Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble) (8 page)

BOOK: Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble)
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A little while later, he had boiled and mashed potatoes, and made green beans
seasoned with bacon for sides, then threw some garlic bread in the oven.  He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw she'd be home in fifteen minutes, so his timing was spot on.  Chase hoped she liked pork, he hadn't even thought about the fact that she was a physician and might be either a health freak or a vegan.  After a moment of panic, he settled down and took the bread out of the oven and decided if that turned out to be the case, he'd just take her out to dinner after all.

The door knob rattled then it swung open and Jenny walked in looking frazzled and exhausted.
Here eyes caught his and he saw what he thought was desire spark in her eyes, but then she took a deep inhale then said, "God, what is that incredible smell?" 

Kicking off her shoes, she tossed her tote onto the sofa then shuffled to the breakfast bar, lifted her nose, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply again.  The look on her beautiful face made him imagine that's
how she'd look in the throes of ecstasy.  He hardened and leaned closer to the counter to hide the fact.

"I hope you're not vegan," he said trying to divert his mind from that path.  It was already hard enough for him to be around her and not kiss her.  He'd even been tempted at the hospital when he'd seen her earlier.  How would
have gone over with her colleagues?

"Heck no, and I walk to and from work, and am on my feet all day, so I'm not worried about calories either," she said and grinned.  "You didn't have to do this you know...I usually eat out."

"I know...your refrigerator looks like a takeout carton graveyard."

"Science experiment?" she ventured with a chuckle.

"Penicillin farm?" he volleyed and moved around the counter toward her.

cultures," she corrected a little breathlessly, then stepped closer to him. 

He couldn't have resisted if he was the strongest man in the world.  Around her he was on the other end of that spectrum, so when she tilted her chin up and met his eyes, his mouth moved to hers like it was being pulled by
magnetic force. 

Her palms flattened against his chest and with a moan, Chase covered her sweet, sexy mouth with his own
and pulled her to him.  She tasted like cotton candy and candy apples all rolled into one to him, and he savored her sweetness.  They fit together so perfectly, he knew it would be the same in bed.  When she leaned against him and slid her arms around his neck, his heart took a sprint through his chest and he hardened against her and held her hips tight against him.

pulled back and moved his lips across her cheek to kiss her neck where her pulse was beating wildly.  She groaned, then said, "You're too good to be am I supposed to resist you?  You make me crazy."

"Not any crazier than you make me
, sugar," he whispered by her ear, before he took her ear lobe in his mouth and sucked it.  Her body jerked and she pressed tighter to him.

This isn't supposed to happen.  What are we going to do?" she groaned and he heard the frantic edge to her voice.

Chase pulled back from her and stared down into her passion-glazed eyes.  "Want me to show you?"
  She nodded then he went into the kitchen and put all the food into the refrigerator quickly, then walked back to her.

He pulled her to him, then put his arm beneath her legs and swept her
into his arms then headed toward her bedroom. 

Screw dinner, they'd have it later.  She had a microwave.  What he was hungry for now had nothing to do with por
k chops and everything to do with the delicious doctor in his arms.  His mouth found hers and he kissed her fiercely as he pushed the bedroom door open with his shoulder, then went inside.

"Chase, we can't do this," she tried again when he pulled his lips from hers to find the bed.

"We can do, sugar," he growled then put her on the bed and began unfastening her blouse.  Jenny put her hand over his and he thought she was going to stop him, but she sat up and finished unbuttoning her shirt instead. 

Chase swallowed hard and loosened then removed his tie,
before unbuttoning his shirt.  "You have any lotion or oil?" he asked.  He knew she'd had a long day, and was probably exhausted and keyed up.  Her body had been strung tight as a bow string when he'd held her earlier.  She needed to relax first.

Her eyebrows shot up and her hand stopped on the last button of her shirt.  "Why?" she asked suspiciously.

He leaned his head back and drew a deep breath, then repeated, "Where's the oil?"

"Bathroom cabinet, top shelf," she told him and unbuttoned the last button, then shoved her blouse from her shoulders.  Her full breasts
pushed over the top of the black and pink lace bra she wore making tongue tingle to taste her. 

was determined to take things slowly though, so with considerable effort, he dragged his gaze from her body and walked to the bathroom.  The bathroom smelled like her...flowery, powdery...feminine and sexy.  He opened the cabinet and grabbed a bottole of shampoo that almost fell on his head from the jam packed cabinet.  Shifting bottles around, he searched until he finally found the oil amongst a million other things on the jam packed shelf.  He grabbed it and a towel then headed back to the bedroom.

She was sitting on the side of her bed, bare above the waist except for her bra, but she still had on her skirt.  "Take the rest off, then lay on your stomach on the bed," he told her
and walked over to spread the towel on the bed, then he put a pillow at the top of it. 

Jenny stood and reached for the zipper of her skirt, her eyes wary and uncertain.

Chase huffed out a breath and put the oil down on the nightstand, then pulled her to him and unzipped her skirt.  It whoosed down her long legs to settle at her feet.  He stepped back and saw that she wore lacy thigh high stockings attached to a garter belt.  Chase tamped down the instant lust that heated his blood, and brought other body parts to full attention.  All he wanted to do was throw her down on that bed an bury himself inside of her.  Slow, he reminded himself and sucked in a deep breath.

Stepping forward he grabbed one clip that held the lacy material in place and flicked it open, then did the same to the other side.  Jenny stood as still as a fawn on alert in a field.  He held her gaze then dropped to his knees and rolled first one then the other stocking down her legs, his fingers taking advantage of the opportunity to touch her soft skin.  He groaned when the second
silky confection reached her ankle.  He had to taste her, so he leaned forward and kissed the inside of her knee. 

"So damned beautiful..."
he whispered against her skin, then he inhaled deeply.  "You smell like a field of flowers, baby..." he told her, before forcing himself back up to his feet.  He shoved her back to the bed and she bounced then caught herself. 

With purpose, Chase took control and lifted her leg and eased her feet from the stockings, then kissed the arch of each foot.  "Scoot back," he instructed, then
when she was positioned on the towel, he told her, "Now, lay face down and're about to be taken to heaven, sweetheart."

"Just so I don't have to die to get there, I'm good..." she told him then
, then did as he requested.  Her body shuddered with her long sigh, and the tension that had been with her all day eased a little.  Jenny didn't know what Chase was up to, but she was game for about anything,
anything, as long as she didn't have to get out of this bed. 

He'd cooked her dinner.  That fact alone just about brought her to
orgasm when she smelled what he'd done.  Chase Rhodes really was too good to be true.  How was she supposed to keep her resolve not to sleep with him when he looked like a male model, smiled like the devil and cooked like Gordon Ramsey?

The bottle of oil popped and she heard him squirt some in his hand. 
"Push your hair to the side, sweetheart," he coaxed, then added, "And unhook your bra."

She reached behind her and unclasped her bra and it fell to the sides, then she scooped up her hair and pulled it over her shoulder.  He was still a minute,
then she felt him lean over her and he kissed his way over her shoulder to her neck and put hot kisses there too.  Chills raced along her spine and Jenny trembled.  "Mmmm..." she murmured.

He chuckled, a deep sexy rumble near her ear that was filled with promise.  "Relax, baby...did you like your foot massage the other night?"
he asked then straddled her hips.

"Oh, god yes..." she told him then relaxed a little, because now she knew what he was going to do.  She heard him rub his hands together, then he put them on her shoulders and rubbed
.  Jenny stifled a moan and clutched the bedspread under her. 

If her body didn't burst into flames from extreme sexual frustration, a massage might be a good idea. 
He moved his hands to her neck and squeezed the knotted muscles at her nape and she came really close to flash point.  With the heel of his palm, Chase created friction rubbing the muscles right below there next, then moved further down near her shoulder blades.  He hit a particularly sore spot and Jenny moaned and thought she might melt into the sheet.  Slowly he worked his way down and edged along her spine with his talented fingers, rubbing the oil into her skin.

"You keep making those sounds, sweetheart, and I might not finish this massage," Chase told her gruffly then hit another sore spot and tended to it.

"Can't help it...feels so good," she told him feeling almost drunk from the reaction her body was having to his actions.

His hands moved down to her waist, then lower.  "Lift your hips, sugar..." he told her then he tugged the thin lace at her hips.  Without thinking, she did as he requested and he slid her panties down her legs, then off.  If he told her to a naked dance for him right now, she'd be tempted to comply.  Nothing had ever felt this good...ever.

"Chase..." she slurred and sighed.

"Shhh...don't talk, just relax,
baby," he told her then his hands were on her rear and she tensed up.  "Relax," he said again softly then leaned down over her and kissed one cheek.  "You have the most beautiful ass, I've ever seen."

His hands caressed her in tandem, soothing her tight muscles until she felt like she might drool.  His palms moved to her outer thighs, while his thumbs worked the muscles under her butt, getting awfully close to the promise land.  Of their own volition, her hips lifted toward him as need poured through her.
  She groaned as he moved lower and massaged the back of her thighs, then her calves, and finally, he got to her feet and Jenny was glad, because she honestly didn't know how much more she could take.

"Now for the front," he said in a low gravelly voice.

"Chase..." she said breathlessly, about to ask him just to forget the massage and help her find relief from the new kind of tension he'd created in her body.

"Roll over, Jenny," he said gruffly, and she did.
  His eyes were dilated and glittering, his jaw tense.  Holding her gaze, he stripped off his shirt and pants, then stood there in his tight white boxers.  It was obvious what the back massage had done to him.  Her mouth went dry and other parts of her body moistened.  A slow throb began between her legs and she squirmed on the bed.

She opened her arms to him and said in a voice she didn't even recognize as her own, "Chase, I need you...please."

"No, I'm finishing what I started, baby," he growled then picked up the oil again and poured a generous portion in his palm.  Slowly he rubbed them together, then he smiled at her and picked up her left foot.  Jenny's blood felt like molten lava in her veins and she was panting by the time he got to the top of her right thigh. 

"Ugh, that's enough!" she
said and pulled him down to her, then rolled him over so she was on top of him.  "Kiss me," she growled over his mouth then slammed her lips over his.

Chase didn't have to be told twice, he devoured her
, while his hands moved over her breasts, catching her nipples between his fingers and tugging.  Jenny mewled and arched toward him.  He flipped her onto her back and latched his mouth onto her nipple, while his hand teased the other.  Jenny shouted and arched her back, her teeth clenched and her body trembled violently.

He moved his hand from her breast skimming over her silky skin traveling
downward across her flat stomach until he found the nest of curls at her thighs.  He slipped a finger inside of her wetness, her muscles pulsed.

"Did you just..." Chase asked in amazement.

She huffed out a breath and her cheeks flushed.  "Yeah, I's been a while."  She was breathing hard, her beautiful eyes glazed with passion.

"Well, that's a first," he said and chuckled.

"For me too...believe me I'm usually a lot slower," she said then threw her arm over her eyes. 

He lifted
her arm off of her eyes, and put it beside her head.  "No way, baby, we're just getting started," Chase told her with a gentle kiss.  "Roll over, sugar," he urged, and pushed her limp body over onto her stomach.  He removed his underwear then moved behind her and massaged her cheeks, then lifted her hips up so she was on her knees. 

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