Read Chasing Dragonflies Online

Authors: Tee Smith

Chasing Dragonflies (15 page)

BOOK: Chasing Dragonflies
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His hand shot out and he cupped the side of her face, she leant into his hand. “I'm so sorry sweetheart,” he said with a sad smile.

She pulled away and brought her arm up to cover herself, searching frantically for her top, she had not felt so much shame in all her life.

“Hey,” he said grabbing at her arms. “I am really sorry. I'm such an asshole. I didn't mean to push you into something you're not ready for.”

He wasn't rejecting her because of her inexperience? He thought she wasn't ready? She was so ready. Dropping her arms from her breasts she reached out, running her fingers down his chest, he was burning up. His body felt as hot as her own.

“I thought....” she trailed off as her eyes fell to where she could see his bulging pants.

Dex's finger slipped under her chin, forcing her eyes back up to meet his. “What baby? What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

“I thought maybe you wouldn't want me because I don't have much, y'know,” she waved her hands between them. “Experience—I mean, I've not been with anyone for a long, long time. I'm not like other girls. I'm not like Trixie.”

“Is that what you think? Huh?”

She nodded her head, feeling colour coming to her cheeks, feeling so foolish.

“You think I want the likes of Trixie?”

Again she nodded and he brought his head forward, ever so gently placing a soft kiss on her lips, whisper soft.

“I want you Maddie,” he whispered, as he peppered kisses over her face, behind her ear, down her neck. “I have wanted you since the moment you opened the door to me, that morning.”

Her heart swelled almost to bursting, she had wanted him from that very moment too. Why had he pushed her away? She had to know, she wanted to ask, but oh it felt so good, his kisses made her ache for more. There would be time for talking later.

Reaching out she tugged at his belt buckle, making it very obvious what she wanted. Dex brought his hands down and helped her, not breaking the contact of his lips against her skin. After fumbling for a bit, his jeans dropped down to his ankles and he stepped out of them, then tugged at the button of her jeans. They did not come away so easily. She flopped back onto the bed and giggled as Dex struggled to loosen her jeans and pull them down her legs. Leaving her dressed in only her lacy panties.

Dex moved over her where she lay back with her legs hanging off the bed, taking her mouth with his. It was easy just to be caught up in the kissing, he was an amazing kisser. She loved kissing him. Eventually though his kisses began moving away from her mouth, first to her neck, then down her chest, taking in her nipples, one at a time, his hand grasping and pinching at the other. The feeling was intense and she arched off the bed, wanting to be closer to him.

Slowly he kissed down her body, over her stomach and down to her lacy underwear. When he reached them he looked up and caught her eyes. Desire flooded through her and she lifted her hips allowing him better access.

Within seconds he ripped her panties off and was kissing the inside of her thighs, his beard tickled her sensitive skin and she squirmed, wanting more of him, needing more. Gently, his lips passed over her most sensitive part, then his tongue, and she couldn't help but push down onto him as she let out a moan of pleasure. This spurred him on and his tongue lashed over her, so gently at first, too gently.

“More...please, more,” she whispered.

More she got, within minutes he was lashing her with his tongue and sensations were exploding through her body like fireworks, as every part of her body convulsed in pleasure until she felt she could not take any more.

Grasping his biceps she pulled him up toward her, pulling him in to kiss her, she could feel her own wetness in his beard, taste it on his lips. Pulling back from his mouth they were both breathing heavy as he stared into her eyes. He seemed to be seeking her approval, she gave it to him by wrapping her legs up around his butt. Slowly he pushed forward, pushing into her, they both let out moans of pleasure.

It had been forever and Maddie was not sure if she just did not remember but she never remembered it feeling this intense. Slowly Dex rocked into her over and over, then suddenly he sat back, pulling her with him, not breaking contact, so she was suddenly straddling him.

“I don't want to hurt you baby, you take control yeah?”

It was more a statement than a question, one she answered by gently biting his bottom lip, eliciting another moan from him. She loved learning what he liked from her, loved the feel of him under her, loved that he was concerned he might hurt her, although it was a pain she craved.

Keeping eye contact she began moving slowly, but before long they were both in a frenzy, her body was awash in sensation as every nerve came alive. Caught up in her own pleasure, somewhere in the distance she heard Dex calling out her name before they both collapsed in exhaustion onto the bed.

As she lay, trying to regain her breath, Dex laid soft kisses over her back and up her neck as he tucked her into his chest. Gradually she drifted off to sleep. Just as sleep was taking her over she could have sworn she heard him whisper, “I think I might be falling in love with you Maddie Arnold.” But it could have been part of her dream. Either way she fell asleep with a huge grin on her face. Feeling completely satisfied.

Chapter 19


The sun filtered in through
the window and Dex reached across the sleeping Maddie, desperate not to wake her, but that sun. It was his first glimpse of her bedroom, it looked like a teenage girl lived here, which was a bit weird. It made him feel out of place. Her double bed was pushed against a wall, she was asleep on that side. Meaning he had to reach across her sleeping form.

The sheet was twisted and entwined her legs, then draped up over her waist, exposing her perfect butt. She looked so peaceful as she slept and even more beautiful than she had looked before. He suspected that may be due to how he felt about her. After last night, after accosting that low-life in the club trying to attack her. He wanted to kill him, just thinking about it now made his blood boil. But then, bringing Maddie home—telling her he wanted her. Spending the night with her. He had tried to stay away, he knew it was for the best. But seeing her with someone else had twisted him so far out of shape he could barely see straight.

To hell with being alone. He wanted her, she wanted him. Maybe it was not so admirable, maybe it would not work out. Could two broken people come together to make a whole? There was only one way to find out. He had fought to keep his feelings for her at bay. No doubt hurt her in the process. No more. From now on he would protect her with everything he had. Just so long as she would let him.

She stirred beneath him as he leant over her, pulling on the blind cord. As soon as the room plunged into darkness she cried out.

“No....No. Open them,” she yelled out.

Surprised he jumped back. “Wha...?”

“Open the blinds, open them, open them,” she cried out over and over.

“Okay,” he said confused and reached back over her to pull the cord again. Wondering what her aversion was to having the blinds closed. As he reached up, the bedroom door flew open.

“What the fuck!” Came Patrick's voice from the doorway.

Spinning around he grabbed the sheet to cover himself and Maddie as they had fallen asleep the night before naked wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Get out Trick!” Maddie screamed at him.

“What are you doing to her?” Patrick yelled as he stormed across the room, his hands balled into fists.

“Nothing...I didn't do anything, what the hell are you doing coming into her room, she told you to get out.” Dex was getting riled up, forgetting he had nothing on, he made to get out of the bed. Maddies soft hand came out, snaking around his middle, keeping him in place.

“No, no it's okay. I'm sorry,” she said sheepishly. “I'm okay Trick....sorry.”

“But I heard you yelling, did he hurt you?” He asked pointing a threatening finger at Dex.

“No, no. Not at all, it’s okay, he shut the blinds, is all. I got a fright,” she explained. Leaving him even more confused, he had never known anyone frightened of having the blinds closed. Maybe he had given her a fright as he moved over her. He looked between her and Patrick as they argued on about the blinds. Finally she managed to convince Patrick she was okay and he should leave them alone. He walked out huffing, slamming the door behind him.

“Hey are you okay?” he asked Maddie who was now sitting, leaning against the wall holding the sheet up to her neck, looking like a frightened little lamb.

“Yeah—sorry. I feel so...shit, sorry,” she said with a sad smile.

He cupped the side of her face and she turned her cheek into his hand.

“I'm sorry too sweetheart, I didn't mean to frighten you.”

She shook her head. “I have to have the blinds open is all, I...I...I,” she stammered. Hurt and confusion flooded her beautiful face and he thought she might cry.

“Hey there it's okay...” he soothed pulling her into his arms. “Whatever it is, it's okay.”

He hugged her close. The close contact of her body was making his own betray him. Now was not the time. He attempted to adjust himself, hoping she wouldn't notice. No such luck. Her eyes followed his down at where his excitement was covered by the sheet, but still a little too obvious. She let out a giggle. He loved that sound.

“Sorry...mind of it's own,” he shrugged. At least it had cheered her some. “Do you want to talk about it?”

This time she let out a full laugh, “About little Dex?”

“No,” he laughed, “I'll give him a talking to later...I meant about what just happened.”

This time she let out a long-winded sigh. “It's just part of, well you know,” she waved her hands around indiscriminately, he loved the way she talked with her hands. “Part of all this...what's wrong with me.”

“There's something wrong with you? You seem perfect to me.”

Another laugh and maybe even a slight blush, coloured her cheeks, but it was true. To him she was perfect, he could see nothing
with her.

“Well you know I was locked up and all that yeah?”

“Yeah, I know some of it,” he nodded.

“Well I have some 'issues',” she said making air-quotes with her fingers. “One of them is being in a dark, closed in room. I can't even close the bathroom door. I'm okay in here, but only if the blinds stay open. It just kind of freaks me out y'know?” her head hung down as she stared at the sheets. She began talking again without looking up. “I suppose you think I'm a bit of a fruit loop now huh?”

“I guess some 'issues' are to be expected, but hey,” he grabbed her chin, bringing her eyes back to his, “that doesn't make you any less perfect to me.”

Then he leant forward and placed a light kiss on her perfect lips.

Chapter 20


Walking out into the kitchen
, felt like a walk of shame. Patrick already knew Dex had stayed the night, after he had come bursting into her room. Gosh how embarrassing. Freaking out in front of Dex had been embarrassing enough. At least he knew what he was getting into, a baptism of fire perhaps? That was if he wanted to get into anything. Maybe it had just a moment of weakness, but he didn't seem to be running for the door. Not yet anyway.

“Morning Trick,” she called out. He was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. “Is the kettle still hot?”

He nodded. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm good, sorry about that.”

“What about lover-boy?”

“Dex, has gone for a shower.”

Patrick sneered.

“Look, I'm sorry Trick, I am.” She pleaded, knowing how awkward it must have felt for him, walking in on her and Dex. “You shouldn't have had to walk in on us like that. I feel bad.”

“You feel bad huh?” he asked with sarcastic tone.

“Oh come on Trick...”

“Morning.” They both looked up as Dex walked into the room, wrapping an arm around Maddie's waist and placing a kiss on her cheek.

“I've got stuff to do.” Patrick huffed. His chair screeched across the floor, as he pushed it back roughly, rising to his feet and marching out of the room.

“Well that went well,” Dex sighed.

“He'll get over it,” Maddie huffed, turning in his arms and wrapping hers around his waist. “Want some coffee and breakfast?”

“Hmm,” Dex murmured as he nuzzled her neck. “Can I have you for breakfast?”

“Oh Dex.”

“Okay well, get dressed then, something warm.”

“Why something warm, it's a hot day?” she asked perplexed, thinking that was an odd request.

“I'm taking you ice-skating,” Dex announced with a huge grin.

“Ice-skating?” she laughed at his sudden announcement.

“That's what I said. Ever been?”

“Can't say I have,” she giggled.

“Even better, make sure you wear something warm, it gets cold out there.”

“What if I can't skate?”

“What if I help you?” He responded grabbing her around the waist and pulling her back toward the bedroom.




“Hold my hands,” Dex called out of the din.

Maddie tried to hold on but she was wobbling all over and could not seem to straighten up. Grabbing for the side rail, a small child whizzed by her and she felt such a fool. If little kids could do it why couldn't she?

“Come here. Just let go and I'll grab you.” Dex reassured her.

Reaching out with one hand to grab Dex's, her cold fingers were just reaching his when someone came crashing into her, sending her flying into the ice.

“Are you okay baby?” Dex asked, a laugh erupting from deep inside his belly.

“It's not funny,” she grumbled at him. Although she was trying to keep her own laughter under control, as it actually was pretty funny. And cold.

Dex's arm's came around her from behind, helping her back up to her feet.

“This is stupid Dex, I suck at ice-skating,” she sighed.

He reached forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, “No you don't, and you just have to learn. Now, hang on to me and do what I do.”

She did as she was told, watching as he slid one foot forward, turning his skate at a slight angle. Before long she was moving steadily across the ice.

BOOK: Chasing Dragonflies
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