Chaste Kiss (32 page)

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Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Ghosts, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Chaste Kiss
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Isabel's head fell back against him, slowly melting in his arms. He gently pressed his lips to her temple as she let his rhythmic breathing wash over her.

breathing. In and out. It was a miracle. He was holding her, kissing her, and he was alive. A fantastic, glorious, miracle. And yet, the greatest miracle was yet to come.

She suddenly jerked her head up. Her uncle would be appalled if he stayed in her room—their room. They'd have to sneak around in the middle of the night.

She wanted William with her in the chamber bed without interruption or interference from another living soul for hours on end. Days, if possible. She let out a heavy sigh. That sounded an awful lot like a honeymoon, and they weren't married. But they would be, wouldn't they? Soon?

"What's wrong?” he whispered in her ear, sending tingles down her spine.


He nipped at her earlobe playfully. “I can tell something's bothering you."

She looked back over her shoulder at his worried frown. “I'd rather not discuss it here."

"All right,” he said with furrowed brows.

She slowly reached up and slid her finger down along the crease, smoothing it away. She'd always wanted to do that, preferably with her lips, but his would have to do—for now.

They exchanged long looks before she turned back around. Everything would be fine. Less than an hour before, he'd said they had the rest of their lives together. They'd be married and have a house full of kids and a big slobbery dog. It was going to be perfect. She just needed to figure out how to make their first night together perfect.

Running her hands along his strong arms, she could hardly wait to explore every tantalizing inch of what lay beneath his clothes. His muscles flexed, and she snuggled deeper into his embrace with a gentle rub of her backside against him.

William groaned deep in his chest. “Stand still,” he growled.

With a satisfied grin, she answered him with another subtle wiggle, thoroughly enjoying this new experience.

He pressed his face to the side of her head and inhaled deeply. She could feel the muscle in his jaw clenching.

"Please, love. I'm begging you,” he whispered.

She shuddered as a scorching heat developed between her thighs. All he had to do was whisper in her ear, and her body was ready to burst into flame.

Oh yes, everything would be perfect, propriety be damned.

Chapter Eighteen

The auction finally came to a close, and Isabel thanked the necessary parties involved never once letting go of William. She constantly held his hand or kept her arm looped through his. Someday she might let him go, but it wouldn't be for a very, very long time.

"Are you planning on staying here at the manor, Ashenhurst, or do you have a hotel?” Mick asked. “I'll need to notify my men about you."

"You mean the stalker still hasn't been caught?"

"No. Afraid not."

William pulled Isabel tightly to his side, so hard, she had trouble breathing, but wasn't about to say a word. It felt too wonderful.

"I'm staying at the Brantley Inn,” he said.

"No, you're not. You're staying here,” she said.

"Your uncle hasn't invited me to stay."

"Of course you'll stay!” Jerome slapped William on the back, jarring Isabel loose in the process.

Grateful to be able to breathe again, she suppressed a laugh. She had a sneaking suspicion her uncle touched William whenever he could to make certain he wasn't going to revert to his old habits.

"I don't want to be any trouble, Jerome,” William said.

"No trouble at all. You can have the Regency room again. I'll ask Constance to get it ready for you.” With a broad smile, her uncle headed toward the house.

"I'll need to go into town and pick up my bags."

"Let's go,” Isabel said brightly. Maybe their first time together wouldn't be in the chamber bed after all. There was privacy to be had at the Brantley Inn.

Mick's gruff voice threw cold water on that idea. “You're not going, Isabel. You're grounded indefinitely. Remember? After that little stunt you pulled the other day, you're under house arrest."

"You can't do that!"

A definite scowl distorted William's handsome face. “What stunt?"

"She and a certain female conspirator, who shall remain nameless—” Mick shot Debi a glare, who immediately pasted an angelic look on her face. “Decided to go dredging. They ditched the day guard and went on a Dumpster diving rampage."

Debi grinned. “We found several good pieces, I'll have you know."

Isabel stuck out her chin. “We were perfectly safe. Everything was under control. You're just over—"

William placed his finger across her lips, silencing her. “That will definitely not happen again.” He moved his hand to cup her chin. “Mick's right. You'll be safer here. I'll only be gone a few minutes.” He started to pull away.

Clutching his arm tightly, she said, “No. I'm going with you.” She couldn't say all the things she desperately wanted to in front of everyone. He just had to understand.

He gazed into her eyes, eyes she knew glistened with unshed tears, but she couldn't help it. Losing him had been the worst experience of her life. Even worse than a madman coming at her with a knife. It was an experience she didn't plan on reliving.

"I can go get your things and bring them back here,” Mick offered.

She tore her blurry gaze from William. “Thank you,” her voice broke, and she couldn't say anymore.

William slipped his arm back around her and pressed his lips to her temple. He did understand.

"Well, let's go, Columbo. We've got work to do.” Debi pulled on Mick's arm as he scowled down at her.

"Wonderful. Just what I don't need,” Mick grumbled.

Their voices faded as William led Isabel toward the garden, away from the crew dismantling the tent. “Let's take a walk before it gets too dark,” he said.

Isabel could only nod. Those damn tears were determined to come to the top, but she managed to keep a lid on them.

Walking among the azaleas, their arms wrapped around one another, he asked, “Will you tell me now what's bothering you?"

Clearing her throat, she concentrated on her feet as they strolled down the path. “I'm a little embarrassed by it, actually."

"Oh?” He turned her around in his arms and she looked up at him. “Would my sweet innocent Isabel be having wicked wanton thoughts?"

His teasing grin made her heart flutter faster. “Actually I was hoping that—if we would be able to—” She blew at a stray hair tickling her forehead.

"Isabel, we are going to
everything.” He paused and his face turned somber. “But not until after we're married."

Her eyes widened and mouth fell open. “Tell me you're joking."

He let out a hearty laugh and pulled her to him. “I am, love. I am. You've tortured me these last few hours, and I'm not a glutton for punishment."

She slapped his chest and almost—almost pulled out of his arms. “I'm not too fond of torture myself."

He kissed her on the forehead. “This still doesn't tell me what's bothering you."

She hid her face in his shirt, suddenly too shy to face him. “I don't want us to have any interruptions. I want us to be able to make love in the chamber bed and stay there for as long as we like. I don't want to be sneaking around the house in the middle of the night like a couple of teenagers breaking curfew. I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up there."

Tilting up her chin, he stroked her cheek and ran his thumb across her slightly parted lips. “And I want those things too. But I don't want your uncle to throw me out on my duff, either."

"What are we going to do?"

"Exactly what you want to do,” Constance said, as she came around the corner.

Isabel jumped. “Oh! Constance. You scared me half to death.” She leaned into William, her hand over her heart.

"Sorry, sweetie. I couldn't help overhearing your little dilemma. After Jerome came in and asked me to get the Regency room ready, I decided to make a few suggestions.” There was a distinct twinkle in her eye.

William and Isabel glanced at each other then back at Constance.

"Come now, children. You can't possible think I'm blind. I explained to Jerome you were both adults, and that he needed to keep his nose out of it.” She chuckled lightly. “Needless to say, he wasn't too happy about it, but he gave in. I was just coming to tell you."

Constance spun around and started back down the path. “I'll leave breakfast outside your door around nine. Oh, and William,” she said looking back over her shoulder. “I think I liked your hair better long, but I'm glad you came back. I knew you were a smart man.” She winked then disappeared around the end of the hedge.

They stood silently for a moment then burst out laughing.

"I knew I liked her,” William said.

As their laughter faded, Isabel began an intense study of his features. “I hadn't realized you cut your hair. And you look different somehow."

"Too different?"

She shook her head.

"Thank goodness,” he said, and kissed the tip of her nose. “I'm called Thomas instead of William now. I'm the current Earl of Kent and reside with my Aunt Tess, whom I believe you will adore as much as I do.” He chuckled softly. “If it weren't for her, I don't know if I'd be here now."

"I don't understand."

William looked out across the garden toward the mountain then up to the sky. “It's getting dark. We'd better go in. I'll explain everything as best I can, but remember this, Isabel. I am the man you knew, and I love you with all my heart."

After a tender kiss, they walked slowly toward the house as he explained what had happened, or at least his best guess. A tiny slip of doubt entered Isabel's mind about whether or not he was truly her William, but disappeared almost as quickly as it came. Her heart knew the truth.

Arm in arm they made their way to their room, then closed and locked the door behind them. Standing next to the chamber bed, William took her face in his hands and placed his lips gently against hers. The kiss deepened, and she trembled with anticipation of what was to come. Finally, after all the waiting she would have what she dreamed of. William's arms wrapped around her, his body pressed against hers. Everything.

Slowly, his hands slid over her body. One rubbing soft gentle circles against her back as the other undid the buttons of her blouse. With the first two undone, he slipped his hand through the opening and ran his fingers across the laced edged of her camisole.

Her mind whirled. He was touching her as he had once before, only now she could feel the searing heat of his fingertips as they brushed against her skin, his soft sensuous lips against her throat, the feel of his warm strong body pressed against her. All of it. All of him. But would it be perfect? Would it be as she had always dreamed it would be? And would he still want her if it wasn't?

The source of her trembling shifted from anticipation to trepidation. She wanted to slow down. She needed more time to adjust to him being alive. It was all too much to accept at once. Struggling to form the words, there was a knock at the door. William moaned his frustration.

She took a shaky breath. “We should answer that."

"Yes, we should.” With a heavy sigh, he redid the buttons of her blouse.

Once Isabel was presentable, she crossed the room and opened the door.

"Hi,” Debi said with a bright smile. “We got all of William's stuff, although there wasn't a lot of it. He travels kind of light for a lord."

Isabel watched Mick roll his eyes. “Sorry for the intrusion,” he said.

William stepped up behind her, and placed his hand on her shoulder with a light squeeze. She suddenly realized she'd let go of him. Something she was certain she wouldn't do for a very long time. Was she that afraid?

"Thank you.” William took the small bag from Mick, and placed it beside the dresser. “I was in sort of a hurry to get here. I only packed the essentials."

Debi peered around Isabel into the room. “Oh. My. God. Would you look at that bed?” She bustled inside and went straight to the chamber bed. “This room was off limits when we were kids. Now I know why. Have you ever seen anything like this in your life?"

William stepped up next to her. “Yes, it is unique. It's an Elizabethan chamber bed. It's over four hundred years old.” He grinned crookedly and winked as Isabel.

"You could get an entire family in that bed,” Debi said, stroking the coverlet with her hand. “Or, you could get really inventive with all that space.” She waggled her eyebrows at Isabel and William.

A wave of heat glided from the top of Isabel's head down to the tips of her toes. A good solid blush.

Mick cleared his throat and strode into the room. Taking Debi by the arm, he pulled her toward the door. “It's time to go."

"When did you get so bossy? Is it a full moon? Oh, wait. I forgot. You're in your Cro-Magnon phase.” Mick closed his eyes and appeared to be counting to ten. “Oh, lookie. He can count. Do you think that means he's trainable?"

Mick's brows shot up with that one, and he glared at Debi. This was not good. Her friend was showing all her fangs for some reason, but Isabel had something much more pressing on her mind.

"Out.” That single command from Mick made Debi take a sharp breath. That was twice in one day he'd managed to take the wind out of her sails—for a second at least.

"I'll see you bright and early Monday morning, Izz.” Debi gave her a quick hug.

"No, you won't,” Mick said. “You're still grounded, Isabel. Ashenhurst, I'm counting on you to clip this woman's wings."

William nodded. “Consider them clipped."

Debi eyed each of the men in turn then laughed as she breezed out of the bedroom.

Mick shook his head and grasped William's hand. “I'll check in with you on Monday.” He turned and followed Debi through the door.

Isabel folded her arms across her chest and went to stare out the window. She most definitely didn't like being dictated to.

She heard William close and lock the door. “Isabel, you have to understand his concerns."

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