Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3) (23 page)

BOOK: Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)
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Addie, her arms tight around Chas’s waist, let go of all the darkness in her mind and turned her face up to the sun, welcoming its warmth and brightness. Being with Chas on the back of his bike seemed like the only right thing she had done in her life since her parents’ death. She figured Chas was in this for the short haul, and she couldn’t even contemplate anything more than that, either. Even though her heart tugged whenever he touched her or smiled at her, she had to push those feelings way back, because she was in no position to become serious with Chas or any man. She was a married woman under the law, and there was no way she would ever take the chance to stir shit up with Ian by filing for a divorce.

Addie decided she wasn’t going to overthink or even
about what she had with Chas. She was just going to
how she responded to his touches. For once in her life, she was just going to go with the damn flow.

As the Harley handled the dusty roads, the vibration from the motorcycle buzzed underneath her seat. With her legs spread wide, her clit was pressed firmly to the leather seat’s hard, vibrating, and rocking surface while she hugged Chas. Warm throbs pulsed between her inner thighs. Squirming against the seat, her cheeks flamed when she saw Chas grin and chuckle. She hid her face in his muscled shoulder, encased in soft leather, which caressed her skin. The tingling in her mound grew with each bump and mile they covered. The throbbing of the engine at a high speed massaged her pussy in a delicious way—it was like a giant vibrator.

The tightness in her sex gave way to small spasms. Gasping out loud, she couldn’t believe she was climaxing. What the fuck was wrong with her? Who in the hell had an orgasm while riding a motorcycle? As she came, she clutched Chas’s waist tighter, his taut stomach muscles hard against her soft hands. Swerving around a large bump in the road, her fingers slid down, resting on his hardness as it strained against his blue jeans. Chas twisted his head, and he and Addie locked eyes as warmth spread through her.

Chas smiled knowingly, and dark crimson painted her cheeks. Placing her head on his shoulder blade, she closed her eyes, letting the glow from within calm her while the wind caressed her as the Harley made its way toward their destination.

An hour later, Chas pulled up in front of The Aspen Groves Inn which was nestled in a mountain cove, surrounded by majestic peaks dotted with blue and green spruce trees. A veil of mist curled around the high mountain tops and a creek curved around the inn, its gurgling bouncing off the mountain walls.

“It’s beautiful here,” Addie said as she dismounted. “It looks like a postcard.”

“It’s one of my favorite retreats. I’ve taken Jack here a lot. There’s a lake nearby, and the trout fishing is the best in the area. There’s horseback riding, hiking, and cave tours. Jack loves it when we come here.”

“How often do you come with him?”

“I try to bring him up here about a dozen times a year. We have a good time.”

Holding her hand, Chas led Addie into the lobby furnished with handmade couches, chairs, and tables. A large stone fireplace stood in the middle of the room, and rugs, throws, and wall hangings made from natural materials gave the room a rustic, yet modern, feel.

After checking in, they strode to their cabin. Inside, a bright, cheery room greeted them, and Addie rushed over to the large window and immediately flung open the pastel striped curtains. A small deer gracefully bent down and drank from the creek, which ran past their cabin.

“This is perfect,” Addie exclaimed.

Chas hooked his arm around her waist as he nuzzled her neck, murmuring, “You’re perfect, precious.”

Snuggled in his arms, she closed her eyes and tipped her head back, her fingers loosely clasping his hands. She took slow and easy breaths as all tension and stress seeped out of her, making her feel like she was floating on a puffy cloud.
I could stay like this forever

After a while, Addie’s stomach grumbled, and Chas laughed. “You want to get something to eat? I know I’m starving.”

Nodding, Addie followed Chas to the quaint restaurant inside the lobby, off to the right.

As she nibbled on her club sandwich, she raised her eyebrows as a spark of recognition blazed across her face. “I can’t believe I didn’t remember.”

After he swallowed a large gulp of Coors, Chas said, “Remember what?”

“I know this place. Damn, how could I forget? I stayed here one time with my parents when I was real young, like about seven years old. It just hit me.”

“Really? It’s not so surprising, since you’re from Denver. In the summer, the place is teeming with tourists. It’s kid-friendly, so it makes sense.”

Shit, that’s right. I told him I was from Denver.
“I mean, I’m surprised there aren’t more tourists from other cities.” She grabbed her iced tea and sipped it.

Chas’s gaze speared through her.

Fuck, I know he’s not buying what I said. It sounds lame to me, so I can imagine how it sounds to him. How could I forget I told him I was from Denver?

Addie smiled. “It’s strange what you remember, and what triggers memory. It was the club sandwich, because I remember my dad sharing his with me in this very restaurant. Funny how life is.”

Chas continued to stare.

She bounced her knee up and down as she finished her sandwich. “We had a cabin near here. Well, I should say, we
, or rather,
have a cabin near here.” Turning away to avoid his stare, Addie looked out the picture window and admired the bursts of color quilted around the cove.

“You have a cabin? How come you didn’t tell me?” Chas wiped his mouth and placed his napkin on the table. “Where is it?”

“Near here, I think. I don’t know how I forgot. Like I said, it’s been such a long time since I was in the area. I guess after my parents died, I shut down all the memories because they were too painful. I haven’t been to the cabin since I was in grade school.” Mist made her eyes glimmer.

Chas placed his hand over hers. “I’m sure it was, and still is, tough. We should go to your cabin and check it out. You may have unwanted tenants staying there.”

Addie’s eyes grew big. “I wouldn’t want that. There’s still a lot of my parents’ stuff in the cabin.” Head down, Addie stared at the burgundy tablecloth. “I’m afraid to go.”

“I’ll be with you. No one’s gonna hurt you, precious.” Chas patted her hand.

Shaking her head, she said in a low voice, “No, I’m afraid of the memories.” Two tears escaped and trickled down her face.

Chas’s fingers wiped them away. “Babe, it’s up to you if you wanna go. I think it’d be good for you to face the fear and memories, but I’d never push you. It’s been a while since you lost your parents. Maybe a trip to the cabin will help you heal somewhat. Fuck, what do I know?”

“You’re right. I’ll have to think about it.” Determined not to let the sadness from her past creep in, she forced back the pain and grief. Chas’s handsome face and his dark, sexy eyes pulled her back to the present. “Didn’t you say something about a lake?”

“Yeah, you wanna see it?” Chas smiled.

“I’d love to. Can we swim in it?”

“Yeah, we can go in, but it’s not gonna be warm.”

“Isn’t that what
supposed to do? Warm me up?” She glanced at him, a smile twitching around her mouth.

“Fuck, precious, I’ll make you hot.”

Chair scooted back, she stood up and threw him a coy glance. “Let’s go, stud.”

His deep laugh shimmied up her spine before he flung his arm around her shoulders and they walked out of the restaurant.

Chapter Nineteen

he calm lake
was in a cavern-quiet alcove surrounded by tall pine trees. The jagged peaks of the surrounding mountains looked like a saw’s teeth, and their reflection was stamped onto the mirror-silver lake. A sweet sap smell hung in the air.

“It’s so peaceful and lovely here,” Addie said as she and Chas sat on the pine needle-strewn ground. Inhaling deeply, she sighed. “And the fresh scent is intoxicating. It’s energizing.”

Chas loved watching her tits rise whenever she breathed in; he decided he loved the smell, too. Excitement shone in her face as she leaned against him. To him, she looked happy, and he was stoked that he was the one to put such a big smile on her face. He knew she was the reason
had a lightness in him, and his heart swelled when he touched her.
Fuck, she’s getting to me.

Circling his arm around her, he placed a kiss on her cheek. “Want to go for a swim?”

“I don’t know. I don’t have my bathing suit.”

“You don’t need one. No one’s around but us, and I know how you look naked.” He licked his lips and wiggled his eyebrows.

Red streaks colored her face.

Squeezing her closer to him, he kissed her red face. He thought she was incredibly cute when she was embarrassed. Truth be told, it fucking turned him on. She was so different from any of the women he’d been with. All the women he’d had never acted shy around him. It was the opposite—they’d grab his crotch or rub their tits against his chest, making it hard for him to make the first move. Pussy was so damned easy, and the whores he bedded all had the same moves.

Addie was different. Fucking her was unlike anything he’d experienced before. It wasn’t like he was fucking simply for pleasure or to soothe an itch; it was like they were connected. They’d shared something deeper than an ordinary fuck. Something passed between them and
them, and he didn’t know what it was, but he knew it scared the hell out of him.

Addie tapped her finger against his forehead. “You look so serious. What’re you thinking about in there?”

Her touch was electric.
All this touchy-feely woman shit is for pussies. Fuck, I’m so screwed.

“Just wondering how I’m gonna get your sexy ass in the lake short of picking you up and throwing you in.”

Eyes wide, she said, “You wouldn’t dare.” Eyes narrowing, she added, “Would you?”

“Don’t you know me well enough not to dare me?” His eyes twinkled as he flexed his muscled arms.

“You would. Damn, I know you would.”

They both laughed, Chas pulling her hard against him. When her clear green eyes looked up at him, he tilted her head back and devoured her mouth, his tongue tasting and licking every part of it. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her.

When he took a breath, Addie backed her head away and said, “I think we better get in the water to cool off.”

Nodding, Chas stood up, pulling her with him. She had no idea what nasty things he wanted to do to her in the lake. Going in the water seemed like a great idea.

Addie stripped down
to her bra and panties and looked tentatively at the lake as it rippled slightly under a light wind which had just kicked up.

“Do you think it’s going to be freezing cold?” she asked over her shoulder.

Chas, stripped down to his boxers, strode up behind her, his hands on her warm shoulders. “It’ll be cool but not freezing. In a few weeks, it’ll be too cold to go in. If you get too cold, I’ll make sure to make you hot.” He chuckled in her ear.

“Okay, but if it’s freezing, I’m outta there.”

Chas ran his hands down her back, the dusting of freckles across her shoulder making his dick twitch. Running a finger across the back of her bra, he asked, “You want me to unhook your bra?”

Pausing for a few seconds, Addie nodded, her eyes darting all around checking out the area.

“There’s no one here but us,” Chas reminded her, amusement lacing his voice.

“I’d die if someone saw us. You may be okay with being nude in public, but I’m not. I’ve heard that bikers fuck a lot in front of each other. Is that true?”

Talking about the sex practices and moral mores of the outlaw world wasn’t what Chas wanted to do. He didn’t want the conversation steered in that direction because he knew citizens just didn’t understand his world. If he were to admit to the sexual antics he’d been involved in during the past few years, he was positive Addie would run far away from him. He was also sure it would kill the mood for playing with her in the lake.

“Is it true?” she repeated.

“Depends on the person. Bikers have sex just like citizens, you know? Some like it kinky and on the wild side, and some like it private and hot. There’s no real difference.”

Shit, that sounded good. Noncommittal. Answered the question in a vague way. Fuck, I sound like a politician.

“Do you like it kinky and wild or private and hot?” Addie looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes picking up the afternoon light.

“I like you.” In one movement, her bra was unhooked and he had her gorgeous tits in his hands, massaging them while he kissed her neck.

Leaning her head back against him, she sighed contentedly. “It feels so good.” She reached her arms behind her and placed her hands on his taut ass, her nails raking lightly over it.

Her breasts moved out more as she arched her back and Chas kneaded them rougher, his cock hardening with each sound she made. Her tits felt amazing in his hands: soft, heavy, and smooth. His obsession with her tits had started the first time he’d seen her and her stacked rack covered by all her straight-laced clothes. And now that he had touched, licked, and kissed them, he couldn’t get enough of them—or her. Addie fucking lit a match in him, and the more he saw her, touched her, fucked her, the more his fervor built.

“Should we go in?” he whispered against her neck.

“Okay. I think I’ll just bite the bullet and skinny dip.” She slid off her panties as her eyes continued darting around.

One baby step at a time, she walked toward the lake, the dry pine needles crunching under her feet. “I’m surprised these needles are so soft,” she said.

Standing back, Chas responded, “Pine needles are soft except for their tips. If you walk on them, it’s like walking on carpet.”

“I didn’t realize that. I thought they’d be prickly or something.”

“How can you be from Colorado and not know that? Pine trees are fuckin’ everywhere. Didn’t you have any in your yard or neighborhood when you were growing up?”

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