ChasingCassie (16 page)

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Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

BOOK: ChasingCassie
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“Your imagination. Well, mostly.” He winked at her and she

“Jay, what were you talking about when you told Ryan about
petitioning advisors?”

“I’d like to petition the pack advisors for you to be
accepted as a full packmate. It means you’d truly be part of the pack, included
in everything, be allowed a voice, be able to contribute.”

“So who are these advisors? And why did you never mention
this to me?”

“Well, we have a temporary setup at the moment, with the
enforcers acting as the advisors, Laney too. When Cooper took over the pack, he
got rid of any advisors Zachary used. They were corrupt, evil.”

“So Cooper doesn’t vote?”

“Well, yeah, he can have the final vote if necessary, but he
generally only votes if there’s a tie.”

“Great, that’s great.”

“Don’t worry, everything will be all right. We’ll win, I
know we will. I didn’t tell you because I had to check with Cooper first. I
didn’t want to get your hopes up in case he said no. It’s up to you, though. We
don’t have to go back to the pack at all. We can join another pack.”

When he’d declared that he was willing to leave the pack for
her, she’d felt a weight shift from her. Despite his reassurances, she’d still
been worried about living with the pack. That she wouldn’t measure up, that she
wouldn’t fit in. She’d never have let on, of course, would never have made him

But to know he’d choose her—it was everything.

He rolled onto his side, resting his head on his hand as he
peered down at her.

“You have a family, Jay, a family who love you. I’d kill to
have that. I’m not going to let you simply throw that away. I trust you. I
trust that you’ll always be there for me. If I’m miserable or unhappy, I know
that we can work together to fix it. I haven’t changed my mind. I’d still like
to try to live with your pack. Let’s petition the advisors and see where things
go from there.”

“God, you’re amazing.”

She sighed. “If only there was some way you could change me
into a werewolf, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

He gazed at her silently before leaning down and taking her
mouth in a kiss so intense he almost swallowed her whole. When he pulled back,
she leaned forward, trying to recapture the oblivion of that kiss. It took her
a while to realize he was talking.

“That is…the most selfless thing anyone has ever offered to
do for me. You amaze me, Cassie. Thank you.”

“I was serious. If I could, I would.” She stared at him,
wondering why he couldn’t meet her eyes. “But there’s no way, is there?
Werewolves can’t change humans.”

“Baby, even if I was allowed to change you, I would never
put you through that.”

She frowned. “Wait, what do you mean, allowed? It’s
impossible, isn’t it?”

“Not impossible, just dangerous and forbidden. See, when the
packs came out, the Alphas all had to swear that they would never allow a human
to be changed. It’s a law that is policed by the packs, and it means instant
death for the werewolf who breaks it.” He swept his hand over her hair.

“Apparently it’s very traumatic, with few successes. I
wouldn’t risk your life to change you. There’s no reason for it. We can still
do anything we desire with you as a human.” He placed a hand on her stomach.
“Including having children.”

She took a deep breath.

“I never thought about having children.”

“I’ve thought of it,” he said huskily. “I’ve dreamed of you
pregnant with our child. And none of our children will ever feel alone or
abandoned or rejected or worried that they don’t have their parents’ love.”

“How many kids are we talking about here?”

“Oh, dozens.” He grinned. “Much as my brothers annoyed me
growing up, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

Cassie bit at her lower lip. “Hmm, speaking of siblings, it
turns out I may not be an only child.”

“What do you mean?”

“Are there other, umm, beings like you?”

“There’s no one like me.” He smacked a kiss against her lips,
laughing as she took a fake swing at his head.

“I don’t mean that. I mean, are there other beings besides

He stilled. “Why would you ask that?”

“There’s something I haven’t told you.”

He didn’t speak, but his eyebrows rose.

“After my
with Ryan, this guy sort of, well,
appeared. I’ve met him twice before. His name’s Brynn. He introduced himself
when I first got here, but when Josh arrived he disappeared. Josh never saw him
and I didn’t think I would see him again. Then he appeared again this afternoon
after I left you tied to the bed. Anyway, he turned up again after Ryan had
given me his little spiel about how I should leave you. It was really weird. He
was giving me advice on what to do. He told me I had to stand up to Ryan or
your brother would walk all over me.”

“What did he look like?” Jay demanded.

She described him.

“What makes you think he’s your brother?”

“He told me so. Weird huh?”

“What makes you think he’s not human?”

“He’s always just appearing and well, disappearing. And the way
he moves, it doesn’t look right. It’s like he doesn’t walk, he glides. He was
beside me one moment then two yards away the next and I never saw him move. And
he knew that you and Ryan are werewolves, in fact he seemed to know quite a bit
about werewolves.”

“Really?” Jay’s voice was serious. “If he was a werewolf I
would have caught his scent on you.”

“Yeah, I don’t think he’s a werewolf either. His touch is
really cold, I’m pretty sure if I was that cold I’d be dead. If anything, you
guys tend to run hot not cold.”

“Can you think of anything else?”

She shook her head. “Not really, but sometimes I’ve had this
feeling of being watched.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about him earlier?” he scolded.

“There was a lot going on,” she replied defensively.

He reached for his phone. Cassie sat up beside him,
listening as he had a curt conversation with his brother.

“Rye doesn’t have any idea who or what he is,” Jay explained
as he closed his phone. “But he said he’ll be on his guard.” He ran his hands
through his hair, sending it into disarray. “We have to leave soon and we’ll
need to be careful he doesn’t follow us.”

“I don’t think he’s a threat to me. Why would he help me if
he meant me any harm? And why would he claim to be my brother and then try to
hurt me?”

“I don’t know. But I don’t like the fact that he’s been
watching you. I can’t take any chances with your safety. Is there anyone who
would remember your father? Is he listed on your birth certificate?”

She shook her head. “I’m not sure my mother knew his name,
she’d never answer any questions about him. Someone else in Landon might
remember him. Mom lived there her whole life. It’s not exactly a large place.
Everyone knows everyone else’s business.”

“Wouldn’t someone have told you about him, then? Spoke about

She frowned. “You’re right, they would have. Still, I’ll ask
around anyway. It’ll give the gossipers something to talk about, me trying to
find my dad.” She sighed.

“How come you never left Landon? Moved somewhere bigger,
where no one knew you?”

She shrugged. “I always wanted to. But then mom got sick in
my last year of high school. I’d always worked in the school library, it seemed
logical to move into a job at the public library. The money wasn’t great but it
was enough to take care of mom and myself. Then when she died, well, I guess I
was too scared. I had nobody, at least in Landon I knew everyone. There are
nice people who live there too.”

She tugged him down until he lay next to her, then wiped the
frown lines from his forehead.

“Let’s worry about figuring this all out later, okay?” She
dragged his hand to her breast, her nipple stiffening instantly.

His gaze was immediately drawn to her naked body.

“You’ll tell me straightaway if you feel as though you’re
being watched, or if you see him again.” It was more an order than a question,
but she replied anyway.

“Uh-huh.” She thrust her chest up, pushing her breast
against his hand.

“Insatiable little thing, aren’t you?” he murmured, his
voice thick.

She reached down and lightly stroked his half-erect cock.
“Is that a complaint?”

“Hell, no,” he gasped as she ran her thumb over the head of
his cock, dipping slightly into his slit. She started to slide down his body
but he halted her, his hands holding her shoulders.

“Don’t you want me to?” She licked her lips.

“Oh yeah, I want. Roll onto your back, though.”

She rolled over and he knelt over her, his cock above her

She leaned up and licked his balls. He moved back with a

“Don’t move.” He stared at her sternly. She giggled

“You let me do the moving, Cass, you just—”

“Lie here with my mouth and legs open? I think I can manage

He grumbled and she laughed again.

He guided his shaft down to her mouth, running the head over
her lips until she opened them. He slid into her mouth.

She let him set the pace. Her hands cupped his balls,
squeezing. Her thighs rubbed against one another, trying to alleviate some of
her own arousal.

“Shit, shit, shit. That feels so good, Cassie, you wouldn’t

She used both hands to grab his ass, cupping, massaging.

He let out a guttural groan. “I’m gonna come.” She pulled
him in closer as he came with a shout. She smiled and as he withdrew, she
grabbed the base of his shaft, holding him still so she could have a last,
lingering lick of his half-erect cock.

He rolled back onto the bed, breathing heavily, a light
sheen of sweat covering his body. She rolled over and played her fingers over
his nipples. He laid his large hand over hers, stilling her movements.

“Ahh, babe, I could die a happy man.” Leaning up, he took
her mouth in a sweeping kiss.

“You’ve worn me out.” He closed his eyes and lay back. “I
think I need a nap to recover.”

She whacked his shoulder. “Tease.”

His face remained expressionless, eyes still shut as he
spoke. “You know how to take care of yourself, don’t you?”

She let out a startled bark of laughter. “Jerk.”

He rolled onto his side, moving her onto her back. “In
fact,” he teased, grinning. “Why don’t you give me a little show?” He lifted
her hips and placed two pillows beneath them, spreading her thighs. Then he lay
on his side across the bottom of the bed, his head positioned for prime viewing
between her legs.

“Don’t you want to come?” he asked her innocently when she
didn’t move.


Jay lay there gazing at his gorgeous mate. Her skin gleamed.
He ran his hand over her leg, loving the smooth feel of her against his
calloused palm. In his world, he was frequently surrounded by danger, darkness
and intrigue. As an enforcer he often saw the worst in others. But Cassie was
sweet and good. She had fast become his shelter. When he was with her, he could
relax and be himself.

She didn’t see herself as he did, didn’t see herself as
attractive. He was determined to work on that, though. Bit by bit he’d build up
her self-esteem until she had no choice but to realize how much she meant to

He knew she thought herself lucky to have him, but he was
the lucky one. She brought light, laughter, happiness. He simply could not live
without her.

She was hesitating, and he thought she wasn’t going to comply.
But she moved her hand slowly down to her slit and slipped two fingers inside
her passage, coating the two digits before she held them up to him.

“Oh baby,” he murmured huskily, leaning in to lick her
fingers clean of every drop of dew. He then dragged her fingers into his mouth
and sucked them. He let them go reluctantly, riveted as she returned those same
fingers to flick at her clit.

He could barely decide what he desired more, to watch her
bring herself to orgasm or to replace her hand with his tongue, to lick up more
of that delicious dew, to suck on that sensitive little nub.

He decided to hold back…this time.

“So beautiful. Keep going, that’s right, make yourself
come.” He kept up his praise, letting her know how much he appreciated what she
was doing, that she was letting him watch her reach fulfillment.

Her fingers sped up, her thighs quivered and she let out a
sharp cry as she came. He immediately moved, pushing her hand aside to suck
hard on her clit, prolonging her orgasm. He couldn’t resist one long, sweet
lick of her slick lips before he rose, pulling her into his arms to kiss her
deep and long.

* * * * *

The next morning, they lazed in bed. She sat between his
legs, her back resting against his chest. He was leaning back against the
headboard, his magical hands massaging her shoulders. She felt lazy and

“Can I see you change?” she asked.

His hands stilled on her shoulders. “You sure?”

“Yes,” she replied firmly, knowing the reason behind his
hesitation. “I’m not like Lia. Trust me.”

He moved, slipping out from behind her. He stood beside the
bed, staring down at her until she thought he was going to change his mind. But
then he sighed, running his thumb across her lips. Slipping her tongue out, she
licked him.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“I won’t be,” she replied. She knew Lia’s reaction, her
betrayal, had hurt him. She was determined to show him how amazing he was, wolf
and all.

The change happened quicker than she’d imagined—a smooth
movement of muscle and skin under a shimmering glow that disguised most of the

Then he stood before her, a magnificent creature. He was
long, taller than she’d thought he would be, with beautiful light-brown fur
thickly covering his body. He shook his head and snuffled, making her smile.
When she looked into his eyes she saw Jay staring back at her. Walking over to
the bed, he laid his massive head on the mattress and watched her, waiting for
her to move to him.

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