Chasing Mayhem (13 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Sax

BOOK: Chasing Mayhem
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Imee retraced her steps, returning to her chamber and it was
chamber. The big male warrior shouldn’t be in it.

The door didn’t open fast enough for her. She kicked it. Her boot rang against metal, that sound giving her some satisfaction. He’d know how angry she was.

Imee strode into the space and jammed her fists on her hips. “So tell me. How did you deal with it?”

“How did I deal with the killing of the beings in the settlement?” He lay completely nude, stretched out on her sleeping support, all hunky muscle and tanned skin, his legs splayed, his cock hard, his arms folded, relaxed, as though he owned the spot.

“You killed them because you thought you didn’t have a choice.” She narrowed her eyes at Mayhem, ignoring the way her body reacted to him, her growing arousal and aching awareness. “But clearly you did. You escaped. Your brethren escaped. If you had rebelled against the Humanoid Alliance earlier, you wouldn’t have had to kill those beings.”

“Ah…” His eyes softened, his understanding infuriating her even more. “Come here, my female.” He reached out to her.

“Answer my question.” She ignored his big strong capable hand.

Her response must have amused him. A smile curled his lips as he lowered his palm, placing it on his thigh, beside his long, thick shaft.. “My escape wouldn’t have changed their fate. I might not have been the warrior wielding the weapons but those beings in the settlement would still have ended up dead.”

“Your targets wouldn’t have survived, whether you had been there or not.” His insights didn’t help her at all. “Goodie for you.” Her gaze flicked over his distractingly fit physique, her irritation with him not dampening her desire.

“Your targets wouldn’t have survived either.” He sat upright, his ab muscles rippling, the power in his form thrillingly evident. “If you hadn’t retrieved them, your friend Kralj would have killed them.”

“The fates of those targets don’t concern me.” Much. It was the others, the children, the weak, the more innocent that haunted her.

She skimmed her tongue over her bottom lip.

His gaze tracked the movement, his eyes darkening. “Your early targets didn’t have the skills to live long lives.”

“You can’t be certain of that.” They might have survived if she hadn’t found them. Imee took a step closer to Mayhem.

“They were apprehended by a small human female with twelve or thirteen solar cycles.” He flashed her a pussy-wetting grin. “I’m certain of that.”

been incompetent.

She hadn’t intended to kill the more innocent rebels. Dead targets were worth nothing. Their deaths had been accidents.

She wasn’t blameless. She’d caused those accidents. But she wasn’t entirely responsible.

Fate, coincidence, bad luck had played a role.

She’d been so young, so inept. It was a wonder
remained alive.

Imee drifted her right hand over her gun’s handle, stroking the cool metal, fingering the scratches and dents from fights long past, reassuring herself that she was armed. She was no longer that frightened little girl.

Her gaze returned to the cyborg seated naked on her sleeping support.

She was now a grown female, competent, certain about her skills, about her desires. “I’m the best Retriever in the galaxy.” Her voice was husky.

“You weren’t the best Retriever in the galaxy when you hunted them.”

She was likely the worst yet she had somehow found those targets, caught them, mistakenly killed some of them. Another knot loosened between her shoulders, her guilt easing, her passions escalating.

The galaxy was a tough, vicious place. The planets, the settlements her early targets had chosen, had been occupied by violent beings, the lowest of the scum.

They wouldn’t have survived long.

Especially if a male similar to the one before her had found them. She skimmed her gaze over Mayhem’s bulging biceps. He was fast, strong.

He was her equal, perhaps her superior, not that she’d ever admit that to him. She wanted him, wanted to live in the present, not in the past, look forward, not back.

It was time to leave her mistakes behind her.

the best now.” Imee lifted her chin.

“Are you?” Mayhem raised one eyebrow, his tone mocking.

He was challenging her and she could never back down from a challenge.

Imee coiled her muscles. “I am.” She leaped through the air and landed on him.

Their bodies smacked together, the impact pushing the air from her lungs, heating her chest, hips. They rolled on the sleeping support. Her hands slid over warm skin, searching for a hold.

He cupped her ass with one hand, the back of her head with the other. Imee wrapped her legs around his waist. His hard cock pressed against her stomach. She wiggled, teasing him.

“You’re fighting dirty.” He nipped her right earlobe.

“Is there any other way to fight?” Imee bit his neck, leaving an imprint of her teeth on his skin and he growled, loosening his grip on her.

She climbed his body and straddled his head, hooking her booted ankles at his nape. “Get out of this hold, warrior.” Her tone was triumphant.

“Why would I want to?” He mouthed her leather-clad pussy.

Stars. Imee moaned. That felt good. She grasped his permanently mussed hair, pulling him toward her, craving more of his firm lips, more of his knowing touch.

He gripped her hands, spread her arms, examined the spot on her wrist that he’d sliced into. There was no sign of injury. The cut was completely healed.

She was no longer human, not completely. He’d changed her, made her more, and she loved it. “Show me no mercy, cyborg.” She ground her pussy against his lips. “I can take everything you give me.”

His shoulders shook, his laughter trapped inside him. He applied himself to the task, working the leather, his heat conveyed through the thin barrier.

She dripped, her musk scenting the air. He covered her breasts with his huge hands, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing. She arched her back as pleasure flowed from her pussy to her nipples and back to her pussy. Her hair swayed, a sheet of softness caressing her arms and ass.

Mayhem must have liked the brush of the tendrils against his bare skin also. He tilted his chest, the adjustment in angle bumping his lips against her clit. She yelped, her pussy clenching around nothing.

“You did that on purpose.” She squeezed his face with her thighs, punishing him.

“You’re fierce, my female, but I will subdue you.” He closed his fingers around her nipples.

“Never.” Her voice thinned, the pinch of pain pushing her closer to the edge.

“Always.” Mayhem flipped her onto her back, not breaking her hold on him, handling her as though she weighed nothing, that show of strength exciting her.

He pulsed his tongue against the leather barring him from her pussy. His hair was wild. The passion he invoked in her was even wilder, a storm of wanting, currents of energy surging over her form.

She rested her legs on his wide shoulders and pumped her hips, shamelessly humping his face, a female warrior taking what she needed.

She had him. That’s what he’d told her. She wasn’t alone.

Having always been solitary, responsible for herself, she hadn’t a solid grasp on what that meant. She hoped it involved coming. Hard.

“More.” She panted. “More.”

He curved his hands over her ass, holding her to him, and ratcheted up his attack on her garment-covered pussy. Tremors swept over her, shaking her legs, their intensity growing, growing, growing.

“Mayhem.” She flung back her head, her spine bowing, her body pulled tight with tension, with yearning. “More. I--”

Her cyborg warrior nipped at her clit, finding it through the leather barrier. The unexpected contact severed her grasp on reality. Pleasure coursed through her. A keening sound rose in her throat, an erotic battle cry. The chamber spun, lights swirling into an unending stream.

When she returned to reality, Mayhem was grinning at her, his expression smug. “Are you subdued, my female?”

“Not at all,” she lied. “What are you going to do about that, warrior?”

“Work harder.” He grasped her ass covering and yanked.

Leather tore, the rending noise a signal of intent, and her nipples tightened to the point of pain. He was such a beast. “I liked that ass covering.” She smacked his chest, relishing the solidness of his form.

“I like no ass covering.” He destroyed her breast covering as efficiently, baring her body to him.

She caught the translucent repository holding her sister’s finger before it fell, placed that morbid reminder of her past failures on the sleeping support beside them.

“Cyborgs wear body armor during battle.” He flexed his biceps as though he recalled the rush of facing a worthy opponent, the feel of weapons in his hands. “We prefer to be naked when we’re not fighting.”

“I’m always fighting.” Imee raised her right knee, pushed it against his chest. The toe of her boot pressed into his stomach. She could hurt him, damage him.

“Then we’ll fight.” He didn’t appear to care. He leaned into her abuse, his shaft hard along her pussy lips. “We’ll battle for our release, for our bliss.”

Mayhem’s wildness turned her on.

Imee shifted her leg, opening herself more to him. “Are you male enough to make me come?”

“I’m your male.” He rocked, sliding his cock along her wetness. “And I’ve already given you release once.”

“You didn’t give me anything.” She undulated, wiggling on the sleeping support. “I took that release.”

“Those were my lips on your pussy.” He increased the delectable pressure, his tip teasing her clit, his weight folding her leg tight against her breast. “It was my name you called.”

“I didn’t call. I
.” Imee shifted until his cockhead nudged her entrance. “And now, I’ll fuck you.” She drove upward, taking his length inside her, his thickness filling her, his rim snug against her pussy walls.

“Breeding.” His low rumble rolled through her form, stimulating every part of her. “This is breeding, not fucking.”

Whatever it was, it was glorious. The first experience had exceeded any she’d ever had. The subsequent encounters had been better than the first. This one was destined to blow her mind.

He voyaged deeper, binding them. She hooked her legs over his shoulders, tilting her hips to receive as much of him as possible.

“Yeah, you’re not grinning now, are you?” she gibed, gazing up at him with satisfaction.

His lips were a flat white line. His jaw was jutted.

Her control was as strained, but she’d never admit it. “I took every bit of your big cock.” She didn’t hide her pride over that accomplishment. “It belongs to me.”

“It always did.” Mayhem pulled out to his tip, his shaft slick with her juices. “And it always will.” He rammed that huge cock into her pussy, the impact shaking her, making her gasp.

His eyes gleamed. He thought he had subdued her.

“Is that all you have, cyborg?” Her taunt would have been more believable if he hadn’t knocked the wind from her lungs, her voice thin, breezy.

“You can’t handle it all, female.” He gripped her shoulders. “But I will give you more.” He began to pound into her, his thrusts hard and fast.

Her breasts jiggled. Her skin heated.

Imee held on, riding his passion, meeting him midway. His balls smacked against her skin. Sweat beaded, ran down her spine, between her curves.

She gripped his nape, gazed at his beautiful face, unruly hair. His physique was inhumanly hard, his hips and chest unrelenting against her curves. His stamina was unmatched. He didn’t breathe heavily, didn’t perspire.

But he was no unfeeling machine. Passion darkened his countenance, flashed gold in his eyes. Need clenched his jaw.

“More.” She pushed him.

Mayhem increased his pace, his muscles rippling against her. It wasn’t enough. He remained in control.

She wanted him to lose his shit, to show her that part of him. “Give it all to me.” She kicked her booted heels against his back, raked her fingernails along his neck.

He made a hurting sound, surged forward, captured her lips with his. Their fucking turned savage, his rhythm all over the damn place. Their tongues battled, twirling, twisting. His hips slapped against hers.

Every thrust stole her breath. Every retreat was like a short-lived good-bye. His nanocybotics bubbled inside her, concentrated in her mouth, spreading to her fingers, toes, pussy, compounding her arousal.

Her inner walls constricted around his cock. Friction heated her to the point of combustion. She’d come moments earlier. He hadn’t. She shouldn’t be the first to break.

But she was human and he wasn’t. He’d been designed to fight, trained for battle. She wouldn’t defeat him.

Though she’d try. Imee panted, sucking on his tongue. She’d last longer, show him she was strong, a worthy—

He swiveled his hips, grinding against her clit and she shattered, shrieking her surrender down his throat, bucking upward. Her body closed around his.

He howled, his lips vibrating against hers, and drove downward, pinning her ass against the sleeping support.

She knew what was about to happen, tried to brace herself, but it was to no avail. His nanocybotics-loaded cum splattered against her flesh and she lost control, screaming, writhing, the pleasure too exquisite to absorb.

Waves of the rawest, purest ecstasy rushed over her, dissolving thought, reducing her to a quivering mass of bone, skin, muscle. Her body was no longer her own. It was his.

And that scared the shit out of her. Because she was open, exposed. He could see all of her, her fears, her vulnerabilities. He could harm her, kill her and she had no defenses, not against him. He was a part of her, connected.


“Fuck. I can’t do this.” Imee shoved him.

He didn’t move. “What can’t you do, my female?”

“This.” She made a circular motion with her right index finger, indicating the two of them. “Caring.”

“You care for me?” His face lit up.

“I said I can’t do it.” She ducked under his arm. “Caring is a weakness.”

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