Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (13 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

BOOK: Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin
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Catherine pulled out the medium sized stock pot so that she could begin to boil the water to cook the grits. She pulled out the George Foreman and put the strips of bacon on it. She then whipped up the eggs in a bowl, adding the shredded Kraft cheese to them.

“Mama, you got it smelling good in here already.” Mona said. She sat on the bar stool watching Catherine throw down. Monty came in and kissed Catherine on the cheek again.

“Go sit down and quit being so aggravating.” Mona said clearly playing. Catherine laughed because she enjoyed listening to her children appreciate each other’s company even if all they did was call each other names.

He laughed. “Shut up before I put you out.”  He teased her then grabbed a piece of bacon.

“Yeah right,” Mona said. “Mama, don’t stand there and let him eat up all the food.”

Catherine just grinned and shook her head as she continued to cook. “I just don’t know what to say about y’all sometimes.”

“Candy is going to wake up in a lil bit from all this good smelling grub cooking in here.” Monty stated.

“She’s gonna wake up in a lil bit, anyway, because I’m gonna go wake her up.” Mona said.

“I’m warning you. She had a real long night,” Monty teased.

“Oh, shut up, boy.” Catherine said smiling. She pulled out the skillet for the eggs, and put the sausage links into the oven. “Alright now, we gonna have another baby on the way if y’all keep it up.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” Monty said. He was only playing with Catherine as she looked at him.

“I’m just gonna brush that off, because you already have too much on your plate, son. Having another baby right now wouldn’t be good timing.” Catherine responded.

“And, you’re right about that!” Candy said since she was now walking into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

“Happy birthday, Sis,” Mona said. She rushed over and gave Candy a hug.

“Thanks y’all, I was not expecting this at all.” She hugged Mona back as the tears formed in her eyes. Monty walked over and put his arms around her. She hugged him tight fighting back her tears.

“Happy birthday, baby.” He said wiping the tears from her eyes. He kissed her lips. “I knew you’d be surprised.”

“And I am.” She softly said, directing her attention to Catherine who was now wiping the tears from her eyes as well.

“Happy Birthday, honey,” Catherine said, stepping from behind the island stove and giving Candy a big hug.

“Thanks so much Mrs. Catherine. You’ll never know how much this means to me.” She responded.

Catherine smiled. “Something tells me that I already do.”

Mona got up to walk outside. “Well, let me run to the car and grab your gifts.”

“Monty you really out did yourself this morning with all this. I truly had no idea.” Candy continued to wipe her eyes.

“I know you didn’t, baby. Today is supposed to be a day full of surprising events for you.” He kissed her again just as the doorbell rang.

“I wonder who that could be. Isn’t Mona outside?” Candy asked.

“Yeah, babe… Just go to the door.” He instructed then leaned up against the wall with his arms folded. Candy walked to the door and as she opened it there were two dozen roses in a blue glass vase that the delivery guy was holding. She smiled, accepting the gift. As she turned to walk back in the house Monty met her at the door to tip the delivery guy. Candy’s smile was enough said. She was truly surprised to the fullest. She opened the small envelope that was lodged in the flowers and read the card.

It only gets better. Please believe me when I say that. I love you baby. Happy Birthday… MJ & Monty.

She looked at the roses. Half were white and the other half were yellow. She was at a loss for words. Monty had never sent her roses before. He said that red roses were too sentimental so if he sent some they would be of a different color. It was enough that every Wednesday there would be a very nice arrangement of beautiful flowers sent to her, but never had she gotten roses of any color. This meant the world to her. She knew he meant business today as he kissed her softly on the lips as she whispered.

“Thanks, I love you.” She smiled uncontrollably as Mona and Rico entered the house with her gifts.

“I invited my baby daddy over. I hope nobody minds.” Mona commented.

“Now, why would we mind that?” Catherine asked. “Hell, he’s family, too. Come on in, son.” Rico walked in giving Candy a hug.

“Happy Birthday, Candy.” He said admiring the vase filled with beautiful roses. “I see my man is on top of his game this morning.” He and Monty grinned as they gave each other dap and a manly hug.

“I’m always on top, Bruh.” Monty said furtively smirking at Candy.

“Whatever!” She said, sitting the vase of roses on the bar. Rico kissed Catherine on the cheek looking over at Mona smiling. She was even sexier to him pregnant. She had a glow that made her beam and her hair bounced with every movement of her head.
She’s still my baby.
He thought and winked at her. She smiled back knowing that he’d forgiven her.

“Y’all come on in and gather around. I’m done cooking and I’d like for us to say the grace.” Candy stood there holding her man’s hand as she looked over at MJ, who was still sleeping peacefully in his swing. She looked back over at everyone around her. She could feel the love and in her heart she knew that this day couldn’t get any better.



Monty pulled up to the curb then parked. They were waiting for the waiter to bring out their food that he’d ordered earlier from the Outback Steak House. Candy had decided to have an evening in, spent with her man and their son. She sat in the car smiling because Monty continued to joke with her about the gift that he bought her.

“Are you gonna go ahead and tell me what it is?” She asked ignoring his hints that he’d only gotten her a set of pots and pans to cook in. She laughed, knowing that he must have been playing with her. 

“Alright, since you keep insisting and bugging me. I will give it to you now.” Candy smiled and reached out her hand.

She smirked. “I knew it wasn’t no cookware.”

“How do you know it’s gonna fit in your hand?” He teased gently holding her hand in his.

“Come on, babe. Give it to me.” She anxiously begged.

“Damn you’re a feisty one.” He laughed. “Close your eyes, then.” Candy closed her eyes. She was itching with excitement. Monty placed a small black velvet box in the palm of her hand. She opened her eyes unable to keep them closed any longer. Her heart skipped a beat. She felt nervous about opening the small box.

Damn could this be what I’m hoping it is?
She thought as she questioned herself. Monty gleamed inside already knowing that she was going to love it.

“You’ve been dying to know what I got you all day, so open it.” He stated. The time couldn’t have felt more perfect as Tynisha Kelli played on the mixed CD player,
My Everything
. She smiled then slowly proceeded to open up the box. The three karat,
stared her in the face
It was so big and pretty. The blue karats glistened like a reflection over a moon lit lake.

Monty took the ring out of the box and placed it on Candy’s finger. Her deep dimples showed the appreciation that she felt from receiving such an awesome gift. She got out of the car and walked around to the driver side. She opened up the door watching her good looking man step out of the car to greet her. On her tip toes, she reached around his neck giving him a big hug and a juicy kiss. Monty knew he’d gotten her the right gift and she showed no disappointment about it not being an engagement ring. She was so thrilled that by the time she finished kissing him, the waiter was bringing their food out.

“I see someone is in a good mood.” The waiter said smiling. Monty nodded with smile back while reaching for their food and gave the waiter a tip. He walked around to the passenger side to open up the door for Candy as she got in. He kneeled down once she’d sat down and kissed her again.

“I love you, babe,” he said, “Happy birthday.” Candy was still speechless. She held the ring up in front of her face, still blushing. She turned to look at MJ who was chilling in his car seat.

“Look what Daddy got Mommy!”
She held the ring out in front of his face.
“Do you think that Daddy earned himself a few brownie points?”
She asked. MJ reached out for her hand as he cooed, talking gibberish baby talk. Candy laughed out loud and so did MJ as if he knew what she was talking about.
“Yeah, Daddy did earn some mega points today. He is the winner by far.”
She said while turning back around in her seat.

Monty made his way to the driver side putting the food in the backseat and as he was getting back inside the car, he spotted MiKayla causing his stomach to turn. She was with a lady as they walked up to the restaurant doors within a couple of feet from him. Their eyes met as she spoke in a way that only he could see. He nodded his head speaking back and got inside the car. When she disappeared inside the restaurant, he pulled off, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had upon seeing her.

Damn, where did she come from?
He thought, quickly driving off. He reached over, grabbing Candy’s hand. Today was her day and he wasn’t letting nothing or no one make him forget that.


Chapter Thirteen

The next morning Monty woke up and looked over at the clock. It was 9am and he had overslept. He got up out of bed. He was having good thoughts about making love to Candy until the wee hours of the morning. He knew that shortly she would be picking up her cousin from the airport so he decided to wake her up.

“Hey baby, wake up. Don’t forget that you have to go pick up your cousin.” He said shaking her a little.

She groggily sat up rubbing her eyes. “Oh my goodness, I haven’t overslept have I? MJ must’ve been worn out this morning, because he usually wakes me up pretty early.” She responded, immediately jumping up.

“You’re good, babe. You’re not late at all.” He stated. “After you went to bed last night our son decided to wake up and play for a couple of hours. So, I stayed up with him, fed him, changed him, and put his butt back to sleep a little after four this morning. That’s why I’ve overslept. I need to get to the office ASAP. We are meeting with Rico’s mama and the people are bringing out the furniture this morning.” He informed.

“That’s good, babe. I’m excited for you. Once I pick up Dee then we’ll come over so that we can see the place and I can introduce you to her.” Candy looked at the time again. “Wow, I need get MJ dressed. I’m running a little behind time.” Monty stepped out of the walk-in closet fully dressed.

“See it doesn’t take you any time to get dressed.” She said.

“Well, that’s because I’m just going in to do physical work this morning. All I needed was to put on a pair of jeans and a white tee and I’m out.” He grinned.

“That’s two white tees.” She teased. “Give me some sugar and I’ll see ya later, babe.” He kissed her just as the doorbell rang. “Who could that be this early? Were you expecting company?”

“No I wasn’t, not unless Rico dropped by so that I could ride with him this morning, but he would’ve called first. Just put your clothes on and I’ll go to the door.” He walked out of the room heading to the door. He glanced out of the side window to see if he could see a car. He noticed a white Dodge Charger parked in the driveway just as the doorbell rang again. He opened the door to see who was there then gasped a little as the lady standing there surprised him. She looked up and her big pretty eyes looked him directly in his face. She cleared her throat, wondering who this handsome looking man must be. Monty stepped back a little.

“Ah, what’s up? Who are you looking for?” He asked, quickly noticing a suitcase sitting on the porch right next to her.

“Oh, hey,” she said. “I’m sorry, my name is Dee. Is my cousin Candy here?” He nodded, but was a little surprised that this was Dee. He was expecting to see a woman who looked more like a tomboy.

“Yeah she’s here.” He said. “She’s in the back getting dressed to come pick you up. I’m Monty, by the way.”

“Well, hello Monty. How are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m good,” he said, making a gesture for Dee to come inside the house. He picked up her suitcase. “I got this.”

“Thanks,” Dee stated while trying hard not to watch Monty who was standing there with a white tee and a pair of black Sean John jeans. His white Air Force Ones gave him this clean look, but also thuggish and she liked it. His fitted black Atlanta cap really turned her on and she blushed as if he had said something sexual to her.

If all the men in this area look this good I’ll never want to go home,
she thought. “So, you’re the guy my cousin is madly in love with, huh?” Dee asked.

“I guess that would be me.” Monty responded nonchalantly. He smiled and sat the suitcase down. His straight white teeth impressed her and she smiled back, trying to play off how good he really looked to her. Monty immediately noticed how she was checking him out and he too was just as guilty so he quickly grabbed his keys to go, but remembered that he had to tell Candy that Dee was already there.

“I’ll go get Candy for you. She’s gonna be so surprised.” He said.

“Cool, I’ll just wait right here.” Dee quickly began observing the décor on the walls. She looked at the pictures on the wall of Will, Nancy, and Candy. She smiled remembering just how much she had missed them.

Monty peeped in the room just as Candy walked out of her closet dressed in her tight fitted DKNY jeans and a white fitted tee. She had put on a pair of white Air Force Ones. “Damn, those jeans are fitting that ass real good.” Monty stated then remembered what he came back in the room for. “Hey babe, there is someone up front to see you.” He said.

“As you can see, I’m dressing like my man today.” She grinned. “Who’s up front? Tell’um to come on back here, because I got to get MJ ready so we can go pick up Dee.”

“Don’t wake up the baby yet. Just go on up front and see who’s waiting on you.” Monty urged. Candy frowned, looking at him sideways then eased out the room with him following behind her. She knew he had something up his sleeve, but went along with it. When she entered the family room she shrieked at the same time of doing a double take.

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