Insatiable Stepdaughter: The Collection

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Authors: Belle Hart

Tags: #explicit erotica, #hardcore sex, #stepdad erotica, #stepdaughter sex, #stepfather erotica, #stepdaughter erotica, #stepfather and stepdaughter, #stepfather sex, #stepdaughter incest, #stepfather incest

BOOK: Insatiable Stepdaughter: The Collection
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Insatiable Stepdaughter


The Collection


by Belle Hart




Smashwords Edition




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Copyright 2011 by Belle Hart

All rights reserved.



of Contents


Step Dad Likes to Watch

Step Dad Sexes Me Up

Busted Having Sex with Step Dad

Sex at Step Dad's Office

Sex Vacation with Step Dad


Other stories by Belle Hart



Step Dad Likes to Watch
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“Nice cheerleader outfit,” Blake says,
looking me up and down.

I smirk at him. “You know I’m a cheerleader,”
I say.

“Still, to see it… wow.”

I laugh. I am standing in my bedroom in front
of my dresser mirror, brushing my long dark blond hair. I check the
eyeliner around my dark blue eyes. Still looks good. My boyfriend
Blake is standing in my doorway.

“You know I’m just going to mess it up
again,” he says, coming towards me seductively.

“Shh,” I say. “Close the door.”

He chuckles. “Erica.” Still he humors me. He
closes the door and leans against it with his tall lanky frame. He
is goodlooking. He has short dark hair, lean muscles, arms folded
across his chest. He’s in college. I’m in high school. A senior. I
turned 18 a few months ago. He’s my best friend’s older brother.
That’s how we met. I feel my heart rate speed up as I imagine what
we are about to do.

I set my brush down. He takes a step toward
me. I start to shake a little bit. It’s not like we’ve never made
out before, but this is different.

“Shh,” he says, putting his hand on my cheek.
He has on black jeans and a black T-shirt. It makes him look
vaguely sinister, but I like it. His green eyes sparkle down at

He kisses me, and his hands immediately move
to my large round breasts. I kiss him harder. He moves his hands to
my small waist. He slowly backs me up toward the bed.

“When does your stepdad get home?” he mutters
between kisses.

“Five thirty,” I say.

“So, we have time,” he says, then kisses me

I live with my stepdad, Bill. My mother died
a few years ago, and I’ve never met my real father.

Blake awkwardly kicks his shoes and socks off
while kissing me, standing next to my bed. I laugh. I step out of
my shoes and then reach down to pull off my socks.

He picks me up and lays me down on the bed.
He keeps kissing me. He whips his T-shirt off. Then he unzips the
back of my cheerleader uniform. It’s my long-sleeved one because
it's winter. He pulls the little outfit off of me, leaving me in my
white bra and panties.

“Oh, God, Erica,” Blake says as he kisses my
cleavage. I shiver. I can feel wetness gathering between my

“You’re so beautiful,” he says as he reaches
around me to unhook my bra. He pulls it off and looks amazed as he
stares at my breasts. I run my hands over his muscled chest. I am
nervous, but this is so exciting.

“I can’t believe you’re a virgin,” he
whispers as he dives between my breasts with his face. I moan. I
run my fingers through his hair. Then he starts to pull my panties
off. I start to shake again.

“Shh, Erica…” he says quietly. Then he starts
to kiss my neck and ears, and then down to my breasts. I am
panting. He reaches his hand down to my vagina and puts his fingers
inside. I shiver, and get more wet.

He unzips his jeans, and shrugs out of them
quickly, boxers too. He is breathing heavily.

“Are you ready?” he asks breathlessly.

“Yes,” I whisper, staring into his eyes.

He reaches down with his hand and guides his
penis into me. It feels so big. He thrusts it gently into me as
deep as it will go. I feel a sharp pain inside.

“Ow,” I gasp.

“Sorry,” he says. “I guess it always hurts
for girls the first time.”

He stares into my eyes as he starts to thrust
into me. I moan. It still stings inside, but it feels good too. So

He thrusts for a few more minutes and I feel
a strange sensation build up inside me. It’s like I want him more
and more. To go deeper or faster or something. The pleasure is
wonderful. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’ve never
even masturbated. Then all of a sudden there is a burst of
pleasure, so exquisite I can’t believe it. I moan and my muscles
clench involuntarily.

Soon after, Blake groans and ejaculates into
me. He laughs and says, “Oh, my God, that was awesome.”

I laugh. I agree. I wrap my arms around him
as he kisses me.


I never knew sex felt this good. Blake and I
have been having sex for 2 months now. Almost daily. My stepdad,
Bill, is a professor at the local university. English literature.
He gets home about 2 hours after me. That gives Blake and I plenty
of time to do it. We don’t use condoms, but I’m on the pill, so
it’s okay. Bill doesn’t know I’m on the pill. I had to go to the
women’s clinic, where they don’t make you pay much. I’m sure Bill
doesn’t know I’m having sex either.

Tonight is an unusual night. Blake can’t come
over. He has to go to his grandmother’s big birthday bash. So I’m
alone. Bill is late coming home too. It’s getting dark and stormy
outside. I may have to make a sandwich for dinner.

I’m reading a magazine on the couch when Bill
gets home. He shakes the rain out of his short thinning brown hair.
He’s handsome for a 50-year-old man, though. In a professorly way.
Tall and thin. He walks a lot, so he’s got lean muscles. He does
yoga. He’s got those sensitive brown eyes that girls love. His
students get crushes on him. He looks sort of quiet and harmless
and cuddly.

He’s holding a pizza box in his hand. He
holds it up to show me, “I got dinner.”

“Cool,” I say. I hop off the couch and follow
him into the kitchen. He gets out two plates.

“No Blake tonight?” he asks.

“Nope. He had a family thing,” I say as I
take a bite of pepperoni pizza. He hands me a glass of water, then
gets himself one. We walk over to the little square wooden kitchen
table where we always eat.

“How’s school?” he says as he chews.


We finish our dinner and then he goes up to
his office to grade some term papers. His office is right next to
my bedroom. I hang out watching TV downstairs for a while, then I
head up to my bedroom. When I walk by his closed office door, I
hear a strange noise.

It almost sounds like a groan. Like he’s in
pain. I stop to listen. I hear another one. I put my hand on the
doorknob. Should I really go in? He moans. What if he’s sick or
injured? I open the door. I am not prepared for what I see.

Bill is sitting in an armchair in his huge
home office. In front of him are a big TV and a VCR. He’s watching
a tape of Blake and I having sex. I am stunned.

Bill hasn’t noticed that the door opened.
He’s moving his arm up and down very fast. I am standing behind
him. I take another step. I see he is masturbating. A tube of
lubrication sits next to him on a little table. He is rubbing his
hand up and down his penis as he watches Blake and I have sex on
the screen.

I feel shocked, but I am so turned on too.
Seeing Blake and I have sex, seeing Bill masturbate to it. I feel
that familiar surge of desire well up in me again. I can’t help it.
I quietly unzip my jeans and put my hand inside my panties. I start
flicking my clit with my finger and feel my heart pound.

Bill groans. I feel pleasure shiver through
me. I can hear Blake and I groaning on the tape. I can see us
having sex. It’s always the same position with Blake, him lying on
top of me. So I can’t even tell when this tape was made. Or

I can feel my pleasure build up as I quietly
flick my clit. I am drunk with it. Suddenly, uncontrollably, I
moan. That changes everything.

Bill turns quickly and sees me there. He
looks like he’s in a haze of desire, but also like he’s horrified.
He leaps up, pants still open, and pushes me with both hands out
into the hall, then slams the door shut between us.

I am breathless. Shocked. I put my hands on
the door. I can hear Bill breathing hard just on the other side of
it. I want him to do what Blake was doing to me on the tape. I want
him to have sex with me. I can feel the sexual tension through the

I can’t believe I feel this way about my
stepfather. He’s raised me on his own since I was 15. He was
married to my mother since I was 5. This is sick. But it doesn’t
feel sick. It feels like we love each other, and this is just an
extension of that. But I barely care about the appropriateness
right now. I just want him. I start to pant.

He opens the door. He stares down at me. He
is tall, but not as tall as Blake. His eyes are full of fierce
desire. He pulls me inside the room by my arm. Then he closes the
door and quickly pushes me against it, with my back to him.

“Oh, Bill…” I moan. He pulls down my jeans
and panties, quickly, all the way to the floor. I step out of them.
Then he presses me to the door as he quickly shoves his cock into
my pussy. I gasp. My heart starts to race.

He starts to thrust hard into me, almost
angrily. I moan loudly. It feels so good. My hands are on the door
near my shoulders. He puts his hands over them, holding me tightly
there. This is so hot. Almost like he’s forcing me, except I want
him. Blake never does things like this. I feel like I need it. I am
breathing hard as he thrusts into me.

I can still hear Blake’s and my moans from
the tape. I can hear us getting close to orgasm. Just like Bill and
I are doing now. Bill starts to pant and groan with each thrust. I
moan loudly as my orgasm builds up. Then I groan deeply as it
explodes inside me. It's a much harder orgasm than I have ever had.
I feel another little orgasm surge through me right after. I

Bill shakes and grunts loudly, then
ejaculates inside me, as I hear Blake and I orgasm on the tape.
Bill immediately slides himself out of me and steps away.

“I’m sorry,” he says, out of breath, as he
zips up. He quickly walks over and turns off the tape. My muscles
are weak and wobbly, but I manage to pull my panties and jeans back

He turns to look at me. He looks anguished.
But still his face is full of desire. He looks how I feel. I take a
step towards him.

“Erica,” Bill warns. “Don’t.”

“We’ve already done it,” I say in a whisper.
I keep walking to him.

“It’s just…” he says, taking a small step
away from me.

“But I need it,” I say as I look up at him.
“I need you. Please…” I put my hands on the sides of his face. He
looks down at me with those soulful brown eyes.

Suddenly he grabs me by the arms and pulls me
closer and kisses me. Hard. I moan. He is a good kisser. It’s like
he knows things Blake would never dream of knowing. I can feel my
pussy get wetter. I press my body to his as he kisses me. He
groans. As he kisses me, he walks us over to the couch. He pulls
the blanket off the back of the couch and stops kissing me long
enough to lay it on the carpet. I start to pull off my navy blue
T-shirt. He stops me. Then he pulls it off himself. I shiver.

He kisses me more as he unhooks my white bra
and pulls it off of me, exposing my large breasts. He moans as he
squeezes them with his hands. He massages them and kisses me and I
am in heaven. I start to unbutton his long sleeved tan plaid shirt.
He finishes for me. He tosses it to the ground. He has lean muscles
underneath. I run my hands over them, and up his back. He

Then he starts to undo the fly of my jeans. I
moan. I pull my jeans and panties off again and kick them to the
side. I reach for his pants and he quickly unzips them and steps
out of them and his boxers. I was barefoot already, but he pulls
off his socks and shoes. Now we are totally naked.

His cock is a nice size. It’s bigger than
Blake’s. Just a bit. It’s totally erect for me again. I stroke it
with my fingers. Bill moans. Then he picks me up in his arms, and
kneels on the floor and lays me down on the blanket. He stares at
my body as he kneels above me.

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