Chasing Olivia (Trace + Olivia #2) (41 page)

BOOK: Chasing Olivia (Trace + Olivia #2)
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After we’d all eaten breakfast together, Lily insisted on separating Trace and me. It wasn’t long until Avery, Luca, my mom, and Nick arrived.

“Hi,” I greeted Luca, hugging him.


“I’m glad to see you two got things worked out,” I whispered in his ear, so Avery wouldn’t overhear, and let him go.

“Me too,” he nodded.

“Trace is in his room,” I pointed at the stairs. “Lily told him he had to stay in there until she told him he could come out.”

Luca chuckled, running his fingers through his wavy light brown hair. “Is he in trouble or something?”

“I think she’s afraid he might try to see me in my dress. But the wedding isn’t until tonight, so I don’t know why she’d be so worried about that,” I shrugged.

“I’ll go hang out with him,” Luca started for the stairs, but turned around and kissed Avery.

My heart melted at the look he gave her. Luca was…weird, but he was a nice guy, and I knew he loved Avery. If she messed up their relationship again I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from kicking her.

“Why are you guys already here?” I addressed Avery, my mom, and Nick.

Nick held his hands up in surrender. “Don’t look at me.”

“We’re here to help you get ready,” Avery rolled her eyes. “Why else would we be here?”

“It’s ten in the morning, the ceremony isn’t until eight-thirty tonight,” I looked at my watch, calculating the hours. “It’s not going to take me that long to get ready.”

“Oh yes, it is,” Avery took my hand, dragging me upstairs.

“How do you know where you’re going?” I asked. As far as I knew, Avery had never been here before…at least not with me. But maybe she’d come with Luca.

“Who do you think has been helping Lily with
? Honestly, Livie, you can be so dumb,” she shook her head.

She opened a set of double doors that led into a guestroom. The bag my wedding dress was in already laid on the bed, along with Avery’s garment bag. There was even a hair and makeup station set up.

“Go shower,” Avery pushed me towards the bathroom, handing me a robe to put on. “The hairdresser will be here within the hour.”

She closed the doors behind me and I was left alone in the massive bathroom. I looked around at the expensive touches, wondering why on earth anyone would spend so much money on a
bathroom. I guess when you had billions of dollars you didn’t think about those things.

When I’d found out about Trace’s family, I’d wondered why he didn’t live so elegantly. An apartment above a garage was hardy the typical billionaire bachelor pad, but that was Trace for you. There was nothing typical about him. The whole family didn’t act any different because they had money and you had to respect them for that. So many people let money go to their heads, but not the Wentworth’s. In fact, they were some of the nicest most caring people I had ever met. I think they understood that money isn’t everything. For them, family was the most important thing.

Once I was clean and my whole body smelled like vanilla, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and wrapped myself in the fluffy robe.

When I opened the door, Avery stood there with her fist raised and ready to knock.

“’Bout time,” she flounced away.

I shook my head and smiled at the woman I assumed was there to do my hair. My mom and Lily lounged on the bed, looking at jewelry.

“I’m Nikki,” the woman held her hand out to me. “I’ll be doing your hair and makeup, as well as theirs,” she motioned to the others in the room. “Do you have anything in particular in mind?”

I sat down in the chair, facing my reflection. I hadn’t given it much thought. “Um…” I stalled. “Could you do something with a braid, but leave some of it down?”

She nodded. “Sure.”

She went to work drying and curling my hair. I kept my eyes closed so I wouldn’t overthink what she was doing and freak out.

She began to twist my hair to the side, braiding it, and left a few pieces to frame my face.

“Open your eyes,” she said a few minutes later.

“Oh, wow,” I gasped, turning my head from side to side. She had done an amazing job and I knew my minimal details had been less than helpful. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”

“I’m glad you like it. Now what about for your makeup?”

“Something soft and romantic,” I answered before Avery could spit something out. She sent a glare my way for ruining her plan. “Nothing dramatic,” I begged.

I closed my eyes once more and let Nikki go to work.

The more time that passed, the giddier I felt. It didn’t seem like we were getting married
, it felt like the first time, which made me both excited and nervous.

Nikki finished with me and then started on Avery’s hair and makeup.

I sat on a chair in the corner, nervously tapping my fingers on the arms.

The door to the room cracked open and I gasped. “Grandma!”

After the news of Gramps being in the hospital, and having to plan a wedding in a few days, I’d completely forgotten that Trace said he’d fly them out. I couldn’t believe with everything he’d been dealing with that he’d been the one to remember.

I hugged her tightly. I was so happy to see her and I hoped she knew that. “Everyone, this is Margaret, my grandma. Grandma, this is my best friend Avery,” I pointed at my best friend who was currently getting false lashes glued on. I was glad I hadn’t had to do that. “Lily, Trace’s mom. And lastly, that’s my mom, Nora.”

Margaret surprised me by striding right up to my mom and hugging her. I don’t know what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that.

My mom’s eyes widened but she was quick to return the hug. “It’s nice to meet you, Margaret.”

“Call me, Maggie, please.”

I smiled, pleased to see my mom and grandma getting along. I had feared there might be some animosity there, since my mom had kept me a secret from them.

“Your grandpa and Dex are with Trace,” Maggie turned to me. “And Ella is here too. Cecilia, I believe her name was, took her to the kitchen to get something to eat.”

“I can’t wait to meet, Ella.” I thought of the cute little girl in the picture Dex had shown me.

“She’s very excited to meet you,” Maggie smiled. “I need to go find, Trace. I’ll be right back.”

“Why do you—” The door closed behind her and it was too late for me to finish my question. “I wonder what that’s about,” I shrugged.

Deciding not to dwell on it, I sat back down, glancing at the clock. It was close to lunchtime, and there were still hours until the wedding, but suddenly I wished I could make time go faster…even though I was going to have to say my own vows. I still didn’t have any plan for what I would say, but I wasn’t nervous about it anymore. Once I got up there and saw him it would come to me then.

The door opened again and Cecilia entered with a tray of food for everyone and a small girl clinging to her legs.

Wide dark brown eyes met mine and I crouched in front of the girl.

“Hi,” I said softly, “are you, Ella?”

She nodded her head slowly, looking up at Cecilia for reassurance. I held out a hand and she placed her smaller one in my palm. “I’m Olivia. Do you know who I am?”

She nodded again and let go of Cecilia. “Daddy says you’re my cousin,” her voice was quiet. She was the cutest kid I had ever seen. She couldn’t have been much older than five.

“That’s true,” I smiled warmly.

“What does that mean?” She asked.

“It means,” I ran a finger over her soft cheek, “that my daddy and your daddy were brothers.”

“But daddy’s brother isn’t here,” she tilted her head questioningly.

“No, he’s not.” I didn’t elaborate, since I was unsure of how much Ella knew about Derek.

“You’re pretty,” she touched the side of my face with her small hand, then touched a piece of my hair. “I want to look like you when I grow up.”

“Well, thank you,” I laughed. “That’s a very nice compliment.”

“Do you know where my grandma is?” She looked around the room.

“She left for a bit but she’ll be right back,” I explained. “Would you like to wait with me?”

She nodded, clutching my hand tighter.

She looked over at Avery as Nikki pulled her hair into a bun with braids on each side.

“Can she make my hair pretty?” Ella asked me.

I looked to Nikki for confirmation before I said anything. “Sure sweetie.”

“I want my hair to be pretty like yours,” she gently grabbed one of the springy curls.

“I can make that happen,” Nikki smiled at the little girl.

“Thank you,” Ella squeaked, hiding shyly behind my legs.

“You want to meet my mom?” I asked her.

She nodded and let me lead her over to the bed. “That’s my mom, Nora, and Trace’s mom, Lily.”

“Hi, Ella,” my mom smiled kindly at the little girl.

“Ella is such a pretty name,” Lily said.

“Thank you,” Ella poked her head out from behind my legs. “Who’s Trace?”

“Trace is going to be my husband,” I explained.

“Oh,” her small lips formed an O. “Can I see your dress?”

“Sure,” I helped her onto the chair. I unzipped the garment bag and held up the dress for her inspection. “What do you think?”

“You’re gonna look like a princess,” she clapped her hands together. “I want to be a princess when I grow up and live in a biiiig house just like this… Are you really a princess? Is this a castle?” She looked around in awe.

“Nope, not a princess,” I shook my head. “And this house is really big, but it’s not a castle.”

She frowned. “It would be cool if you were a princess.”

“That would be cool,” I agreed. “I like your shoes,” I tapped the end of her toes, covered by shiny pink sandals.

“My mommy got them for me.”

Maggie came back into the room and smiled when she saw Ella and I together. “Look at my two girls,” she beamed.

“Grandma, that lady is going to make my hair pretty like—” She looked at me questioningly, unsure how to say my name.

“Olivia,” I supplied.

“Like Olivia’s,” Ella nodded proudly, pleased that she said my name correctly.

“Isn’t that nice,” Maggie clapped her hands together.

“What did you need to see Trace for?” I asked, still curious.

“Oh nothing,” she ignored me.

I sighed. I should have been used to the fact that no one ever wanted to tell me anything.

I had forgotten about the sandwiches Cecilia had brought into the room, but when my eyes landed on them I was suddenly ravenous.

“Do you want a sandwich, Ella?”

She nodded her head, pushing her thick bangs out of her eyes. I grabbed a plate for each of us and sat down on the floor beside her.

Nikki did my mom and Lily’s hair and makeup then they left to help set up for the wedding. I wanted to see how everything was coming together, since I really hadn’t had much part in anything, but Lily insisted on it being a surprise. Even Trace didn’t know what it would look like, which made me feel a bit better about being left out of the loop.

Nikki braided Ella’s hair to the side and added some pale pink gloss to her lips so she didn’t feel left out. She even took the time to work her magic on my grandma.

I tried to keep my eyes away from the clock, but it was hard not to. Especially when the sounds of guests arriving echoed through the large home.

My mom and Lily returned to get in their dresses and before I knew it, it was time to put mine on.

They buttoned the back of the dress and I eyed my reflection. I looked like a bride…that was kind of the point, but seeing the whole look come together left me breathless.

Lily handed me a bouquet of orchids and said, “Showtime.”

I swallowed thickly, trying to gather my breath.

“Gramps will meet you downstairs,” Lily took my arm, guiding me out of the room. Maybe I looked faint or something and that’s why she felt the need to hold onto me. I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out, but my stomach was definitely upset.

Lily handed me off to Gramps, and Avery was the only one left behind.

“Ready, baby girl?” Gramps asked me, smiling proudly at me.

I nodded.

“Trace is going to piss his pants.”

That got me to laugh, which was what he was aiming for.

I threaded my arm through his and said, “I’m glad you’re the one doing this. I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. His skin was still unusually pale, but he actually looked healthier than he had in the hospital. “I’m honored,” he kissed my cheek.

“You look nice,” I took in his light gray suit. An orchid that matched my bouquet was stuck in the lapel.

“Not as nice as you,” he chuckled. “All eyes will be on you.”

That’s what I was afraid of. I gulped at his words as we followed Avery to the open French doors.

We stepped outside onto a walkway made of white rose petals, it snaked around the property, and when we reached a certain point Avery stopped, waiting for our cue to continue forward.

Luca sauntered up and offered her his arm.

“Breathe,” Gramps whispered.

The air gusted out of my lungs at his words. I had nothing to be nervous about. I took a deep breath, raising my chin.

The music started up and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

I was glad I had Gramps at my side. He was the one dying, but he was also the one keeping me strong.

We followed the flowered pathway and I gasped when we rounded the trees.

Jars, covered in different colored tissue paper, had little candles lit inside them. They were everywhere, casting the yard with a pretty glow.

The chairs had flowers wrapped around them and at the end of the aisle, Trace stood on the steps of a wooden gazebo. The gazebo was wrapped in twinkling lights and flowers. But my eyes were glued to Trace. He was looking at me with his mouth slightly open. He wore a pair of black dress pants and a white button down shirt. Even though I’d joked about him wearing a tux, I was glad he was more casual. His hair was slightly damp and brushed away from his face. Stubble still dotted his cheeks, but not as much as had been there this morning.

“Told you,” Gramps chuckled at my side.

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