Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (25 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

BOOK: Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin
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“Yeah… sure we can, but Monty I need to know if you and this MiKayla chick have been messing around. You know I know you and when I saw her sitting on your desk, I knew what time it was. Please, just be honest with me. I can handle it.” She stated, turning up her Jolly Rancher Iced tea. Monty looked over at MJ and felt that he’d definitely been caught. He knew Candy was no fool and didn’t want to make it any worse by lying to her. He shook his head in agreement as he spoke.

“Yes, I’ve been messing around with MiKayla.” He cleared his throat. Candy’s stomach turned, but she held back the tears. She wanted him to continue.

“For how long, may I ask?” He reluctantly answered.

“Candy, after you pushed me out of your life, I felt lost without you. You weren’t giving me any slack and no loving. I tried plenty times just to feel your touch and you weren’t having it. I mean hell; we haven’t spent time together like this since the split.” Candy’s head dropped, because she knew that the strategy she planned was poorly thought out and she was responsible for pushing him into another woman’s arms.

“Baby, just tell me if you care for her, because I already know the answer to my first question.” She asked lifting her head up to stare in his sexy eyes.

“Baby, I do care for her, but not how you may think.” Candy’s heart dropped. The thought of hearing that he cared for someone else hurt more than she thought it could. She fought her tears as they welled up in the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry baby. I know that this hurts you and it’s like I can’t get around hurting you. I understand if you still don’t want to be with me, because I don’t deserve you.” Candy looked over at the love of her life and then at his mini me.

“I still want to be with you. I can’t just shake what we share. I love you, and in a way this is my fault as well.” Monty’s small eyes brightened, because he wasn’t expecting to hear her say that. “Do you treat her as you would have treated a pawn or do you give her your all?” Monty’s facial reaction gave him away before he could even respond. Candy softly cleared her throat. “Okay, don’t answer that.” She stated as the waitress came back to the table.

“Is there anything else that I can get you?” The waitress asked as she sat another basket of bread on the table.

“No thank you,” Candy responded. “You can bring us the tab and a to-go box.” Candy looked over at Monty. “I’m ready to go.”

“Baby, please, don’t act like that. I love you more than I can love any other female. MiKayla and I had been working a lot lately and you just weren’t there. I started noticing small things about her that I liked. I can’t lie to you. She is a good person with a good heart, but she doesn’t compare to you. I could never feel for her the way that I feel for you. It’s just not the same.” Monty desperately tried to speak the truth without causing more hurt to Candy. She looked over at him and thought about how she had been pushing him away. She knew that she could not afford to continue to do that. He cared for MiKayla and Candy could feel it.

“Do you want to go to my house for a little while?” She politely asked before she realized it. As Monty’s facial expression looked a little confused he hurriedly accepted the invitation. She smiled, but knew that she had better step it up. She wanted him even more now and definitely had a point to prove. She was not letting MiKayla come in and ruin what she had worked so hard to get. 



Chapter Twenty-one

Rico walked into the hospital. He headed straight for labor and delivery. He entered the elevator and pressed the button for the t
hird floor. He knew just where Monica was, because her mom had called him three more times to make sure that he was close by. As Rico stepped off of the elevator and turned the corner to walk down the hallway where Monica was, he spotted her sister. She was sitting in a chair outside of the delivery room. She looked up at him and smiled.

“What’s up, Seneca?” He asked, quickly thinking about how much she looked like her sister.

“Hey Rico.” She responded. “You missed it. She just had the baby,” Seneca stated. “I guess he was ready for world.” Rico smiled, but felt bad that he missed the baby being born. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, they are both doing well. He is so precious. She had him about ten minutes ago. He weighs seven pounds and two ounces.” She said as Rico heard him cry out from behind the doors. Seneca laughed. “Yeah, and he got a set of lungs on him, too.”

Rico laughed. “Can I go in?” He asked quickly.

“Sure, you can go in. Mama is still in there with them, but I had to come out for some fresh air. The sight of that was something I’ll never forget.” As she smiled she pointed her finger toward the room signaling for him to just walk on in. “What are you waiting for?” She asked as Rico stood there.

“Ah, nothing I guess. I’m just a little nervous.” He shared.

“Well, I understand that, but he’s not going anywhere.” She replied.

“Yeah, you’re right about that.”
Here goes,
he thought as he walked inside the room. He looked over at Monica. Even though she smiled at him, her body language showed her disappointment that he wasn’t there to see the baby being born. Her mama was holding the baby and to his surprise she handed the little one over to him. Rico held the baby in his arms. He was overjoyed and at that time the only two people he felt was in the room was him and the baby. He stared at him, looking for a resemblance, but he really couldn’t see one. The baby, to him, didn’t look like anybody. His hair was jet black and slick. It was long and touched his dark eyebrows. His cheeks and nose were red. Rico took a peek at his ears and they were darker than his face so he assumed that the baby would get a little darker, because right now he was pale and light skinned. He looked back over at Monica and smiled.

“So, what are you thinking?” She asked him.

“I’m just looking at him. He is one hairy lil fellow, that’s for sure.” Rico grinned a little.

“Monica had hair all over her just like him when she was born.” Mrs. Hunter stated. “Neka didn’t have nearly as much hair on her head, but has a head full now.” She laughed. Rico and Monica laughed too. “Well, sweetie, Neka and I are going to go get a bite to eat. We’ll be back shortly. Do you need anything while we’re out?” She asked.

“No, Ma… I’m good. I will call you if I change my mind. They are getting a room ready for us so make sure you find out where we’ll be when you return.” Monica stated.

“Okay, I will.” Mrs. Hunter replied. She kissed Monica on the cheek. “Your daddy is going to be so happy to see the baby when he makes it here.” She walked over by Rico, taking another look at her grandbaby.
“Nana will be right back. Hopefully your mama and daddy will have given you a name by then.”
She smiled at the both of them and walked out of the room. Rico and Monica’s eyes met as they stared at each other in an awkward silence.



Mona rested her head on two pillows as she lay in Catherine’s bed on her back. She was heartbroken that Rico was possibly a father by now and it wasn’t because she’d had their baby. She held her hand up and admired the ring that he put on her finger and a tear crept out of the corner of her eye, almost rolling into her ear. She had all sorts of emotions going on and didn’t quite know how to handle it all. One minute she was so happy and the next her world seemed to be falling apart. Catherine walked in the room holding a cold glass of water.

“Here sweetie,” she said. “Drink this and calm your nerve.”

“Thanks Ma, but I don’t want anything to drink.” Mona stated as she wiped her tears.

“Sweetie, it’s gonna be alright. I know this is hard for you.” Catherine said. Mona grabbed a pillow and put it over her face. Her muffled voice cracked as she was trying to talk. 

“Ma, why does this hurt so bad?” She asked. Her voice trembled and the tears fell like heavy raindrops during a thunderstorm. Catherine knew that her baby was hurting and she felt just as bad as she did to see her in so much pain. She attempted to hold back her tears as she began to talk to her daughter.

“Sweetie, please look at me.” Catherine said. Mona laid the pillow back on the bed beside her. She continued to lay on her back with her hands locked in the other as they rested on her belly bump. She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She looked over at Catherine, eyes red and puffy as if she’d been crying all day and night. Catherine sat beside her and began to rub her fingers gently through Mona’s hair. She began to softly sing a familiar tune as Mona sniffed in between taking breaths. This calmed Mona. Catherine already knew it would. It also brought back memories for the both of them since this was a way that they coped with the loss of Mr. Banks. Catherine knew that her daughter’s pain came with the territory of being in love and not being able to fix everything that wasn’t perfect. As she stroked the edges of her hair she looked in Mona’s face and slightly smiled.

“Sweetie, life tends to deal us these kinds of blows, but we can’t fold. We have to stay strong and try our best to dodge as many of them that comes our way. No relationship is perfect, but if you feel strongly about being in it, then fight for it and if you don’t then throw in the towel and let someone else deal with it. If that’s what you choose, then it’s not your battle to fight anymore. Just let go and let God.” Mona’s glossy eyes glared into her mom’s eyes and the tears began to build up again.

“I love him, Mama. I want to fight for him.” Mona confirmed. She looked down at the beautiful ring on her finger.

“Then fight for him, baby. I not only want you to fight for him, but win the battle.” Catherine responded. She grabbed Mona and hugged her tight. Catherine allowed her to cry because she knew that she’d raised a fighter and Mona, at this point, was not going to give up easily on her relationship.



Monty slid inside of Candy’s warm inviting pearl as she softly moaned. It felt good to just have her in his arms again. She held him tight and whispered in his ear while he stroked her insides gently.

“I love you.” She said, passionately kissing around his neck.

“I love you too.” He replied, leaning down to suck on her perky breasts. He was giving her all of everything he had to give. He continued to long stroke her as their bodies connected as one. Candy could feel that Monty was not just the man of her dreams, but the man who she was meant to spend her life with. Monty stared at his thick rod going in and out of Candy’s beautiful pearl. He knew that he’d have to do whatever it took to keep her happy. It was no way that he was going to let another woman step in and ruin this for him. He cared for MiKayla, but he was in love with Candy.

Candy’s heart sped up as her body began to shiver. Monty could feel that she was about to climax and he was anxiously waiting on it. As she squeezed him tight he could feel her slippery walls tightening around the shaft of his dick. He pumped harder touching her insides as deep as he could go. Her body shook like an erupting volcano. She had the best orgasm of her life. He, without notice let go, spilling his creamy love potion inside her.

“Damn, I love you Baby.” Monty stated. He had to calm down from such an electrifying moment. Candy longed to hear those words again. It felt like he really meant it. She leaned over and rested her chin on his muscular chest. She looked up at him and smiled.

“I love you, Monty Banks.” She replied making him show his pearly whites. “I want us to be together and work things out. I’m not asking that you move back in here with us right away, but I do want us to start being a family again. I enjoyed our outing today with MJ considering the conversation we had.”

“Yeah, it did feel good.” Monty said. He softly rubbed down Candy’s cheek bone with the back of his hand. “I enjoyed being with y’all today. It made me really feel what I’d been missing.” Candy smiled. “I’m also glad that my boy went straight to sleep when we got here. He knew that Daddy had some making up to do.” They both shared a good laugh just as Monty’s phone beeped with an incoming text message. He looked at Candy. A part of him knew who it was from. Candy put on a fake smile. She sat up and grabbed her robe off of the lounge chair that was sitting next to her bed.

“Read it,” she said while putting her robe on. She already had a gut feeling of who it was, as well. Monty leaned over and picked up his Blackberry off of the nightstand. He silently read the message as Candy stood there and watched him.

I’m sorry to bother you, but at your earliest convenience will you please stop by my crib. It’s important. K

“So,” Candy paused. “What did she say?” She didn’t blink an eye as she waited for his response. He looked up at her, knowing that he’d have to be honest.

“Well, she wants to talk to me. She says that it’s important.” He stated trying to be as honest and open as he could be.

“Was that it?” Candy questioned, hating that MiKayla had so much access to her man.

“She wants me to meet her at her crib.” He responded. “I’m not going anywhere, though.” He quickly said, wanting to focus on them and working things out with his family. MJ awoke from his nap. He cried loud as he waited for someone to rescue him from his crib.

“At her crib, huh?” What’s that all about?” She asked. “I don’t even wanna know.” She shook her head. “Le’me get little one before he loses his voice.” She said.

“I’ll get him,” Monty stated.” He got up, putting his boxer shorts on. He grabbed his pants and slid them on.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, baby. I will get him.” Candy stated. “But, what you can do is go on over to Miss MiKayla’s crib and tell her that it’s over.” Monty was very surprised. He never expected Candy to tell him that it was okay for him to go over to her crib. “I know that may have surprised you, but I trust you to go over there and do just that.” She headed into MJ’s room with Monty following behind her closely while he listened. “She wants to talk to you about something important and you have something important to tell her, too. Am I right?” She asked as Monty pulled his shirt over his head.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Monty confirmed as she picked up MJ, kissing him around the neck. He immediately stopped crying and started laughing out loud.

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