and I want you safe Parrise, I do not want anyone getting hurt over me.”

“I will not intently hurt them, but you know we are sworn enemies, Vampires and Werewolf don’t get on, never will.”

“Why not?”

“It’s been that way for thousands of years Zara, It’s too late to change. Too many have been lost in battles and wars, few will forgive, none will forget my love.”

How can the packs brothers’ hate Parrise so much, he is wise and strong and he has a heart, he holds a piece of mine.

“Could you forgive and forget?” I ask with hope.

“No love, please let’s not waste time talking of the Wolves, I have been waiting for you my whole life. Come let me show you the manor.”

He picks me up and stands with me putting me gently on my feet. Releasing me, but keeping our fingers entwined together. He leads me out of the bedroom into a big hallway, and down the most elegant of staircases I have ever seen, they are so big, wide enough that 10 people could stand side by side. At the bottom of the stairs there is marble flooring and a big solid wood door, he steers us to the room on the left. This room has got to be the size of my house. It is huge! He takes me to a leather couch and sits with me.

“Do you live alone? Where are we exactly?”

“No there is my good friend Angus, you will meet him soon, I also have human help live here with us. My home is located in ‘Tomsview’, around 50 minutes from you in ‘Nickel’.”

I suddenly don’t care where we ar
e now. What do I say, ‘no thanks, I Don’t want to be ripped apart by your friend’. Dallah told me not to be near another Vampire, will he want to kill me? This is such a bad idea, maybe I should leave, like now!

“ Love, do not worry he won’t hurt you. I will never allow harm to come to you; he will respect you as mine.”

“But I’m not yours Parrise, I’m sorry I can’t be, I live with a Werewolf, and the pack are my family now?”

“Ahh isn’t that sweet?” Says a man standing the same height as parries around 6ft 5. He is a hideous man especially when he looks at me with so much hate! I can’t help but feel extremely anxious. He has not taken his eyes of me and I don’t trust this man, I don’t want to be in the same room as him.

“Lucien, what do you want, I’m busy,” Parrise says and puts his hand on my knee in a comforting manner. He said his friends name was Angus, not Lucien.

Lucien walks to us,
from standing at the doorframe, as I feel myself lean back against the couch, not wanting to be anywhere near him.

“I came to see your new pet, maybe we can share?”

Parrise moves so quickly
, I only see him when he slams Lucien against the wall, one hand round his neck lifting him a foot of the ground. Oh, shit!

“You will never speak of her in that way again do you understand? I will rip your fucking head of!” Parrise shouts at him. God he is scary! I have never seen this side to Parrise and I don’t think I want to ever again.

Lucien nods his head at Parrise, and then looks me in the eye, but I can’t look at him any longer as my gaze travels down. Just then, another voice enters the room!

My heart
can’t take anymore, I can feel the beat in my bloody ears! I slowly lift my head to see a man walking in, laughing at Lucien being held by Parrise. He walks up to me and bends on one knee as I accidentally flinch. I feel bad as he is smiling a real smile. He is different to Lucien, I feel he means no harm.

“Hello sweet it’s a pleasure to meet you, Parrise has told me of your beauty, but you truly are perfect.” He tells me almost gently.

comes the blush, uh wow he is beautiful. His eyes are beautiful mix of green and blue, he has the most kissable lips, dark brown shoulder length wavy hair. He is... wow so gorgeous. My heart was beating rapidly, but now it’s hitting the roof. Shit can he hear what I’m thinking, he is just staring at me with a raised eyebrow and a stunning grin playing on his handsome face. Parrise has let go of Lucien and they just watch me for a reaction.

“Um thank you, not bad yourself,” I say with a smile, and a playful wink as he gives a real belly laugh.

“Oh I like her a lot,” He says turning his gaze to Parrise.

“Angus that’s enough, let go of Zara’s hand please. I wish to be alone, take Lucian with you.”

“Ok ok, I’m leaving. Sweet, I hope to see you again” He smiles and kisses my hand. Goddamn that is a sexy Vampire.

“Love please!”

Parrise looks at me frowning, from hearing my thoughts.

              “Oh, Sorry. Hey stop doing that!”

Angus chuckles while
grabbing Lucian by the shoulder and pushing him out of the room. Parrise takes my hand and pulls me to my feet as he places his chin on my head and arms wrapped around my body. He’s so big, so powerful.

“Love, I’m sorry for that. He will not be warned again, he will be dealt with accordingly.”

My body
goes stiff, I do not want somebody’s murder on my hands.

“Please don’t, I don’t want anyone hurt because of me.”

“Love I will protect you my way. If someone wants to use you or hurt you, I will take care of them.”

“I don’t want to be in a situation where my life is in danger Parrise, I think I should go. I’m sorry!”

“No please love, just one more hour, I want for you to know me a little better, to understand me. I need you Zara.”

I look in his dazzling b
lue eyes, I can see desperation for me to accept him, but also fear that I will not.

“Why Parrise, why do you need me?”

“You have given me a heart beat love; thought of you fill my every waking moments.”

I feel so bad telling him I want Sallack, because I really do want him just as
desperately as he wants me, but I can’t do that to either of them, I do not want to be that person.

“I will stay for a little while Parrise.”

“Thank you Zara. Ask me anything you wish. I will not lie to you.” He pulls me on his lap as I lean my head on his hard chest needing to feel him, as this is the last time I will go behind Sallack back to see him.

Where do I start? His age! As Den told me, he is hundreds of years old, I secretly do not believe it, he looks to be around his late 20’s. Does he kill his food! Does he want to drink me! Keep me as a pet! I don’t want to ask any questions, they are too personal. I just want to sit within his arms for the small time I have with him.

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