Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (33 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

BOOK: Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin
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“I don’t know, Monty. You were supposed to act like you cared about me. I don’t care if you were thinking of Candy’s feelings on the inside, but to speak that shit in my presence.” She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. “You were foul for that shit.” She said. Monty shook his head. He was disappointed in himself. 

“Alright, I’ve apologized and if you still wanna act like that then I’m leaving.” He said and turned to walk out.

“Yeah, go ahead and leave me. That’s what you wanted to do the minute you found out that I was pregnant.”

“No, the fuck I didn’t!” He said as the tension was getting thicker by the minute. “I was caught off guard, damn!” He reached for the doorknob. “I’ll holla at you later.”

“Yeah, go be with your other family!” She stated as she followed behind him.

“Whatever, MiKayla! You knew what my plans for today was before you even showed me that damn test. Don’t all of a sudden act like you didn’t know.” He turned the doorknob and opened the door up. The
delivery guy surprised him. He was standing there holding a clear vase filled with two dozen pink roses for MiKayla that were preordered and scheduled for delivery. Monty cleared his throat. “Oh, what’s up my man?” He said to the delivery guy.

“I have flowers for a Miss MiKayla Jones.” The delivery guy stated.

“Yeah, here she is.” Monty said as he opened the door a little wider for MiKayla to see them.

“Take that shit right on back to your van!” MiKayla said as she fumed with anger from the way Monty had treated her and was now leaving.

“What!” Monty stated. “Get the damn flowers, Baby and quit acting like that!” He demanded.

“I ain’t gotta get shit!” She turned her back and walked back inside the house and into the kitchen. Monty shook his head and looked at the confused delivery guy.

“Women,” he said playing it off. “They’re never satisfied.” The delivery guy laughed and agreed. “Hand ‘um here, my man.” He said taking the roses. “Hold up.” He said going into his pocket and pulling out a twenty dollar bill. “Here you go, and thanks.” The delivery guy smiled and got back inside his van and drove away. Monty took the roses into the kitchen and sat them on the counter. MiKayla was standing back to the window as she wiped her face. Monty just looked at her and figured that it would be best if he left. “I’ll be back so we can talk like civilized adults. Text me when you get to your sister’s house and let me know you made it there.” He turned to walk out.

“Like you care,” she mumbled.

“Baby, don’t play with me. You heard what I said.” He sternly stated and he walked out of her house closing the door behind him. She was so hurt by his actions, but still couldn’t help but love him more as she looked over and saw how beautiful the roses were. Even though he was spending time with Candy and his family he still made time to come over just because she asked him too and he sent her roses twice in one week.

She was confused by love and tried to sike herself out. She wanted to believe that things were going to be great and that Monty would eventually see who the better woman was and hopefully leave Candy. She knew that she was in for a fight, but she wasn’t giving up without one. If showing her claws was what she had to do then she was going to do it
by any means necessary
and Candy was going to know that she meant business about getting her man. She put Visine in her eyes to cover the redness. She grabbed her gray Coach purse and her car keys so she could go over to her sister’s house. She desperately needed a listening ear.



The ride to Catherine’s house was quiet. The music wasn’t playing anymore, because Monty turned that all the way down before they could leave MiKayla’s driveway good. Rico could see that Monty and MiKayla had been arguing, but he wasn’t saying nothing if Monty wasn’t. He looked toward the backseat to take a peek at a sleeping Aiden who was smiling as he dreamt. He turned back around and looked in Monty’s direction. The silence was awkward and killing him. He had to say something. Monty was so lost in thought that he didn’t even realize that Rico had asked him a question.

“Ay man, are you a’ight? Rico repeated. Monty looked over at him and shook his head.

“Hell naw, man. I might’ve really fucked up this time.” He said continuing to drive.

“Damn, man just chill out. It can’t be that bad.” Rico was trying to make light of the situation.

“I don’t know about this one. It’s not bad, but considering my circumstances, it is in a way.” Monty pulled up in Catherine’s driveway. His heart dropped with the thought of having to hurt Candy, yet again. It was surely getting to him. He knew that she wouldn’t forgive him for this one and it was nobody to blame but himself.

“I know it’s got to be heavy if you’re looking like that, but it can’t be no worse than the shit I’m caught up in.” Rico said. Monty looked over at him.

“Nothing can be as complicated as this
He responded.

“I fucked Monica last night.” Rico revealed. Monty put his hands over his face as his head dropped back. He sighed.

“Now that’s complicated.” He finally said. “Damn man, you better know what you doing fucking with that broad. I know she fine and all, but you should have fucked somebody else if you needed it that bad.” Rico knew he was right, but he couldn’t take it back.

“It’s too late now.” Rico said. “I just hope that this shit don’t come out.”

“For your sake, I hope it don’t, either.” Monty didn’t know what else to say about it, because he’d been just as careless and foolish as Rico.

“Maybe I can control Monica, you know. I had her gone last night.”

“Control Monica,” Monty shook his head. “I doubt it.”

“You’re probably right.” Rico agreed with his head dropped.
Damn I done fucked up.
He thought.

They both sat quietly in the car; neither was trying to get out. Rico didn’t move because he wanted to hear what had Monty so upset. Monty didn’t move, because he was stuck in his thoughts.
How in the hell did I let things go this far?
He asked himself. He was considered the coolest out of the crew. He was the one who thought things through and analyzed the situation first before acting on it. He didn’t make a move unless it was benefiting him in some kind of way and his feelings never got involved with no one other than Candy. He knew that to be a fact until now. He began question himself. How can I remain on top without losing it all? He asked, not realizing that he’d said it aloud.

“Huh?” Rico asked.

“Damn,” he said looking over at Rico. “MiKayla is pregnant.” Rico was speechless. He looked at him trying to find something good to say to make him feel better.

“Ooookay.” He paused. “Need I ask how that happened?” Rico was trying to lighten the situation, but Monty just looked at him.

“Not now, Bruh.” He said. He was clearly irritated.

“Damn man, pull yourself together. It’s a New Year and it’s your birthday. Don’t let this get to you now. You’re about to go around your peeps and Candy. Shake that shit off, Bruh. Women can sense when you’re hiding little shit, so just imagine what they could sense when it’s something as serious is that. We’ll talk about this later.” Rico suggested and opened up his car door. “It might sound bad, under the circumstances, but don’t look at it in that way. Let it go for now.” Monty agreed.

“So, put your game face on and let’s go inside and enjoy this day.” Rico coached. He knew that if he and Monty talked about this now that it would be harder for Monty to hide his feelings, because this was indeed a serious matter. He also knew that the women in the house knew Monty better than himself and showing his guilt over MiKayla being pregnant wouldn’t be a good move. “You got time to feel this one out. What was it that your daddy used to say?” Rico asked. “He’d say that winners never quit and quitters never win. So, just think about it, Bruh.” He said as he paused. “It’s much too soon for this game to end. You got work to do.” He said.

“Thanks, Bruh.” Monty said opening up his car door. “I needed that.” Losing was not an option for him, but for once in his life he felt somewhat defeated and unfortunately this game had just started. He got out of the car with his thoughts reflecting from Candy and back to MiKayla. He knew he had to think of a calculated plan or this would all backfire on him. There was only one main thought that he had on his mind as he walked inside of the house.
I don’t know what my next move is going to be, but it better be a damn good one or I could lose Candy for good this time.

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

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